Can't connect in RDP on an Azure VM - azure

I am creating a VM on Azure and connect it to an Azure ExpressRoute VNET.
The problem is that I can't connect to the VM via RDP, but it works well if the VM is not on the network.
What can be the cause of this issue, what can I do?

Have you seen this article? The connection may need to be configured differently:
Here is the article:


Why my azure vm not able to connect to azure database?

I have a vm in azure. And I have a database as well.
I can remolty connect the azure databae from SQLMS, But When I Try to connect from my azure VM. I get A netwrok or related instance while establishing connection to the databse ?
Here is my outbond rules
Any reason ?
Check you settings for the Database Firewall, maybe it is close for your vNET, and check the NSG Rules applied to the VM. In the VM you can check connections with this:
Connection Troubleshooting for VM

Azure Bastion for Hybrid Cloud Environment

Is there any way to use Azure Bastion to connect to on-prem systems as well as Azure virtual machines?
I have a hybrid cloud environment where some key machines are on-prem and some are Azure VMs. The Azure VNet is extended with a VPN tunnel so the azure VMs can talk to the on-prem machines.
In Googling my question, I was not able to find much...
The official page for Azure Bastion describes it as '''Azure Bastion is provisioned directly in your Virtual Network (VNet) and supports all VMs in your Virtual Network (VNet)'''
This page talks about hybrid envrionments , saying:
'''You might also have some sort of hybrid connectivity with your on-premises network and when you are outside the office, you use point to site VPN to securely access your VNET, which is the ideal situation.'"
I am aware of Azure Arc which is currently in preview. Would something like that be appropriate to make this work?
My overall questions are:
Am I totally barking up the wrong tree here? Is my understanding off?
Is it possible to use Azure Bastion to access an on-prem server on an extended VNet?
Thanks in advance!
As far as I know, currently, it's not possible to use Azure Bastion to access an on-prem server on an extended VNet. You only could use Azure Bastion to access all the VMs in the VNet which has AzureBastionSubnet. Refer to this blog
Azure Bastion resides on the same virtual network (VNet) as the
servers accessed and only connects to one VNet.
Actually, you can have a private and securely RDP/SSH connection between your on-premise server and Azure VM via a VPN gateway, you just can not RDP/SSH on-premise server via Azure portal. If you need this feature with Azure Bastion, it's welcome to give feedback or upvote these similar feedback1 and feedback2.
Hope this could help you.
This is now possible via the new capabilities introduced in Azure Bastion Standard Tier.

Classic Vnet - Unable to SSH

I have created a vnet in classic mode. I have created a classic vm and added to the vnet. I am not able to connect to the VM through SSH. No ports are accessible through telnet. Getting a connection timed out error.
I do not have any NSG or ACL. Currently there is only one VM in this vnet.
How can I enable connectivity to this VM? I do not have load balancer either.
I am trying to add my VMs to a vnet to be able to enable server-to-server communication, not for load balancing.
I have just created ARM VMs with the same setup, and it works without any issue. Decided to stop using classic.

Connect to Azure VM from corporate networks

I have one question regarding Azure connection from corporate networks.
I have created a VM and a database on azure. I can connect to the DB and RDP to the VM from my home machine. But when I am in office, I cannot connect any of them. This is the error I am getting.
I thought my office proxy is causing the problem, I removed proxy connection but that did not help. I created an instance on AWS and tried connecting to the Azure VM and DB from inside that instance. But that did not help either.
From this, I can think of only one reason that Azure does not allow incoming connection from corporate networks for free tier. I have allowed incoming request from everywhere in the rule of Azure VM and DB.
My azure subscription is free tier.
Can anyone tell me if that is correct or what is the correct way to solve this problem?
UPDATE: The question is not relevant anymore. The problem was with our office network. I have created a NAT to RDP to azure machine and everything is working fine.
I suspect that the Azure firewall is restricting access to your SQL server. As for your VM, you may have some ACLs set up which are restricting access.
To enable the SQL firewall rules:
To check the ACLs on your Virtual Machine endpoints:
I was onsite at a client location which disallowed outbound RDP traffic. They set up a SOCKS proxy and installed a SOCKS client on my machine with limited rules to allow RDP to Azure.

Azure WebSites using new Virtual Network Integration features failed to connect to SQL Server in VM machine

I tried to configure a VPN with default values (10.0.1.x) with a point-to-site feature configured.
Azure Websites has been configured too, using the new Azure portal, to point to the Point-to-Site of the VPN.
When a try to contact SQL server of my VM in Azure (Iaas) fails, while locally on the VM I can do it.
I also configured an end point for the port 1433 on the VM with the relative firewall configuration.
Is there a way to check where is the issue using the website ?
Thanks a lot.
