Excel PivotTable; how to show values horizontally - excel

I'm trying to rearrange a pivot table that organizes all values (not sum or other statistic) from an original table. Seems simple but I can't find a way to make it values rather than sums.
My original data looks like:
Rank Name
1 A
1 B
2 C
2 D
3 E
3 F
and with the pivot table I get something like:
Rank Name
1 A
2 C
3 E
and I would like to rearrange it like so:
1 2 3

There's a way to achieve that using array functions instead of pivot tables.
Suppose your original data is located in A1:B7.
To get the headers row (1, 2, 3):
A10: =MIN(A2:A7)
B10: =SMALL($A$2:$A$7,COUNTIF($A$2:$A$7,"<="&A10)+1)
Then copy B10 as far right as you need to get all other values
To get the values for each rank, set an array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) on the range A11:A16 (or lower to fit more items) with this formula:
Then copy this range (A11:A16) as far right as you need...


Formula to get crossed values

I am trying to get values from other column, based on some logic, crossed logic, but I didn't get any result with the only thing I know: IF or VLOOKUP.
The table is in this way:
So basically there are groups divided by blank row, and in column D I want to add the value from column B, but according with other letter that the one from the row ( C is from Credit, D is from Debtor). So in first D5 I have C on the same row in A5, so I need to take value from D, which is 2, according to B6.
So sorry if this question is too easy or stupid, but I don't know much about excel formulas, other that the basic one.
I'd say the fastest way with formula takes two columns. The first one (let's say column C) will use this formula to define the blocks:
It's meant for cell C5.
The second column will give back the actual result:
It's meant for cell D5.
Place them accordingly and drag them down to cover your list.
Then again: if you are looking just for the number and not for its sum (and therefore assuming all numbers are equal for each letter in each block), just use this one in cell D5 instead of the previous one:
Now if you were to use only IF and VLOOKUP functions, a possible solution could be this one:
Block index
What to search
What is

How to separate unique values in column and put all corresponding rows in a single row

I have a data set that looks something like this-
And I want to convert it to this -
Using your provided example data, and assuming a data setup like this:
In cell D2 and copied down is this formula to get unique items: =INDEX($A$2:$A$9,MATCH(0,COUNTIF(D$1:D1,$A$2:$A$9),0))
In cell E2 and copied down is this formula to get the joined values: =TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,REPT($B$2:$B$9,$A$2:$A$9=D2))
Adjust the ranges to suit your actual data.

EXCEL: count combinations for unique values

I'm trying to count the following in excel:
I have a number of unique values for X (say 4), each appearing twice (in random order) in the data set. I want to count the number of each combination (regardless of order) of values on a second column Y for each value of X.
Example (here in order):
1 A
1 D
2 A
2 C
3 B
3 C
4 A
4 D
As output, I need:
n A,D 2
n A,C 1
n B,C 1
n B,D 0
(Let's assume all other combinations don't exist.)
Is this possible without rearranging the data? I don't mind putting in 4 formulas (for each possible combination).
My starting point was akin to this: excel count unique combinations of columns, but I can't quite figure it out and also I know what feels like next to nothing about excel or coding...
To get the count of pairs if the data is not in order, first one needs to get the pairs by X. Create a unique list of X and use this formula:
Note this only works if the Y is one character like your data.
Then create a unique list of that output and use a standard COUNTIF:
Or you can use a pivot table on the first helper columns to get the same without the need of getting the unique pairings.
If you use a helper column, you can combine the data into something you can count. Use the formula =IF(A2<>A1,B2,C1&","&B2) in column C. So your data then becomes:
1 A A
1 D A,D
2 A A
2 C A,C
3 B B
3 C B,C
4 A A
4 D A,D
Then it's a matter of counting up the combinations. Here's a snapshot of my example:
You can use the MMULT function for this purpose, like this (You can insert line breaks with Alt+Enter but you do not have to, it also works if you write it on the same line):
--($B$2:$B$19= LEFT($D2,FIND(",",$D2)-1) ),
--($B$2:$B$19= MID($D2,FIND(",",$D2)+1,LEN($D2)) )))
You have to enter this as an array formula (After typing, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter, instead of just Enter; you will see the formula inside braces, like this: {=...}).
Here is a screenshot to show what the ranges in the formula mean:

How to find the maximum of lookup values in excel

I have an excel table that looks like this
Row Column1 Column2 Column3
R1 A B C
R2 C D X
I have a table that holds the values corresponding to the entries in Columns 1 to 3 which looks like this -
Key Value
A 1
B 7
C 2
D 4
X 9
I want to create a Column4 that has the maximum looked-up value of columns 1 to 3, i.e. the result would look like this -
Row Column1 Column2 Column3 Looked_Up_Max
R1 A B C 7
R2 C D X 9
I tried writing an array formula like this -
But it does not work. Any way to do this is one step instead of say creating three additional columns with the looked up values and then taking a max of the additional columns?
Thank you for the help
If the data on the lookup table is sorted then you can use this array formula:
Being an array it needs to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.
Another that does not care about sort order that uses SUMIFS()
Still an array formula, but this assumes that the Key in the lookup is unique.
If not in order and not unique and the user wants the first then we need this convoluted array formula:
Still and Array formula.

How to use SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT function **with a multiplier column** for summing values if criteria range exists in a range?

This question refers to this Stack Overflow question.
This is the original question:
a 3 d
b 1 a
c 8 e
d 5
I want to use SUMIFS function, sum range is B1:B4, if the corresponding value in column A exists in column C, sum the values in column B, in this case the sum will be 3 + 5 = 8.
The answer turned out to be:
I would like to create the same result, but with a multiplier on one of the ranges.
Here's my question:
a 3 d 3
b 1 a 1
c 8 e 1
d 5 d 3
The only thing I would like to do differently is add a range D1:D3 that acts as a multiplier. In this case, the sum I want would be (3x3)+(5x3)= 24.
One challenge is that the ranges are different sizes in the "Test Data" google sheet linked below. The "Test Data" sheet is an example of how I would like to total daily calories based on the number of servings of items that I eat as dictated by the "multiplier column."
I would like the numbers in C2:C27 to be a multiplier and factored into the total in D36.
For example, if I ate 2 servings of Beef, then 2 servings worth of Beef's ​calories would be displayed in the daily totals below the data. Currently, using the formula =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(Meal_Items!$A$2:$A$100,$D$2:$D$28,Meal_Items!$B$2:$B$100)), only 1 serving of beef is weighted.
Test Data
See linked Test Data set above
The original question could also be solved with this formula
using that version it's a simple matter to add one or more multiplier columns
Given discussion in comments this formula should do what you want in either Excel or google sheets
If you have actually put A, B, C, etc into the header row (row 1) then this will not work until you either rename your header column labels appropriately or use data range references in place of the full column references I've provided.
=B2*INDEX(B:B, MATCH(A2, A:A, 0))+B2*INDEX(B:B, MATCH(C2, A:A, 0))
In E1 enter:
and copy down. Then in another cell:
Data is in column BWeights are in column DCriteria are in column E
