In vim editor, I want to switch cursorline on and off on demand.
I already have this in my .vimrc:
set nocursorline
noremap <F3> :set cursorline! <CR>
But this only works in normal mode. How to change, so the F3 key works in insert mode too?
I don't want to have cursorline at opening a new file directly, so "set nocursorline" is OK for me.
I'll assume by "edit mode" you mean "insert mode". The trick for running normal mode commands from insert mode is to prefix them vith CTRL-O. Try this:
set nocursorline
nnoremap <F3> :set cursorline!<CR>
inoremap <F3> <C-o>:set cursorline!<CR>
map imap cmap noremap ... all do not solve my problem. Generally I want to use a key mapping definition which works in ex mode and edit mode at once.
I am using vim-markdown-toc plugin(successfully installed) and want to remapping some hotkey to specific function. I export this code autocmd Filetype markdown noremapb <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked to my .vimrc file. But when I type :verbose imap <C-x>, it shows can not find the mapping.
Can anyone tell me what's the problem about this?
and also I also want to ask how to map one hotkey to multiple function?
autocmd Filetype markdown noremapb <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked
has two obvious errors:
noremapb should be noremap, without the b:
noremap <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked
There should be a <CR> at the end:
noremap <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked<CR>
The right-hand-side of a mapping is a macro: since you press <CR> to execute the command :GenTocMarked, it should be present in the RHS.
Then comes the diagnostic mistake: the :map command, and its non-recursive buddy :noremap create mappings for normal, visual, and operator-pending modes, but :imap prints out insert mode mappings so you can't really expect it to find a mapping created with :map.
Then comes the semantic mistake: the re in noremap is part of nore (short for non-recursive), not of remap. <C-x> is not a mapping so you are not "remapping" anything.
Then comes the scoping mistake: :noremap creates mappings for three modes, which is something you probably don't want. You should be more specific:
" normal mode mapping
nnoremap <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked<CR>
and, finally, the autocommand abuse mistake: there already is a built-in mechanism for sourcing filetype-specific config so there is no need to reinvent the wheel in your vimrc:
" in after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked<CR>
I'd like to use gvim to view files with long lines. It's a table, so I'm not wrapping the lines.
Is this possible to configure gvim so arrows navigation will be like in "most" tool? Arrow key will move the whole screen 1 character lef/right/top/bottom?
Thanks a lot.
I think this should do what you want.
set nocompatible
set nowrap
set virtualedit=all
nnoremap <Left> zh
nnoremap <Right> zl
nnoremap <Up> <C-y>
nnoremap <Down> <C-e>
If you want the same behavior in insert mode, add the same mappings again as a second set, but use inoremap instead of nnoremap.
The virtualedit setting will allow the cursor to move beyond the end of the line and continue on as if the line had infinite whitespace to the right.
NOTE: virtualedit is only available if Vim was compiled with that feature. You can check with :version. If this feature is available, you should see a + next to it, e.g. +virtualedit.
When I make a .vimrc entry,
nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :colorscheme <tab>
The tab is applied if I understand the terminalogy, as a literal, that is, upon typing ,c, I get in Vim command line,
:colorscheme ^I
I tried to internet the search terms, but mostly I get results about remapping Vim Tabs; the closest I found was somebody putting quotes around their <tab>, but I think that is for a different desired outcome.
I also have this, which is why I want the tab in my shortcut,
set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:list,full
You'll need the 'wildcharm' option:
set wildcharm=<C-z>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :colorscheme <C-z>
See :help 'wildcharm'.
As a side note, I use that option with great effect for switching buffers:
nnoremap <leader>b :buffer <C-z><S-Tab>
and a file-opening variant would be just as easy and just as useful:
nnoremap <leader>e :edit <C-z><S-Tab>
Right now I am using:
nnoremap <cr> :nohlsearch<cr><cr>k
But after I press Enter my cursor goes to beginning of line.
I have additional <cr>k because I want to use default <Enter> behaviour for example when I try to open file in Ack results quickview.
If you want Enter to keep the default behavior, then this mapping should take care of it.
nnoremap <CR> :nohlsearch<CR><CR>
It turns off search highlighting, moves the cursor down, and only applies to normal mode.
An alternative approach is to locally override the new behavior in the quickfix window and the command-line window, where <CR> has special meaning:
:nnoremap <CR> :nohlsearch<CR>
:autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <CR>
:autocmd CmdwinEnter * nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <CR>
Is there any way in my .vimrc file to use the command set list! with a keybind like F3 so it functions like this paste toggle set pastetoggle=<F2>.
You can put this in your .vimrc file:
" F3: Toggle list (display unprintable characters).
nnoremap <F3> :set list!<CR>
This is the mapping for normal mode, visual+select mode, and operator-pending mode (e.g. after typing d):
noremap <F3> :set list!<CR>
The nice thing about the function keys (vs. <Leader>) is that they can also be mapped in insert mode:
inoremap <F3> <C-o>:set list!<CR>
To be complete, you could also create a map for command-line mode:
cnoremap <F3> <C-c>:set list!<CR>
Read more about the various mapping modes at :help map-modes
I found an answer about how to toggle set number in vim,
So can try the same way by putting following line into your vimrc file
map <F3> :set list! list? <CR>