VFP - Installshield Wizard Interrupted - installshield

This will be vague and I apologize in advance. I've been using the Install Shield Express for the past 7 years now without any issues; except for now and only 1 computer.
The client is running Windows XP (and yes I've talked with him about updating), once the wizard starts to run, it starts and then gives him the message 'The wizard has been interrupted' and quits during the install and the program doesn't get installed.
I've had him stop his AVG anti-virus, setup a unique user but the same thing keeps occurring. As I said, since I've been working with him these past two weeks, I've had 5 other customers buy the software install it and there's no problems.
I'm at a loss at what to look for. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

What does the install log tell you? here is the command to install a package and generate a log:
msiexec /i YourPacakge.msi /lvx* %temp%\install.log
after the install fails open the log file in the temp folder. Search for "return value 3" to see which action failed. Hopefully that will lead you to the root cause.


How to install VB6 on Win 10?

I'm trying to get VB6 installed on Win10, apparently there's a 'wizard' from Giorgio Brausi, 'Visual Basic/Studio 6 installer' but the web site seems to have gone. How can I do this?
Sorry not sure exactly which method worked but after another dozen failures today getting combinations of:
'visual studio 6.0 setup was not completed successfully'
'install Service pack 6'...which failed as it detected a newer version was loaded
'instal MSDN'
it finally worked. To get it loaded took two full days in the end.
The simplest end easiest way I found is using a program called VB6InstallerSetup.
You just follow the steps in the wizard and it does everything for you.
Here is a fix to get the mouse wheel to work after the install

Too many open files error in Visual Studio Node.js under parallels after upgrade to MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

I just upgraded my Mac to 10.15.7 today. I run Parallels Desktop on the Mac so I can run my Node.js Visual Studio projects. Upon doing this upgrade I can no longer get my project to run. Unfortunately I made a few changes to the code before trying to run but I do not think that is the source of the issue or the log files would be telling me something else. When I run I get hundred/thousands of lines with the "too many open files" error. Below is a sample of one of those lines:
SourceMaps: could not preload for generated script: c:\Users\chris\github\CollegeTennisRanks\CollegeTennisRanks\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\node_modules\core-js\library\fn\string\bold.js. Error: Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open 'c:\Users\chris\github\CollegeTennisRanks\CollegeTennisRanks\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\node_modules\core-js\library\fn\string\bold.js'
I tried a suggestion I found online to change the settings by going to e terminal window and running the following command:
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000
but that did not change anything, still the same errors when i run the project. The odd thin is that I actually have two projects in the solution and the 2nd one actually runs, but it is a much smaller project and only a console app that dows not start up a web server, etc.
I am assuming that the upgrade to 10.15.7 had something to do with this but no cluee where to go now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well I'll be darned... it was a code change. I copied the project over to a PC and ran and got the same result. Went through last changes one by one undoing them and found that one of my controllers had an issue that for some reason prevented it from running. How to determine that from the log is another question but at least that answers that. Evidently all the "too many open files" messages in debug log are not an issue, which also seems odd.

Squirrel-Setup can't extract installer in Windows 10

We have an app which uses squirrel.windows for installation and updating. When executing Setup.exe it can't extract the installer and we get the following error message:
It tries to install to the ..user//AppData.. directory.
Setup.exe works perfectly for Windows7 and it used to work for Windows10 (we don't know exactly when it stopped working).
We tried to run Setup.exe as administrator and in compatibility mode, however it did not help. But running Setup.exe as Domain-administrator works, so we expect that something changed with the user-rights in Windows 10. We also updated squirrel.windows to the latest version (1.9) and added SQUIRREL_TEMP to the environment variables, but nothing helped.
Any suggestions what could be wrong?
I don't know why, however, upgrading Squirrel.Windows to version 1.9.0 fixed the issue.
This is pretty late to post, But if someone stumbles here please read this,
Workaround -
Please try disabling Antivirus software if any. In my case, user had Kaspersky AV, so disabled it for an hour and tried installation it worked.
Solution -
The robust solution would be digitally signing setup.exe that is generated by Squirrel (using releasify). Please refer this for details

Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 breaks my ASP.NET / IIS : "Service unavailable"

With Windows 8.1 finally released to MSDN/Technet today I came across the following issue running my ASP.NET application after doing an in place upgrade with Win 8.1 RTM:
Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
The AppPool has died and shows a status of Stopped
The IIS log has nothing
There's a clue is in the Windows Application log which contains this error
The Module DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll failed to load. The data is the error.
How can I recover my IIS to make it work again?
It looks like a simple uninstall and re-install of the rewrite module will do the trick.
Edit: As others have said - try a repair first - if it works then that should be faster.
It doesn't look like the Microsoft Web Platform Installer is able to uninstall it so just go to Programs and Features to uninstall it.
You'll find it listed as IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 and just click the Uninstall button on top.
Then reinstall it from here:
Make sure your App Pool is started - or just restart IIS and it should all work again.
Edit: 8/30/16 : A similar but unrelated error can occur if you have the 'new' .NET core installed and update to Win 10 Anniversary edition. See here: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/issues/1583 - Running a repair on VS 2015 Tooling Preview should fix it. Wanted to add it here since the errors are very similar to this answer.
I got this Event Log error after updating Win8.1 to Win10. To fix, go to the Control Panel -> Programs and Features, locate IIS URL Rewrite Module 2, right click and select Repair (it's quick). Next, restart your stopped AppPool(s). Should be OK now.
No need to uninstall nor reinstall.
Gary Davis
Don't need to uninstall. Just do a Repair instead, and it will works.
For some weird reasons, the only solution for me was to install previous version of the module, from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7435
I just ran in to this issue after an update. All of the app pools where stopped!
Starting them resolved the issue.
I struggled with similar issues last night.
It started out with a complaint about missing redirect.dll. After installing IIS' Redirect feature, that log message disappeared and all I was left with was a bunch of error messages from WAS. It tried starting my application pool five times until giving up.
A listener channel for protocol 'http' in worker process '120' serving
application pool 'my app pool' reported a listener channel failure.
The data field contains the error number.
The error code was "8007007E" (File not found according to google).
I then installed ProcMon from sysinternals.com and every time the w3wp process complained about "NAME NOT FOUND" right before terminating, I googled and installed the corresponding IIS feature. I repeated this until I had installed them all and got everything working again.
Installing everything is not a good solution, but I do not have time to investigate deeper right now.
I came across similar symptoms after changing my domain password. I had to also reset my password in my (hard coded!) App Pool settings on my dev box.
I had a similar issue with "httpplatformhandler.dll failed to load". Again the solution was to download the appropriate httpplatformhandler install msi from http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/httpplatformhandler and then run a repair.
The Repair worked for me after updating to W10 Insider Preview 160826-1902
I encountered the same problem in Windows Server 2012 R2. After I update Windows Updates to newest, it works.

Uninstall not working for myapp created with install shield 2009

I am using Install Shield 2009 for creating myapplication deployement. I added the uninstall.exe along with the deployement. But During uninstall my application is not closed automatically and the related dll and exe files are left back undeleted by uninstall.exe. how can i solve this issue? appreciate some help regarding this...or direction towards already existing query or something will be of great help...please reply asap....thanx in advance
Here are some possible solutions:
Schedule FilesInUse dialog to be shown during uninstall
Create a custom action that will be executed only during the uninstall process and kill your application if it's already running.
For Windows Vista and upper versions one can use Restart Manager to solve this problem.
