Make Joomla 3.x routing prioritize redirects above article ids? - .htaccess

So I am upgrading an existing website(different CMS) to the Joomla 3.4.1 CMS, and I'm running into the following problem.
Because it's a replacement for an old website, I need to make 301 redirects to make sure no links appear broken.
The old website used url's like '/10/Terms_of_use.html', basically url's which start with numbers. This results in the situation where Joomla looks for an article with the corresponding article number instead of acting according to the redirect set in the redirect manager.
So how do I prioritize the redirects over the interpretation of the article id's? Thanks in advance.

Aha! I found a way to disable the article interpretation from the Joomla routing. It's described on
Now this solution is commonly described online on several websites, most of which leave out the last bit. This one offers the full solution though. Anyways, thanks internet.


Add directory before SEO keyword OpenCart

I am developing an OpenCart website and I have to copy all products from a Woocommerce website that uses permalinks that start with /product.
I have to keep the url rewriting because the customer doesn't want to loose Google index.
Do you know how I can keep the structure and start with /product ?
Thank you.
have a many way to make this.
but in opencart seo_url make this structure: optional)
and have options show url without category and make just optional).
or use any extentions about SEO PRO like that.
or use Ocstore(russian edition), this community make seo_pro for free, and work good.
or use google webmasters tools, and make redirects for all products manually.
and please next time when make question, please write your opencart version and how many products your store have.

Display different websites with same URL

I want to display different website for my customers outside US, how this can be achieved without using sub-folder.
First of all you did not explain your scenario.I suggest you explain to get better answers.
Anyways, If internationalization is what you want then you can rely on any CMS like Wordpress, Joomla etc and all of your content will be saved in Database. This way you will not have any subfolders and still a site for different countries. There is more to it in detail but basically that's the idea.
Obviously the above scenario applies if you are using a CMS.
If your website is in Joomla. I think there is a plugin.module which separates page regionally. Anyway, whats the URL of the website.

Basic redirecting to a modern server, while keeping the domain name

Apologies if this has been beaten to death, but all I've been able to find are overly technical articles.
My question is simple:
A friend at the university wants to start a website. He wants to use a university domain name ( The problem is that I want to build it with WordPress, but the university is still using PHP4, so WP isn't possible!!
Can I setup a .htaccess file or similar so that when someone goes to, the urls look right, but the pages are actually coming from WordPress on a different server?
Is this what they call 'domain masking' or is it a '301' redirect?
Help appreciated!
You could use an IFrame to load the wordpress site in and make it look like it's being served up on the same site.

Can you configure a Wordpress-based site for private use only?

If I build a site using Wordpress, is there a straightforward way to restrict access to the whole site to only those who I specify?
I've looked a few plugins that attempt to redirect unregistered users to the login page, but most seem old, fragile, or generally just hacks.
I want to know if a standard Wordpress installation lets you do this, or otherwise if there's a decent and secure plugin to do it. I need a solution that doesn't involve changing the default wordpress PHP scripts as I don't have direct access to the server. It's quite important that the solution is secure.
Any help or past experience would be appreciated.
EDIT: Apologies if this is better suited to, wasn't aware this existed. Please move if necessary :-)
The new version of WP, I believe v 3.1.2, has this option for pages and posts under the quick edit.
You can set a password per post / page or mark them as private.

Is it possible to do friendly url (url rewriting) in classic asp?

I know how to create/implement friendly url in, but is it possible (and if so - how) to do it in classic asp?
if its impossible, how would google respond (SEO) to creating pages whos sole purpose is to redirect (on load) to a different page?
Use a URL rewriter like IIRF or IsapiRewrite that ties into IIS and is processed before ASP/ASP.NET/PHP get the request.
If your classic ASP application runs on a IIS7 then I would totally suggest creating a web.config and using ASP.NET url rewriting feature. I use that for my projects and it works perfectly!
If it runs on an older IIS then ISAPIRewrite or IIRF. Nevertheless I would try as hard as possible to upgrade to IIS7 as it will make things so much easier.
You can also do it without a Rewrite Filter using a custom 404 page. In that you can use Server.Transfer or Server.Execute to redirect off to the correct page. Trouble is you loose your QueryString object doing it that way but it sort of works with a little love and cuddling.
If you want to avoid Server.Transfer et al you can also wrap all your templates in objects and included them all and just call a render function on the template you want to render, leads to big code over-head but its easily overcome by modern server brute force power!
In IIS 7 use Microsoft's own free URL Rewrite!
You need an ISAPI module. It's quite a bit more complex than URL rewriting in ASP.NET, so you can try a commercial rewriter like this one.
Or you can try the Ionic's Isapi Rewrite Filter, which is free, at
IsapiRewrite, yes, I agree with that recommendation.
To answer your other question, Google won't care, just 301 redirect them. Make sure you don't have duplicate content, and don't even 302 redirect. If you 301 redirect, the Google should keep your PageRank concentrated on a single page. (This is what the SEO gurus at work tell me.)
ISAPI_Rewrite v3 will satisfy your needs. There a friendly manager and quite an easy syntax (well anyway if you encounter problems, you may address their support forum).
