Classic Vnet - Unable to SSH - azure

I have created a vnet in classic mode. I have created a classic vm and added to the vnet. I am not able to connect to the VM through SSH. No ports are accessible through telnet. Getting a connection timed out error.
I do not have any NSG or ACL. Currently there is only one VM in this vnet.
How can I enable connectivity to this VM? I do not have load balancer either.
I am trying to add my VMs to a vnet to be able to enable server-to-server communication, not for load balancing.

I have just created ARM VMs with the same setup, and it works without any issue. Decided to stop using classic.


Azure Web app connect to VM service on private network

I've created windows server virtual machine with active directory controller and my web app is communicating with it on public ip successfully (by ldap), but when i try connect to ldap on private ip (virtual network) it does not respond
to my Web app i have set VNet Configuration
my virtual machine network tab:
But it does not work when i try to connect to ldap://
What should i do?
I can't even test my connection between webapp (by tcpping) and vm neither on public and private ip
i couldn't add to my webapp vnet integration on because there was written that this subnet is already in use (or sth like that)
what should i type when i do vnet integration?
VNet Integration with Azure web app is required a dedicated unused subnet for the network connection. The subnet should be a subnet where no other resources like Azure VM located.
Your configuration is correct. You could follow these troubleshooting steps to verify if the VNet integration is working well. You can test via port 3389 on Azure VM. In my case, there is not a DC deployed on Azure VM.
However, please note that
There are some things that VNet Integration doesn't support, like:
Mounting a drive.
Active Directory integration.
Thus, I suppose Idap does not work with VNet Integration.
i've created second virtual network, and integrated web app with it...
next i have connected my second virtual network to first and... everything works great, ping's are < 1 ms...
that's a bit embarassing that it did not work when both web app and virtual machine were in one virtual network and i don't know why

How-To Configure Virtual Network Gateway in AZURE

I am using AZURE and have created several webapps and one Virtual Machine. I need all of them to be part of a virtual network so that cookies/and other packets transferred between them work properly. I created the VM and the network at the same time. But when I try to add networking to the webapps it shows the network but says that it does not have a gateway.
I don't know how to add a gateway to that VPN or how to make it work. Can anyone please help me?
You have to configure point to site in your virtual network before you can connect a web application to your vnet. Basically, you need to create a gateway and then configure point to site.
Since you already have a virtual network, follow steps 4 and 5 only:
Create a VNet with a Site-to-Site VPN connection using the Azure Portal
Later, configure P2S:
Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a virtual network using PowerShell
If everything goes right, you will be able to select the VNET in your app settings instead of a greyed item.
I wrote about this process a while ago and you can find my notes here.

Communicate between VMs on connected Azure Virtual Networks

I have two virtual networks (classic) in Azure, and I need to be able to ssh between vms on these networks. I have followed the instructions here (, and successfully connected the networks. However, when I try and ping vm1 on vnet1 and vm2 on vnet2 the request times out, so it looks like vm1 cannot see vm2. Are there any further steps I need to take to allow communication? Shouldn't they be able to see each other's private IP addresses?
That's a pretty loaded question, but I think there is a better walk through for you to have a look at:
Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection in the Azure Classic Portal
Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection for virtual networks in the same subscription by using Azure Resource Manager and PowerShell
Pick your poison... I've verified both of these work as intended if you follow the steps carefully.

Can't connect in RDP on an Azure VM

I am creating a VM on Azure and connect it to an Azure ExpressRoute VNET.
The problem is that I can't connect to the VM via RDP, but it works well if the VM is not on the network.
What can be the cause of this issue, what can I do?
Have you seen this article? The connection may need to be configured differently:
Here is the article:

How to Connect Azure Worker/Web role to Azure Iaas VMs without using public IP's?

We want to run MongoDB and some custom services on Azure Iaas VMs and connect to them with our roles but we do not want to have public IP exposure on the VMs.
If possible what is the best way of doing this?
If not possible is this on the roadmap?
We can add the VM's under the same cloud service and they can communicate happily, the roles are in same deployment so they communicate, but issue between the vm's and roles. We appreciate that the Iaas stuff is still in preview.
If you have your Windows Azure Web/Worker Role and Windows Azure Virtual Machine in the same DC you can access them directly using internal IP address using Virtual Networking (Vnet) using internal Endpoints. To achieve it first you would need to create a Virtual Network and then add your Virtual Machine to this VNet. VNet will give your internal IP address and your Web/Worker Role can communicate to this internal IP address.
You can not do mix mode deployment directly from Windows Azure Preview Portal (it is not supported in preview yet) however you can use PowerShell VNet cmdlets to get it configured and working. To need further assistance with VNet team you can contact them directly here.
