Shell script, parallel and multithreaded? - linux

I have a shell script which actually has file/folder locations and command to run a javascript. I am running the job on a linux cluster with 8 processors and 4 CPU cores per processor. I want to run this on multiple processors, at the same time each job accessing multiple threads to reduce the total runtime of the script. My question is:
Is such a thing possible? If yes what would be the command or code snippet for this?

You may be able to use GNU parallel. Example:
parallel "zcat {} | bzip2 >{.}.bz2 && rm {}" ::: *.gz
"This will recompress all files in the current directory with names ending in .gz using bzip2, running one job per CPU (-j+0) in parallel."
If you don't have parallel, then you can roll your own coordinator in a couple of ways:
Use make -j
Use bash in-built backgrounding (&)
You can use ssh for running commands on remote machines, and you can use nfs or its ilk for networked storage. However you do it, you will need to think about how to partition your jobs so that they can cooperate and, as needed, coalesce results.


Slurm - Host node allocation?

When I submit by SBATCH job to our HPC, I believe slurm allocates nodes based on resources, and in my case, the Host is always spawned on Node 0 which is set as being the 1st in an alphabetical sort of the node/machine names. This is causing problems because (sometimes) this Host node may only have 1 core running, (and thus a small amountof memory) meaning it is unable to write large results/data files I need.
Is there any way to set the host node manually, given the resources slurm allocates in my nodefile?
I could fix this with -mincpus but I only need >1 cpu for this one purpose. Other solutions increasing --mem-per-cpu or just --mem also just add more resources to the job and delay it from starting.
You can use the --nodelist parameter to set specific nodes that should be used:
sbatch --nodelist=<NODE-NAME>
Or even --exclude the ones you do not want to use (e.g. node 0):
sbatch --exclude=node0
The official documentation provides more information on both options.

Monitor the CPU usage of an OpenFOAM simulation running on a slurm job

I'm running an OpenFOAM simulation on a cluster. I have used the Scotch decomposition method and my decomposeParDict looks like this:
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object decomposeParDict;
numberOfSubdomains 6;
method scotch;
checkMesh and decomposePar finish with no issues. I have assigned 6 nodes to the slurm by
srun -N6 -l sonicFoam
and the solver runs smoothly without any errors.
The issue is the solution speed is not improved in comparison to the non-parallel simulation I ran before. I want to monitor the CPU usage to see if all of the 6 nodes I have assigned are similarly loaded. The squeue --user=foobar command return the jobNumber and list of nodes assigned (NODELIST(REASON)) which looks like this:
from sinfo command these nodes are both in debug and main* PARTITIONs (which I have absolutely no idea what it means!).
This post says that you can use the sacct or sstat commands to monitor CPU time and memory usage of a slurm job. But when I run
sacct --format="CPUTime,MaxRSS"
it gives me:
---------- ----------
which I can not understand. And when I specify the job number by
sacct --job=<jobNumber> --format="UserCPU"
The return is empty. So my questions are
Is my simulation loading all nodes or is it running on one or two and the rest are free?
am I running the right commands? if yes what those numbers mean? how they represent the CPU usage per node?
If not then what are the right --format="..."s for sacct and/or sstat (or maybe other slurm commands) to get the CPU usage/load?
P.S.1. I have followed the OpenFOAM compiling following the official instructions. I did not do anything with OpenMPI and it's mpicc compiler for that matter though.
P.S.2 For those of you who might end up here. Maybe I'm running the wrong command apparently one can first allocate some resources by:
srun -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=7 --pty bash
where 7 is the number of cores you want and bash is just a name. and then run the solver with:
mpirun -np 7 sonicFoam -parallel -fileHandler uncollated
I'm not sure yet though.
You can use
sacct --format='jobid,AveCPU,MinCPU,MinCPUTask,MinCPUNode'
to check whether all CPUs have been active. Compare AveCPU (average CPU time of all tasks in job) with MinCPU (minimum CPU time of all tasks in job). If they are equal, all 6 tasks (you requested 6 nodes, with, implicitly, 1 task per node) worked equally. If they are not equal, or even MinCPU is zero, then some tasks have been doing nothing.
But in your case, I believe you will observe that all tasks have been working hard, but they were all doing the same thing.
Besides the remark concerning the -parallel flag by #timdykes, you also must be aware that launching an MPI job with sun requires that OpenMPI was compiled with Slurm support. During your installation of OpenFOAM, it installed its own version of OpenMPI, and if file /usr/include/slurm/slurm.h or /usr/include/slurm.h exists, then Slurm support was probably compiled in. But the safest is probably to use mpirun.
But to do that, you will have to first request an allocation from Slurm with either sbatch or salloc.
Have you tried running with the '-parallel' argument? All of the OpenFOAM examples online use this argument when running a parallel job, one example is the official guide for running in parallel.
srun -N $NTASKS -l sonicFOAM -parallel
As an aside - I saw you built openfoam yourself, have you checked whether the cluster admins have provided a module for it? You can usually run module avail to see a list of the available modules, and then module load moduleName if there is an existing OpenFOAM module. This is useful as you can probably trust its been built with all the right options and would automatically set up your $PATH etc.

Limit number of cores used by OMPython

I need to run a blocks simulation. I've used OMEdit to create the system and I call omc to run the simulation using OMPython with zmq for messaging. The simulation works fine but now I need to move it to a server to simulate the system for long times.
Since the server is shared among a team of people, it uses slurm to queue the jobs. The server has 32 cores but they asked me to use only 8 while I tune my script and then 24 when I want to run my final simulation.
I've configured slurm to call my script in the following manner:
#SBATCH --job-name=simulation_Test_ADC2_pipe_4096s
#SBATCH --output=simulation_Test_ADC2_pipe_4096s.txt
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --time=10:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10000
source activate /home/jabozzo/conda_envs/py27
#which python
python ./
Then I execute the slurm file using sbatch.
The omc compilation works fine. When it starts to simulate all the 32 cores of the server become loaded, even if it was configured to only use 8.
I've tried
There are compilation and simulation flags that can be passed to omc. I've tried to use --numProcs (a compilation flag) but this only seem to apply during the compilation process and does not affect the final executable. I've scanned the page of simulation flags looking for something related but it seems there is no option to change the cpu usage.
The only thing that we add when doing our OpenModelica testing in parallel is to add the GC_MARKERS=1 environment variable and --numProcs=1; this makes our nightly library testing of 10000 tests all run in serial. But GC_MARKERS shouldn't affect simulations unless they are allocating extreme amounts of memory. Other than that, OpenModelica simulations are serial unless perhaps you use a parallel blas/lapack/sundials library which might use more cores without OpenModelica knowing anything about it; in that case you would need to read the documentation for the library that's consuming all your resources.
What's a bit surprising is also how slurm allows your process to consume more CPUs than you set; it could use the taskset command to make the kernel force the process to only use certain CPUs.
My server administrator was unsure if taskset would interfere with slurm internals. So we found another option. If omc uses openMP for compilation we can also limit the number of cores replacing the last line of the slurm file with:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 python ./
I'm leaving this anwser here to complement anwser

How to use rsync instead of scp in my below shell script to copy the files?

I am using scp to copy the files in parallel using GNU parallel with my below shell script and it is working fine.
I am not sure how can I use rsync in place of scp in my below shell script. I am trying to see whether rsync will have better performance as compared to scp or not in terms of transfer speed.
Below is my problem description -
I am copying the files from machineB and machineC into machineA as I am running my below shell script on machineA.
If the files is not there in machineB then it should be there in machineC for sure so I will try copying the files from machineB first, if it is not there in machineB then I will try copying the same files from machineC.
I am copying the files in parallel using GNU Parallel library and it is working fine. Currently I am copying five files in parallel both for PRIMARY and SECONDARY.
Below is my shell script which I have -
export PRIMARY=/test01/primary
export SECONDARY=/test02/secondary
readonly FILERS_LOCATION=(machineB machineC)
PRIMARY_PARTITION=(550 274 2 546 278) # this will have more file numbers
SECONDARY_PARTITION=(1643 1103 1372 1096 1369 1568) # this will have more file numbers
export dir3=/testing/snapshot/20140103
do_Copy() {
scp david#$FILERS_LOCATION_1:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el" $PRIMSEC/. || scp david#$FILERS_LOCATION_2:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el" $PRIMSEC/.
export -f do_Copy
parallel --retries 10 -j 5 do_Copy {} $PRIMARY ::: "${PRIMARY_PARTITION[#]}" &
parallel --retries 10 -j 5 do_Copy {} $SECONDARY ::: "${SECONDARY_PARTITION[#]}" &
echo "All files copied."
Is there any way of replacing my above scp command with rsync but I still want to copy 5 files in parallel both for PRIMARY and SECONDARY simultaneously?
rsync is designed to efficiently synchronise two hierarchies of folders and files.
While it can be used to transfer individual files, it won't help you very much used like that, unless you already have a version of the file at each end with small differences between them. Running multiple instances of rsync in parallel on individual files within a hierarchy defeats the purpose of the tool.
While triplee is right that your task is I/O-bound rather than CPU-bound, and so parallelizing the tasks won't help in the typical case whether you're using rsync or scp, there is one circumstance in which parallelizing network transfers can help: if the sender is throttling requests. In that case, there may be some value to running an instance of rsync for each of a number of different folders, but it would complicate your code, and you'd have to profile both solutions to discover whether you were actually getting any benefit.
In short: just run a single instance of rsync; any performance increase you're going to get from another approach is unlikely to be worth it.
You haven't really given us enough information to know if you are on a sensible path or not, but I suspect you should be looking at lsyncd or possibly even GlusterFS. These are different from what you are doing in that they are continuous sync tools rather than periodically run, though I suspect that you could run lsyncd periodically if that's what you really want. I haven't tried out lsyncd 2.x yet, but I see that they've added parallel synchronisation processes. If your actual scenario involves more than just the three machines you've described, it might even make sense to look at some of the peer-to-peer file sharing protocols.
In your current approach, unless your files are very large, most of the delay is likely to be associated with the overhead of setting up connections and authenticating them. Doing that separately for every single file is expensive, particularly over an ssh based protocol. You'd be better of breaking your file list into batches, and passing those batches to your copying mechanism. Whether you use rsync for that is likely to be of lesser importance, but if you first construct a list of files for an rsync process to handle, then you can pass it to rsync with the --files-from option.
You want to make sense of what the limiting factor is in your sync speed. Presumably it's one of Network bandwidth, Network latency, File IO, or perhaps CPU (checksumming or compression, but probably only if you have low end hardware).
It's likely also important to know something about the pattern of changes in files from one synchronisation run to another. Are there many unchanged files from the previous run? Do existing files change? Do those changes leave a significant number of blocks unchanged (eg database files), or only get appended (eg log files)? Can you safely count on metadata like file modification times and sizes to identify what's changed, or do you need to checksum the entire content?
Is your file content compressible? Eg if you're copying plain text, you probably want to use compression options in scp or rsync, but if you have already-compressed image or video files, then compressing again would only slow you down. rsync is mostly helpful if you have files where just part of the file changes.
You can download single files with rsync just as you would with scp. Just make sure not to use the rsync:// or hostname::path formats that call the daemon.
It can at the very least make the two remote hosts work at the same time. Additionally, if the files are on different physical disks or happen to be in cache, parallelizing them even on a single host can help. That's why I disagree with the other saying a single instance is necessarily the way to go.
I think you can just replace
scp david#$FILERS_LOCATION_1:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el" $PRIMSEC/. || scp david#$FILERS_LOCATION_2:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el" $PRIMSEC/.
rsync david#$FILERS_LOCATION_1:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el" $PRIMSEC/new_weekly_2014_"$el" || rsync david#$FILERS_LOCATION_2:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el" $PRIMSEC/new_weekly_2014_"$el"
(note that the change is not only the command)
Perhaps you can get additional speed because rsync will use the delta=transfer algorithm compared to scp which will blindly copy.

Is tesseract 3.00 multi-threaded?

I read some other posts suggesting that they would add multi-threading support in 3.00. But I'm not sure if it's added in 3.00 when it was released.
Other than multi-threading, is running multiple processes of tesseract a feasible option to achieve concurrency?
One thing I've done is invoked GNU Parallel to run as many instances of Tess* as able on a multi-core system for multi-page documents converted to single page images.
It's a short program, easily compiled on most Linux distros (I'm using OpenSuSE 11.4).
Here's the command line that I use:
/usr/local/bin/parallel -j 4 \
/usr/local/bin/tesseract -psm 1 -l eng {} {.} \
::: /tmp/tmp/*.jpg
The -j 4 tells parallel to use all four CPU cores that I have on a server.
If you run this, and in another terminal do a 'top,' you'll see up to four processes at one time until it rummages through all of the JPG's in the directory specified.
Your load should never exceed the number of CPU cores in your system (if you run Linux).
Here's the link to GNU Parallel:
No. You can browse the code in None of the current code in trunk seems to make use of multi-threading. (at least looking through the base classes, api, and neural networking classes)
I did use parallel as well, on a Centos, this way:
ls | parallel --gnu "tesseract {} {.}"
I used the --gnu option as suggested from the stdout log which was:
parallel: Warning: YOU ARE USING --tollef. IF THINGS ARE ACTING WEIRD USE --gnu.
the {} and {.} are placeholders for parallel: in this case you're telling tesseract to use the file listed as first argument, and the same file name without extension as second argument - everything is well explained in parallel man pages.
Now, if you have - say - three .tif files and you run tesseract three times, one for each file, summing up the execution time, and then you run the command above with time before parallel, you can easily check the speedup.
