JavaScriptMVC (JMVC) Tutorials - javascriptmvc

I'm interested in learning JavaScriptMVC. I've gone through Getting Started and a bunch of the official docs, but I learn best by looking at other people's code. I'm not finding much else in the way of tutorials or sample/open source apps using it.
Anyone know of good tutorials or open source apps I can look at to see how it's used in a more complex app?
PS: I'm aware of the Srchr tutorial, but the proxy at work is blocking me from getting the code with getjs. Is there someplace to download it from the web? If not, I'll grab it at home this weekend.

There are some small examples in the end of each article in JMVC documentation (read core - Model, Controller, View). Also read this
Ask on JMVC forum. My advice - start building your own app - it will the best tutorial.
Good luck.


Does node js have a good library for speech-to-text?

Im working on a project in which the main feature of the project is voice recognition. Th e backend is developed in node, express, and mongo DB, and the frontend is in react-native. I have made a lot of research and tried a lot of examples trying to implement this feature in my application, but I couldn't find any.
I started looking for react-native libraries that might cover this feature, and I did find
I tried to implement it in my project, but I got stuck with an error which is an open issue:
I also tried to find other libraries but they weren't good ones. Most of them were developed years ago and never updated.
So I thought to solve this feature in the backend.
I made a lot of research as well, and find a few libraries for speech-to-text, but their documentation wasn't enough, very few tutorials, and not a strong source code to support this feature.
So by far, I am to the conclusion that Node.js and React-native cannot support this feature.
The reason I choose to ask in StackOverflow is to make sure if my conclusion is right(to not waste time trying other libraries), and if it is right, should I try to implement these features by using another programming language(ex: Python), and if my conclusion is wrong, please feel free to share any documentation or solution about this feature.

stripe-react-checkout custom form

I've been working on a charity website with React.js and Node.js in which I've used the React-Stripe-Checkout repository to have simple functionality at the very least.
I am now trying to figure out how to customize the form that appears with , or create my own.
Since I've been using this project as a way to really learn how to use React(only did an online bootcamp so far), there's a lot of functionalities and features that I don't yet understand.
I've searched many times online for a way to create a custom integration of Checkout with React but haven't been able to find anything concrete, and I'm not well-versed enough in React to convert the form from another language or framework.
Essentially asking for a tutorial, I would really like to learn how to do this, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

How does the DocuSign API work?

I am very confused as to how the API of DocuSign works, I tried looking it up here:
But that didn't help me much, especially not because I need to implement DocuSign into the open source version of Vtiger.
Does anybody here know a site where I can learn more about DocuSign and how I can combine it with Vtiger open source?
As for what I already tried that is nothing, I first need to make a functional design which is kind of hard to do when you don't even understand the basic API.
I would really appreciate it.
I have never worked with an API before, so this is all new for me.
Have you tried the API overview instead of the reference guide? Check this out:
You can also look at the API Recipes to see some starting examples of what you can do in any language. I believe VTiger is written in PHP so you can find the PHP code to copy and paste to get you started.

E-shop creation from scratch

I want to get familiar with web development, so I decided to create an e-shop website, just for practice. Are there any guidelines on how to get started?
Oh there's a log way to go.
First you'll need to learn some html and css. In my opinion it's a good site to get started but there are many other good tutorials out there.
Then javascript it would be the next step, trying to set some events etc. You can find some help at w3schools or here
Then you surely need to learn php, manage a database and so on. You can also learn that in the sites I already put the link to.
Good luck and have fun.

How to quickly learn Python and Ruby frameworks coming from a PHP background

I've been using CakaPHP and Kohanaphp but now I want to try out other frameworks from a more sophisticated OOP language for my next projects.
How can I learn the following frameworks quickly so I can immediately pick what to use:
Tutorials and examples from online resources would really be great.
For php developers who've already underwent this learning experience, please share yours.
Regarding Pylons. There is a good introductory book written by one of the creators of Pylons. It is freely available online at
For Ramaze, see:
the website
the wiki
the book
the mailing list
the IRC channel
You can also learn about setting up Sinatra with Google's App Engine (via jRuby) here:
Fairly quick and easy setup.
There's also this screencast at PeepCode
