Spark RDD access restrictions and location within the cluster - apache-spark

I have a question regarding RDD access control.
There is a data which has to be kept only at the given server(or list of them), no raw data is allowed to leave it. The data can be process by some map function and only after that can be transferred further.
Are there any features in Spark or in supported cluster management solutions (e.g. Mesos)?

A HadoopRDD (used by sc.textFile for example) has an affinity to be located on the machine that has the file data. (See HadoopRDD.getPreferredLocations.) map is performed on the same machine then.
But this does not guarantee that the raw data will not leave the machine. If the Spark worker on the machine dies, for example, then another worker will load it from a different machine.
I think the safe option is to run one Spark cluster (or other processing system) on the "secure" machines, perform the map step in this cluster, and write out the result to the HDFS (or other storage system) running on the "unsecure" machines. Then a separate Spark cluster running on the "unsecure" machines can process the data.


Is distributed file storage(HDFS/Cassandra/S3 etc.) mandatory for spark to run in clustered mode? if yes, why?

Is distributed file storage(HDFS/Cassandra/S3 etc.) mandatory for spark to run in clustered mode? if yes, why?
Spark is distributed data processing engine used for computing huge volumes of data. Let's say I have huge volume of data stored in mysql which I want to perform processing on. Spark reads the data from mysql and perform in-memory (or disk) computation on the cluster nodes itself. I am still not able to understand why is distributed file storage needed to run spark in a clustered mode?
is distributed file storage(HDFS/Cassandra/S3 etc.) mandatory for spark to run in clustered mode?
Pretty Much
if yes, why?
Because the spark workers take input from a shared table, distribute the computation amongst themselves, then are choreographed by the spark driver to write their data back to another shared table.
If you are trying to work exclusively with mysql you might be able to use the local filesystem ("file://) as the cluster FS. However, if any RDD or stage in a spark query does try to use a shared filesystem as a way of committing work, the output isn't going to propagate from the workers (which will have written to their local filesystem) and the spark driver (which can only read its local filesystem)

HDFS vs HDFS with YARN, and if I use spark can I put new resource management?

What is HDFS alone without YARN Use Case, and with it? Should I use MapReduce or I can only use the spark? Also if I use spark can I put new resource management for the spark instead of the yarn in the same system? And is this the optimal solution for it, how to decide each one here? based on use case
Sorry, I don't have a specific use case!
Hadoop Distributed File System
HDFS is a Java-based file system that provides scalable and reliable data storage, and it was designed to span large clusters of commodity servers. HDFS has demonstrated production scalability of up to 200 PB of storage and a single cluster of 4500 servers, supporting close to a billion files and blocks. When that quantity and quality of enterprise data is available in HDFS, and YARN enables multiple data access applications to process it, Hadoop users can confidently answer questions that eluded previous data platforms.
HDFS is a scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed storage system that works closely with a wide variety of concurrent data access applications, coordinated by YARN. HDFS will “just work” under a variety of physical and systemic circumstances. By distributing storage and computation across many servers, the combined storage resource can grow linearly with demand while remaining economical at every amount of storage.
Take Away
HDFS is based on a master Slave Architecture with Name Node (NN) being the master and Data Nodes (DN) being the slaves.
Name Node stores only the meta Information about the files, actual data is stored in Data Node.
Both Name Node and Data Node are processes and not any super fancy Hardware.
The Data Node uses the underlying OS file System to save the data.
You need to use HDFS client to interact with HDFS. The hdfs clients always talks to Name Node for meta Info and subsequently talks to Data Nodes to read/write data. No Data IO happens through Name Node.
HDFS clients never send data to Name Node hence Name Node never becomes a bottleneck for any Data IO in the cluster
HDFS client has "short-circuit" feature enabled hence if the client is running on a Node hosting Data Node it can read the file from the Data Node making the complete read/write Local.
To even make it simple imagine HDFSclient is a web client and HDFS as whole is a web service which has predefined task to GET, PUT, COPYFROMLOCAL etc.
How is a 400 MB file Saved on HDFS with hdfs block size of 100 MB.
YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator )
"does it ring a bell 'Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle' YAHOO"
YARN is essentially a system for managing distributed applications. It consists of a central Resource manager (RM), which arbitrates all available cluster resources, and a per-node Node Manager (NM), which takes direction from the Resource manager. The Node manager is responsible for managing available resources on a single node.
Take Away
YARN is based on a master Slave Architecture with Resource Manager being the master and Node Manager being the slaves.
Resource Manager keeps the meta info about which jobs are running on which Node Manage and how much memory and CPU is consumed and hence has a holistic view of total CPU and RAM consumption of the whole cluster.
The jobs run on the Node Manager and jobs never get execute on Resource Manager. Hence RM never becomes a bottleneck for any job execution. Both RM and NM are processes and not some fancy hardware
Container is logical abstraction for CPU and RAM.
YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is scheduling container (CPU and RAM ) over the whole cluster. Hence for end user if he needs CPU and RAM in the cluster it needs to interact with YARN
While Requesting for CPU and RAM you can specify the Host one which you need it.
To interact with YARN you need to use yarn-client which
How HDFS and YARN work in TANDEM
Name Node and Resource Manager process are hosted on two different host. As they hold key meta information.
The Data Node and Node manager processes are co-located on same host.
A file is saved onto HDFS (Data Nodes) and to access a file in Distributed way one can write a YARN Application (MR2, SPARK, Distributed Shell, Slider Application) using YARN client and to read data use HDFSclient.
The Distributed application can fetch file location ( meta info From Name Node ) ask Resource Manager (YARN) to provide containers on the hosts which hold the file blocks.
Do remember the short-circuit optimization provided by HDFS, hence if the Distributed job gets a container on a host which host the file block and tries to read it, the read will be local and not over the network.
The same file If read sequentially would have taken 4 sec (100 MB/sec speed) can be read in 1 second as Distributed process is running parallely on different YARN container( Node Manager) and reading 100 MB/sec *4 in 1 second.
HDFS can be used as a fault tolerant filesystem without YARN, yes. But so can Ceph, MinIO, GlusterFS, etc, each of which can work with Spark.
That addresses storage, but for processing, you can only configure one scheduler per Spark job, but the same code should be able to run in any environment, whether that be YARN, Spark Standalone, Mesos, or Kubernetes, but you ideally would not install these together
So therefore, neither HDFS nor YARN are required for Spark

How many connections will be build btween spark and hdfs when sc.textFile("hdfs://.....") is called

How many connections will be build btween spark and hdfs when sc.textFile("hdfs://.....") is called. The file on hdfs is very large(100G).
Actually, the main idea behind the distributed systems and of course which is designed and implemented in hadoop and spark is to send the process to data. In other words, imagine that there is some data located on hdfs data nodes on our cluster and we have a job which utilizes that data on the same worker. On each machine, you would have a data node and is a spark worker at the same time and may have some other processes like hbase region server too. When an executor is executing one of the scheduled tasks, it retrieves its needed data from the underlying data node. Then for each individual task you would retrieve its data and so you may describe this as one connection to hdfs on its local data node.

How to share Spark RDD between 2 Spark contexts?

I have an RMI cluster. Each RMI server has a Spark context.
Is there any way to share an RDD between different Spark contexts?
As already stated by Daniel Darabos it is not possible. Every distributed object in Spark is bounded to specific context which has been used to create it (SparkContext in case of RDD, SQLContext in case of DataFrame dataset). If you want share objects between applications you have to use shared contexts (see for example spark-jobserver, Livy, or Apache Zeppelin). Since RDD or DataFrame is just a small local object there is really not much to share.
Sharing data is a completely different problem. You can use specialized in memory cache (Apache Ignite) or distributed in memory file systems (like Alluxio - former Tachyon) to minimize the latency when switching between application but you cannot really avoid it.
No, an RDD is tied to a single SparkContext. The general idea is that you have a Spark cluster and one driver program that tells the cluster what to do. This driver would have the SparkContext and kick off operations on the RDDs.
If you want to just move an RDD from one driver program to another, the solution is to write it to disk (S3/HDFS/...) in the first driver and load it from disk in the other driver.
You cant natively, in my understanding, RDD is not data, but a way to create data via transformations/filters from original data.
Another idea, is to share the final data instead. So, you will store the RDD in a data-store, such as :
- HDFS (a parquet file etc..)
- Elasticsearch
- Apache Ignite (in-memory)
I think you will love Apache Ignite:
Apache Ignite provides an implementation of Spark RDD abstraction
which allows to easily share state in memory across multiple Spark
jobs, either within the same application or between different Spark
IgniteRDD is implemented is as a view over a distributed Ignite cache,
which may be deployed either within the Spark job executing process,
or on a Spark worker, or in its own cluster.
(I let you dig their documentation to find what you are looking for.)

Can somebody give a high-level, simple explanation to a beginner about how Hadoop works?

I know how memcached works. How does Hadoop work?
Hadoop consists of a number of components which are each subprojects of the Apache Hadoop project. Two of the main ones are the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and the MapReduce framework.
The idea is that you can network together a number of of-the-shelf computers to create a cluster. The HDFS runs on the cluster. As you add data to the cluster it is split into large chunks/blocks (generally 64MB) and distributed around the cluster. HDFS allows data to be replicated to allow recovery from hardware failures. It almost expects hardware failures since it is meant to work with standard hardware. HDFS is based on the Google paper about their distributed file system GFS.
The Hadoop MapReduce framework runs over the data stored on the HDFS. MapReduce 'jobs' aim to provides a key/value based processing ability in a highly paralleled fashion. Because the data is distributed over the cluster a MapReduce job can be split-up to run many parallel processes over the data stored on the cluster. The Map parts of MapReduce only run on the data they can see, ie the data blocks on the particular machine its running on. The Reduce brings together the output from the Maps.
The result is a system that provides a highly-paralleled batch processing capability. The system scales well, since you just need to add more hardware to increase its storage capability or decrease the time a MapReduce job takes to run.
Some links:
Word Count introduction to Hadoop MapReduce
The Google File System
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on large clusters
