Scanner() not working with if - else statement - string

My intention is to let the user decide which method to use by cheking its input.
I have the following code:
try {
String test =;
if(test == "y") {
//do stuff
else if (test == "n") {
//do stuff
} catch (Exception e) {
I tried to analyze with the debugger. It is not jumping in the if-statement.
can you help me out here?

You need to use equals to compare strings
if(test == "y")
if (test.equals("y"))
Same for "n" obviously.
== test for reference equality, but you're looking for value equality, that's why you should use equals, and not ==.


Java - Default Switch Statement

I am writing some tests for a Java method which contains a switch statements but it seems that the "default statement" does not work. I only accept: Yes, No, Maybe. Everything else should return Maybe. My test always return the user input, does not matter what the user typed, so I guess my switch statement is not correct.
I have tried to move the default statement on the top
public String choice(String ans) {
getChoice = ans;
switch (ans) {
case "Yes":
case "No":
getChoice = "Maybe";
return getChoice;
Thank you!
Your switch should work... As Kyle tells you "what are you overriding ?"
But why a switch when you can perform an "if then else" ?
Public String choice (String choice) {
If (choice.equals("yes") || choice.equals("no") {
return choice;
else {
return "maybe";
Switch is fine for multiple choices

a groovy switch case statement with several variables

Is it possible to have a switch-case statement with more than a variable in groovy? I tried with tuples but the case part doesn't accept more than one argument.
I am trying to avoid several nested if statements so instead of
if (a==1) {
if (b==2) {
if (c==3) {
// do something
else {
if (a==4) {
if (b==5) {
if (c==6) {
//do something else
Can I do:
switch(a,b,c) {
case : (1,2,3) // if a==1, b==2 and c==3
// do something
case : (4,5,6)
// do something else
Groovy is just dirty java, you don't need any class definition. everything you write in a java method you can write it directly in groovy.
switch (num) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
System.out.println("1 through 3");
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
System.out.println("6 through 8");
To answer your question, inside the switch we need an expression, not function parameters.
Based on your edit, I believe that this should work:
if (a == 1 && b == 2 && c == 3) {
// do something
} else if (a == 4 && b == 5 && c == 6) {
// do something else
If you want a switch statement instead, that's possible:
def val = [a, b, c]
switch (val) {
case {it == [1, 2, 3]}:
// something
case {it == [4, 5, 6]}:
// something else
class Solution{
static void main (String...args){
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new
def val=br.readLine()
println "Basic"
println "Inter"
println "Advance"
println "not defined"

My switch(case) , keeps evaluating more than one case statement's

My problem is that my switch (case) statement keeps evaluating an extra switch case statement. And I don't understand why it's doing this.
My problem is in case 10:
It's always being evaluated, doesnt matter what case # i choose. It will always run to case 10: and evaluate if it's true or not.
I'v been going over it and I don't understand what's going on. Why would it read case 10.
public boolean checkIfPossible(double x, double a, double y) {
boolean pass;
int value = spinnerA.getSelectedItemPosition();
switch (value) {
case 1:
if (x > a && a == 0) {
etX.setError("Error1 ");
pass = false;
} else if (x == a) {
pass = false;
case 10:
if (x == y) {
pass = false;
pass = true;
return pass;
The solution to your problem is to put a break statement after your if and else statements in your case 1 like this:
case 1:
if (x > a && a == 0) {
etX.setError("Error1 ");
pass = false;
else if (x == a) {
pass = false;
The most likely reason you are having this problem is because the conditions for your if and else-if are both not satisfied. There is no break statement to stop the flow (since the if and else-if blocks are not executed). That's why your code eventually spills over to the next case. Try logging the value of x and a to verify.
I hope this helps.. Merry coding!

How do I check if a String includes a specific Character?

How do I check if a String includes a specific Character?
For example:
if !emailString.hasCharacter("#") {
println("Email must contain at sign.")
You can use the free-standing find function, like this:
let s = "hello"
if (find(s, "x") != nil) {
println("Found X")
if (find(s, "l") != nil) {
println("Found L")
Here you go:
if emailString.rangeOfString("#") != nil{
println("# exists")
You can use this
if emailString.rangeOfString("#") == nil {
println("Email must contain at sign.")

Comparing pointers fails mystically in VC++

I have a tree structure and I want to find all nodes matching a given criteria. Each time I call the find function, it returns next matching node. Children are searched by recursive function call.
For some reason a key comparison of pointers fails for this implementation. Please see the code below, I have pointed out the failing comparison.
HtmlTag* HtmlContent::FindTag(string tagName, string tagParameterContent)
if (tagName.empty() && tagParameterContent.empty())
return NULL;
if (this->startTag == NULL)
return NULL;
this->findContinue = this->FindChildren(this->startTag, &tagName, &tagParameterContent);
return this->findContinue;
HtmlTag* HtmlContent::FindChildren(HtmlTag* firstTag, string* tagName, string* tagParameterContent)
HtmlTag* currentTag = firstTag;
HtmlTag* childrenFound = NULL;
while (currentTag != NULL)
if (!tagName->empty() && *tagName == currentTag->tagName)
if (tagParameterContent->empty() || currentTag->tagParameters.find(*tagParameterContent, 0) != -1)
if (this->findContinue == NULL)
break; // break now when found
else if (this->findContinue == currentTag) // TODO why this fails?
this->findContinue == NULL; // break on next find
if (currentTag->pFirstChild != NULL)
childrenFound = this->FindChildren(currentTag->pFirstChild, tagName, tagParameterContent);
if (childrenFound != NULL)
currentTag = childrenFound;
currentTag = currentTag->pNextSibling;
return currentTag;
VC++ compiler accepts this code but for some reason I can't put a breakpoint on this comparison. I guess this is optimized out, but why? Why this comparison fails?
I think that you shoud replace == with = in assignment after comparison. Compiler optimalized this whole section because it doesnt do anything useful.
