Excel 2010 Sum of Values based on their month value and the current month - excel

I've been looking all over for help with this, but not quite found what I'm looking for.
What I'm trying to do is add up the values of CREDIT (B2:B13) up to the current month and put that value in D2.
2 15/01/2015 1000 4000
3 15/02/2015 1000
4 15/03/2015 1000
5 15/04/2015 1000
6 15/05/2015 1000
7 15/06/2015 1000
8 15/07/2015 1000
9 15/08/2015 1000
10 15/09/2015 1000
11 15/10/2015 1000
12 15/11/2015 1000
13 15/12/2015 1000
For example: Lets say the current date is 30th April 2015. Sum all the values in B2:B13 up to today's date based on their date value from the Date column (A2:A13). So D2 should = 4000.
I'm quite new to Excel so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.
Thanks very much in advance for any help.

SUMIF should do the trick (documentation here)
So D2's formula would be:
The first argument is the range you want to test. The second argument is the condition you want to test for. The last argument is the range that you want to add up if the test passes.


How to sum up to reach a number by date in excel

I would like to make a formula that to do a sum calculation, that confirm which date to start (cell D5), then look for the start point from the row 1, and sum up the row 2 start from the correct date, and then stop the sum up if the amount is equal to or larger than run estimate (cell D6)
the steps should be like this:
I know the start day is 31-May
then I look into the table to find the date 31-May
then I look into the table again, find out the run estimate is 2 hours
I know I have 6 hours run estimate need to be completed
then I add 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 hours to cover the 6-hour estimate
then I know the end date is 2- Jun
I am able to find the start point on the table
but I am not sure how to stop it
and moreover I am not sure how display the final value date, not the total amount..
col B col C col D col E col F
30-May 31-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun
1 2 3 4 5
start date 31-May
run estimate 6
expected result should be 2-Jun
enter image description here
anyone can help on this?
Here is a solution that requires one extra row of data, to calculate the sum of run times up until that day: Put this formula in cells B3:F3 (or however many columns you have exactly)
Then you can find the first value that is equal to or higher than your estimate runtime and use that to offset to the correct date:

Google Sheets or Excel Function to return date based on value

I have this table in Google Sheets (or excel). The year is the two last digit of my code.
Code Duration Months
1 AC-26482-17 60
2 AC-26482-18 30
I would like to return the date in this format (If no data, just leave blanks).
Code Duration Months Start Expiration
1 AC-26482-17 60 01/01/2017 01/01/2022
2 AC-26482-18 30 01/01/2018 01/07/2020
Is there a way to achieve this?
You mean you want to add the duration in months to the start date? If so, your sample has the wrong expiration date. 30 months added to 1/1/2018 is not June 1st, but July 1st.
The formula in Excel is
If you also want to calculate the start date from the last two characters of the code, given all dates are in this millennium, then you can use this for the start date:
edit: To handle blank cells, you can check with IsBlank()
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A="",,DATE(IF(RIGHT(A2:A, 2)*1>=40,,20)&RIGHT(A2:A, 2), 1, 1)))

count and sum function not properly working

I am working in excel and for some reason my sum or count function is not working properly. Or, perhaps I am not using the correct function or in the right way.
February Max March Max
1 28
I have the above columns, I want the Max columns to show a specific number only if there is data in their respective month column. February has data, so it shows 28. March does not have any data so it shows no max. I need to look at the entire column or at least a large area (row 2 to row 2000).
The issue I am having is that if I do not have a value in the first row, but do have values in later rows, the sum or count function will to recognize that and will return zero.
February Max
I have tried both sum and count functions, neither are giving me the results I want. I have also tried making >= 1. I found from StackExchange that someone was having a similar problem and a solution was to change the cell format to a number. That did not work either. Any suggestions?
Per my comment, you could use COUNTA() which checks if a cell is blank.
While it doesn't answer the technical reason SUM/COUNT isn't working, it should work for your intended purposes.

SUMIF formula to find sum for dates today or earlier

so I have this table of salaries that I make (hypothetically):
1 Date salary how_much_I_earned_so_far
2 total =SUM(salaries_until_today)
3 2017-10-1 5000
4 2017-11-1 5000
5 today-> 2017-12-1 5000
6 2018-01-1 5000
7 2018-02-1 5000
8 future.. 2018-03-1 5000
9 2018-04-1 5000
now I want to calculate on D2 the amount of money I have earned so far..
to do that, I want to sum up all the past salaries from C3 all the way down to C_x where x is the index of the line where today < B_x
so that raised me two questions
1) how do I select unknown index of cell? usually when I do formulas it looks like this =SUM(C2:C9) so how can I make the number 9 be variable?
2) can I create variable that depends on a number of lines of where a cell is smaller than a value? I know how to get the current day, its simply =TODAY() but now I want to compare it with all B's and find the index of line where its smaller than it.. how do I start?
I'm sorry if that's a weird question, I'm a programmer and its frustrating me that a simple thing that I could quickly solve by code cannot be accomplished in a sophisticated app such excel..
=SUMIF(B:B,"<=" & TODAY(),C:C)

Add business days in start date then subtract 1 business day (Excel)

My count of business days in end date should be, for example, May 30 to May 31 will be 2 days and May 30 to May 30 is already counted as 1 day. My problem with WORKDAY is that it counts the day from May 30 to May 31 as 1 day only.
What I've think of is to subtract the result of WORKDAY with 1 business day to get my desired result. However, with my current formula, I was only able to subtract the result of WORKDAY without concerning the weekends (=WORKDAY(C2,B2-1)).
So for example, column C is June 3 (Friday) and column B is 2. The output of my formula will be June 5 (Sunday) because of the subtraction, I want it to be June 6. How will I do that?
Column B = Duration
Column C = Start Date
Column D = End Date (Formula-based)
Column D:
Provide Input
B | C | D
2 | 2016/06/03 |
Desired outcome
B | C | D
2 | 2016/06/03 | 2016/06/06
This will set sat. and sun. as offdays
It is not clear exactly what you want to do.
If you want to do an inclusive count of Workdays from 2016/06/03 to 2016/06/06 then you could just use the NETWORKDAYS function.
If you want to add two workdays to Jun 3, and have Jun 3 count as the first day, to give you the result of Jun 6, then use
That takes care of the issue where C2 is not a workday, and you want to count 1 workday as the first workday after C2
Otherwise, your formula should work as written.
