How to programmatically hide some keys from android virtuel keyboard - hide

I'd like to create an text input that hides some keys of the virtual keyboard : shift, record (microphone), numbers and dot (.)


Keyboard accessibility ( WCAG) in panels with list of elements that has assigned button role

Hi :) I would like to ask you about how to treat elements that compose a list, but whom have assiged a button role and are put in side panel ( so it is not a menu or dropdown). My main problem is how to decide is to where ARROWS should works and where TAB.
Moreover I have a differ types of list items that consist of:
checkbox/ radiobutton only
checkbox/ radiobutton with a link to another panel
two icons/ buttons that has defined an activities etc.
Please look at pictures and help me please :)
PINK - "arrows"
BLUE - "TAB"key
You should hardly decide which component will use TAB key or Arrow Keys. Keyboard accessibility for a large number of components is already defined in WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Adding a different behavior could create issues to both sighted, and non-sighted users because they'll already be knowing which key to use based on the component or they'll know intuitively because of standard roles or they'll know as they use keyboard more to browse.
Offer List
Listbox will work. Arrow Keys to navigate and Enter key to perform the action.
List of Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
I would recommend to keep Checkboxes and Radio Buttons to their default keyboard behavior. Since your cases are more of a list, you can convert the list of checkboxes and radio buttons to Single Select and Multi Select Listboxes and use Checkbox and Radio Button as a font icon or graphic to show the selection, similar to how tick is shown in this Listbox example. When you convert to a Listbox, you'll meet the Arrow Keys requirement.
Selected Fruits List
There are some issues in the required keyboard behavior: How will user know if Arrow-Left or Arrow-Right need to be presed, think about non-sighted users.
Fruit Name and i icon button
In your need, you want both Fruit Name and i icon button to open a panel, suggest to NOT use Arrow-Right to i icon button and only use the Enter key to open the panel. May be you don't need i icon button at all.
Delete icon button
Suggest to use DEL key to delete the item
Remove i icon button. If you can't just keep it as graphic element without any events
Use Enter key to open the panel
Use DEL key to delete the item
I think the whole list will then become a listbox, navigable using Arrow Keys and Enter to invoke an operation
Vegetables List
Neither Accordion nor Nested List works here because you have two actions to do: Make a selection, and Expand and Collapse. I haven't tried TreeView but you can check.

Hide/unhide specific cells

Is it possible to create a code that allows a button to hide specific cells (e.g. (B10:B15) + C17 + C19 + (D10:D18)) when pressed and then have the reappear when pressed again? Alternatively another button for the reapearing can be accepted.
You cannot hide a single cell. But if you want to hide/unhide e.g. a number of columns using a shortcut key you can do as follows:
In the View toolbar, click Macros, then Record Macro....
Enter a key, under shortcut key (Ctrl + ...). [Let's assume you put 'h'] Then press OK.
Hide the columns you want to hide (or anything you want to happen by pressing the shortcut key).
Goto View toolbar, click Macros, then Stop Recording.
Now when you press the defined shortcut key (e.g. Ctrl+h), the desired columns will hide.
You can follow the same steps to define a different shortcut key for unhiding.
If you want to make some single cells (kind of) invisible, you can do that by changing the font color to match the background color. Again you can use the same steps mentioned above to create a shortcut key for that.

Multiple cursors in Android Studio automatically at every text that matches?

I have been using multiple cursors with ALT + SHIFT. Sometimes I need like 20 cursors and I want them at the start of the same portion of text. This is tedious to do every time. Is there a shortcut for this? Like imagine there are 20 instance of the text "foo" in the file then I would like to just select one and ideally it should automatically insert a cursor for all the other instances in the same position.
Look for the Select Next Occurrence option.
On Mac it's used by selecting a word and then ^ G, on Ubuntu the shortcut is ALT + J.
Traverse through every item you wish to change by repeating the key combination.

sublime text 3 "window tab" switch keyboard shortcut

I haven't found the keyboard shortcut to switch between "a" "b" "c" tabs(windows), do you known?
There is the screenshot image.
is there any keyboard shortcut to switch between "a" "b" "c" tabs(windows)?
This package is what I want.
For Sublime Text 3 in Windows and Linux, the keyboard shortcuts to move back/forth through tabs are as follows:
Move forward a tab = Ctrl + tab
Move to previous tab = Ctrl + Shift + tab
You can also use Alt + [1-9] to move to the specific number tab that you want (tab 1, tab 2, etc).
I learned this from Wes Bos' Sublime Text Power User guide. Hope that helps!
Well if your on Mac just use the following it will work:
"command+shift+[" to go to previous tab
"command+shift+]" to move to the next tab
These are the defaults, if want you can customize them. Just to go preferences and then Key Bindings add your own bindings.

WPF Underline a letter in a label element

I have a label next to a text box which has a short cut key. The XAML for the label looks like:
<Label>Enter your _Name</Label>
Where if you press alt+N it sets focus in the textbox where you would enter your name.
I'd like the letter N to be underlined so that when the user sees the label it looks like:
Enter your Name (well N is bold here, but I'd like it be underlined :))
Thanks for your help!
The N will automatically be underlined when the Alt key is pressed. You'll see this behavior in any Windows application as it's a system-wide setting.
If you want to always get the underline without having to press Alt, go to the Ease of Access center in the control panel and check "underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys".
