Display different websites with same URL - web

I want to display different website for my customers outside US, how this can be achieved without using sub-folder.

First of all you did not explain your scenario.I suggest you explain to get better answers.
Anyways, If internationalization is what you want then you can rely on any CMS like Wordpress, Joomla etc and all of your content will be saved in Database. This way you will not have any subfolders and still a site for different countries. There is more to it in detail but basically that's the idea.
Obviously the above scenario applies if you are using a CMS.

If your website is in Joomla. I think there is a plugin.module which separates page regionally. Anyway, whats the URL of the website.


Get result of search of website, without actually "opening" the site

I'd like to code a website where you can find search results from many websites.
So my question is, if this scenario is possible and if yes, if you guys have any suggestions how I would be able to do this.
Here my workflow:
I search for something on my website. For example: "asdf"
My code then executes the search from the other website. for example:
Then there will be shown some results, of course. But how can I directly take the results and show them on my website, without opening the other website?
I have to say, that the websites I'm looking for, haven't got any API for that.
I probably wouldn't recommend to scrap a web page directly in the client.
I'm not even sure if you can achieve it easily without getting some Cross Domain Policy problems anyway.
A solution like APIfy might help you doing what you want:
Or you can still make your own server site API "layer" for this particular website?
Keeping in mind that scrapping a web page is always a fragile process where the format can chance at any moment.

Add search feature to simple website without mySQL database

I have a simple HTML site with 100+ pages or so. I want to add a search bar at the top so the user can search the site. I know about Google Custom Search, but it shows ads unless you pay at least $100. Obviously I'd like ad-less search on my site for free if at all possible!
I've also heard about Lucene/Solr, but they do not actually crawl the site. For that I would apparently need Nutch.
Anyway, the site I have runs on a Microsoft IIS6 server, but I have basically no knowledge as to how Solr, Nutch, etc. gets "installed" on the server.
Also: I'd like to point out that I do have a local copy of the site. Perhaps I can do one big initial nutch "crawl" locally that will create an .xml for Solr?? That would help me get "up and running", but probably wouldn't be a good long-term solution.
..so should I just use Google Custom Search? or is there a not-extremely-painful-to-implement alternative? The brain hurts folks.
You did not mention how many search requests you want to handle but if you use the json-rest-api of google's custom search you have 100 searchqueries a day for free and you can display them without any ads on your page.
An simple example request can be found here.
Here is an easy way that works pretty well, although you may be looking for something more than this.
You can create code to paste into your site in about 2 minutes. It doesn't get easier than that. Search is powered by Google, but results are isolated to your website.
EDIT: This no longer works.

Basic redirecting to a modern server, while keeping the domain name

Apologies if this has been beaten to death, but all I've been able to find are overly technical articles.
My question is simple:
A friend at the university wants to start a website. He wants to use a university domain name (http://university.com/my-awesome-website). The problem is that I want to build it with WordPress, but the university is still using PHP4, so WP isn't possible!!
Can I setup a .htaccess file or similar so that when someone goes to http://university.com/my-awesome-website, the urls look right, but the pages are actually coming from WordPress on a different server?
Is this what they call 'domain masking' or is it a '301' redirect?
Help appreciated!
You could use an IFrame to load the wordpress site in and make it look like it's being served up on the same site.

CMS for already-built site

I redesigned a website that was using CMS Made Simple. It's a relatively small site and I'm learning as I go along, so I first built the redesign using just HTML but I'm now going to use PHP includes.
But I don't know how to integrate what I'm building into the CMS. I searched around the server and I can't find any traces of the pages built with CMSMS, so I assume that everything is contained somewhere within the CMS.
But I want something that will allow pages to be built and edited both inside and outside the CMS. If it's done outside, I want to be able to just FTP the new or changed content to the server.
Is this possible, and if so, what would be the best free CMS?
Thank you.
I don't know if I understood yout question, but I think you don't understand the concept of a CMS.
The redesign you made should only change the Theme/Style files, the content itself should be changed only in the administration of the CMS. What you may change from outside and FTP is only the theme files.
Things work this way so the person that put content in the site doesn't have do be a designer/developer.
BUT, there are some kind of CMS that may allow you to do what you want, but they are not completely free. Give it a look at CushyCMS and PageLime.
Since they intend to be a CMS for editing already made static sites, you may use it and if needed you can pull some page from FTP, edit it and then push it back.
You can try Template Externalizer http://dev.cmsmadesimple.org/projects/externalizer, which will give you FTP Access to Edit different content blocks, all templates, css and some content. I'm sure it will make your life easier when developing or integrating HTML into the page.
Template Externalizer, "watches" a FTP folder. and when you upload files onto the server, it saves the changes into the database making your change visible right away.
The files willl be located here: CMSROOT-INSTALLATION-PLACE/tmp/externalizer/
I hope this helps a bit.

If I keep another webiste's link to my website via comment or foroum based facility then Is it help my site any how?

Say If I keep more number of web links of other sites on my web site then is it going to help my website in any way?
No it will help the other sites as you will be basically providing backlinks to theirs. Unless they have links going back to your site then you won't see any benefit at your end.
Maybe you are not quite clear about in-bound link and out-bound link.
What you are talking about now is out-bound link, which, according Google's PR, is a vote to other site(The linked site), not yours.
What you need, though, is in-bound link. In plain English, links of your sites on other sites.
Be warned, only putting our links on other sites that share the same themes can be counted as valid links. On top of it, do not tempted into Black Hat SEO!
