Visual Studio Code doesnt run on Ubuntu - linux

I followed the instruction here to run Visual Studio Code
but nothing happens (no error message) when I double-click on application (named Code).

In Ubuntu 16.04 and later Visual Studio Code should show up in Ubuntu Software application if you search for "vscode" or it can be installed from the terminal by running the command sudo snap install code --classic. A snap in classic confinement behaves as a traditionally packaged application with full access to the system, and Visual Studio Code extensions are installed into the user's home directory.
Visual Studio Code is not an IDE, so it is not possible to create a project in Visual Studio Code, like it is in Visual Studio. On the other hand it is possible to run Python, C, C++, JavaScript, PHP, Java, R and some other programming language code blocks directly in Visual Studio Code using the Code Runner extension. Other extensions are required to get the debugging features of each programming language working.

Where you extracted code, you cannot double click on it. Easiest way is to right-click and select run. You can make the "code" icon executable by using the terminal.


Visual studio on linux?

Is there any way i can install visual studio on linux?
Already tried installing it. Rider is too expensive for my needs and I want to upgrade from Window to Linux. Distro: Garuda
I don't think you can run it natively. Perhaps there's a workaround by using a Windows virtual machine inside your Linux distro and then using Visual Studio in the VM.
A quick google yielded these alternatives that are Linux compatible, but as you can read by the comments under each listing, it depends on your use case. See if any of these will work for you:
Visual Studio Code (interactive text editor) runs pretty fine. Although you will need several extensions for languages like C# to compile. There is also a gtk# language implementation with MonoDevelop (C# native implementation for linux), but its development was freezed.

c++ programs on computers without visual studios

My friend and I are making a game using C++ and the sfml graphics library. We are almost done, but every time we manually put the .exe (and necessary assets) on a computer that doesn't have visual studios installed it gives an error. The error is: The program can't start because MSVCP120D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. After making a copy of the .dll file and placing it in the local application folder, it came up with another error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). I've seen a few posts on stack over flow and other resources, but the questions are usually lacking in detail and go unanswered.
You need to download the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ v12) and install it.

Can I use Visual Studio for developing Linux C or C++?

I have to develop something in Linux(CentOS 6.5) Environment using C or C++ language with many of libraries for linux.
As you know, CentOS is not GUI. So, I want to use Microsoft Visual Studio for my work. It's OK even if use just VS as the Editor.
I mean that I like the features of IDE visual studio(intellisense, debugger, and so on).
I have Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2013 Professional.
yes you can, in fact, if you have setup a VM machine, you can even directly include the C++ include library of Linux (However, this only works for write code, not work with compiling). You could also setup CYGWIN or MINGW for referencing the header of Linux platform.
In fact, for myself, I switched to QtCreator as a cross platform C++ IDE, it also has auto-complete and debug features.

How to Install Visual Studio 2015 in Ubuntu

I have heard about Visual Studio . Net 2015 for Ubuntu
I can't find anything useful online yet
Can you please help me install this version on ubuntu linux?
Thank you...
As far as I know, no Visual Studio can be run in the LINUX or UBUNTU version.It only can run in Windows
You can try Wine, but per the Wine application database, Visual Studio generally works poorly under Wine
use this link
Visual Studio Code isn't an IDE like Visual Studio
Instead, it's a modified version of ATOM which is a text editor. It lacks almost everything from the original Visual Studio. By now, Visual Studio 2015 isn't properly working under WinE. Maybe a test can be done using the ISO instead of the web installer. Make ISO installer work under WinE it's your only option to get Visual Studio under Linux.
You can try wine, but it probably wont work very well.
Visual Studio Code isn't a full IDE and I hate it, but you can try it.
You could use a virtual machine with windows on it, or you could look at other programs that are similar. For example I use pycharm, because I generally work in python.
You can try wine.
Or Visual Studio Code, announced and released (preview) today:
Microsoft have released a cut down version for Linux its simply called visual studio code! Then you have to install additional components such as ASP.NET version 5 which you can download from the same link. In my own experience I installed all of these and the program worked fine. That is until it was time to reboot my Linux Mint v 17.2 system. I use an encrypted drive and was able to enter my password to unencrypt my drive, but then after entering my userpassword my system crashed and went into a loop which I couldnt get out of. So I had to boot from a USB stick with Mint on it and unencrypt the drive from there to remove Visual Studio Code and its components just to access my system again so beware - there is a major bug here which needs fixing.

Developing code in Visual studio that also runs in Linux

I have developed Visual C++ 2008 code that runs in Windows. I have made it cross platform also so that it runs under Linux.
I am greatly concerned about distributing source code and even just libraries that Linux users can link to.
I have used CMake and Code::Blocks (only in Linux) but it was still developed using Visual Studio 2008 for most development.
The license looked similar for the professional version and the express version. Let me know if binaries can be released to run under Linux and also if it is okay to open source the entire project. I am pretty far into this project. Maybe it should have been done entirely in Linux.
I am also interested to jump to another Windows compiler such as MinGW in addition because of the Visual Studio licensing restrictions. Is this the path that cross platform programs are usually created or can they be created primarily with the professional or express Visual Studio compilers?
