Haskell sequencelistIO [a -> IO a] -> a -> IO a - haskell

I have the following problem:
I have a task to write a function taking a list of IO interactions and an initial value. The first action takes the initial value as an argument and the function shall pass its result (IO a) as an argument to the next interaction.
The latter expects data of type a, not IO a.
I don't get how to come over this obstacle.
Here is what I have:
seqList :: [a -> IO a] -> a -> IO a
seqList [] n = return n
seqList (inter:inters) n = do
val <- inter n
return $ seqList inters val
The problem is that val is of type (IO a) but the next IO expects a.
I tried something like
tmp <- unsafePerformIO val
after val <- ...
but that does not help and would be really bad style.
How can I solve this problem?
I want hints, no solutions,
thanks in advance.
I edited it the following way:
seqList :: [a -> IO a] -> a -> IO a
seqList [] n = return n
seqList (inter:inters) n = do
val <- inter n
seqList inters val
as seqList inters val is already of the right type.
This should be ok or am I mistaken? It actually works for my examples.
I still am very new to this whole do-notation-monads-io-stuff as it seems.
Thank you very much for the hints.

The edited version is correct.
There's an interesting way of looking at this problem, though. One might analyze the type as follows
type Thing a = a -> IO a
seqList :: [Thing a] -> Thing a
In other words, seqList is a mechanism for combining Things. If we rewrite your working code a bit we can emphasize this.
seqList :: [Thing a] -> Thing a
seqList [] n = neutralThing n
seqList (thingHere : restOfThings) n = do
let remainingThing = seqList restOfThings
val <- thingHere
remainingThing val
neutralThing :: Thing a
neutralThing a = return a
In particular, I've isolated three parts
The neutral thing which is returned when the input list is empty
The recursive bit which computes the "remaining thing" from the tail of the list
The actual do-notation bit which "combines" things.
We can go even further
seqList :: [Thing a] -> Thing a
seqList [] = neutralThing
seqList (thingHere : restOfThings) =
combineThings thingHere (seqList restOfThings)
neutralThing :: Thing a
neutralThing a = return a
combineThings :: Thing a -> Thing a -> Thing a
combineThings thing1 thing2 n = do
n' <- thing1 n
n'' <- thing2 n'
return n''
Now we can recognize a general pattern: seqList is just a fold over the list.
seqList :: [Thing a] -> Thing a
seqList = foldr combineThings neutralThing
If we recognize that folds often expose Monoids we can also detect how Thing a is a monoid for any choice of a
memptyThing :: Thing a
memptyThing = neutralThing
mappendThing :: Thing a -> Thing a -> Thing a
mappendThing = combineThings
Finally, if we're really clever, we can note that Thing inherits it monoidalness from the slightly more general construction of a Category—in particular, something called the Kleisli IO category. If we were to use the Kleisli type itself there would be a lot of wrapping and unwrapping, but instead we can examine the types of return and (>=>) from Control.Monad.
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
With a little care we can see that these types are compatible with memptyThing and mappendThing. So, an ultimate solution to your problem is as follows
seqList :: [Thing a] -> Thing a
seqList = foldr (>=>) return
and we can finally note that this has a more general type if we like
seqList :: Monad m => [a -> m a] -> (a -> m a)
seqList = foldr (>=>) return

Another way to think of it is this: if you had two such actions, how would you chain them together? There's an operator in the Control.Monad library that does that. It shouldn't be too hard to understand:
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
f >=> g = \a -> do
b <- f a
g b
And if you have that operator, then you can write seqList by taking the the list of actions and basically putting >=> between all of them. The standard foldr function, will do the trick; as the documentation says it does precisely that:
foldr f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 `f` (x2 `f` ... (xn `f` z)...)
So put those together, plus return for the empty list case, and you get:
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
seqList :: [a -> IO a] -> a -> IO a
seqList actions = foldr (>=>) return actions
Whose behavior can be described by these equations:
foldr (>=>) return [] == return
foldr (>=>) return [x1, ..., xn] == x1 >=> ... >=> xn >=> return
And let's work it out in more detail! The definition of foldr is this:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr _ z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
So using that, we can rewrite my definition of seqList as such:
-- Use the definition of `foldr` to split this into two cases
seqList [] = return
seqList (action:actions) = action >=> foldr (>=>) return actions
-- Use the definition of `>=>` to spell out the second equation
seqList [] = return
seqList (action:actions) = \a -> do
val <- action a
foldr (>=>) return actions val
-- But by the definition of `seqList`, we can rewrite the last line
-- to this:
seqList [] = return
seqList (action:actions) = \a -> do
val <- action a
seqList actions val
And that's what you wrote on your second try!

Some hints:
Consider the case of having exactly 2 functions in your list and have a look at >=>.
Have a look at the Endo monoid, in particular at the signature of its mconcat. Try replacing Endo a with a -> a in the signature.
How would the instance of the monadic generalization of Endo
newtype EndoM m a = EndoM { appEndoM :: a -> m a }
look like? What would be its mempty and mappend? What would be its mconcat?


What would an idiomatic, monadic version of maximumBy look like?

How can I get a maximum element of an effectful container where computing attribute to compare against also triggers an effect?
There has to be more readable way of doing things like:
latest dir = Turtle.fold (z (ls dir)) Fold.maximum
z :: MonadIO m => m Turtle.FilePath -> m (UTCTime, Turtle.FilePath)
z mx = do
x <- mx
d <- datefile x
return (d, x)
I used overloaded version rather than non-overloaded maximumBy but the latter seems better suite for ad-hoc attribute selection.
How can I be more methodic in solving similar problems?
So I know nothing about Turtle; no idea whether this fits well with the rest of the Turtle ecosystem. But since you convinced me in the comments that maximumByM is worth writing by hand, here's how I would do it:
maximumOnM :: (Monad m, Ord b) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m a
maximumOnM cmp [x] = return x -- skip the effects if there's no need for comparison
maximumOnM cmp (x:xs) = cmp x >>= \b -> go x b xs where
go x b [] = return x
go x b (x':xs) = do
b' <- cmp x'
if b < b' then go x' b' xs else go x b xs
I generally prefer the *On versions of things -- which take a function that maps to an Orderable element -- to the *By versions -- which take a function that does the comparison directly. A maximumByM would be similar but have a type like Monad m => (a -> a -> m Ordering) -> [a] -> m a, but this would likely force you to redo effects for each a, and I'm guessing it's not what you want. I find *On more often matches with the thing I want to do and the performance characteristics I want.
Since you're already familiar with Fold, you might want to get to know FoldM, which is similar.
data FoldM m a b =
-- FoldM step initial extract
forall x . FoldM (x -> a -> m x) (m x) (x -> m b)
You can write:
maximumOnM ::
(Ord b, Monad m)
=> (a -> m b) -> FoldM m a (Maybe a)
maximumOnM f = FoldM combine (pure Nothing) (fmap snd)
combine Nothing a = do
f_a <- f a
pure (Just (f_a, a))
combine o#(Just (f_old, old)) new = do
f_new <- f new
if f_new > f_old
then pure $ Just (f_new, new)
else pure o
Now you can use Foldl.foldM to run the fold on a list (or other Foldable container). Like Fold, FoldM has an Applicative instance, so you can combine multiple effectful folds into one that interleaves the effects of each of them and combines their results.
It's possible to run effects on foldables using reducers package.
I'm not sure if it's correct, but it leverages existing combinators and instances (except for Bounded (Maybe a)).
import Data.Semigroup.Applicative (Ap(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer (foldReduce)
import Data.Semigroup (Max(..))
import System.IO (withFile, hFileSize, IOMode(..))
-- | maxLength
-- >>> getMax $ maxLength ["abc","a","hello",""]
-- 5
maxLength :: [String] -> (Max Int)
maxLength = foldReduce . map (length)
-- | maxLengthIO
-- Note, this runs IO...
-- >>> (getAp $ maxLengthIO ["package.yaml", "src/Lib.hs"]) >>= return . getMax
-- Just 1212
-- >>> (getAp $ maxLengthIO []) >>= return . getMax
-- Nothing
maxLengthIO :: [String] -> Ap IO (Max (Maybe Integer))
maxLengthIO xs = foldReduce (map (fmap Just . f) xs) where
f :: String -> IO Integer
f s = withFile s ReadMode hFileSize
instance Ord a => Bounded (Maybe a) where
maxBound = Nothing
minBound = Nothing

Mapping while showing intermediate states

I need a function that does this:
>>> func (+1) [1,2,3]
My real case is more complex, but this example shows the gist of the problem. The main difference is that in reality using indexes would be infeasible. The List should be a Traversable or Foldable.
EDIT: This should be the signature of the function:
func :: Traversable t => (a -> a) -> t a -> [t a]
And closer to what I really want is the same signature to traverse but can't figure out the function I have to use, to get the desired result.
func :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) :: (a -> f a) -> t a -> f (t a)
It looks like #Benjamin Hodgson misread your question and thought you wanted f applied to a single element in each partial result. Because of this, you've ended up thinking his approach doesn't apply to your problem, but I think it does. Consider the following variation:
import Control.Monad.State
indexed :: (Traversable t) => t a -> (t (Int, a), Int)
indexed t = runState (traverse addIndex t) 0
where addIndex x = state (\k -> ((k, x), k+1))
scanMap :: (Traversable t) => (a -> a) -> t a -> [t a]
scanMap f t =
let (ti, n) = indexed (fmap (\x -> (x, f x)) t)
partial i = fmap (\(k, (x, y)) -> if k < i then y else x) ti
in map partial [1..n]
Here, indexed operates in the state monad to add an incrementing index to elements of a traversable object (and gets the length "for free", whatever that means):
> indexed ['a','b','c']
and, again, as Ben pointed out, it could also be written using mapAccumL:
indexed = swap . mapAccumL (\k x -> (k+1, (k, x))) 0
Then, scanMap takes the traversable object, fmaps it to a similar structure of before/after pairs, uses indexed to index it, and applies a sequence of partial functions, where partial i selects "afters" for the first i elements and "befores" for the rest.
> scanMap (*2) [1,2,3]
As for generalizing this from lists to something else, I can't figure out exactly what you're trying to do with your second signature:
func :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f a) -> t a -> f (t a)
because if you specialize this to a list you get:
func' :: (Traversable t) => (a -> [a]) -> t a -> [t a]
and it's not at all clear what you'd want this to do here.
On lists, I'd use the following. Feel free to discard the first element, if not wanted.
> let mymap f [] = [[]] ; mymap f ys#(x:xs) = ys : map (f x:) (mymap f xs)
> mymap (+1) [1,2,3]
This can also work on Foldable, of course, after one uses toList to convert the foldable to a list. One might still want a better implementation that would avoid that step, though, especially if we want to preserve the original foldable type, and not just obtain a list.
I just called it func, per your question, because I couldn't think of a better name.
import Control.Monad.State
func f t = [evalState (traverse update t) n | n <- [0..length t - 1]]
where update x = do
n <- get
let y = if n == 0 then f x else x
put (n-1)
return y
The idea is that update counts down from n, and when it reaches 0 we apply f. We keep n in the state monad so that traverse can plumb n through as you walk across the traversable.
ghci> func (+1) [1,1,1]
You could probably save a few keystrokes using mapAccumL, a HOF which captures the pattern of traversing in the state monad.
This sounds a little like a zipper without a focus; maybe something like this:
data Zippy a b = Zippy { accum :: [b] -> [b], rest :: [a] }
mapZippy :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [Zippy a b]
mapZippy f = go id where
go a [] = []
go a (x:xs) = Zippy b xs : go b xs where
b = a . (f x :)
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Zippy a b) where
show (Zippy xs ys) = show (xs [], ys)
mapZippy succ [1,2,3]
-- [([2],[2,3]),([2,3],[3]),([2,3,4],[])]
(using difference lists here for efficiency's sake)
To convert to a fold looks a little like a paramorphism:
para :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
para f b [] = b
para f b (x:xs) = f x xs (para f b xs)
mapZippy :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [Zippy a b]
mapZippy f xs = para g (const []) xs id where
g e zs r d = Zippy nd zs : r nd where
nd = d . (f e:)
For arbitrary traversals, there's a cool time-travelling state transformer called Tardis that lets you pass state forwards and backwards:
mapZippy :: Traversable t => (a -> b) -> t a -> t (Zippy a b)
mapZippy f = flip evalTardis ([],id) . traverse g where
g x = do
modifyBackwards (x:)
modifyForwards (. (f x:))
Zippy <$> getPast <*> getFuture

Filter an infinite list of monadic values

Perhaps this is obvious, but I can't seem to figure out how to best filter an infinite list of IO values. Here is a simplified example:
infinitelist :: [IO Int]
predicate :: (a -> Bool)
-- how to implement this?
mysteryFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
-- or perhaps even this?
mysteryFilter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [IO a] -> [IO a]
Perhaps I have to use sequence in some way, but I want the evaluation to be lazy. Any suggestions? The essence is that for each IO Int in the output we might have to check several IO Int values in the input.
Thank you!
Not doable without using unsafeInterleaveIO or something like it. You can't write a filter with the second type signature, since if you could you could say
unsafePerformIOBool :: IO Bool -> Bool
unsafePerformIOBool m = case mysteryFilter' id [m] of
[] -> False
(_:_) -> True
Similarly, the first type signature isn't going to work--any recursive call will give you back something of type IO [a], but then to build a list out of this you will need to perform this action before returning a result (since : is not in IO you need to use >>=). By induction you will have to perform all the actions in the list (which takes forever when the list is infinitely long) before you can return a result.
unsafeInterleaveIO resolves this, but is unsafe.
mysteryFilter f [] = return []
mysteryFilter f (x:xs) = do ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ mysteryFilter f xs
y <- x
if f y then return (y:ys) else return ys
the problem is that this breaks the sequence that the monad is supposed to provide. You no longer have guarantees about when your monadic actions happen (they might never happen, they might happen multiple times, etc).
Lists just do not play nice with IO. This is why we have the plethora of streaming types (Iteratees, Conduits, Pipes, etc).
The simplest such type is probably
data MList m a = Nil | Cons a (m (MList m a))
note that we observe that
[a] == MList Id a
toMList :: [a] -> MList Id a
toMList [] = Nil
toMList (x:xs) = Cons x $ return $ toMList xs
fromMList :: MList Id a -> [a]
fromMList Nil = []
fromMList (Cons x xs) = x:(fromMList . runId $ xs)
also, MList is a functor
instance Functor m => Functor (MList m) where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap (fmap f) xs)
and it is a functor in the category of Functor's and Natural transformations.
trans :: Functor m => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> MList m a -> MList n a
trans f Nil = Nil
trans f (Cons x xs) = Cons x (f (fmap trans f xs))
with this it is easy to write what you want
mysteryFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> MList IO (IO a) -> IO (MList IO a)
mysteryFilter f Nil = return Nil
mysteryFilter f (Cons x xs)
= do y <- x
let ys = liftM (mysteryFilter f) xs
if f y then Cons y ys else ys
or various other similar functions.

How to define foldM using foldr/foldl (if it is possible)?

I wanted to make a generic function that folds over a wide range of inputs (see Making a single function work on lists, ByteStrings and Texts (and perhaps other similar representations)). As one answer suggested, the ListLike is just for that. Its FoldableLL class defines an abstraction for anything that is foldable. However, I need a monadic fold. So I need to define foldM in terms of foldl/foldr.
So far, my attempts failed. I tried to define
foldM'' :: (Monad m, LL.FoldableLL full a) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> full -> m b
foldM'' f z = LL.foldl (\acc x -> acc >>= (`f` x)) (return z)
but it runs out of memory on large inputs - it builds a large unevaluated tree of computations. For example, if I pass a large text file to
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= foldM'' idx 0 >> return ()
-- print the current index if 'a' is found
idx !i 'a' = print i >> return (i + 1)
idx !i _ = return (i + 1)
it eats up all memory and fails.
I have a feeling that the problem is that the monadic computations are composed in a wrong order - like ((... >>= ...) >>= ...) instead of (... >>= (... >>= ...)) but so far I didn't find out how to fix it.
Workaround: Since ListLike exposes mapM_, I constructed foldM on ListLikes by wrapping the accumulator into the state monad:
modifyT :: (Monad m) => (s -> m s) -> StateT s m ()
modifyT f = get >>= \x -> lift (f x) >>= put
foldLLM :: (LL.ListLike full a, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> full -> m b
foldLLM f z c = execStateT (LL.mapM_ (\x -> modifyT (\b -> f b x)) c) z
While this works fine on large data sets, it's not very nice. And it doesn't answer the original question, if it's possible to define it on data that are just FoldableLL (without mapM_).
So the goal is to reimplement foldM using either foldr or foldl. Which one should it be? We want the input to be processed lazily and allow for infinte lists, this rules out foldl. So foldr is it going to be.
So here is the definition of foldM from the standard library.
foldM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
foldM _ a [] = return a
foldM f a (x:xs) = f a x >>= \fax -> foldM f fax xs
The thing to remember about foldr is that its arguments simply replace [] and : in the list (ListLike abstracts over that, but it still serves as a guiding principle).
So what should [] be replaced with? Clearly with return a. But where does a come from? It won’t be the initial a that is passed to foldM – if the list is not empty, when foldr reaches the end of the list, the accumulator should have changed. So we replace [] by a function that takes an accumulator and returns it in the underlying monad: \a -> return a (or simply return). This also gives the type of the thing that foldr will calculate: a -> m a.
And what should we replace : with? It needs to be a function b -> (a -> m a) -> (a -> m a), taking the first element of the list, the processed tail (lazily, of course) and the current accumulator. We can figure it out by taking hints from the code above: It is going to be \x rest a -> f a x >>= rest. So our implementation of foldM will be (adjusting the type variables to match them in the code above):
foldM'' :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
foldM'' f z list = foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return list z
And indeed, now your program can consume arbitrary large input, spitting out the results as you go.
We can even prove, inductively, that the definitions are semantically equal (although we should probably do coinduction or take-induction to cater for infinite lists).
We want to show
foldM f a xs = foldM'' f a xs
for all xs :: [b]. For xs = [] we have
foldM f a []
≡ return a -- definition of foldM
≡ foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return [] a -- definition of foldr
≡ foldM'' f a [] -- definition of foldM''
and, assuming we have it for xs, we show it for x:xs:
foldM f a (x:xs)
≡ f a x >>= \fax -> foldM f fax xs --definition of foldM
≡ f a x >>= \fax -> foldM'' f fax xs -- induction hypothesis
≡ f a x >>= \fax -> foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return xs fax -- definition of foldM''
≡ f a x >>= foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return xs -- eta expansion
≡ foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return (x:xs) -- definition of foldr
≡ foldM'' f a (x:xs) -- definition of foldM''
Of course this equational reasoning does not tell you anything about the performance properties you were interested in.

There is a function that searches for an attractive fixed point through iteration. Can we generalize it to monadic functions?

Fixed points are such arguments to a function that it would return unchanged: f x == x. An example would be (\x -> x^2) 1 == 1 -- here the fixed point is 1.
Attractive fixed points are those fixed points that can be found by iteration from some starting point. For example, (\x -> x^2) 0.5 would converge to 0, thus 0 is an attractive fixed point of this function.
Attractive fixed points can be, with luck, approached (and, in some cases, even reached in that many steps) from a suitable non-fixed point by iterating the function from that point. Other times, the iteration will diverge, so there should first be a proof in place that a fixed point will attract the iterating process. For some functions, the proof is common knowledge.
The code
I have tidied up some prior art that accomplishes the task neatly. I then set out to extend the same idea to monadic functions, but to no luck. This is the code I have by now:
module Fix where
-- | Take elements from a list until met two equal adjacent elements. Of those,
-- take only the first one, then be done with it.
-- This function is intended to operate on infinite lists, but it will still
-- work on finite ones.
converge :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
converge = convergeBy (==)
-- \ r a = \x -> (x + a / x) / 2
-- \ -- ^ A method of computing square roots due to Isaac Newton.
-- \ take 8 $ iterate (r 2) 1
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4166666666666665,1.4142156862745097,1.4142135623746899,
-- 1.414213562373095,1.414213562373095,1.414213562373095]
-- \ converge $ iterate (r 2) 1
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4166666666666665,1.4142156862745097,1.4142135623746899,1.414213562373095]
-- | Find a fixed point of a function. May present a non-terminating function
-- if applied carelessly!
fixp :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixp f = last . converge . iterate f
-- \ fixp (r 2) 1
-- 1.414213562373095
-- | Non-overloaded counterpart to `converge`.
convergeBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
convergeBy _ [ ] = [ ]
convergeBy _ [x] = [x]
convergeBy eq (x: xs#(y: _))
| x `eq` y = [x]
| otherwise = x : convergeBy eq xs
-- \ convergeBy (\x y -> abs (x - y) < 0.001) $ iterate (r 2) 1
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4166666666666665,1.4142156862745097]
-- | Non-overloaded counterpart to `fixp`.
fixpBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixpBy eq f = last . convergeBy eq . iterate f
-- \ fixpBy (\x y -> abs (x - y) < 0.001) (r 2) 1
-- 1.4142156862745097
-- | Find a fixed point of a monadic function. May present a non-terminating
-- function if applied carelessly!
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a
fixpM f = last . _ . iterate f
(It may be loaded in repl. There are examples to be run in the comments, for illustration.)
The problem
There is an _ in the definition of fixpM above. It is a function of type [m a] -> [m a] that should do, in principle, the same as the function converge above, but kinda lifted. I have come to suspect it can't be written.
I do have composed another, specialized code for fixpM:
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
fixpM f x = do
y <- f x
if x == y
then return x
else fixpM f y
-- \ fixpM (\x -> (".", x^2)) 0.5
-- ("............",0.0)
(An example run is, again, found in a comment.)
-- But it is a whole different algorithm, not an extension / generalization of the pure function we started with. In particular, we do not pass the stage where a list of inits up to the first repetition is made available.
Can we not extend the pure algorithm to work on monadic functions?
And why so?
I would admire a hint towards a piece of theory that explains how to either prove impossibility or construct a solution in a routine fashion, but perhaps this is just a triviality I'm missing while busy typing idle questions, in which case a straightforward counterexample would defeat me.
P.S. I understand this is a somewhat trivial exercise. Still, I want to have become done with it once and forever.
P.S. 2 A better approximation to the pure variant, as suggested by #n-m (retaining iterate), would look like this:
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a
fixpM f = collapse . iterate f
collapse (mx: mxs #(my: _)) = do
x <- mx
y <- my
if x == y
then return x
else collapse mxs
Through the use of iterate, its behaviour with regard to the monad is different in that the effects are retained between consecutive approximations. Performance-wise, these functions are of the same complexity.
P.S. 3 A more complete rendition of the ideas offered by #n-m encodes the algorithm, as far as I can see, one to one with the pure variant:
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a
fixpM f = lastM . convergeM . iterate (f >>= \x -> return x )
convergeM :: (Monad m, Eq a) => [m a] -> m [a]
convergeM = convergeByM (==)
convergeByM :: (Monad m, Eq a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m [a]
convergeByM _ [ ] = return [ ]
convergeByM _ [mx] = mx >>= \x -> return [x]
convergeByM eq xs = do
case xs of
[ ] -> return [ ]
[mx] -> mx >>= \x -> return [x]
(mx: mxs #(my: _)) -> do
x <- mx
y <- my
if x `eq` y
then return [x]
else do
xs <- convergeM mxs
return (x:xs)
lastM :: Monad m => m [a] -> m a
lastM mxs = mxs >>= \xs -> case xs of
[] -> error "Fix.lastM: No last element!"
xs -> return . head . reverse $ xs
Unfortunately, it happens to be rather lengthy. More substantially, both these solutions have the same somewhat undesirable behaviour with regard to the effects of the monad: all the effects are retained between consecutive approximations.
