I have installed Oracle 10gR2 on a linux box. And I am trying to access from my client. My client and the Oracle server are in two different networks and hence I got the access enabled in the Network Firewall for my client IP on that IP and port.
But I am unable to telnet to the Oracle server IP on that port. And on discussing with Network Security Firewall Team, they are getting deny messages from the server on accessing the port 1521 from the server.
telnet my_oracle_server_ip 1521
My Oracle service is running on 1521 port only. And I switched off the iptables, selinux on the Oracle server. I also switched off the firewall on my windows 7 client. Moreover, I found my colleague is able to access from his machine the database and tables of that Oracle server.
Could anyone please suggest where exactly the issue would be? Do I need to add my client IP anywhere in Oracle server's configuration file as in pg_hba.conf for postgresql?
I have Oracle 12c installed on a windows server 2016 in Azure. I have a database populated locally, and need to access it remotely. I have allowed following through firewall within the machine:
I need to access this database over sql developer on a remote machine. How do I know which ports to allow over the network security group?
How do I know which ports to allow over the network security group?
Please refer to this link.
According to your description, I think you want to use function SQL*Net 2, you need open port 1521(by default) on Azure NSG and Widows firewall.
Currently, you need check your instance and listener is listening. Please use lsnrctl
lsnrctl status [listener_name]
You also could use tnsping to test connection.
Also, you should check netstat -ant|findstr 1521. Please ensure the port is listening on
I've setup an Ubuntu Server on Azure. On this server, an application is running on port 3000. I want to access this application external. Azure tells me my server has public ip 40.68.XXX.XXX.
When I ping this IP, there is no response, despite ssh works when connecting to this IP-address.
I want to access 40.68.XXX.XXX:3000 external, does somebody know how to get this work?
Yes, you need to open up a port on the Network Security Group (NSG) and open up the port on your firewall (on the VM itself).
Easiest way to open the port is using the portal:
I have a oracle linux server and i am able to access the https of my local web directory WITHIN the linux server. But if i am trying to access it from the outside client PC https does not works.
If you can access it going to https://localhost and the browser doesn't give you an error that tells me the server is set up correctly and your certificate is valid.
There are several reasons why you wouldn't be able to access it externally. Are there iptables rules allowing inbound traffic over 443? Do external clients have a route to your server? Is there a firewall in the path, and is it allowing traffic over 443 to your oracle server?
How do you define not working? Are you getting connection refused? Is it timing out?
I can able to login the dedicated server(has Windows server 2012) from local system by Remote Desktop connection. I used IP address and admin password to login dedicated server. I ran tomcat server in dedicated server and deployed my application then I can access my application from dedicated server's browser like
It was working fine there, but when I tried to access the same app from my local system as
It's not working. I ran netstat -a to see whether the tcp is running or not in dedicated server , I can see is in Listening state in dedicated server. Any idea?
Also if it's a firewall issue then rather turning the firewall you can write inbound and outbound rule for specific port. Turning your firewall on server is a dangerous compromise with security.
We are unable to connect to our created VM in the cloud from our company (RDP, Telnet and ping).
We can do it from the VM to our company... so the Azure Tunnel is up.
We also able to connect to this VM if we use the public address
We try several thing, stop the firewall, adding endpoint.
Can you help us?
I had a similar issue with MySQL server installed on VM, and endpoint TCP on port 3306 was defined exactly according to the guides, however couldn't connect from remote places not by MySQL or telnet.
I look for day's until I've checked -
Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall\Allowed Programs
in the VM, and saw that for the program MySQL56 the public check-box was unchecked.
checked it, and connection has open.