I'm trying to create a UI automation using Visual Studio 2012 - Coded UI.
I've recorded the actions I want to perform (some basic Excel operations) and ran the test.
I got the following error:
Test Name: CodedUITestMethod1
Test FullName: CodedUITestProject3.CodedUITest1.CodedUITestMethod1
Test Source: c:\Users\bob\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CodedUITestProject3\CodedUITestProject3\CodedUITest1.cs : line 27
Test Outcome: Failed
Test Duration: 0:00:00.1932062
Result Message: Error calling Initialization method for test class CodedUITestProject3.CodedUITest1: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestException:
The Coded UITest cannot be run as a 64 bit process. You must change your test settings in the Hosts tab to run your test in a 32 bit process. For more information on creating test settings,
see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=246440&clcid=0x409.
Result StackTrace:
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.CodedUITestExtensionExecution.BeforeTestInitialize(Object sender, BeforeTestInitializeEventArgs e)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestTypes.Unit.UnitTestExecuter.RunInitializeMethod()
I've tried changing the settings to x86 from the menu and creating a custom setting file from the help link, but it didn't work.
Any ideas on what should be done?
I am building a messaging extension app for MS Teams using the Teams-Toolkit in Visual Studio Code. I have been able to launch task modules from the message context without a problem but is there a way to launch a task module from handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSelectItem(context, obj)? The goal is for the user to select an item from the query list which triggers a new task module where they can fill out and submit a form (adaptive card).
For more visibility, adding the answer from the comment section:
Task module can be opened using TaskModuleResponse return type.
Only TeamsTaskModuleFetchAsync() method supports TaskModuleResponse return type.
TeamsMessagingExtensionSelectItemAsync() method return type can be MessagingExtensionResponse only. As this response type can't be changed.
So, overall not feasible.
I have a very strange situation, I have created Features and Scenarios in the feature file and corresponding step definitions and methods in the separate class.
I have run tests by running a feature file, and everything was fine, all tests were green.
But, when I run tests from TestRunner class, I got the following message:
Undefined step: Given I am on the Facebook Login page and suggested code.
You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
#Given("^I am on the Facebook Login page$")
public void i_am_on_the_Facebook_Login_page() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
I have noticed that the suggested method have underscore:
but my methods do not have underscore
Does anybody have an idea why this happens? I can't run tests now even from the feature file.
Recently, I have started using Mac and IntelliJ instead of Windows and Eclipse.
Is it possible that IntelliJ causes the problem?
P.S. I have used the option "Create step definition" from IntelliJ
ah...I figured out what the problem was...I forgot to put this piece of code
snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE
in CucumberOptions.
So, when I put this line of code here
plugin = {"pretty"},
features = {"src/test/resources/features"}, glue = {"/java/stepDefinitions"}, snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE)
everything works just fine.
It is possible your features folder is not in the build path (being a test folder) so Cucumber is unable to find it. Try this.
I implemented an installscript file of my own that will allow the installer to register dll's. I combined this with a custom action to actually run the function I created. I had to make this script because the dlls were failing to register with setting the property to self register. So I am stuck on how to resolve this problem with the custom action failing so that I can test my script.
Below is my script:
#include "Ifx.h"
export prototype RegisterComponents(HWND);
function RegisterComponents(hMSI)
sRunStr = WINSYSDIR ^ "regsvr32.exe";
LongPathToQuote(sRunStr, TRUE);
//change the directory to target directory
//register dll
if(LaunchAppAndWait(sRunStr, "/s " +
WAIT)) < 0) then
MessageBox("NCRUniEmulatorSO.dll", SEVERE);
Below is my custom actions:
FunctionName: RegisterComponents
Return Processing: Synchronous
In-Script Execution: Deferred Execution
Install Exec Sequence: After PublishProduct
All other sequence settings are set to Absent from sequence.
log file
InstallShield 14:17:18: Invoking script function RegisterComponents
InstallShield 14:17:18: Failed to run script function, error
0x80020006 InstallShield 14:17:18: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends,
result 0x643 CustomAction RegisterComponents returned actual error
code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
Is this an MSI project? I would not use self-registration, instead enable COM Extract at Build in the property page for the component in question:
If this extraction does not work, then you might have dependencies that are not met for the file to load. For example a missing resource dll or something like that. The extraction process for "COM Extract at Build" will populate a number of MSI-specific COM tables that take care of all COM registration details for you (including rollback support).
InstallShield Self-Registration: Additionally you can enable self-registration for a file in Installshield and not run via custom action code at all. I think it is in the property page for each file.
How can I get Android Studio (AndroidJunitRunner) to clear application data preceding an instrumentation test without manually running adb command?
I discovered that android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner kind of cheats -- it never actually invokes connectedCheck or connectedAndroidTest.
When run from command line $ gradle connectedCheck
:MyMainApp:assembleDebug UP-TO-DATE
:MyMainApp:assembleDebugTest UP-TO-DATE
When run from within IDE by clicking the instrumentation test configuration (green Android robot logo with red/green arrows)
**Executing tasks: [:MyMainAppApp:assembleDebug, :MyMainAppApp:assembleDebugTest]**
As you can see, the last gradle target is assembleDebugTest
I had added a hook onto connectedCheck in build.gradle to clear the data of the main app before starting the instrumentation test.
// Run 'adb' shell command to clear application data of main app for 'debug' variant
task clearMainAppData(type: Exec) {
// we have to iterate to find the 'debug' variant to obtain a variant reference
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (variant.name.equals("debug")) {
def clearDataCommand = ['adb', 'shell', 'pm', 'clear', getPackageName(variant)]
println "Clearing application data of ${variant.name} variant: [${clearDataCommand}]"
commandLine clearDataCommand
// Clear Application Data (once) before running instrumentation test
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
// Both of these targets are equivalent today, although in future connectedCheck
// will also include connectedUiAutomatorTest (not implemented yet)
if(task.name.equals("connectedAndroidTest") || task.name.equals("connectedCheck" )){
I realize that alternatively I could implement a 'clear data' button in the main app and have the instrumentation app click through the UI, but I find that solution undesirable.
I looked at AndroidJUnitRunner API and there are hooks via Runlistener interface but hooks are during the context of the test app, i.e. running on device, and Android forbids one app from modifying another app.
Best answer goes to you if you can help me trigger one of the following automatically from within Android Studio:
execute a command line adb shell pm clear my.main.app.package,
or preferably invoke my gradle task clearMainAppData
I'm also all ears if there is an alternate way. Surely with device testing automation there should be a clear way to clear application data?
Thank you!
I know it's been a while, and hopefully by now you will have this issue sorted.
I ran into that same issue today, and crashed here without any solution.
But I managed to make it work by calling my task from the test configuration.
Step 1 : Go to your test configuration
Step 2 : Simply add the gradle task you created
By the way, the task in my case simply looks like this :
task clearData(type: Exec) {
def clearDataCommand = ['adb', 'shell', 'pm', 'clear', 'com.your.application']
commandLine clearDataCommand
Hope this will help someone :)
With Android Test Orchestrator it is easier to provide this option via gradle script.
android {
defaultConfig {
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
// The following argument makes the Android Test Orchestrator run its
// "pm clear" command after each test invocation. This command ensures
// that the app's state is completely cleared between tests.
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments clearPackageData: 'true'
Below is the link for Android Test Orchestrator
I trigger an c# application by an custom action:
On failing condition, my application tells Install Shield to abort the installation process using an exit code:
static void Main(string[] args)
Environment.ExitCode = 1;
Using this approach, Install shield´s setup displays an error message like expected:
How can I overwrite that error message by a custom text?
Reading between the lines here, it appears your custom action launches an EXE. If that is so, there is no way to do what you ask. You could show a message from your EXE before returning a non-zero exit code, but then Windows Installer would still show the Error 1722 message.
If you can instead run a function from a DLL, you have more options. Instead of returning errors, you'd be able to set properties (assuming this is an immediate mode action), and could use those properties to do further things, such as show another dialog, or exit the installation without the Error 1722 message. I don't think all the necessary configuration options are available in the limited edition - you certainly cannot edit dialogs in LE - so to do all of that, you would have to change to a more capable tool (including the Professional edition, or options from other vendors).