excel:compare 2 columns and copy data on other columns - excel

need help.. i trying to compare 2 columns and copy data in other columns..
1 3 10
2 4 20
3 1 30
4 2 40
5 0 50
i want to compare column A to B to find its duplicate and copy data from column C if column A has a duplicate at column B...
Result must be:
1 3 10 0
2 4 20 40
3 6 30 10
4 2 40 20
5 0 50 0
thanks in advance...

An answer as I understand the question (assuming the change in col B is just a typo):
1 3 10
2 4 20
3 6 30
4 2 40
5 0 50
1 3 10 0
2 4 20 40
3 6 30 10
4 2 40 20
5 0 50 0
Formula in D2 (filled down): =IF(COUNTIF(B$2:B$6, $A2)>0, VLOOKUP($A2,$B$2:$C$6, 2, FALSE), 0).
COUNTIF(B$2:B$6, $A2) returns the number of times the value in A2 appears in the array B2:B6. If this value is greater than 0 (meaning that A2 is in B2:B6), the IF() function looks looks up A2 in col B and returns the value in the 2nd row (col C); if A2 is not in B2:B6, the formula returns 0.


Median with various criteria

here's my problem: I need to calculate the median from the following table:
V1 V2 Total
A 0 0
B 2 10
C 2 12
D 2 19
E 2 22
A 2 4
B 1 12
D 1 0
C 2 8
A 0 10
D 1 15
A 2 12
B 2 10
E 1 16
Criteria are as follows:
'B', 'C', and 'D' from column V1
not zero from column Total
calculate median from column Total
Until now, the formula works perfectly:
And now comes the hard part. It has to include another criteria, which is:
'A' from column V1 only if not 0 in column V2
I have no idea how to embed it in the code above, because it gives me various types of errors, depending on what I try.
An idea using Microsoft365:
Formula in E2:

How can I add previous column values to to get new value in Excel?

I am working on graph and in need data in below format. I have data in COL A. I need to calculate COL B values as in below picture.
What is the formula for obtaining this in excel?
You can do with cumsum and shift:
# sample data
df = pd.DataFrame({'COL A': np.arange(11)})
df['COL B'] = df['COL A'].shift(fill_value=0).cumsum()
0 0 0
1 1 0
2 2 1
3 3 3
4 4 6
5 5 10
6 6 15
7 7 21
8 8 28
9 9 36
10 10 45
Use simple MS technique.
You can use the formula (A3*A2)/2 for COL2

Using IF and AND function

I am trying to use the IF and AND function in excel for values in two different cells. I have 25 conditions.
Below is the formula I've created but it keeps on saying there's an error.
I expected the output to be, for example; if cell1 is "A" and cell2 is 1 the result should be 11.
I would highly advise a lookup table. Simply have all of your options listed out with their desired results and find them with a criteria search, such as the use of sumifs function.
For example, if you paste J1:L25 your possibilities:
A 1 11
A 2 16
A 3 20
A 4 23
A 5 25
B 1 7
B 2 12
B 3 17
B 4 21
B 5 24
C 1 4
C 2 8
C 3 13
C 4 18
C 5 22
D 1 2
D 2 5
D 3 9
D 4 14
D 5 19
E 1 1
E 2 3
E 3 6
E 4 10
E 5 15
You can then place the formula =SUMIFS($L$1:$L$25,$J$1:$J$25,$A$10,$K$1:$K$25,$B$10) to return your desired value.
That is, =SUMIFS(range_of_results, criteria_range_of_A-E, A10, criteria_range_of_1-5, B10)

Excel multiple search/match and sum (edit: answered with SUMIFS, COUNTIFS)

I am looking for help to solve this excel problem.
Essentially I want to create a formula for cells in column F which does a multiple search on 3 criteria (on cells in columns A,B,C) and want to access the corresponding column D values where all these (multiple) matches occur, and sum this in column F. I'd also like a count of the amount of matches found to calculate the value in column F; placed alongside in column G.
IF col_A_value (anywhere in whole A column) = current_col_A_value +/- 1
AND col_B_value (anywhere in whole B column) = current_col_B_value +/- 1
AND col_C_value (anywhere in whole C column) = current_col_C_value - 1
THEN (output in column F) the sum of all values from row D where this criteria is met
(also, as a seperate but related cell formula, output in column G) the total Count of times this occurs.
Note: the values in columns A,B,C are all integars and the +/- above means to search for any values which are either +1, 0, or -1 different in value. (i.e. this includes the value itself).
e.g. If the value in cell A1 = 10, B1 = 45, C1 = 881, then the first search criteria would look for all other rows with values of 9, 10 or 11 in column A. Then based on these rows, the second search criteria would refine the search to only those rows which also include either a 44, 45 or 46 in column B, and the third search criteria would refine the search again to only include those rows where the column C value is 880.
Next, the values in the column D cells from all of these 'filtered' rows would be summed and the result placed in the column F cell. (The count of these results rows would be put in column G. (seperate formula required))
Since these are all unique entries (think of columns A,B,C creating unique vector coordinates in space), there should be a maximum of 9 entries found and summed. A +/-1: 3 variations, B +/-1: 3 variations and C -1 only: 1 variation. In total: 3x3x1 = 9 unique rows maximum (and potentially none as a minimum, as in the below example).
(If no match is found a value of 0 is good.)
Example with A,B,C,D and E as given values, and column F values calculated (together with the count shown in col G):
1 1 1 90 8 0 0
1 2 1 80 6 0 0
1 3 1 70 1 0 0
1 4 1 60 6 0 0
2 1 1 50 1 0 0
2 2 1 40 8 0 0
2 3 1 30 6 0 0
2 4 1 20 8 0 0
3 1 1 10 8 0 0
3 2 1 11 6 0 0
3 3 1 12 1 0 0
3 4 1 13 1 0 0
1 1 2 99 8 260 4
1 2 2 89 6 360 6
1 3 2 79 1 300 6
1 4 2 69 6 180 4
2 1 2 59 1 281 6
2 2 2 49 8 393 9
To illustrate how column F values are calculated here is the working:
260 = 90+80+50+40
360 = 90+80+70+50+40+30
300 = 80+70+60+40+30+20
180 = 70+60+30+20
281 = 90+80+50+40+10+11
393 = 90+80+70+50+40+30+10+11+12
Thanks a lot for any help with this!
These formulas should do what you desire:
F1: =SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,"<="&A1+1,A:A,">="&A1-1,B:B,"<="&B1+1,B:B,">="&B1-1,C:C,C1-1)
G1: =COUNTIFS(A:A,"<="&A1+1,A:A,">="&A1-1,B:B,"<="&B1+1,B:B,">="&B1-1,C:C,C1-1)
The formulas can simply be copied down as you need them...
(Still I don't know what col E is for)

Sum numbers if multiple criteria is met in other cells

I have an Excel spreadsheet with data laid out like so:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Row 1 Sector Rail
Row 2 A B C
Row 3 Type 1 1 5 1
Row 4 Type 2 2 3 0
Row 5 Type 3 1 1 6
Row 6 Total 4 9 7
In row 1 you can see in column A I have sector, and in column B I have the type of sector, i.e. Rail. My spreadsheet has several occurrences of different data following this structure, like so:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Row 1 Sector Rail
Row 2 A B C
Row 3 Type 1 1 5 1
Row 4 Type 2 2 3 0
Row 5 Type 3 1 1 6
Row 6 Total 4 9 7
Row 7
Row 8 Sector aerospace
Row 9 A B C
Row 10 Type 1 0 9 9
Row 11 Type 2 3 3 1
Row 12 Type 3 4 5 6
Row 13 Total 0 1 8
Row 14
Row 15 Sector Rail
Row 16 A B C
Row 17 Type 1 8 9 9
Row 18 Type 2 3 3 1
Row 19 Type 3 4 5 6
Row 20 Total 9 1 8
Note that there are two sets of data with the sector Rail and one with Aerospace in the middle.
Now I need a formula that will add the numbers from the total in column B row 6 and add the total number from column b row 20. But only for Rail.
So Column B row 1 has a sector Rail, but so does Column B row 14.
So I need one formula which will find both occurrences of the word Rail and then give me the total numbers of row 6 + row 20, which would be 1 + 8 = Total of 9
Can anyone please show me if this is possible?
Please try deleting Row2 and:
