Iframe - access information workaround - node.js

I have site that is on another domain and iframe access will not work. The site on other domain is a questionnaire with series of questions. Once the questions are completed that site will give me a number.
My task is allow a user on my site to go over those questions and to be able to access that number.
How can I achieve that? I was thinking to spin up a node server and have it fetch the complete site and serve it to me, something like mediator. That way I will not have CORS issues.
Is it possible to stream the complete page along with css/js to my frontend (backbone app)? Run it in the window for the user. Upon completion it can send the answer back to node, so node can post it and return the number to me.
I am open to any suggestions :)


What happens when Coderpad creates an interview session?

I am trying to understand on a high level how a system like coderpad works. Everytime I use Coderpad to practice interviews with friends, it creates a session with a temporary link that both users can access to start the coding interview.
When a someone goes to the homepage they would be served the standard html page/client for the homepage. When they create an interview session they are served the html page/client for the coding pad, and there must also be a way to users to connect to the same session and for each session to be an isolated instance? Im guessing that when each user use the link, the server process their request and based on the link, it actually set up a stream connection between the users so that they can collaborate on a shared document, share video/voice.
my questions are:
- how exactly is the temporary link created, and how can it be created so fast?
- is my understanding of how it works correct?
- Giving topics to look into that could point me in the right direction would really help
I got curious about this too, after an interview on CoderPad.io. I suspect the temporary links are just for the server to identify the session - not actual pages on the server. Probably using WebSocket to communicate between the server and clients, broadcasting back to all users whenever code is changed (or other events.)
The coding pad page is the same static HTML. The contents and users are modified on the back-end, and only the results are shown - like in a chatroom.
Hope this helps.

How to change the content in real time using node js?

Have small app (My first Node js App), where I want add changing real-time content.
For example I have a common url which have list of content link, when user click on particular link it will open its correspondence link.
I have teacher and student role in the app so if teacher open the specific content(From the common url page) then it will automatically open that content for all student who have common url.
Please give me any Idea to implement this functionality and please tell me any plugin who have same functionality for real time content change.
One way, probably the easiest would be to use websockets, an easily manageable choice is socket.io npm package. What makes websockets different from http requests is the direction of the data flow. While http is pull based, meaning that a request has to be made to the server in order to get a response, websockets - once the connection is established - are or at least can be push based, meaning that the server could push out content without having to get a request from the client. In your situation, the teacher and the studens would all have an active websocket connection with the server. When the teacher clicked on a certain view, it would push the view’s data requirements to the students without any interaction from their side and the view would update on their screens according to the pushed data.
Look into how websockets work and try to experiment with a basic socket.io setup.

Scraping websphere website using node js with encrypted value

I am scraping website which is made on websphere.
I see that whenever the user logged in, It hits 4 url while reaching to home page.
While in 3rd URL, It has some encrypted value which looks like this
The URL looks like this :
The problem is, I noticed this only encrypted value changes for every login.
Is there any algorithm in websphere that generates this kind of url ? Or is there any way I can replicate this encrypted value ?
Is there any one who has done crawling/scraping on the websphere site ?
wps/myportal suggests a Websphere web portal login. The 'encrypted' URI you're seeing is most likely a hash to maintain the user login sessions.
The best way to replicate this is to supply your web scraping program with a username and password to access the portal section of the website so it can POST a login while scraping. The website itself will generate the session info. You will need to instruct your scraping application to follow any dynamic URLs that are generated. Usually this is done by following any URLs in the HTML supplied by the server after logging in.
As an example, scrapy can be configured to follow any URLs in target pages when scraping:
Although you are using your own solution to scrape the contents of the portal for a logged in user, hopefully the logic and progression illustrated in my examples help steer you in the right direction for resolving what appears to be a session/cookie storage issue.
Though Chris has answered the question and it helped me.
This line
Usually this is done by following any URLs in the HTML supplied by the server after logging in.
Just want to update with Node js. The same thing can be acheived by request module and cheerio for parsing the html(which comes in response) in Node JS.
P.S. : In case anyone is looking where i found that dynamic url, I found that in HTML form which came to me in response. It was the action of that form.

How to embed a web browser inside a web app made in node.js ?

I currently have a web app made in node.js. One feature of this app is to take notes. I want to provide the user with a way to browse the internet and select a text to add as a note in our web app without having to manually copy-pasting from one browser window to our app.
I know I can do this relatively simply using a Chrome extension that would be linked to the user account and would save the note to the database. However, I cannot use this approach since not all my users can install Google Chrome.
Therefore, I am looking for a way to browse the web from inside our web app. For example, it could be in an iFrame where we display a complete browser. That way, the user could navigate the web for information from inside the app, select text to save and click on a button (probably located outside the iFrame browser) to save the selected text as a note in our database.
How can I achieve such a thing in node.js ?
This is, essentially, impossible.
For you to get any data about the site the user was browsing you could either:
Restrict them to browsing sites willing to partner with you to give you permission to access their data via postMessage (a technical change on their part to work around the Same Origin Policy)
Proxy every request through your server which would:
Have large bandwidth requirements
Require a lot of rewriting of URLs (including dynamically generated ones in JS)
Require rewriting of X-Frames-Options and Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers
Need users who would trust you with all the data you passed through your system (including their passwords to third party sites)
Not work for Intranet sites (since your server could not reach them)

Can't understand Ember + Node auth

I've been using ember, node, express since 2 months ago.
I've developed an small app, now it's time to add user auth to it but I can't figure out how to do this.
There are a few questions I have:
1.- In SPA apps, where there's only index.html, I include all .js ember files. So, the user could be able to see all the app logic without auth?. How can I add the libs only when the user has been auth?
2.- What's the right way to auth in ember? I haven't seen a solution in official documentation.
3.- How the frontend communicates with the backend, what's the logic here? It's in every route?
Also I'm looking for an example or tutorial.
Thanks you!
I believe these videos target exactly your question
just to mention a great resource for ember tutorials http://emberwatch.com/ - it contains screencasts, books, talks.. articles - all you need to get started.
There is nothing bad about "seeing logic", you are protecting data, not code. Still, if you really want to protect your code, you can create a separate login page and require authentication for every other resource (app html, styles, scripts, etc.). But protecting EVERY resource of your app means that you can't delegate handling static files to nginx or cdn or whatnot. So, think carefully.
There are to approaches: embedded authentication and separate login page. For the first one you can use https://github.com/Vestorly/torii or https://github.com/simplabs/ember-simple-auth. If you decide to go with the second, you can just use authentication provided by your backend (passport.js, etc) and redirect to login page on failures.
Nothing special, you just write your model methods and handle possible authorisation errors. You might also want to have a user object around to use in your template and route logic.
