Apache Spark and Zookeeper multi-region deployment? - cassandra

Has anyone been using apache spark on multi-region?
We are building an application that must be multi-region deployed. Our stack is basically Scala, Spark, Cassandra and Kafka. The main goal is to use Spark streaming with Kafka and insert it on Cassandra.
Reading the Spark documentation, Zookeeper is needed to keep high availability as well as in Kafka.
The question is: Should I consider keep a spark cluster on each region or should I use like cassandra? Since it depends on zookeeper to keep high availability on master nodes, how about that? The same applies to zookeeper or not?


Cassandra + Spark executor hyperconvergence

As Apache Spark is a suggested distributed processing engine for Cassandra, I know that there is a possibility to run Spark executors along with Cassandra nodes.
My question is if the driver and Spark connector are smart enough to understand partitioning and shard allocation so data are processed in a hyper-converged manner.
Simply, does the executors read data stored from partitions that are hosted on nodes where an executor is running so no unnecessary data are transferred across the network as Spark does when it's run over HDFS?
Yes, Spark Cassandra Connector is able to do this. From the source code:
The getPreferredLocations method tells Spark the preferred nodes to fetch a partition from, so that the data for the partition are at the same node the task was sent to. If Cassandra nodes are collocated with Spark nodes, the queries are always sent to the Cassandra process running on the same node as the Spark Executor process, hence data are not transferred between nodes. If a Cassandra node fails or gets overloaded during read, the queries are retried to a different node.
Theoretically yes. Same for HDFS too. Howevet practically I have seen less of it on the cloud where separate nodes are used for spark and Cassandra when their cloud services are used. If you use IAsAS and setup your own Cassandra and Spark then you can achieve it.
I would like to add to Alex's answer:
Yes, Spark Cassandra Connector is able to do this. From the source
The getPreferredLocations method tells Spark the preferred nodes to
fetch a partition from, so that the data for the partition are at the
same node the task was sent to. If Cassandra nodes are collocated with
Spark nodes, the queries are always sent to the Cassandra process
running on the same node as the Spark Executor process, hence data are
not transferred between nodes. If a Cassandra node fails or gets
overloaded during read, the queries are retried to a different node.
That this is a bad behavior.
In Cassandra when you ask to get the data of a particular partition, only one node is accessed. Spark can actually access 3 nodes thanks to the replication. So without shuffeling you have 3 nodes participating in the job.
In Hadoop however, when you ask to get the data of a particular partition, usually all nodes in the cluster are accessed and then Spark uses all nodes in the cluster as executors.
So in case you have a 100 nodes: In Cassandra, Spark will take advantage of 3 nodes. In Hadoop, Spark will take advantage of a 100 nodes.
Cassandra is optimized for real-time operational systems, and therefore not optimized for analytics like data lakes.

Flink and Cassandra deployment similar to Spark?

DataStax bundles Spark directly into it's DSE and most documentation I've seen recommends co-locating Spark with each Cassandra node, so that the spark-cassandra-connector works most efficiently with the data of that node.
Does Flink's Cassandra connector optimize it's data access based on Cassandra partition key hashes as well? If so, does Flink recommend a similar co-located install of Flink and C* on the same nodes?

How to use Spark Streaming from an other vm with kafka

I have Spark Streaming on a virtual machine, and I would like to connect it with an other vm which contains kafka . I want Spark to get the data from the kafka machine.
Is it possible to do that ?
Yes, it is definitely possible. In fact, this is the reason why we have distributed systems in place :)
When writing your Spark Streaming program, if you are using Kafka, you will have to create a Kafka config data structure (syntax will vary depending on your programming language and client). In that config structure, you will have to specify the Kafka brokers IP. This would be the IP of your Kafka VM.
You then just need to run Spark Streaming Application on your Spark VM.
It's possible and makes perfect sense to have them on separate VM's. That way there is a clear separation of roles.

Improve reading speed of Cassandra in Spark (Parallel reads implementation)

I am new to Spark and trying to combine Cassandra and Spark to do some analytical tasks.
From the Spark web UI I found that most of the time are consumed in the reading process.
When I dig into this particular task, I found that only single executor is working on it.
Is it possible to improve the performance of this task via some tricks like parallelization?
p.s. I am using the pyspark cassandra connector (https://github.com/TargetHolding/pyspark-cassandra).
UPDATE: I am using a 3-node Spark cluster running Spark 1.6 and a 3-node Cassandra cluster running Cassandra 2.2.4.
And I am selecting data in the form of
"select * from tbl where partitionKey IN [pk_1,pk_2,....,pk_N] where
clusteringKey > ck_1 and clusteringKey < ck_2"
UPDATE2: Ive read an article suggesting to replace the IN clause with parallel reads. (https://ahappyknockoutmouse.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/246/) How can this be achieved in spark?
Will able to answer to point, if you provide more details about cluster, spark and Cassandra versions and related stuff.Though I will try to answer it as per my understanding.
Make sure you are partitioning RDD parallelized-collections
If your spark job is running on only single executor, please verify spark submit command.you can get more details about spark submit commands here as per your cluster manager.
For speeding up Cassandra read operations, make use of proper indexing. I will recommend use of Solr, which will help you in fast data retrieval from Cassandra.

How to integrate kafka and spark streaming in Datastax Enterprise Edition?

I've integrated kafka and spark streaming after downloading from the apache website. However, I wanted to use Datastax for my Big Data solution and I saw you can easily integrate Cassandra and Spark.
But I can't see any kafka modules in the latest version of Datastax enterprise. How to integrate kafka with spark streaming here?
What I want to do is basically:
Start necessary brokers and servers
Start kafka producer
Start kafka consumer
Connect spark streaming to kafka broker and receive the messages from there
However after a quick google search, I can't see anywhere that kafka has been incorporated with datastax enterprise.
How can I achieve this? I'm really new to datastax and kafka and all so I need some advice. Language preference- Python.
Good question. DSE does not incorporate Kafka out of the box, you must set up kafka yourself and then set up your spark streaming job to read from kafka. Since DSE does bundle spark, use DSE Spark to run your spark streaming job.
You can use either the direct kafka API or kafka receivers, more details here on the tradeoffs. TL;DR direct api does not require WAL or zookeeper for HA.
Here is an example of how you can configure Kafka to work with DSE by Cary Bourgeois:
