I'm working on a chat application and using socket.io / node for that. Basically I came up with the following strategies:
Send message from the client which is received by the socket server which then sends it to the receiving client. On the background I store that to the message on the DB to be retrieved later if the user wishes to seee his old conversations.
The pros of this approach is that the user gets the message almost instantly since we don't wait for the DB operation to complete, but the con is that if the DB operation failed and exactly that time the client refreshed its page to fetch the message, it won't get that.
Send message form the client to the server, the server then stores it on the DB first and then only sends it to the receiving client.
The pros is that we make sure that the message will be received to the client only if its stored in the DB. The con is that it will be no way close to real time since we'll be doing a DB operation in between slowing down the message passing.
Send message to the client which then is stored on a cache layer(redis for example) and then instantly broadcast it to the receiving client. On background keep fetching records from redis and updating DB. If the client refreshes the page, we first look into the DB and then the redis layer.
The pros is that we make the communication faster and also make sure messages are presented correctly on demand. The con is that this is quite complex as compared to above implementations, and I'm wondering if there's any easier way to achieve this?
My question is whats the way to go if you're building a serious chat application that ensures both - faster communication and data persistence. What are some strategies that app like facebook, whatsapp etc. use for the same? I'm not looking for exact example, but a few pointers will help.
I would go for the option number 2. I've been doing myself Chat apps in node and I found out that this is the best option. Saving in a database takes few milliseconds, which includes the 0.x milliseconds to write in the databse and the few milliseconds of latency in communication ( https://blog.serverdensity.com/mongodb-benchmarks/ ).
SO I would consider this approach realtime. The good thing with this is that if it fails, you can display a message to the sender that it failed, for whatever reason.
Facebook, whatsapp and many other big messaging apps are based on XMPP (jabber) which is a very, very big protocol for instant messaging and everything is very well documented on how to do things but it is based in XML, so you still have to parse everything etc but luckily there are very good libraries to handle with xmpp. So if you want to go the common way, using XMPP you can, but most of the big players in this area are not following anymore all the standards, since does not have all the features we are used to use today.
I would go with doing my own version, actually, I already something made (similar to slack), if you want I could give you access to it in private.
So to end this, number 2 is the way to go (for me). XMPP is cool but brings also a lot of complexity.
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I have a game server where clients can connect and communicate with via TCP. Any device can connect the server if it knows the IP and port.
I am wondering if I need to add some security to the server. For example,
(1) Add some encryption for the messages sent/received. (To prevent the protocol content is revealed)
(2) Add some key to the message so if the server cannot recognize the key after decryption, the message will be dropped. (To prevent unknown connections/messages flooding in)
Do you think these things are necessary and is there any other thing I should add for such a game server.
I would have rather posted this to the gamedev question but the mods there are apparently faster than here. Before you quote me, I'd like to point out that the following isn't based on 100% book-knowledge, nor do I have a degree in any of these topics. Please improve this answer if you know better, rather than comment and/or compete.
This is a pretty comprehensive list of client/server/security issues that I've gathered from research and/or experience:
The "back-end" server contains everyone's username, password, credit card details, etc., and should be a fortress. This server is for authentication only and should be on a private subnet; it will communicate only with the login server, only when a well-formed login request is received, and will only reply with "allow" or "deny". If you take people's personal information, you are obligated to protect it, and it would be wise to off-load the liability of everything security-related to a professional or hosting company. There is no non-critical attack to this server; if it is breached, you are finished. Many/most/all companies now draw their pretty login screen on top of another companies' back-end credit card/billing system.
Connections to the login server should be secure. The login server is just a message pump between the public login mechanism, the private data store, and the client/server connection state. For security purposes, any HTTP access to the login system should be hosted on a separate HTTP server; the WWW server crashing should not shut down your online game (my opinion).
Upon successful login and authentication, the server informs the client to begin listening for "bulk data" or to initiate an in-bound connection on a specific UDP port (could be random and per-connection-attempt). Either way, the server should remain silent and wait for the client to IDENT with some type of handshake to verify that the "alleged client" is actually your code. It is easier to guess when the server asks for input sequentially; instead rely on the client knowing the proper handshake when connecting to the world and drop those that don't. The correct handshake to use can be a function of the CPU clock-ticks or whatever. The TCP will be minimally used and/or disconnected from that point on. The initial bulk data is a good place to advertise the current server-side software revision so clients that are out-of-date can update. A common pool of UDP ports can be handed out among multiple servers and the clients can be load-balanced into the correct port/server. Within the game, "zone transfers" can mean a literal disconnect from one server/port and reconnection to a different server/port. In MMO's, this usually appears as a <2 second loading screen; enough time to disconnect, reconnect, start getting data, and synchronize to the new server clock, not to mention the actual content loading.
"World server" describes a single, multiple-client, state-pumping thread running on a single core of a single processor of a single blade. One, physical, server-of-worlds can have many worlds running on it at once. Worlds can be dynamically split/merged (in a quad-tree fashion), dividing the clients between them, again, for load-balancing; synchronization between the servers occurs at LAN speeds or better. The world server will probably only serve UDP connections and should have nothing to do except process state-changes to/from the UDP connections. UDP is "blind, deaf, and dumb", so-to-speak. Messages are sent with no flow control, no error checking, etc; they are basically assumed to be received as soon as they are sent and may actually arrive late, in the wrong order, or just never arrive. Using UDP, neither the server nor the client are ever stalled, hand-shaking, error-correcting, or waiting for data. Messages need time-stamps because they may arrive late and/or out-of-order. If a UDP channel gets clogged, switch valid clients dynamically to another (potentially random) port. The world server only initiates UDP connections with successfully authenticated clients and ignores all other traffic (world servers hosted separately from HTTP and everything else).
Overly simplified and, using only the position data as an example, each client tells the server "Time:Client###:(X, Y)" over and over. If the server doesn't hear, oh well. The server says "Time:listOfClients(X, Y)" over and over, to everyone at once. If one or more of the clients doesn't hear, oh well.
This implies using prediction/extrapolation on the client; the clients will need to "guess" what should be happening and then correct themselves to agree with the server when they start getting data again. Any time you get a packet with a "future" time, even if the packet doesn't make sense or isn't useful, you can at least advance the client clock to that point and discard any now-late packets, helping a lagging client to catch up.
Un-verified supposition:
Besides the existing security concerns, I don't see a reason why two or more clients could not maintain independent, but server-managed, UDP channels between each other. By notifying other clients within close game-proximity in addition to the server, the clients, themselves, can help to load-balance. The server should always verify that what the clients say happened could/should/would happen, and has the ability to undo all of it and reset both clients to it's own known-good state. The information that the clients are able to share, internally, should be extremely restricted; basically just the most-time-critical positional and/or state-data. Client's should probably not be allowed to request specific information and, again, rely only on "dumb" broadcasts. This begins to approach distributed/cloud computing, where the clients are actually doing a lot of the server work, while the server just watches and "referees," calling foul, when appropriate.
Client1 - "I fought Client2 and won"
Client2 - "I fought Client1 and won"
Server - "I watched and Client2 cheated. Client1 wins. (Client2 is forced to agree)"
The server doesn't necessarily even need to watch; if Client2 damages Client1 in an unusual/impossible way, Client1 can request arbitration from the server.
If the player moves around, but the data isn't getting to the server, the player experiences "rubber-banding", where the player appears to be moving on the client but, server-side, they are not. When the client gets the next server state, the client snaps the player back to where they were when the server stopped getting updates, creating the rubber-band effect.
This often manifests another way, too. If the server sees a player moving, then fails to receive the "stopped moving" message, the server will predict their continued path for all of the other clients. In MMO-RPG's, for example, you can see "lagging" players running directly into/at walls.
The last thing I can think of is just basic code security. This is especially important if your game is moddable. Mods are, by definition, a way for users to insert their own code into yours. If you are careless about the amount of "API" access you give away, inevitably, someone WILL feel the need to be malicious. Pay particular attention to string termination/handling if the language you are using requires it. Do not build your game from plain-text ASCII content files. If your game has even one "text box," someone WILL be trying to feed HTML/LUA/etc. code into it.
Lastly, paths should use appropriate system variables whenever possible to avoid platform shenanigans and/or access violations (x86/x64, no savegames in ProgramFiles, etc.)
I am trying to setup a POC for myself using Nginx, Node.js and Socket.io 1.0 using clustering on Rackspace. I am under the assumption that I need to use clustering because I want this to be scalable across multiple servers if needed. I want each node to have their own instance and as of now I can't see any need for each of the instances to have to talk to each other for any reason. Again as of now, I believe I need to use clustering for simply the fact that I may have many clients connecting to this server and I want it to be able to grown and shrink accordingly. My end goal is to build a little POC similar to what is shown here: https://cloud.google.com/developers/articles/real-time-gaming-with-node-js-websocket-on-gcp
I just got what I believe to be a valid setup of the new Socket.io 1.0 established, but when connecting from different devices behind my router, they are all showing the same PID in my logging and I assume this is due to the required sticky-sessioning by Socket.io. I am not sure if this is the same as the worker-process that we used to get with clustering, but again I am still trying to get my head wrapped around all this.
First I want to know if using clustering and sticky-sessions is required, since only 1 PID is issued for the same external IP, is there anyway to have each computer treated as its own instance? I do not want to send back a response that updates everyone behind that IP.
My second question is this and it may be a stupid question but i'm asking anyway :) In reading about how to get the sticky-sessions working I kept seeing people stating to "use sticky-sessions, like by IP Address". The word "like" is what got me. I seemed to have found people referring to using sticky-sessions with IP and cookies. Can you do it by anything else, such as a username, issued token or anything? My concern is if someone is playing with this on a mobile device and they switch towers, the tower will issue a new IP so in-turn a new PID would get issued and essentially that players game lost. Am I understanding this right?
Please forgive me as I am new to Node.js but thought this would be a cool way to learn node.js and clustering in the cloud. Any info or direction that anyone can provide would be of great help. Many of the tuts all seem to broadcast events to everyone but i am looking for a scalable solution where each connection can be sent events individually most fo the time. I also need to solve for a number of people behind the same firewall being treated as separate connections when the server communicates to them. Again if there is any reading or tutorials that you feel may help me with socket.io 1.0 and what I am trying to do, please reply. Thanks!
In general since you are using websockets you don't need to worry about stickiness as long as the connection does not terminate. This communication is bi-directional and the http connection is kept alive. If the connection drops the client is essentially reconnecting and starting over. So yes if anyone's ip gets renewed you will now get a new server socket.
Refer to article using-multiple-nodes where it states the requirement for XHR/JSONP long polling clients.
I don;t believe nginx has capabilities of load balancing on things like MAC address etc as per nginx load-balancing techniques.
I am thinking that you may need a solid load balancer that can use MAC addresses, virtual port ID or some headers for routing.
I am using webrtc.io to create the socket connections for my audio, video chat application. I want to preserve all the socket connection so that I can send updates to all the end users when the node.js server is restarted.
I am using Mongodb as the database for this application. Is there any way to store in the database and retrieve it back when the server is restarted?
I'm going to give you a common life situation to explain this.
Suppose you have a mobile phone that you cannot make calls from and you can only receive calls.
Someone calls you and you can talk to them, messages pass backwards and forwards on a constant connection. This was better than SMS because you could only respond to an SMS that was sent to you as well but now you have this constant connection to talk freely on.
Now in those statements I just described what Websockets are and the difference between that an Http. Next I'll apply this to what you are asking.
Now suppose on this phone where you can only keep talking on calls you receive from someone else, your battery runs out. You find a power source to plug into and get your phone working again. So do you expect your phone to just suddenly re-establish the call that dropped when your battery ran out?
You do not initiate the connection you are talking about. So you cannot "make the call back" or "re-establish the call". This is a strictly "the customer calls you" scenario.
The best you can do is maintain the session state to the subsequent re-connection "picks up where you left off". But on a hang-up the client has to call you back.
For better availabilty you need to proxy the connection and share over multiple application server nodes, all with access to the same session state.
Brief Description:
Well, since many days I've been looking for an answer to this question but there seems to be answers for 'How to create a Push Notification Server' and like questions. I am using node.js and it's quite easy to 'create' a push notification server using sock.js (I've heard socket.io isn't good as compared to sock.js). No problem till here. But what I want is how to model such a server.
OK, so, let's say I've an application where there's a chat service (just an example this is, actual thing is big as you might have guessed). A person sends a message in a room and all the people in the room get notified. But what I want is a 'stateful' chat - that is, I want to store the messages in a data store. Here's where the trouble comes. Storing the message in the database and later telling everyone that "Hey, there's a message for you". This seems easy when we need the real-time activity for just one part of the app. What to do when the whole app is based on real-time communication? Besides this, I also want to have a RESTful api.
My solution (with which I am not really happy)
What I thought of doing was this: (on the server side of course)
Data Store
Data Layer (which talks to data store)
| |
Real-Time Server Restful server
And here, the Real-time server listens to interesting events that the data-layer publishes. Whenever something interesting happens, the server notifies the client. But which client? - This is the problem with my method
Hope you can be of help. :)
I think I forgot to emphasize an important part of my question. How to implement a pub-sub system? (NOTE: I don't want the actual code, I'll manage that myself; just how to go about doing it is where I need some help). The problem is that I get quite boggled when writing the code - what to do how (my confusion is quite apparent from this question itself). Could please provide some references to read or some advice as to how to begin with this thing?
I am not sure if I understood you correctly; but I will summarize how I read it:
We have a real-time chat server that uses socket connections to publish new messages to all connected clients.
We have a database where we want to keep chat logs.
We have also a restful interface to access the realtime server to get current chats in a lazier manner.
And you want to architect your system this way:
In the above diagram, the components I circled with purple curve wants to be updated like all other clients. Am I right? I don't know what you meant with "Data Layer" but I thought it is a daemon that will be writing to database and also interfacing database for other components.
In this architecture, everything is okay in the direction you meant. I mean DataStore is connected by servers to access data, maybe to query client credentials for authentication, maybe to read user preferences etc.
For your other expectation from these components, I mean to allow these components to be updated like connected clients, why don't you allow them to be clients, too?
Your realtime server is a server for clients; but it is also a client for data layer, or database server, if we prefer a more common naming. So we already know that there is nothing that stops a server from being a client. Then, why can't our database system and restful system also be clients? Connect them to realtime server the same way you connect browsers and other clients. Let them enjoy being one of the people. :)
I hope I did not understand everything completely wrong and this makes sense for the question.