Docusign navigate to a Visualforce page upon signing - docusignapi

Can we navigate signer who is on a Mobile device (Salesforce 1) to a visualforce page when the document is signed and the submit button is clicked?

Yes you can accomplish this. You'll need to use the DocuSign API and more specifically, the Embedding functionality which will allow you to sign through a webview or an iFrame on the mobile device.
With Embedding you can control the redirects URLs based on actions the user takes. For instance, if the user signs you can navigate to the Visual Force page in question. Or, if the user declines to sign then you can navigate them to a different page if you'd like. Same thing for if they hit the X to close the signing window.
To get started with learning DocuSign's APIs check out the DocuSign Developer Center:
And for code samples of Embedded Signing in 6 different language stacks see the bottom 3 API Walkthroughs in the API Tools section:


I want to create digital signature using DocuSign but I don't want to redirect user to DocuSign portal

I want to use DocuSign dll to sign the document but I don't user to redirect to DocuSign portal, is there any way to customize the DocuSign dll.
Well, there is not much to me to go by, so here are some thoughts.
You don't have to redirect, you can instead embed in an iframe. this may solve the issue if your concern is that the URL is visible in the browser as DocuSign vs your URL.
However, if you just don't want to use a cloud provider then you need to use DSA (DocuSign Signature Appliance) which means you'll get a set of servers that you have to maintain by your IT dept and in theory you can have your users sign documents without connecting to the internet.
You can brand the DocuSign signing ceremony to match your site's colors, fonts, add your logo, etc. See the branding docs
The signing always takes place at the DocuSign website. It can be embedded in an iFrame as Inbar mentions, but iFrames introduce their own issues.

Does Instagram Graph API has sandbox mode?

The docs say (step 4):
In the App Review for Instagram section, click Add to Submission for each permission your App will need from its Users. instagram_basic is required. instagram_manage_comments, instagram_manage_insights, and instagram_content_publish are optional.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and in the Current Submission sub-section, for each submission, click its View Notes link.
In the View Notes dialogue for each permission submission, provide a description for how you will use the data returned by any endpoints that require the permission, and a screencast showing how your app will use the data.
Once you've completed your notes for all of your permission submissions, click the Submit For Review button at the bottom of the page. Note that this is separate from your App Review, which you will do after testing.
After you've added both Facebook Login and Instagram API products to your app configuration, add Facebook Login to your app and record a screencast showing how you will use data returned by the Instagram API. This is similar to the Facebook Login screencast but with Instagram data, so the same guidelines apply.
Step 5:
Once you've been notified that your Instagram API product submission has been approved, you can use the Graph API Explorer to test your app.
With Facebook Login I can create an app that works in sandbox mode. Which lets me create a screencast. To be able to use Instagram Graph API (on a site) I need (from what I can gather):
Facebook Page linked to Instagram Business Account
an app icon
a privacy policy page
a site with working Facebook Login
description of how each permission is going to be used
screencast of... what exactly? of a site that is basically ready, but instead of fetching data from Instagram, it has them hardcoded in the code?
Or there is a sandbox mode after all?
UPD I've highlighted the important parts in the quotes above. Then:
5. Test Your App
Once you've been notified that your Instagram API product submission has been approved, you can use the Graph API Explorer to test your app.
Go to the Graph API Explorer...
The first call you will make is to the Graph API's /user/accounts edge...
Locate the Page that you connected to the Instagram Business Account and click its ID...
Next, [make /page?fields=instagram_business_account request].
This is where I get empty response in Graph API Explorer (only id field is returned), or:
200:- OAuthException:(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform.
GET /...?fields=instagram_business_account HTTP/1.1
on my site. Which requests to Instagram Graph API can I make before passing reviews (Instagram App Review, and Facebook App Review)?
It looks like the documentation that Facebook provides is somewhat misleading. You can actually use Instagram Graph API via Graph API Explorer (or by sending GET requests from your code) in a very limited way accessing only your instagram business account BEFORE you get initial approval described in Step 4.
Open Graph API Explorer.
First, you need to add extra permissions in the "Access Token" section. There is a "Add a Permission" drop down on the bottom of that section. Open that drop down and select: instagram_basic, manage_pages, business_management permissions. Depending on what you are trying to do, you may need other permissions as well (e.g. instagram_manage_comments, ads_management, manage_pages).
Once you selected the extra permissions, click on the "Get Access Token" button.
Now, you have access token with correct permissions and you should be able to execute instagram_business_account request. This will return the instagram id of your business account, which you can then use for other requests.
After going through these steps, I'm able to get media for my business account via Instagram Graph API, although I'm still trying to figure out why tags request returns empty list.
Go to your app dashboard from your developer account:
Go to: Roles -> Test Users.
Edit one of the test users to change its password to what you want in order to know him.
Once done, logout from your personal account and connect with the "test user" account in
Go to your app and click the facebook login with the scope "instagram_basic".
With the access_token that you get you are able to ask Graph API about the user's instagram business account.
Et voilĂ .
PS: You will not be able to use the Open Graph API tool from your test user. My advice is to test your app from Incognito mode so it will not interpose with your personal account.
Currently, access the instagram data from this way is disabled but this is the right way to access the data.
FB error message says:
(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform.
You can get full functionality of Graph API if you login with the developer account, use that to create a video screencast of app functionality and submit
You will have to create a test application out of your real application, these applications are in sand box mode by default (developer mode) You will be able to access any fb permission / feature with it, and develop a product with it. Once you are ready to review, in your submission of your real application link your test app in the process

How to give users the ability to make request directly from the GMail?

Currently my service sends users an email with two links (action "A" and action "B"). Clicking on the link opens a new tab with action confirmation.
There was a desire to allow the user to select the action without opening a new tab, directly from the GMail.
To do this, I wanted to use the Email Markup, but it turned out that it only supports a single action. (I found it not in Email Markup docs, but on Stackoverflow, here)
As an alternative, I would like to use contextual gadgets, but the documentation says:
There are two development and deployment models:
Develop a Gmail contextual gadget for use within a single organization's Google Apps domains (an in-house application).
List the gadget for sale on the Google Apps Marketplace.
i.e. use gadgets for this purpose will not work.
Is there some other opportunity to allow users to select the action directly in the GMail?

Displaying Sender View From Intranet Web Site

We are trying to display the sender view via embedded signing in a http based intranet web application. But DocuSign is returning an https based URL for sender view & when we are trying to display it in iframe we are getting a session timeout window in DocuSign.
We cannot host the intranet site in https.
Any work around for this?
Instead of embedding DocuSign an iFrame, launch the DocuSign URL in a new window/tab. Doing so (i.e., using a new window/tab -- NOT an iFrame) is actually best practice for a number of reasons, including:
iFrames do not typically provide a good user experience on mobile devices
some types of browsers have issues with displaying DocuSign within an
iFrame (do to security restrictions that are typically enforced by
browsers for third-party apps operating within an iFrame)
The DocuSign API documentation actually recommends against using iFrames, specifically within any app that will be accessed via mobile device.

DocuSign embedded signing using branding

Is it possible in the dev environment (or production for that matter) to brand the page that a user is redirected to for embedded signing?
Yes you absolutely can brand/configure the Embedded Signing iFrame window. The way you do is, you configure your branding through the DocuSign Console, then you provide a brandId in your API request to chose which branding profile to use (you can save multiple).
Try logging into the DocuSign Console at and then click your profile icon in the top right and go to
Preferences -> Branding
From there you'll see that you can create and save multiple branding profiles. Within each profile you'll see the various screens you can configure, including the signing window. Then, in your signature API request, at the envelope level you add the property
to your JSON or XML formatted request body and make sure you provide a valid brandId for it's value. To get a list of brand Ids programmatically, you can make the following call:
Get Brand Profile Information
