Line segment intersection - geometry

I found this code snippet on, however the link to the explanation wasn't valid anymore. I "translated" the answer into Swift, I hope you can understand, it's actually quite easy even without knowing the language. Could anyone explain what exactly is going on here? Thanks for any help.
class func linesCross(#line1: Line, line2: Line) -> Bool {
let denominator = (line1.end.y - line1.start.y) * (line2.end.x - line2.start.x) -
(line1.end.x - line1.start.x) * (line2.end.y - line2.start.y)
if denominator == 0 { return false } //lines are parallel
let ua = ((line1.end.x - line1.start.x) * (line2.start.y - line1.start.y) -
(line1.end.y - line1.start.y) * (line2.start.x - line1.start.x)) / denominator
let ub = ((line2.end.x - line2.start.x) * (line2.start.y - line1.start.y) -
(line2.end.y - line2.start.y) * (line2.start.x - line1.start.x)) / denominator
//lines may touch each other - no test for equality here
return ua > 0 && ua < 1 && ub > 0 && ub < 1

You can find a detailed segment-intersection algorithm
in the book Computational Geometry in C, Sec. 7.7.
The SegSegInt code described there is available here.
I recommend avoiding slope calculations.
There are several "degenerate" cases that require care: collinear segments
overlapping or not, one segment endpoint in the interior of the other segments,
etc. I wrote the code to return an indication of these special cases.

This is what the code is doing.
Every point P in the segment AB can be described as:
P = A + u(B - A)
for some constant 0 <= u <= 1. In fact, when u=0 you get P=A, and you getP=B when u=1. Intermediate values of u will give you intermediate values of P in the segment. For instance, when u = 0.5 you will get the point in the middle. In general, you can think of the parameter u as the ratio between the lengths of AP and AB.
Now, if you have another segment CD you can describe the points Q on it in the same way, but with a different u, which I will call v:
Q = C + v(D - C)
Again, keep in mind that Q lies between C and D if, and only if, 0 <= v <= 1 (same as above for P).
To find the intersection between the two segments you have to equate P=Q. In other words, you need to find u and v, both between 0 and 1 such that:
A + u(B - A) = C + v(D - C)
So, you have this equation and you have to see if it is solvable within the given constraints on u and v.
Given that A, B, C and D are points with two coordinates x,y each, you can open the equation above into two equations:
ax + u(bx - ax) = cx + v(dx - cx)
ay + u(by - ay) = cy + v(dy - cy)
where ax = A.x, ay = A.y, etc., are the coordinates of the points.
Now we are left with a 2x2 linear system. In matrix form:
|bx-ax cx-dx| |u| = |cx-ax|
|by-ay cy-dy| |v| |cy-ay|
The determinant of the matrix is
det = (bx-ax)(cy-dy) - (by-ay)(cx-dx)
This quantity corresponds to the denominator of the code snippet (please check).
Now, multiplying both sides by the cofactor matrix:
|cy-dy dx-cx|
|ay-by bx-ax|
we get
det*u = (cy-dy)(cx-ax) + (dx-cx)(cy-ay)
det*v = (ay-by)(cx-ax) + (bx-ax)(cy-ay)
which correspond to the variables ua and ub defined in the code (check this too!)
Finally, once you have u and v you can check whether they are both between 0 and 1 and in that case return that there is intersection. Otherwise, there isn't.

For a given line the slope is
if two slopes are equal, the lines are parallel
And this is equivalent to checking that the denominator is not zero,
Regarding the rest of the code, find the explanation on wikipedia under "Given two points on each line"


Splitting an int64 into two int32, performing math, then re-joining

I am working within constraints of hardware that has 64bit integer limit. Does not support floating point. I am dealing with very large integers that I need to multiply and divide. When multiplying I encounter an overflow of the 64bits. I am prototyping a solution in python. This is what I have in my function:
upper = x >> 32 #x is cast as int64 before being passed to this function
lower = x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
temp_upper = upper * y // z #Dividing first is not an option, as this is not the actual equation I am working with. This is just to make sure in my testing I overflow unless I do the splitting.
temp_lower = lower * y // z
return temp_upper << 32 | lower
This works, somewhat, but I end up losing a lot of precision (my result is off by sometimes a few million). From looking at it, it appears that this is happening because of the division. If sufficient enough it shifts the upper to the right. Then when I shift it back into place I have a gap of zeroes.
Unfortunately this topic is very hard to google, since anything with upper/lower brings up results about rounding up/down. And anything about splitting ints returns results about splitting them into a char array. Anything about int arithmetic bring up basic algebra with integer math. Maybe I am just not good at googling. But can you guys give me some pointers on how to do this?
Splitting like this is just a thing I am trying, it doesnt have to be the solution. All I need to be able to do is to temporarily go over 64bit integer limit. The final result will be under 64bit (After the division part). I remember learning in college about splitting it up like this and then doing the math and re-combining. But unfortunately as I said I am having trouble finding anything online on how to do the actual math on it.
Lastly, my numbers are sometimes small. So I cant chop off the right bits. I need the results to basically be equivalent to if I used something like int128 or something.
I suppose a different way to look at this problem is this. Since I have no problem with splitting the int64, we can forget about that part. So then we can pretend that two int64's are being fed to me, one is upper and one is lower. I cant combine them, because they wont fit into a single int64. So I need to divide them first by Z. Combining step is easy. How do I do the division?
As I understand it, you want to perform (x*y)//z.
Your numbers x,y,z all fit on 64bits, except that you need 128 bits for intermediate x*y.
The problem you have is indeed related to division: you have
h * y = qh * z + rh
l * y = ql * z + rl
h * y << 32 + l*y = (qh<<32 + ql) * z + (rh<<32 + rl)
but nothing says that (rh<<32 + rl) < z, and in your case high bits of l*y overlap low bits of h * y, so you get the wrong quotient, off by potentially many units.
What you should do as second operation is rather:
rh<<32 + l * y = ql' * z + rl'
Then get the total quotient qh<<32 + ql'
But of course, you must care to avoid overflow when evaluating left operand...
Since you are splitting only one of the operands of x*y, I'll assume that the intermediate result always fits on 96 bits.
If that is correct, then your problem is to divide a 3 32bits limbs x*y by a 2 32bits limbs z.
It is thus like Burnigel - Ziegler divide and conquer algorithm for division.
The algorithm can be decomposed like this:
obtain the 3 limbs a2,a1,a0 of multiplication x*y by using karatsuba for example
split z into 2 limbs z1,z0
perform the div32( (a2,a1,a0) , (z1,z0) )
here is some pseudo code, only dealing with positive operands, and with no guaranty to be correct, but you get an idea of implementation:
p = 1<<32;
function (a1,a0) = split(a)
a1 = a >> 32;
a0 = a - (a1 * p);
function (a2,a1,a0) = mul22(x,y)
(x1,x0) = split(x) ;
(y1,y0) = split(y) ;
(h1,h0) = split(x1 * y1);
assert(h1 == 0); -- assume that results fits on 96 bits
(l1,l0) = split(x0 * y0);
(m1,m0) = split((x1 - x0) * (y0 - y1)); -- karatsuba trick
a0 = l0;
(carry,a1) = split( l1 + l0 + h0 + m0 );
a2 = l1 + m1 + h0 + carry;
function (q,r) = quorem(a,b)
q = a // b;
r = a - (b * q);
function (q1,q0,r0) = div21(a1,a0,b0)
(q1,r1) = quorem(a1,b0);
(q0,r0) = quorem( r1 * p + a0 , b0 );
(q1,q0) = split( q1 * p + q0 );
function q = div32(a2,a1,a0,b1,b0)
(q,r) = quorem(a2*p+a1,b1*p+b0);
q = q * p;
if a2<b1
assert(q1==0); -- since a2<b1...
(d1,d0) = split(q0*b0);
r = (r-d1)*p + a0 - d0;
while(r < 0)
q = q - 1;
r = r + b1*p + b0;
function t=muldiv(x,y,z)
(a2,a1,a0) = mul22(x,y);
(z1,z0) = split(z);
if z1 == 0
assert(q2==0); -- otherwise result will not fit on 64 bits
t = q1*p + ( ( r1*p + a0 )//z0);
t = div32(a2,a1,a0,z1,z0);

How to find centers of two circle when their intersecting points and corresponding radius is given?

I was reading chapter 7 of "Competitive Programming 3" by Steven and Felix Halim. I then found this problem, given in picture:
Here two intersecting points of two circles and corresponding radius are also given. I have to find centres of two circles. They have given the solution code. But I didn't understand the technique behind it. The given code is:
I have searched many times, but I didn't find. Can anyone explain the technique?
Anyway, thanks in advance :)
Let's first visualize variables d2 and h defined in the code:
As we can see, d2 stands for the square of the distance between p1 and p2. Let's put d = sqrt(d2). Then d^2 = d2.
Using Pythagoras: r^2 = h^2 + d^2/4. Hence, h^2 = r^2 - d^2/4.
The unitary (norm = 1) vector in the direction of the line joining p1 and p2 is:
v := (p2 - p1)/d = (p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y)/d.
its perpendicular is
w := (p2.y - p1.y, p1.x - p2.x)/d
Now we can express c1 as a point in the perpendicular direction:
c1 = q + w*h = (p1 + p2)/2 + w*h,
because w has norm 1 and h is precisely the distance between c1 and q. Therefore,
c1 = (p1.x + p2.x, p1.y + p2.y)/2 + (p2.y - p1.y, p1.x - p2.x)*h/d
h/d = sqrt(r^2 - d^2/4)/d = sqrt(r^2/d2 - 1/4)
which explains the code.
From the picture that r is always ge than d/2. Thus, r^2 ≥ d^2/4 or (r/d)^2 ≥ 1/4 and there is no need to check whether det < 0, because it never is (provided the circles intersect).
The derivation above will actually produce two solutions for c1, one to the right of the blue line from p1 to p2, which is the one in the drawing, and another on the left of said line. In fact, these correspond to the equations
c1 = q ± w*h = q + w*(±h)
In order to decide whether we should use +h or -h, we can apply one of the well-known criteria for establishing whether a point lies on the left or the right of a directed segment. For example, we could compute the sign of the determinant
| 1 p1.x p1.y |
D = | 1 p2.x p2.y | = (p2.x-p1.x)(c1.y-p1.y) - (p2.y-p1.y)(c1.x-p1.x)
| 1 c1.x c1.y |
which will have a sign for +h and the opposite for -h. The value of h that makes D < 0 is the one that leaves c1 on the right of the segment from p1 to p2.
Apply Pythagoras in the right triangles. This gives you the distances between the midpoint of p1p2 and the centers.
From unit vectors parallel then orthogonal to p1p2, the offset vectors are easily obtained.

Find third point with circumcenter and two points of a triangle

How to calculate the third point of the isosceles triangle using JAVA, given its two points and the circumcenter. There will be two solutions for this, and it is sufficient for me if I get the shortest one from the points A and B.
If AB is the base of isosceles triangle (AC=BC), then solution is rather simple.
Given points A, B, CC (circumcenter)
Circumradius is
R = Length(CC-A) = Sqrt((CC.X - A.X)^2 + (CC.Y - A.Y)^2)
Edit: changed direction vector calculation to avoid ambiguity:
Middle point of AB
M = ((A.X + B.X)/2, (A.Y + B.Y)/2)
Direction vector from CC to vertice C
D = (CC.X - M.X, CC.Y - M.Y)
Normalized (unit) direction vector
uD = (D.X / Length(D), D.Y / Length(D))
Vertice C coordinates
C = (CC.X + R * uD.X, CC.Y + R * uD.Y)

Find point along line where normal extends through another point

Given the line segment AB, how do I find the point Pn where the normal to AB passes through the point P? I also need to know if there is no normal that passes through the point (e.g. the point Q).
If R is any point on the normal line passing through P (different from P), then Pn is the point where AB and PR intersect.
One way to generate point R is to rotate segment AB by 90 degrees and then translate it so that A coincides with P. The the translated B is your R:
Rx = Px + (By - Ay)
Ry = Py - (Bx - Ax)
Once you have your point R, it becomes a simple line-line intersection problem, which will give you your Pn (the formulas can be simplified for a specific case of perpendicular lines).
Then you can easily check whether Pn lies between A and B or not.
P.S. Note that solution provided in #MBo's answer is a more direct and efficient one (and if you combine and simplify/optimize the formulas required for my answer you will eventually arrive at the same thing). What I describe above might make good sense if you already have a primitive function that calculates the intersection of two lines, say,
find_intersection(Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Dx, Dy)
// Intersect AB and CD
In that case finding Pn becomes a simple one-liner
Pn = find_intersection(Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Px, Py, Px + (By - Ay), Py - (Bx - Ax))
But if you don't have such primitive function at your disposal and/or care for making your code more efficient, then you might want to opt for a more direct dedicated sequence of calculations like the one in #MBo's answer.
Find vectors
AB = (B.X-A.X, B.Y-A.Y)
AP = (P.X-A.X, P.Y-A.Y)
Projection of P to AB is:
APn = AB * ( / (;
where .dot. is scalar product
In coordinates:
cf = ((B.X-A.X)*(P.X-A.X)+(B.Y-A.Y)*(P.Y-A.Y))/((B.X-A.X)^2+(B.Y-A.Y)^2)
if cf < 0 or cf > 1 then projection lies outside AB segment
Pn.X = A.X + (B.X-A.X) * cf
Pn.Y = A.Y + (B.Y-A.Y) * cf

TI-BASIC (TI-84) Solving for the Sides of a Triangle

Could someone tell me if I've coded this correctly? This is my code for solving for the sides of a triangle given its perimeter, altitude, and angle (for the algebra see
Prompt P
Prompt H
Prompt L [the angle]
[The same as above but Z-sqrt...]→R
If N>0
If R>0
Disp U
Disp V
Disp W
Also, how would I fix this so that I can input angle = 90?
Also, in this code does it matter if the altitude is the one between b and c (refer to the website again)?
Thanks in advance
The code already works with L=90°.
Yes, the altitude must be the distance from point A to the base a between points B and C, forming a right-angle with that base. The derivation made that assumption, specifically with respect to the way it used h and a in the second area formula 1/2 h a. That exact formula would not apply if h was drawn differently.
The reason your second set of inputs resulted in a non-real answer is that sometimes a set of mathematical parameters can be inconsistent with each other and describe an impossible construct, and your P, h, and L values do exactly that. Specifically, they describe an impossible triangle.
Given an altitude h and angle L, the smallest perimeter P that can be achieved is an isosceles triangle split down the middle by h. With L=30, this would have perimeter P = a + b + c = 2h tan15 + h/cos15 + h/cos15, which, plugging in your h=3, results in P=7.819. You instead tried to use P=3+sqrt(3)=4.732. Try using various numbers less than 7.819 (plus a little; I've rounded here) and you'll see they all result in imaginary results. That's math telling you you're calculating something that cannot exist in reality.
If you fill in the missing close parenthesis between the Y and the / in line 5, then your code works perfectly.
I wrote the code slightly differently from you, here's what I did:
Prompt P
Prompt H
Prompt L
If D<0:Then
Disp A
Disp B
Disp C
Edit: #Gabriel, there's nothing special (with respect to this question) about the angles 30-60-90; there is an infinite number of sets of P, h, and L inputs that describe such triangles. However, if you actually want to arrive at such triangles in the answer, you've actually changed the question; instead of just knowing one angle L plus P and h, you now know three angles (30-60-90) plus P and h. You've now over-specified the triangle, so that it is pretty well certain that a randomly generated set of inputs will describe an impossible triangle. As a contrived example, if you specified h as 0.0001 and P as 99999, then that's clearly impossible, because a triangle with a tiny altitude and fairly unextreme angles (which 30-60-90 are) cannot possibly achieve a perimeter many times its altitude.
If you want to start with just one of P or h, then you can derive equations to calculate all parameters of the triangle from the known P or h plus the knowledge of the 30-60-90 angles.
To give one example of this, if we assume that side a forms the base of the triangle between the 90° and 60° angles, then we have L=30 and (labelling the 60° angle as B) we have h=b, and you can get simple equations for all parameters:
P = a + h + c
sin60 = h/c
cos60 = a/c
=> P = c cos60 + c sin60 + c
P = c(cos60 + sin60 + 1)
c = P/(cos60 + sin60 + 1)
b = h = c sin60
a = c cos60
Plugging in P=100 we have
c = 100/(cos60 + sin60 + 1) = 42.265
b = h = 36.603
a = 21.132
If you plug in P=100, h=36.603, and L=30 into the code, you'll see you get these exact results.
Always optimize for speed, then size.
Further optimizing bgoldst's code:
Prompt P,H,L
