How to generate a pin code in Symfony - security

I'm working right now on a symfony2 web app and I need to generate automatically and randomly pin-code composed by 6 alphanumeric characters example:
this code will be sent by mail to the use, that's how he will connect to the platform.
anyone have an idea how to make it or there is maybe a ready tool to do it ? thank you

You can generate random codes with the following code:
substr(bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(100)), 0, 6)
Online demo.
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() will generate random binary data, bin2hex() will transform this binary data as hexadecimal data (e.g. 5c3aa…e55) and substr(…, 0, 6) will keep only the 6 first characters. Since hexadecimal uses values from 0 to 9 and a to f, there is 16 different characters available at each position, so it gives 16^6 = 16,777,216 possibilities (with 0 to 9 and a to z it's 36^6 = 2,176,782,336, only ± 130 times more). If the user doesn't need to type the key, you can use more characters, for example with 12 characters you have many more possibilities: 16^12 = 2,814×10¹⁴.

You can use uniqid() to generate a unique alphanumeric string


cantools.database.errors.Error: Standard frame id is more than 11 bits

I used cantools python package to decode canbus message. I used a dbc file created by me for testing. I copied a sample file. When I use can id like 419358976, I get error. But for smaller can ids like 350, it works. Does cantools fail for extended frame ids? how do I get this working?
my code which is failing for extended id's is as follows:
db = cantools.database.load_file('.\\src\\test\\resources\\j1939.dbc')
error: cantools.database.errors.Error: Standard frame id 0x18fee900 is more than 11 bits in message EEC1.
I found the answer for my question. The can id like 419358976 is an extended id. So to map that id to the id in the dbc file, I need to add another 32 bit hex number 8000 0000 to the hex can id. Then convert that result hex number to decimal and use it as the id field in the dbc file. It works perfectly after. The above error message is gone after

Long sentence shortener to generate a readable file name

I'm looking for a way to shorten a sentence (a text of few lines) to produce a "readable" (not too long) file name.
The application scenario is a chatbot where user can submit a media, say a video, with some paired description text (a caption). The application would assign to the video a readable file name, to retrieve afterward the video by his file name.
Imagine a video paired with a more or less long text description of the scene, like by example:
const videoDescription = 'beautiful yellow flowers on foreground, with a background with countryside meadows and many cows'
How could I shorten the description above with a "suitable" short file name?
Ok, I could just give the sentence as a name, maybe something a bit sanitized, like:
const videoFileName = 'beautiful_yellow_flowers_on_foreground_with_a_background_with_countryside_meadows_and_many_cows.MP4'
but in that way I could exceed the 255 limit of file name size (e.g. on Linux)
Any idea for a shortener algo?
Maybe I could build the shortened filename with word abbreviations?
Maybe I could remove from sentence articles, prepositions, etc.?
BTW, a minor issue: I'm working with Italian language, so a bit of chars sanitize is required to produce good filenames.
Last but not least, I'd looking for JavaScript/Node.js code
You can check if the length is larger than 255 and shorten if necessary. You should also check for duplicates and append -1, -2 and so on if necessary.
let filename='some_flowers_on_foreground_with_a_background_with_countryside_meadows_and_few_cows.MP4'

want to optimize a "phone number generator" code with loop deduction

Description of program:
1.makes unique random phone numbers based on how many you want it to i mean: if you pass 100 it makes 100 phone numbers.
2.creates text files based on the range you pass to it, i mean: if you need 100 text files containing 100 unique phone numbers either unique comparing to each number within or the other to be made forthcoming text files.
meanwhile it creates phone numbers sorts the phone numbers like below if it makes sense:
This format to expect in the text files :
........... and so on.............
This is the method responsible to do so:
(Note: I use make_numbers method as construction of operation, Actually num_doc_amount should be used.)
def make_numbers(self):
"""dont use this method:this method supports num_doc_amount method"""
# sorry for this amount of loops it was inevitable to make the code work
for number_of_files in range(self.amount_numbs):
# this loop maintains the pi_digits.txt making(txt)
number_of_files += 1
if number_of_files == self.amount_files:
for phone_numbers in range(self.amount_numbs):
# This loop maintains the amount of phone numbers in each pi_digits.txt
file = open(f"{}\\{number_of_files}.{self.format}", 'w')
for numbers in range(self.amount_numbs):
# This loop is parallel to the previous one and
# writes that each number is which one from the
# whole amount of numbers
file.write(f"{numbers + 1}. - {self.first_fourz}{choice(nums)}"
def num_doc_amount(self):
"""first make an instance and then you can use this method."""
os.mkdir(f"{}") # makes the folder
for num_of_txt_files in range(self.amount_files):
# This loop is for number of text files.
num_of_txt_files += 1
Note That:
1.The only problem i have is with those parallel loops going with each other, i don't know if i can make the code simplified.(please let me know if it can be simplified.)
2.The code works and has no error.
if there is any way to make this code simplified please help me.Thank you.
1.The only problem i have is with those parallel loops going with each other, i don't know if i can make the code simplified.(please let me know if it can be simplified.)
Even if that's not the only problem, indeed there are unnecessarily many loops in the above code. It takes not more than two: one loop over the files, one loop over the numbers; see below.
2.The code works and has no error.
That's false, since you want all the phone numbers to be unique. As said, the code has no provision that the written phone numbers are unique. To achieve this, it's easiest to generate all unique numbers once at the start.
def num_doc_amount(self):
"""first make an instance and then you can use this method."""
os.mkdir( # makes the folder
un = sample(range(10**7), self.amount_files*self.amount_numbs) # all the unique numbers
# This loop is for number of text files:
for num_of_txt_file in range(self.amount_files):
with open("%s/%s.%s"%(, 1+num_of_txt_file, self.format), 'w') as file:
# This loop maintains the amount of phone numbers in each .txt:
for number in range(self.amount_numbs):
# writes one number from the whole amount of numbers
file.write("%s. - %s%07d\n" %(1+number, self.first_fourz, un.pop()))

How to increase digitcount in Digital Gauge?

I'm trying to use application that was developed using .NET.
This application uses Dundas Gauges (third party included in my application).
Application uses I'm trying to use Digital gauge.
The problem that I have:
The number count is limited to 5. In my case I have 6 digits to display. If I provide 5 digits it works, if I provide 6 digits .. instead of displaying those numbers I see 'ERROR'
My question:
How could I increase allowed digit count? I used this code:
var digitGauge : GaugeControl = GaugeControl( form.All( "digitGauge" ) );
digitGauge.Value = 123456;
Note: I was looking for property DigitCount for variable digitGauge .. but it does not exist.
Could someone help me and correct my code?
I am taking off this question. I decided not to use this type of gauge

Identify encoding to convert between known strings

I have some ISO 11785 RFID animal tags which are programmed with a number and also have a number written on them. The two numbers are matched through a text file which was sent with the RFID tags. The problem is that the numbers returned by the RFID reader don't match the numbers in the file. I would like someone to help me determine how the tag numbers have been converted to be put in the file. The RFID tag returns a number with manufacturer code followed by a unique animal code.
Here is a sample of the data:
RFID Tag | RFID Response From Tag
8000F580076C2BA9 | 982 000124529577
8000F580076C2C34 | 982 000124529716
8000F580076C2C32 | 982 000124529714
8000F580076C2DD4 | 982 000124530132
8000F580076C2BDC | 982 000124529628
Can anyone suggest what I should do to the number on the left to get to the number on the right? I have tried converting from hex to decimal but that doesn't seem to work.
It turns out if I take the last 7 characters of hex then they become the animal ID, the F58 translates to the 3982 which can be worked around to get me the 982 part. I think I should be able to work from this but thought I would leave the post anyway in case someone else has the same problem.
The field encoding is defined by the ISO standard.
1 Animal flag
2-4 retag counter
5-9 user information
10-15 reserved
16 additional data flag
17-26 country/manufacturer code (982 is Allflex)
27-64 unique ID
