WPF Underline a letter in a label element - wpf-controls

I have a label next to a text box which has a short cut key. The XAML for the label looks like:
<Label>Enter your _Name</Label>
Where if you press alt+N it sets focus in the textbox where you would enter your name.
I'd like the letter N to be underlined so that when the user sees the label it looks like:
Enter your Name (well N is bold here, but I'd like it be underlined :))
Thanks for your help!

The N will automatically be underlined when the Alt key is pressed. You'll see this behavior in any Windows application as it's a system-wide setting.
If you want to always get the underline without having to press Alt, go to the Ease of Access center in the control panel and check "underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys".


Is there shortcut to comment multiline in Excel VBA

After selecting the lines that needed to be commented out
should click on comment block enter image description here
Is there any shortcut to select it / uncomment without using mouse ?
Any way to uncomment block with touching the mouse
There isn't a default one that I know of, but you can customise the toolbar button(s) so that they show captions as well, and then by prefixing a letter in the caption with an ampersand (eg Co&mment block), you can then use Alt+m to trigger it,

How can I easily edit after finding text in Sublime Text 3?

Whenever I do a sublime find, at some match I wish to add the text. But is there a shortcut to edit without moving mouse and clicking the text (to bring cursor to that location)
Example gif (issue I'm facing) - https://imgur.com/wTe3vcA
Just press Esc after finding your text.

How to search a text using Enter key in blue prism

I have a search box where I can enter the search text however there is no search button next to it. So we use to press enter button after enter the search text in text box.
Please advise how to handle this in blue prism. I have tried using Global Send Keys however the focus moved out of the search box hence nothing happening
If the mouse focus is inside the text box then you can see a 'X' mark inside it
If I use the global sendkeys then the mouse focus is outside the text box as below
To go about this issue, I would first try to set the focus on the field, by sending a Global Mouse Click Center (not just focus) to the Textbox.
Next, send the "{ENTER}" or "~" key to the Textbox, using Send Global Keys.
I would assume that if that doesn't work, you have spied the container of the Textbox, not the Textbox itself somehow.
Alternatively, as a last resort you can also choose to send a Javascript command to the webpage, in order to trigger the form submission. This can be achieved by using the Navigate stage on the Application Model's top element (highest in hierarchy).
Good luck!

Highlighting Text With Keyboard Between Limits On Sublime Text

In Sublime Text I can highlight text between specific locations by holding down shift and clicking the start of the region I want highlighted and then the end.
How do I do this with just the keyboard?
Method 1
Explore the commands in the Edit > Mark submenu.
Move your cursor to the start of the desired selection and run Set Mark (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+space).
Then move your cursor to the end of the desired selection and run Select to Mark (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+A).
Method 2
Or, as noted in the comments, hold down Shift as you move across the desired selection (using arrows, etc.).
Try the key command Ctrl+Shift+End on Windows when you are at the beginning or in the middle somewhere of a document. This works with any program.

Vim: change mouse click behavior

I am playing with my vimrc settings, and enabled the mouse support.
set mouse=a
Now, I miss the copy and paste option with mouse. Normally, if the mouse is not enabled, I could copy text with left click + drag, and paste by right click (in Insert mode). So,
How to get the copy, paste with mouse enabled (with mouse click, not Ctrl+v etc). The only option I need with mouse enabled is to click anywhere in the file and the cursor points to that location. This helps faster navigation.
I use putty (x-term) to connect to my debian server.
Easiest solution is just to hold shift down when you select text, to get the old behavior for mouse-copy. Paste with shift-mouseclick will usually work too.
jkerian's solution is generally what I do, but if you ever find yourself wanting to copy and paste a lot, and getting tired of holding down shift, you can do something like this:
" toggle between terminal and vim mouse
map <silent><F12> :let &mouse=(&mouse == "a"?"":"a")<CR>:call ShowMouseMode()<CR>
imap <silent><F12> :let &mouse=(&mouse == "a"?"":"a")<CR>:call ShowMouseMode()<CR>
function ShowMouseMode()
if (&mouse == 'a')
echo "mouse-vim"
echo "mouse-xterm"
On OSX in a Terminal window you need to hold down the fn key when you want to select some text with the mouse in vim that you want to copy. You can tell it's selected as it is highlighted in a different colour (for the 'Homebrew' profile it's blue) as opposed to vim's default highlight colour (e.g. green). Then you can copy the selected text as usual using ⌘+C.
And to add if you want to do this in iTerm2 you need to hold down the ⌥ (Alt/Option) and mouse to select text for copying - see the iTerm2 FAQ for more selection region options.
Hold the shift button and select the text to copy.
Then either click middle mouse button or right click to paste in console. To paste in vim, shift+insert in insert mode.
