I'm wondering if there is an Applicative that can track how many applicative operations have occurred. I tried to implement it as follows:
import Control.Applicative
main :: IO ()
main = print $ run 1 $ (,,,) <$> FromInt id <*> FromInt id <*> FromInt id <*> FromInt id
data FromInt a = FromInt (Int -> a)
run :: Int -> FromInt a -> a
run i (FromInt f) = f i
instance Functor FromInt where
fmap g (FromInt f) = FromInt (g . f)
instance Applicative FromInt where
pure a = FromInt (const a)
FromInt f <*> FromInt g = FromInt (\i -> f i (g (i + 1)))
But, this of course does not work. If we call runhaskell on the file, we get this:
And what I want is this:
I've seen people accomplish this effect by pushing the requirement to increment into the actual data (this is how yesod-forms does its formlet-style implementation). This more-or-less uses a variation on State, and it allows people to break assumed invariants if they don't use particular helper functions (I think the yesod one is called mhelper). I want to know if the incrementing can be pulled into the applicative instance as I have tried to do. This would make violating this particular invariant impossible.
(,) a is an Applicative when a is a Monoid. We can compose (,) (Sum Int) with other applicative using Data.Functor.Compose, and get an applicative that lets us estimate the "cost" assigned to a computation before running it.
To count the steps, we need a lift function from the base applicative that always assigns a cost of 1:
module Main where
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor.Compose
type CountedIO a = Compose ((,) (Sum Int)) IO a
-- lift from IO
step :: IO a -> CountedIO a
step cmd = Compose (Sum 1, cmd)
countSteps :: CountedIO a -> Int
countSteps = getSum . fst . getCompose
exec :: CountedIO a -> IO a
exec = snd . getCompose
program :: CountedIO ()
program = step (putStrLn "aaa") *> step (putStrLn "bbb") *> step (putStrLn "ccc")
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "Number of steps: " ++ show (countSteps program)
exec program
For greater safety, we could hide the composed aplicative behind a newtype, and not export the constructor, only the step function.
(Actions created with pure have cost 0 and do not count as a step.)
I'm sure I am missing something very obvious here. Here's what I'm trying to achieve at a conceptual level:
action1 :: (MonadIO m) => m [a]
action1 = pure []
action2 :: (MonadIO m) => m [a]
action2 = pure [1, 2, 3]
action3 :: (MonadIO m) => m [a]
action3 = error "should not get evaluated"
someCombinator [action1, action2, action3] == m [1, 2, 3]
Does this hypothetical someCombinator exist? I have tried playing round with <|> and msum but couldn't get what I want.
I guess, this could be generalised in two ways:
-- Will return the first monadic value that is NOT an mempty
-- (should NOT blindly execute all monadic actions)
-- This is something like the msum function
someCombinator :: (Monoid a, Monad m, Traversable t, Eq a) => t m a -> m a
-- OR
-- this is something like the <|> operator
someCombinator :: (Monad m, Alternative f) => m f a -> m f a -> m f a
I'm not aware of a library that provides this, but it's not hard to implement:
someCombinator :: (Monoid a, Monad m, Foldable t, Eq a) => t (m a) -> m a
someCombinator = foldr f (pure mempty)
f item next = do
a <- item
if a == mempty then next else pure a
Note that you don't even need Traversable: Foldable is enough.
On an abstract level, the first non-empty value is a Monoid called First. It turns out, however, that if you just naively lift your IO values into First, you'll have a problem with action3, since the default monoidal append operation is strict under IO.
You can get lazy monoidal computation using the FirstIO type from this answer. It's not going to be better than Fyodor Soikin's answer, but it highlights (I hope) how you can compose behaviour from universal abstractions.
Apart from the above-mentioned FirstIO wrapper, you may find this function useful:
guarded :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
guarded p x = if p x then pure x else empty
I basically just copied it from Protolude since I couldn't find one in base that has the desired functionality. You can use it to wrap your lists in Maybe so that they'll fit with FirstIO:
> guarded (not . null) [] :: Maybe [Int]
> guarded (not . null) [1, 2, 3] :: Maybe [Int]
Just [1,2,3]
Do this for each action in your list of actions and wrap them in FirstIO.
> :t (firstIO . fmap (guarded (not . null))) <$> [action1, action2, action3]
(firstIO . fmap (guarded (not . null))) <$> [action1, action2, action3]
:: Num a => [FirstIO [a]]
In the above GHCi snippet, I'm only showing the type with :t. I can't show the value, since FirstIO has no Show instance. The point, however, is that you now have a list of FirstIO values from which mconcat will pick the first non-empty value:
> getFirstIO $ mconcat $ (firstIO . fmap (guarded (not . null))) <$> [action1, action2, action3]
Just [1,2,3]
If you want to unpack the Maybe, you can use fromMaybe from Data.Maybe:
answer :: IO [Integer]
answer =
fromMaybe [] <$>
(getFirstIO $ mconcat $ (firstIO . fmap (guarded (not . null))) <$> [action1, action2, action3])
This is clearly more complex than Fyodor Soikin's answer, but I'm fascinated by how Haskell enables you to assembling desired functionality by sort of 'clicking together' existing things, almost like Lego bricks.
So, to the question of does this combinator already exist? the answer is that it sort of does, but some assembly is required.
I'm writing interpreter in haskell. I want to do that with monads.
I already created parser, so I have a lot of functions :: State -> MyMonad State, and I can run my program using bind. m >>= inst1 >>= inst2.
Everything works perfectly fine, but I have no idea how to create instruction print (or read) in my language with that monad.
I don't want simple, but ugly, solutions like keeping strings to print inside State and printing in main at the end. (What if I have infinity while with print?)
I couldn't understand texts from web about that part of monad functionality. There were some explanations like "pack inside IO Monad, it's quite straightforward", but without any working examples. And almost all printing tutorials was about printing in main.
To better explain problem, I prepared minimal "interpreter" example (below). There State is just Int, my monad is AutomatM instructions have type :: Int -> AutomatM Int. So possible instruction is:
inc :: Int -> AutomatM Int
inc x = return (x+1)
I designed it as simple as I could think:
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import System.IO
data AutomatM a = AutomatError | Running a
instance Show a => Show (AutomatM a) where
show (AutomatError) = "AutomatError"
show (Running a) = "Running " ++ show a
instance Functor AutomatM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative AutomatM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad AutomatM where
return x = Running x
m >>= g = case m of
AutomatError -> AutomatError
Running x -> g x
magicPrint x = do
-- print x -- How can I make print work?
-- c <- getLine -- And if that is as simple as print
b <- return "1000" -- how can I change constant to c?
return (x + (read b :: Int))
main = do
a <- getLine
print $ (Running (read a :: Int)) >>= (\x -> return (x*2)) >>= magicPrint
My main target is to add print x inside magicPrint. However if it's not harder, it would be nice to have getLine.
I changed state in magicPrint, because print in my language has side effects.
I know that I need something with monad transformers and maybe MonadIO, but it's hard to find any tutorial with simple explanation for beginners.
Therefore I would very appreciate extending my minimal code example to work with prints (and maybe getLine/other read Int) and some explanations to that (perhaps with links).
Functor and Aplicative code is based on Defining a new monad in haskell raises no instance for Applicative
In order to create a new type with a Monad instance and access IO form inside of it, you will need to create another monad transformer type called AutomatMT and declare an instance of Monad, MonadTrans, etc. for it. It involves a lot of boilerplate code. I'll try to clarify anything that doesn't make sense.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..), lift)
data AutomatM a = AutomatError | Running a
instance Show a => Show (AutomatM a) where
show (AutomatError) = "AutomatError"
show (Running a) = "Running " ++ show a
instance Functor AutomatM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative AutomatM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad AutomatM where
return x = Running x
m >>= g = case m of
AutomatError -> AutomatError
Running x -> g x
newtype AutomatMT m a = AutomatMT { runAutomatMT :: m (AutomatM a) }
mapAutomatMT :: (m (AutomatM a) -> n (AutomatM b)) -> AutomatMT m a -> AutomatMT n b
mapAutomatMT f = AutomatMT . f . runAutomatMT
instance (Functor m) => Functor (AutomatMT m) where
fmap f = mapAutomatMT (fmap (fmap f))
instance MonadTrans AutomatMT where
lift = AutomatMT . liftM Running
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (AutomatMT m) where
pure = AutomatMT . return . Running
mf <*> mx = AutomatMT $ do
mb_f <- runAutomatMT mf
case mb_f of
AutomatError -> return AutomatError
Running f -> do
mb_x <- runAutomatMT mx
case mb_x of
AutomatError -> return AutomatError
Running x -> return (Running (f x))
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (AutomatMT m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
instance (Monad m) => Monad (AutomatMT m) where
x >>= f = AutomatMT $ do
v <- runAutomatMT x
case v of
AutomatError -> return AutomatError
Running y -> runAutomatMT (f y)
fail _ = AutomatMT (return AutomatError)
magicPrint :: String -> (AutomatMT IO String)
magicPrint x = do
liftIO $ print $ "You gave magic print " ++ x
let x = "12"
y <- pure 1
liftIO $ print y
pure $ "1"
main = do
print "Enter some text"
a <- getLine
b <- runAutomatMT $ magicPrint a
pure ()
I may have been under the false impression that Haskell is lazier than it is, but I wonder if there's a way to get the best of both worlds...
Data.Monoid and Data.Semigroup define two variations of First. The monoidal version models the leftmost, non-empty value, whereas the semigroup version simply models the leftmost value.
This works fine for pure value values, but consider impure values:
x = putStrLn "x" >> return 42
y = putStrLn "y" >> return 1337
Both of these values have the type Num a => IO a. IO a is a Semigroup instance when a is:
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (IO a)
-- Defined in `Data.Orphans'
This means that it's possible to combine two IO (First a) values:
Prelude Data.Semigroup Data.Orphans> fmap First x <> fmap First y
First {getFirst = 42}
As we can see, though, both x and y produce their respective side-effects, even though y is never required.
The same applies for Data.Monoid:
Prelude Data.Monoid> fmap (First . Just) x <> fmap (First . Just) y
First {getFirst = Just 42}
I think I understand why this happens, given that both the Semigroup and Monoid instances use liftA2, which seems to ultimately be based on IO bind, which is strict, as far as I understand it.
If I dispense with the First abstraction(s), however, I can get lazier evaluation:
first x _ = x
mfirst x y = do
x' <- x
case x' of
(Just _) -> return x'
Nothing -> y
Using both of those ignores y:
Prelude> first x y
Prelude> mfirst (fmap Just x) (fmap Just y)
Just 42
In both of these cases, y isn't printed.
My question is, then:
Can I get the best of both worlds? Is there a way that I can retain the Semigroup or Monoid abstraction, while still get lazy IO?
Is there, for example, some sort of LazyIO container that I can wrap First values in, so that I get the lazy IO I'd like to have?
The actual scenario I'm after is that I'd like to query a prioritised list of IO resources for data, and use the first one that gives me a useful response. I don't, however, want to perform redundant queries (for performance reasons).
The Alternative instance for the MaybeT monad transformer returns the first successful result, and does not execute the rest of the operations. In combination with the asum function, we can write something like:
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
action :: Char -> IO Char
action c = putChar c *> return c
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- runMaybeT $ asum $ [ empty
, MaybeT $ action 'x' *> return Nothing
, liftIO $ action 'v'
, liftIO $ action 'z'
print result
where the final action 'z' won't be executed.
We can also write a newtype wrapper with a Monoid instance which mimics the Alternative:
newtype FirstIO a = FirstIO (MaybeT IO a)
firstIO :: IO (Maybe a) -> FirstIO a
firstIO ioma = FirstIO (MaybeT ioma)
getFirstIO :: FirstIO a -> IO (Maybe a)
getFirstIO (FirstIO (MaybeT ioma)) = ioma
instance Monoid (FirstIO a) where
mempty = FirstIO empty
FirstIO m1 `mappend` FirstIO m2 = FirstIO $ m1 <|> m2
The relationship between Alternative and Monoid is explained in this other SO question.
Is there a way that I can retain the Semigroup or Monoid abstraction, while still get lazy IO?
Somewhat, but there are drawbacks. The udnerlying problem for our instances is that a generic instance for an Applicative will look like
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (SomeApplicative a) where
x <> y = (<>) <$> x <*> y
We're here at the mercy of (<*>), and usually the second argument y will be at least in WHNF. For example in Maybe's implementation the first line will work fine and the second line will error:
liftA2 (<>) Just (First 10) <> Just (error "never shown")
liftA2 (<>) Just (First 10) <> error "fire!"
IO's (<*>) is implemented in terms of ap, so the second action will always be executed before <> is applied.
A First-like variant is possible with ExceptT or similar, essentially any data type that has a Left k >>= _ = Left k like case so that we can stop the computation at that point. Although ExceptT is meant for exceptions, it may work well for your use-case. Alternatively, one of the Alternative transformers (MaybeT, ExceptT) together with <|> instead of <> might suffice.
A almost completely lazy IO type is also possible, but must be handled with care:
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
newtype LazyIO a = LazyIO { runLazyIO :: IO a }
instance Functor LazyIO where
fmap f = LazyIO . fmap f . runLazyIO
instance Applicative LazyIO where
pure = LazyIO . pure
f <*> x = LazyIO $ do
f' <- unsafeInterleaveIO (runLazyIO f)
x' <- unsafeInterleaveIO (runLazyIO x)
return $ f' x'
instance Monad LazyIO where
return = pure
f >>= k = LazyIO $ runLazyIO f >>= runLazyIO . k
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (LazyIO a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)
instance Monoid a => Monoid (LazyIO a) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend = liftA2 mappend
unsafeInterleaveIO will enable the behaviour you want (and is used in getContents and other lazy IO Prelude functions), but it must be used with care. The order of IO operations is completely off at that point. Only when we inspect the values we will trigger the original IO:
ghci> :module +Data.Monoid Control.Monad
ghci> let example = fmap (First . Just) . LazyIO . putStrLn $ "example"
ghci> runLazyIO $ fmap mconcat $ replicateM 100 example
First {getFirst = example
Just ()}
Note that we only got our example once in the output, but at a completely random place, since the putStrLn "example" and print result got interleaved, since
print (First x) = putStrLn (show (First x))
= putStrLn ("First {getFirst = " ++ show x ++ "}")
and show x will finally put the IO necessary to get x in action. The action will get called only once if we use the result multiple times:
ghci> :module +Data.Monoid Control.Monad
ghci> let example = fmap (First . Just) . LazyIO . putStrLn $ "example"
ghci> result <- runLazyIO $ fmap mconcat $ replicateM 100 example
ghci> result
First {getFirst = example
Just ()}
ghci> result
First {getFirst = Just ()}
You could write a finalizeLazyIO function that either evaluates or seq's x though:
finalizeLazyIO :: LazyIO a -> IO a
finalizeLazyIO k = do
x <- runLazyIO k
x `seq` return x
If you were to publish a module with this functions, I'd recommend to only export the type constructor LazyIO, liftIO :: IO a -> LazyIO a and finalizeLazyIO.
I've just written a function (for Data.Sequence)
traverseWithIndex :: Applicative f => (Int -> a -> f b) -> Seq a -> f (Seq b)
which should obey
traverseWithIndex f = sequenceA . mapWithIndex f
Thankfully, this is a straightforward mechanical modification of the source of mapWithIndex, so I am quite confident it is correct. However, in more complex cases thorough testing would be required. I'm trying to write a QuickCheck property to test this simple one. Obviously, I can't try it out with every Applicative functor! When testing monoids, it makes good sense to test with the free monoid over (i.e., finite lists of) some type. So it seems sensible here to test with the free applicative functor over some functor. There are two difficulties:
How do I choose an appropriate base functor? I presumably want a nasty one that isn't applicative or traversable or anything, but such a thing seems likely hard to work with.
How do I compare the results? They'll have functions in them, so they have no Eq instance.
Here's a partial(?) solution. The main aspects we want to check are 1) obviously the same value is computed, and 2) the effects are performed in the same order. I think the following code is self-explanatory enough:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Free
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Show.Functions -- for Show instance for function types
data Fork a = F a | G a deriving (Eq, Show)
toIdentity :: Fork a -> Identity a
toIdentity (F a) = Identity a
toIdentity (G a) = Identity a
instance Functor Fork where
fmap f (F a) = F (f a)
fmap f (G a) = G (f a)
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Fork a) where
arbitrary = elements [F,G] <*> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Ap Fork a) where
arbitrary = oneof [Pure <$> arbitrary,
Ap <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (Fork Int)) <*> arbitrary]
effectOrder :: Ap Fork a -> [Fork ()]
effectOrder (Pure _) = []
effectOrder (Ap x f) = fmap (const ()) x : effectOrder f
value :: Ap Fork a -> a
value = runIdentity . runAp toIdentity
checkApplicative :: (Eq a) => Ap Fork a -> Ap Fork a -> Bool
checkApplicative x y = effectOrder x == effectOrder y && value x == value y
succeedingExample = quickCheck (\f x -> checkApplicative
(traverse (f :: Int -> Ap Fork Int) (x :: [Int]))
(sequenceA (fmap f x)))
-- note reverse
failingExample = quickCheck (\f x -> checkApplicative
(traverse (f :: Int -> Ap Fork Int) (reverse x :: [Int]))
(sequenceA (fmap f x)))
-- instance just for example, could make a more informative one
instance Show (Ap Fork Int) where show _ = "<Ap>"
-- values match ...
betterSucceedingExample = quickCheck (\x ->
value (sequenceA (x :: [Ap Fork Int]))
== value (fmap reverse (sequenceA (reverse x))))
-- but effects don't.
betterFailingExample = quickCheck (\x -> checkApplicative
(sequenceA (x :: [Ap Fork Int]))
(fmap reverse (sequenceA (reverse x))))
The output looks like:
*Main Text.Show.Functions> succeedingExample
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
*Main Text.Show.Functions> failingExample
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests and 2 shrinks):
*Main Text.Show.Functions> betterSucceedingExample
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
*Main Text.Show.Functions> betterFailingExample
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 10 tests and 1 shrink):
Obviously, I can't try it out with every Applicative functor!
I'm reminded of this blog post series, which I won't claim to fully understand:
The lesson that I recall drawing from this is that nearly every applicative functor you see in the wild turns out to be the composition, product or (restricted) coproduct of simpler ones like these (not meant to be exhaustive):
So while you can't try it out with every Applicative functor, there are inductive arguments that you might be able to exploit in QuickCheck properties to gain confidence that your function works for large inductively-defined families of functors. So for example you could test:
Your function works correctly for the "atomic" applicatives of your choice;
If your function works correctly for functors f and g, it works correctly for Compose f g, Product f g and Coproduct f g.
How do I compare the results? They'll have functions in them, so they have no Eq instance.
Well, I think you may have to look at QuickCheck testing of function equality. Last time I had to do something along those lines I went with Conal's checkers library, which has an EqProp class for "[t]ypes of values that can be tested for equality, perhaps through random sampling." This should give you an idea already—even if you don't have an Eq instance for functions, QuickCheck may be capable of proving that two functions are unequal. Critically, this instance exists:
instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp b) => EqProp (a -> b)
...and any type that has an Eq instance has a trivial EqProp instance where (=-=) = (==).
So that suggests, to my mind, using Coyoneda Something as the base functor, and figuring out how to plug together all the little functions.
I am trying to parse a file using the parseFile function found in the the haskell-src-exts package.
I am trying to work with the output of parseFile which is of course IO, but I can't figure out how to get around the IO. I found a function liftIO but I am not sure if that is the solution in this situation. Here is the code below.
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Data.Map hiding (foldr, map)
import Control.Monad.Trans
increment :: Ord a => a -> Map a Int -> Map a Int
increment a = insertWith (+) a 1
fromName :: Name -> String
fromName (Ident s) = s
fromName (Symbol st) = st
fromQName :: QName -> String
fromQName (Qual _ fn) = fromName fn
fromQName (UnQual n) = fromName n
fromLiteral :: Literal -> String
fromLiteral (Int int) = show int
fromQOp :: QOp -> String
fromQOp (QVarOp qn) = fromQName qn
vars :: Exp -> Map String Int
vars (List (x:xs)) = vars x
vars (Lambda _ _ e1) = vars e1
vars (EnumFrom e1) = vars e1
vars (App e1 e2) = unionWith (+) (vars e1) (vars e2)
vars (Let _ e1) = vars e1
vars (NegApp e1) = vars e1
vars (Var qn) = increment (fromQName qn) empty
vars (Lit l) = increment (fromLiteral l) empty
vars (Paren e1) = vars e1
vars (InfixApp exp1 qop exp2) =
increment (fromQOp qop) $
unionWith (+) (vars exp1) (vars exp2)
match :: [Match] -> Map String Int
match rhss = foldr (unionWith (+) ) empty
(map (\(Match a b c d e f) -> rHs e) rhss)
rHS :: GuardedRhs -> Map String Int
rHS (GuardedRhs _ _ e1) = vars e1
rHs':: [GuardedRhs] -> Map String Int
rHs' gr = foldr (unionWith (+)) empty
(map (\(GuardedRhs a b c) -> vars c) gr)
rHs :: Rhs -> Map String Int
rHs (GuardedRhss gr) = rHs' gr
rHs (UnGuardedRhs e1) = vars e1
decl :: [Decl] -> Map String Int
decl decls = foldr (unionWith (+) ) empty
(map fun decls )
where fun (FunBind f) = match f
fun _ = empty
pMod' :: (ParseResult Module) -> Map String Int
pMod' (ParseOk (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ dEcl)) = decl dEcl
pMod :: FilePath -> Map String Int
pMod = pMod' . liftIO . parseFile
I just want to be able to use the pMod' function on the output of parseFile.
Note that all the types and data constructors can be found at http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/haskell-src-exts/1.13.5/doc/html/Language-Haskell-Exts-Syntax.html if that helps. Thanks in advance!
Once inside IO, there's no escape.
Use fmap:
-- parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (ParseResult Module)
-- pMod' :: (ParseResult Module) -> Map String Int
-- fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- fmap pMod' (parseFile filePath) :: IO (Map String Int)
pMod :: FilePath -> IO (Map String Int)
pMod = fmap pMod' . parseFile
(addition:) As explained in great answer by Levi Pearson, there's also
Prelude Control.Monad> :t liftM
liftM :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r
But that's no black magic either. Consider:
Prelude Control.Monad> let g f = (>>= return . f)
Prelude Control.Monad> :t g
g :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
So your function can also be written as
pMod fpath = fmap pMod' . parseFile $ fpath
= liftM pMod' . parseFile $ fpath
= (>>= return . pMod') . parseFile $ fpath -- pushing it...
= parseFile fpath >>= return . pMod' -- that's better
pMod :: FilePath -> IO (Map String Int)
pMod fpath = do
resMod <- parseFile fpath
return $ pMod' resMod
whatever you find more intuitive (remember, (.) has the highest precedence, just below the function application).
Incidentally, the >>= return . f bit is how liftM is actually implemented, only in do-notation; and it really shows the equivalency of fmap and liftM, because for any monad it should hold that:
fmap f m == m >>= (return . f)
To give a more general answer than Will's (which was certainly correct and to-the-point), you typically 'lift' operations into a Monad rather than taking values out of them in order to apply pure functions to monadic values.
It so happens that Monads (theoretically) are a specific kind of Functor. Functor describes the class of types that represent mappings of objects and operations into a different context. A data type that is an instance of Functor maps objects into its context via its data constructors and it maps operations into its context via the fmap function. To implement a true functor, fmap must work in such a way that lifting the identity function into the functor context does not change the values in the functor context, and lifting two functions composed together produces the same operation within the functor context as lifting the functions separately and then composing them within the functor context.
Many, many Haskell data types naturally form functors, and fmap provides a universal interface to lift functions so that they apply 'evenly' throughout the functorized data without worrying about the form of the particular Functor instance. A couple of great examples of this are the list type and the Maybe type; fmap of a function into a list context is exactly the same as the familiar map operation on lists, and fmap of a function into a Maybe context will apply the function normally for a Just a value and do nothing for a Nothing value, allowing you to perform operations on it without worrying about which it is.
Having said all that, by a quirk of history the Haskell Prelude doesn't currently require Monad instances to also have a Functor instance, so Monad provides a family of functions that also lift operations into monadic contexts. The operation liftM does the same thing that fmap does for Monad instances that are also Functor instances (as they should be). But fmap and liftM only lift single-argument functions. Monad helpfully provides a family of liftM2 -- liftM5 functions that lift multi-argument functions into monadic context in the same way.
Finally, you asked about liftIO, which brings in the related idea of monad transformers, in which multiple Monad instances are combined in a single data type by applying monad mappings to already-monadic values, forming a kind of stack of monadic mappings over a basic pure type. The mtl library provides one implementation of this general idea, and in its module Control.Monad.Trans it defines two classes, MonadTrans t and Monad m => MonadIO m. The MonadTrans class provides a single function, lift, that gives access to operations in the next higher monadic "layer" in the stack, i.e. (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a. The MonadIO class provides a single function, liftIO, that provides access to IO monad operations from any "layer" in the stack, i.e. IO a -> m a. These make working with monad transformer stacks much more convenient at the cost of having to provide a lot of transformer instance declarations when new Monad instances are introduced to a stack.