"No such file or directory" running dynamically linked executable in Ubuntu - linux

I'm trying to install AFDKO on Ubuntu. After installation I added environmental variables also. But when I call the command
$ makeotfexe
It returns
bash: /home/randika/FDK/Tools/linux/makeotfexe: No such file or directory
But when I "cd" in to that folder in above path the file exists and can be accessed and opened. What is issue here? How can I correct it?

Guess you are trying to run a 32bit executable in a 64bit environment. Try installing ia32-libs package.


Is there any method to know which enviroment variables is trying to read a linux program?

I'm trying to install a software in Ubuntu 20.04. When running the setup, an error occurs because it's trying to write a log file in root folder.
This error was not present when I installed the same program in Ubuntu 16.04. Even, without running it as root.
I suspect that the installation program is trying to read some enviroment variable that not longer exists in this version, and it's trying to locate the log files in root folder by default.
Is there any method to know which enviroment variables is trying to read a binary file?
Try strace, it will tell you all calls to OS.

Packaging with pyinstaller

Good afternoon good people
On my Ubuntu 20.04 I created a .py file and tried to package using pyinstaller.
a = "It worked"
print (a)
He created it but when I went to the distance and ran the operating system he returned the following message:
There is no application installed for" shared library "files. Do you want to search for an application to open this file?
I believe that my operating system must be missing some lib.
What can I do?
try running it in terminal
chmod +x filename
or if it's an executable:

Go moq : running "moq": exec: "moq": executable file not found in $PATH

when trying the example of the moq framework, I get the following exception when I enter "go generate":
example.go:5: running "moq": exec: "moq": executable file not found in $PATH
What should I do? I'm using Kubuntu 16.04
PS: I tried
export PATH=$PATH:/home/[...]/go/src/github.com/matryer/moq
without success
#sprabhakaran got the right answer. I only needed to add the go binary folder to the PATH global variable:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/[...]/go/bin
and if it doesn't work, check that moq was correctly installed.
First, install using the following command:
go install github.com/matryer/moq#latest
Go binary should be added to the global PATH
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin
worked for me on MAC

How do use a command where you changed its installation directory in linux?

Hello I am on a linux server running 2.6.18-274.e15. I have installed a program called scons in order to compile a program called rosetta. In order to get scons to install when I ran it's python install I used the following command
python setup.py install flexed --prefix=.
This was because I am unable to use the folder it was trying to download into with my user status. When I call "scons --version" I am getting "command not found".
What I am wondering:
Is running scons even possible with my setup?
If so, what command would I use?
you need to add the directory of your binary to your path, in the shell:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/the/dir/of/your/binary

problem running dmd-tango under linux

does anybody know how to run dmd under linux? i downloaded the tango linux binary and extracted it to a special folder. i call "export PATH..." but when i tried to run dmd all i get was
bash: /home/user/dmd/bin/dmd: No such file or directory
sorry im new to linux and just installed ubuntu 9.04 64bit.
sorry mark, formatting screwed up in comments above,
download file, tango-0.99.8-bin-linux-dmd.1.041.tar.gz
extracted to /home/user/dmd/ folder, so there are /home/user/dmd/bin/ .... etc.
call up 'export PATH=/home/user/dmd/bin:$PATH' in terminal
tried to run dmd with command 'dmd' and it returns
bash: /home/user/dmd/bin/dmd: No such file or directory
