cytoscape.js qtip content dissapears - qtip2

I'm implementing a graph based on a cytoscape.js example from the official website(this example).
The problem is that even in their example, if you click the same node twice(see the steps bellow) the qtip will be empty the second time.
Here is the exact scenario:
You click a node. The qtip with 'START' appears. You press 'start'.
You click another node. The qtip with 'END' appears. You press
You click 'CLEAR'.
You click again on the node from step 1. The qtip appears but is
empty(the 'START' is not there anymore). => PROBLEM
Any idea how to fix this? I tried debugging it but I got stuck(they use a wrapper to emulate qtip2 on their elements).
Thank you.

QTip is a great lib, but it can be a bit finicky. I've added a workaround to the demo you can reference. It basically uses the functional value for content.text:


Download functionality in Tabulator

i would like to use the functionality to allow table data to be downloaded by a simple button click as described on
I hoped i could get a working example on "view source", but its only code snippets needed to configure it.
Could someone give me a complete example how to use it?
I got so far, that i have the table running and the buttons are also present, i am just missing the buttons actually doing something on clicking them.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day
The complete example is right there on the page you linked. Click the green "View Source" button located under the table, which will expand some snippets. Under the "JavaScript" snippets there are button click handlers commented with //trigger download of data.*** file. That code uses jQuery to specify what the button calls when it is clicked. The buttons call with parameters to specify the format and download filename.
You can also see it here:

Attaching items to the hands

We want to attach some UI and other items to the back of the articulated hand. Just trying to figure out how to do that. I have found how to turn on and off the hand visualizer through MixedRealityHandTrackingProfile but I'm trying to find the Unity Game Object I can parent the items to or at least a way to access the hand transform. Thanks for any pointers!
Step 1: Select the object in the scene hierarchy that you want to follow your hand. Click “add component” in the inspector panel.
Step 2: Type in “RadialView” in the search box and you should see the RadialView solver appear. Click on it. You will see a few additional required scripts appear automatically.
Note: it adds the solver handler script. Along with that, the Radial View script will show up as well just like the orbital script.
Step 3: Change the radial view to not follow the head but follow the left hand. Select the dropdown menu next to the “tracked object to reference” option. Then select “hand joint left” from the menu.
Step 4: As you may see, once you select the hand joint you can choose which part of the hand you want the cube to follow. There are a lot of options to use! For this example, we are going to use the wrist. So next to the option “tracked hand joint” click the dropdown menu and select wrist.
Note: Not all joints, in this current version of the HoloLens2 can be tracked. This is a bug that may be fixed in the near future.
Now if you press play and try it out in your scene, you will see that the object does follow the wrist, but the object may lag a little bit behind and looks like it’s struggling to keep up. Now to fix this and make it so that the object is with the wrist at all time we must change a few things. Set the maximum and minimum distances to 0 so that the cube will not have any distance between it and the user’s wrist. Once set, the cube will be perfectly aligned with the wrist.
In the latest mrtk_development branch as of PR 4532 you can also used the "Hand Constraint" component. You can see an example of how to use it at MixedRealityToolkit.Examples/Experimental/HandTracking/Scenes/HandBasedMenuExample.unity.
Have a look at Assets/MixedRealityToolkit.SDK/Experimental/Features/Utilities/Solvers/HandConstraint.cs for the implementation.
You can add this behavior by adding a "Hand Constraint" solver to the object that you wish to follow the hand.
The Hand Constraint component will also be available in the upcoming MRTK V2.0.0 RC2 release.

Strange LWUIT Dialog behaviour while using Dialog.showPacked() with BorderLayout.CENTRE positioning

I am using LWUIT for series 40 for making my J2ME app and I have noticed a strange behavior of the LWUIT-Dialog while using the showPacked() method, the dialog being positioned with BorderLayout.CENTER.
This happens especially in touch phones.
I have attached an image in order to describe my situation.
Initially the dialog appears as shown in the first part of the image.However,it expands in the next few seconds to become like the one shown in the second part of the image.
Future calls to display the dialog using showPacked appears like the third one.I am clueless as to why this is happening.I want my dialog to appear like the one shown in the first half of the image all the time.Where have I gone wrong?
Note : The content of the Dialog is a an animated label.
I have no idea what the guys did there but I'm guessing they reflow the UI too aggressively. Try setting Dialog.setAutoAdjustDialogSize(false) and see if it solves your problem.
You can remove the title and background et al. with the code below, it makes only your animated GIF show with the dimmed dialog background :
setTitle(" ");

How to define global hotkeys for rich:tree element in RichFaces

I have a problem.
I am using rich:tree element for representing menu in my application.
This tree is always present on the page.
What I would like to do is to define global hotkeys like : CTRL+UP, CTRL+DOWN with which user could automatically go from current menu item to another item.
Hope you understand what I mean.
Now, defining hotkeys is no problem.
I use rich:hotKey.
But what to put in their handler?
Anyone got some experience with this problem?
Guide in the right direction, some help, anything would do.
I'm kind of stuck right now.
RichFaces Showcase is not enough?Working with HotKeys is described here and this tutorials leads to ComponentControl which offers a lot of ways how to react on some key event.

how to click on ext JS drop down menu items using watir

I have the ext js drop down menu as shown in the image.
is there any watir method to click on this button?
its respective HTML code is in the image.
Naveen Kandakur
See my answer to How to click a strange link looks like button in watir which appears to the the exact same code, and thus gets the same answer.
for which btw I have code that works on the sample site that appears to be the same control, and is why we constantly ask people if there is a site we can access that has the control on it, because nothing works as well as a real example when you are trying to figure out what makes these custom controls tick.
