How to call the same method after every include of a .xhtml page in JSF? - jsf

I have the following part of a .xhtml page:
<ui:composition template="./templates/template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="mainContent">
<ui:include src="include/includeAbleEditor.xhtml">
<ui:param name="includeParam" value="MyClass" />
<ui:include src="include/includeAbleEditor.xhtml">
<ui:param name="includeParam" value="YourClass" />
In the "includeAbleEditor.xhtml" I want to call a method after it was included (In this case this should happend two times).
Now I tried to solve it like this: (metadata tag is part of the includeAbleEditor.xhtml)
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{editor.onload}" />
<f:attribute name="textFieldId" value="#{includeParam}" />
The Problem:
The method is being called only once. But it should be called two times. Once with the parameter "MyClass" and once with "YourClass".
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!

There can be only one <f:metadata> in the entire view and it must be in the top level view. Unlike e.g. <f:view>, they don't "extend" each other and all others will be ignored.
You actually don't need it here. It's only necessary whenever you need to attach <f:viewParam> and/or <f:viewAction> to the specific view. The <f:event> doesn't require a <f:metadata>. It will just be hooked to the parent UIComponent. It was during JSF 2.0/2.1 ages (when <f:viewAction> didn't exist) being abused to have a hook to invoke a listener after <f:viewParam> values are being set. It's just for self-documentary purposes being placed in the same <f:metadata> as where all <f:viewParam>s are.
So, just get rid of it.
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{editor.onload(includeParam)}" />
That said, postAddToView is likely a better event to hook this all on. And to avoid "Duplicate component ID" errors over all place later on, consider wrapping it in <f:subview> or making it a composite.
See also:
When using <ui:composition> templating, where should I declare the <f:metadata>?
What can <f:metadata>, <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> be used for?
Avoiding duplicate ids when reusing facelets compositions in the same naming container


Multiple <f:viewAction> in <f:metadata>

I am developing a CMS using JSF 2.3. I need to pass a GET parameter to every page indicating the site that the user is managing. To do this I am using <f:viewParam> in all pages, but I have the following doubts:
Is it OK to use multiple <f:viewAction> for multiple managed beans like the following example?
<f:viewParam name="form" value="#{editFormWebBean.formIdParam}"/>
<f:viewParam name="site" value="#{headerWebBean.siteIdParam}"/>
<f:viewAction action="#{editFormWebBean.init}" />
<f:viewAction action="#{headerWebBean.init}" />
This works, but I am not sure if it is OK.
Is there a way to avoid replicating in every page the <f:viewParam> for the site parameter? I tried with includeViewParams, but doesn't worked if I don't include the <f:viewParam> in the source and destination page (from page1.xhtml to page2.xhtml)
3) Can I define multiple <f:metadata> tags? For example if I am using templates and multiple ManagedBeans pare page (one for the header, one for the menu and so on).
Thank you and sorry about my english.
it's okay to have as many <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> as long as they work well together, but please make sure these are meant to initialize the view "JSF page" not the backing beans, use #PostConstruct on the baking beans to initialize them, also but in your mind that <f:viewAction> is only executed on GET request by default any subsequent POST (postback) requests don't invoke the action unless it has onPostBack="true" attribute.
more on these tags can be found in this great answer
[What can <f:metadata>, <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> be used for?][1]
put it in a template using the templating feature of JSF like this:
<f:viewParam name="site" value="#{headerWebBean.siteIdParam}"/>
<ui:insert name="metadata"/>
<ui:composition template="template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="metadata">
<!-- whatever metadata you want to add-->
no it's one metadata tag per page, use it like the example above.

JSF: duplicate component id exception when including the same facelets tag twice

I have a facelets tag like this:
<h:outputText value="#{label}"/>
<h:inputText id="input" value="#{value}"/>
<h:message for="input"/>
Now if I inlcude this facelets tag twice on the same page, I get an exception complaining about duplicate compoment ids. One solution proposed here was to supply a prefix for the id. However, I find it cumbersome having to come up with an id prefix every time I use this facelets tag. By the way, I don't need the id of the h:inputText outside of the tag.
So I'm thinking of two ways how I can fix this:
Is there a way to link the h:message to the h:inputText without having to specify ids?
If not, I could wrap the tag with a NamingContainer. Which element would be appropriate for that? I can't use h:form here, because that tag already goes into a form.
Your page should be like this
<f:view contracts="default" transient="false">
<ui:composition template="/template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="content">
inside ui composition you should have ui define and in it form and inputs.

JSF/CDI: General way to update page content

what is the general way when requesting new pages with given parameters, i.e. calling CDI bean operations and bind the outcome to the page components?
I am using this 'pattern', but is this the right way?
<ui:define name="content">
<h:form id="dataForm">
#{userForm.init(, param.mode)}
<!-- User edit Dialog -->
The problem is that when using the 'rendered' attribute, this depends on the bean (non-blocking) process outcome but the page might be rendered faster. Thus, I should be able to call an update process on the page UI components after processing.
If you are using JSF 2.2 the way to go is:
<f:viewAction action="#{backingBean.action}"/>
If you are < JSF2.2 but you happen to be using Seam you could use something like this as a pre-render view event, it does not have to be in a template, you can drop it in your ui:composition
<s:viewAction action="#{backingBean.action}" />
here is something to read Seam3, if not you can always use the classic way:
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{backingBean.entryId}"/>
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{backingBean.loadEntry}"/>

Command Button inside composition page in JSF

I have the same problem as user1598186 has stated in his question here : p:commandButton doesn't call bean's method in an <ui:include> page
However, no solution has been given (he has removed <ui:include> tags altogether and used variables instead)
Are there any ways of using <ui:include> and still have my backing bean's method executed, when I'm calling it inside the commandButton.
Any help will be much appreciated.
EL 2.2 method parameters (so, #{bean.method()} instead of #{bean.method}) can be used to pass a method signature that can be used in the actionListener attribute of a commandButton. The following is an example of passing a ManagedBean property as well as passing a method signature:
Main Page
<ui:include src="/jointeam.xhtml">
<ui:param name="propertyValue" value="#{managedBean.property1} />
<ui:param name="method" value="#{managedBean.performAction()}" />
<h:inputText value="#{propertyValue}" />
<p:commandButton value="Submit" actionListener="#{method}" />
You can see how powerful this is in terms of code reuse and for many instances is less verbose and easier to use than composite components.

Binding a JSF bean to a included JSF

I'm at the end of my rope with this one. I'm new to JSF so this is probably my misunderstanding of a lot of stuff.
<ui:fragment rendered="#{param['type'] eq 'myType'}">
<ui:include src="/home/myPage.jspx" />
I pass the page a certain type, it display's certain fields/criteria for a form and a bean backs it all because there is a single search.
Within myPage.jspx I have:
does not work, although a onsubmit="alert('hi');" does work as an attribute of the form element.
I guess what's most confusing is that
does work on a field in the myPage.jspx
Why does the action (attribute of a button) not work?
During processing of the form submit, if the button or one of its parent components is not rendered, then the button's action won't be invoked. You need to make sure that the rendered attribute evaluates the same during processing of the form submit as it did when the form was displayed. In your case, you're depending on the value of a request parameter with the name type.
In this particular case, you could solve the problem by retaining the request parameter type by a <f:param> nested in the command button:
<h:commandButton ...>
<f:param name="type" value="#{param.type}" />
Or, if you're using JSF 2.0, placing the bean in the view scope and setting the type parameter in the managed bean by <f:viewParam> can also solve it.
<f:viewParam name="type" value="#{bean.type}" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.type eq 'myType'}">
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
