Can't understand Ember + Node auth - node.js

I've been using ember, node, express since 2 months ago.
I've developed an small app, now it's time to add user auth to it but I can't figure out how to do this.
There are a few questions I have:
1.- In SPA apps, where there's only index.html, I include all .js ember files. So, the user could be able to see all the app logic without auth?. How can I add the libs only when the user has been auth?
2.- What's the right way to auth in ember? I haven't seen a solution in official documentation.
3.- How the frontend communicates with the backend, what's the logic here? It's in every route?
Also I'm looking for an example or tutorial.
Thanks you!

I believe these videos target exactly your question
just to mention a great resource for ember tutorials - it contains screencasts, books, talks.. articles - all you need to get started.

There is nothing bad about "seeing logic", you are protecting data, not code. Still, if you really want to protect your code, you can create a separate login page and require authentication for every other resource (app html, styles, scripts, etc.). But protecting EVERY resource of your app means that you can't delegate handling static files to nginx or cdn or whatnot. So, think carefully.
There are to approaches: embedded authentication and separate login page. For the first one you can use or If you decide to go with the second, you can just use authentication provided by your backend (passport.js, etc) and redirect to login page on failures.
Nothing special, you just write your model methods and handle possible authorisation errors. You might also want to have a user object around to use in your template and route logic.


Running server and react app from one place

I'm trying to set up a server and react app to both serve from one place, and host from one domain. This gives me the advantage of one repo and being able to use server side cookies instead of auth tokens.
See also this link:
I also prefer to use typescript.
I really think this would be a good approach, but it is hard to find resources. All courses, free or paid, are working with separate React / Angular frontends, which then need to fetch data from a backend on a separate domain.
Does anyone know a good resource how to combine a react frontend and an express backend and host it from one place? Or are there good reasons not to do that, which I just don't see at the moment?

React scripts access management with Express (React+Node+Express)

I’m new to React, and I have trouble with finding best solution for my app.
My current (Node.js+Express+Handlebars) app has one main menu with place where I render HTML received from AJAX request made after click on menu element. Then all actions inside this element are done by proper JS script. I wanted to improve it by using React, but I have problem with permissions management.
Currently, after authentication, handlebars receive list of files which user should load and render it as src in element. If user has access to only 5 of 20 modules, he can access only proper JS files. Also, he can’t access HTML he don’t has access to.
How to manage it in React? I want to have one interface for all users, but I don’t want to store logic for all components accessible for every user. I was thinking about something like AJAX loading components for React, but how to manage it?
Is it even possible? As I understand (maybe wrong), all React components are compiled from separated JSX files to one main.js, so is it possible to add separate files with other components?
I believe that the issue that you have encountered is a crucial step on the long stairway of making something great. The solution to your problem is the balance of all the present factors and consolidation of them to cooperate on a mutually beneficial basis. I hope that solves your problem

Can server side rendering in React be helpful with dynamic presentation?

My issue: For my thesis I am creating an auction site. I have an admin panel in which I would like to have some configurations so that an admin can specify that if there are 10 days before the end of an auction some components should be displayed in different ways, some should be not visible at all etc. That’s what I call dynamic presentation.
My question: Right now I am working on architecture and wondering if SSR can be helpful in any way? I am already aware that it can shorten download time of some collections from my database even by half, but I am wondering if there is any way how it can be helpful with dynamic presentation itself?
What I already know: I have read all about advantages and disadvantages of ssr or universal rendering in react. Now I am only wondering if it can be in any way helpful with dynamic presentation or it won't matter if I choose SSR or CSR.
Small side question: I don’t have the whole architecture ready yet. What I know is that I would like to have a database, one separate app for an admin, backend and frontend (either ssr or csr). My first thought on how to manage this dynamic presentation was to store some rules in the database. Then the rules could be configured in admin app should an admin want to change anything. The rules should be send to backend and calculated with some additional data from frontend. Then backend could send some flag to frontend indicating which components to display etc. In theory I could move calculating to e.g. NodeJs server should I go with SSR. What I'm wondering about is; can you think of any better way to handle dynamic presentation? What I am most afraid of is numerous ifs in the fronetend. I would like to have some more elegant solution but I have no other idea so far. For some time I thought about a scoring system but I believe it would be too complicated (instead of sending a flag, send a score and frontend will display correct things based on the score). Also it wouldn’t solve the issue of ifs on the frontend.
I am aware that on StackOverflow questions which can be answered rather than discussed are preferred but I am really stuck and would appreciate help.
Basically SSR can provide some speed on your page because all of your data will not be trying to be fetched when the react script will end with an API call. Data are fetched from database when page is requested and be passed to the component to render with the script.
Also another very basic advantage and the reason why everyone are going the SSR way is SEO. You cannot achieve SEO page with react CSR. This is because google bot etc will try and crawl your page without even render it. Is like trying to "view source" of a page. When you are in CSR the page has no content only the initial react divs empty. You need SSR to have data on the first request of the user.
SSR brings the data on the first request of the user until a reload. In the meantime react router fetches data from the api.
Let me know if that help you.
PS: also a helpful link

Protecting/limiting my API endpoints to server side use

I am new to Node and web development. I am working on a simple application to get started and want to limit the use of my endpoints to server side calls, i.e. anyone else trying to access them gets a 403.
However, after researching, I found PassportJS with examples of how to protect endpoints, but they all seem to be overkill especially for a small application like mine.
Am I overthinking this, or should I be looking for a more basic solution?
How do you need to consume these end points yourself? I don't know if all you are looking to do is to call one file from the other. You need not expose them as restful end points in that case. Create the methods as module methods (as in node modules). Then just use require syntax to reference that file as a dependency.
You need restful end points for server side only if it needs to be called from another web application.

Emitting node.js views and scripts as snippets

I have built a node.js app for which i would like to realize "snippets" to be included in external web applications. It means that i must create some javascript scripts to be included and called from external apps that call a node.js view and its scripts/css .
Does node.js provide a way to do it natively or do i have to create the script that embeds the view and the related client libraries?
enable cross-origin resource sharing:
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a specification that enables truly open access across domain-boundaries. If you serve public content, please consider using CORS to open it up for universal JavaScript/browser access.
Must read:
Important stuff:
Sounds like components might be your answer:
I hope I understand your question - You want to display an html-like snippet on a different site.
One way of doing it is to provide an API, but it will probably be a
JSON API, and the other site will have to display it on its own
(somebody already noted CORS is needed for this). You could just serve a JSON with html in it (though you need to make sure the other app doesn't escape it)
You could have your server serve an image (like they do in travis CI), but then the other site will show it as an image (copy paste the text won't be possible)
You could use Iframe, serving an html to this other site.
There's the possibility you meant something totally different, like reusing your server an client code - in that case I recommend, or the already mentioned component.js.
