Copy and replace file recursively - linux

I try to find a way to copy and replace files recursively.
Folder /home/test/
You can see that in folder /home/test I have more and more folders (1,2,3,4) which file name 'test.jpg'.
I have a file /home/test.jpg
How to replace file 'test.jpg' in 1/2/3/4(folders) with file /home/test.jpg ?

With find, you could do:
find /where -name test.jpg -type f -exec cp -i /home/test.jpg {} \;


In BASH, how do you reference a directory name in a copy statement of files you recursively "find"

I want to recursively find all files that end with *DETAIL.pdf
Create a new directory (in another drive) for each file with the same name as the original directory
Copy the file into the new directory
I have this as my current attempt:
find . -name \*DETAIL.pdf -type f -not -path "./test2" -exec cp -R {} ./test2 \;
I am struggling to create new directories for all these files by referencing the original directory name of each file.
The example mentions using cp but the question/problem itself does not, so I would suggest just using find and tar. Also, though the question is a little ambiguous as noted in the comments above, the example seems to suggest that the desired output directory is a child of the same directory being searched. Given that:
find . -path "./test2" -prune -o -type f -name '*DETAIL.pdf' -print0 | \
tar c --null --files-from=- | \
tar xC test2
This uses find for file selection, generating a (null-separated) file list, which tar then uses to copy the files, and the second tar will create the relative directories as needed and write the copied files.

Copy recursive files of all the subdirectories

I want to copy all the log files from a directory which does not contain log files, but it contains other subdirectories with log files. These subdirectories also contain other subdirectories, so I need something recursive.
I tried
cp -R *.log /destination
But it doesn't work because the first directory does not contains log files. The response can be also a loop in bash.
find /path/to/logdir -type f -name "*.log" |xargs -I {} cp {} /path/to/destinationdir
find searches recursively
-type f tells you to search for files
-name specifies the name pattern
xargs executes commands
-I {} indicates an argument substitution symbol
Another version without xargs:
find /path/to/logdir -type f -name '* .log' -exec cp '{}' /path/to/destinationdir \;

Linux Move txt files not start with String to Another folder

The situation is
I have a directory A, I have a bunch of files and folders in the foldler.
Such as folder B , foler C , tmp1.txt , Hello.txt , tmp3.txt , okay.txt.
And in folder B,there are also a bunch of files in it.
So I want to move all txt files recrusively to another folder such as /home.
Here is my code.
find . -name "*.txt"| grep -v [\s\S]*tmp[\s\S]* -exec mv {} /home \;
I can only select these files,however it won't execute move operation.
because linux find has path in result.So it annoy me a lot.
To move only regular files, add -type f and exclude the files you don't want with \!:
find . -type f -name '*.txt' \! -name '*tmp*' -exec mv -i -t /home {} +
The -i asks for permission to overwrite a file if it already exists and the + instead of the \; is used to move as many files as possible with one invocation of mv (and thus we need to specify the target directory with the -t option as {} contains more than one file).

linux command to find files and replace with another file

I'm looking for a linux command to search a folder directory and it's subfolders for a file by name and replace all of them with a copy of another file. Any idea?
Assuming you have the replacement file in your home directory (~), you can use find to do the replacing. This will find all boom.txt files and replace them with the replace.txt file (keeping the boom.txt name).
find . -name "boom.txt" -exec cp ~/replace.txt {} \;
Adding to the answer by user1683793, the following command can also be an alternative for the copy and replace. This command is verified on Mintty(Windows 10).
find . -name "boom.txt" -print -exec cp ~/replace.txt {} \;

How can I create a file in each folder?

I want to create an index.html file in each folder of my project in linux.
index.html should contain some sample code.
How can I create a file in single command?
find . -type d -exec touch {}/index.html \;
This'll create an index.html in . and all subdirectories.
cd /project_dir && find . -type d -exec touch \{\}/index.htm \;
Assuming you have a list of your project directories in a file called "projects.txt", you can do this (for bash and zsh)
for i in $(cat projects.txt)
touch $i/index.html
To create your projects.txt, you can use the find command. You could replace the cat directly with a find invocation but I thought it more clear to separate the two operations.
I know it's an old question but none of the current answers allow to add some sample code, here my solution:
#create a temp file
echo "<?php // Silence is golden" > /tmp/index.php
#for each directory copy the file
find /mydir -type d -exec cp /tmp/index.php {} \;
#Alternative : for each directory copy the file where the file is not already present
find /mydir -type d \! -exec test -e '{}/index.php' \; -exec cp /tmp/index.php {} \;
The following command will create an empty index.html file in the current directory
touch index.html
You will need to do the appropriate looping if necessary.
