Log in page does not work properly - livecode

I create a login page with user name and password. In password field I am changed to character to "*" while click the button for login I can't login
--- the following code is for password field
global var
put "shalu#123" into var
on keydown var
set the hiddentext of me to the hiddentext of me & var
put "*" after me
end keydown
---main coding
global Username, var
on openCard
put "shalu" into sUsername
put "shalu#123" into var
end openCard
on loginCheck
if field "FF1" is sUsername and field "FF2" is var then
answer "Login Successful"
--go to card "accessed"
answer "Details Incorrect. Please try again!"
end if
end loginCheck
is it any alternative method

You haven't mentioned what the exact problem is -- are you getting an error somewhere? One issue might be mismatched variables: you have global Username and script variable sUserName.
Also, is this all your code? If yes, you're not calling the loginCheck handler anywhere, so no comparison is taking place. Your button should be calling loginCheck.
If this is for desktop, you can also use a combination of enterInField and returnInField in the card script to trigger loginCheck when pressing those keys in either field (Note: doing this will catch enter/return messages in ALL fields, so you need to code appropriately if you have additional fields on the card).
But the button should be the main control to initiate loginCheck.

Please check if your global Username, var is correct. Shouldn't that maybe be global sUsername, var?
Also, I usually add some put sUsername or answer sUsername statements into my code so I can in the message box see what value a certain variable has at some point. Later I comment them out so they are not exectued in a delivery version


How to sendKeys wherever the cursor is in selenium nodejs

I have created a script to comment in facebook posts, I did clicked on comment box, and cursor do appears but unable to perform .sendKeys()
here's my code:
var commentBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath('//*[#id="addComment_'+this.postIdSlice+'"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div[1]/div'));
but when I execute it doesnt sends 'Hello' to comment box.
PS: that postIdSlice is id of the post, no issues there just want to push/send string in that commentbox.
Use the Xpath to click on the comment box, then you can use the ActionSequence to sequnce input and ENTER key.
let action = new webdriver.ActionSequence(driver);

Update a bot message after responding to a slack dialog

I'm having some issues to update an interactive message after responding to a slack dialog. I'm using botkit on a node.js server.
Here is my workflow:
User trigger an interactive message via a slash command
User click a button on that message
A dialog pops up, user fill the form and validate
Something is done on the server side
The first message should update
Now, here is the logic I'm using:
User trigger an interactive message via a slash command
Nothing fancy, I use:
controller.on('slash_command', function (bot, message)
Then I parse the command, and send the appropriate message, with the appropriate attachments (buttons)
User click a button on that message
Same, I use the event sent by botkit:
controller.on('interactive_message_callback', function (bot, message)
Then I create a dialog:
var dialog = bot.createDialog(
'Which book?',
Here I'm doing something really (really) dirty, and should not be done. But that's the only way I found to update the initial message after the dialog is filled.
The callback_id actually contains an object, with the response_urlof the initial message (and something to identify the form).
A dialog pops up, user fill the form and validate
Something is done on the server side
Here, I use once more the event provided by botkit:
controller.on('dialog_submission', function (bot, message)
then I parse the message.submission.callback_id and detect the response_url. With this, I can create an object I call originalMessage.
The first message should update
At the moment I use :
bot.replyInteractive(originalMessage, 'DONE, everything is saved.');
with originalMessagecontaining the response_url of the first message.
It does work. The first message is being replaced by the new one.
But I'm really not happy with that solution, and was wondering if I was missing something somewhere. I've seen couple apps having that type of workflow, so there must be a way.
Thank you for your help :)
I wrote to Slack to ask about this situation and got a great suggestion from Mark P:
Use the state dialog field to pass the original response_url to the dialog. Then when you receive the dialog data, you can use state instead of response_url.
I just tried it and it worked great. No need to store any state on your own server.
I don't know how that would work exactly with Node and botkit, since that's not what I use.
To flesh this out a bit more:
Someone clicks a button and Slack POSTs about that interaction to your configured "Request URL".
From Slack's payload, get the "response_url" value.
When you call dialog.open in the Slack API, pass along this response_url as the "state" value.
When the dialog is submitted, Slack again POSTs to your "Request URL".
From Slack's payload, get the "state" value and use it as a response_url.
This only works if you hold the original message object somewhere on your server for future reference.
So on creating the interactive dialog store it somewhere and add a reference. I use uuids.
let newId = uuid();
messageStore[newId] = message;
var dialog = bot.createDialog(
'My Dialog',
'idPrefix_' + newId,
).addText('Sample Input', 'input', '');
bot.replyWithDialog(message, dialog.asObject());
Then once you get your interactive dialog response back disassemble the prefix and the uuid and get your original message object back from the servers memory. Then use ´replayInteractive` there.
controller.on('dialog_submission', function handler(bot, message) {
if (message.callback_id.indexOf('idPrefix') === 0) {
let id = message.callback_id.substr('idPrefix_'.length);
let originalMessage = messageStore[id];
bot.replyInteractive(originalMessage, {
text: 'replacing the original message with this.'
Be careful that you do not create a memory leak here. You have to find a way to clean up your messageStore over time.

Xpages SSJS Create Administration Process

Has anyone been able to get SSJS CreateAdministrationProcess to work? I have searched for functioning code but was not able to find any.
I am trying to create an adminP request in SSJS to set a users password. I can't use the ?changepassword in the url method because we do not allow web users access to the NAB.
I am using OAUTH and when I try to hash and update the password directly to the NAB it without an adminp request, it creates problems with the current client session, logging them out and then locking them out.
I assume this is because I changed the credential tokens on the server but not on the client and when it realizes this it thinks I'm trying to authenticate over and over and locks me out.
If I can't get the SSJS to work I am going to write it in a lotusscript agent and call the agent from SSJS, but for posterity sake I wanted to get AdminP requests to work from SSJS directly.
Here is my code:
var hashednew = session.hashPassword(thenewpw)
var dt:NotesDateTime = session.createDateTime("Today 12");
var nabServerAccessView:NotesView = nabDB.getView("($ServerAccess)")
nabDB.DelayUpdates = false;
var AdminP=sessionAsSigner.CreateAdministrationProcess("abcServerName/Co")
var AdminPNoteId=AdminP.SetUserPasswordSettings(#Name("[ABBREVIATE]" ,#UserName()), 0, 0, 0, True)
It is crashing at the line:
var AdminP=sessionAsSigner.CreateAdministrationProcess("abcServerName/Co")
and the server error is:
Error calling method 'CreateAdministrationProcess(string)' on an object of type 'lotus.domino.local.Session [Static Java Interface Wrapper, lotus.domino.local.Session: lotus.d
The original code I posted had more than the uppercase/lowercase issue, in practice. I was able to get it to work, but the way I was updating to the NAB directly was wrong. I found a better way to do the password change using SSJS with the following snippet, and it's pretty simple. Of course you have to validate the old password and complexity of the new password first, but once you've done that you can run the following:
try {
var AdminP=sessionAsSignerWithFullAccess.createAdministrationProcess(server)
var chgPW=AdminP.changeHTTPPassword(theuser,theoldpw,thenewpw)
} catch(e) {print("AdminProcess configure error: " + e)}
In my opinion the problem is in naming convention - Java methods start with lower case letters.
var AdminP=sessionAsSigner.createAdministrationProcess("abcServerName/Co")
var AdminPNoteId=AdminP.setUserPasswordSettings(#Name("[ABBREVIATE]" ,#UserName()), 0, 0, 0, True)
Please check your ACL settings: Is "Maximum internet name and password" set to "Manager" or "Designer"?

Missing hash prefix error in MEAN stack

I am getting
Error: [$location:ihshprfx] Invalid url "http://localhost:3000/#", missing hash prefix "#!". http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.16/$location/ihshprfx?p0=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F%23&p1=%23
after delete function:
$scope.delete = function(venue) {
but venue is successfully removed. What could be wrong?
UPDATE: I saw that in a dropdown I wrote href = '#' . But when I delete it, nothing happens. How I can call directive from a tag?
Your ng-click calls a function called remove while your scope method is titled delete. Because it can't find the function you've set, I believe Angular doesn't to prevent the default event, which sends the user to '#', which is not valid based on your hash prefix settings.
If you match the function call to the method name, I think you should be fine.

"immediate_failed" - Could not automatially log in the user

I have a problem when I developed my website with Google+ sign-in:
I did step by step that the doc told me but I always failed at step4:
the result was always ""immediate_failed" - Could not automatially log in the user", I just don't kown why, can anyone help me, thanks very much! :-(
Note that in the sample code you pointed to, the "immediate_failed" check is commented out. This is intentional, since the first time a user encounters the Sign-in button on the page, it will fail.
The reason it fails is that when the page first loads, before the user even presses the button, a request is sent to Google to determine if the user has already logged in (via Google or another site, for example). If they are - there is no need for them to log in again, so the button never needs to be shown. But if they have not been logged in already, you will get the "immediate_failed" response, and will need to either show (or not clear) the button.
tl;dr - Don't worry aout getting immediate_failed when the page first loads. This is normal.
As a workaround I use gapi.auth.authorize method in the gapi.auth.signIn callback. Here is my code:
'callback': gPlusLoginCallback
function gPlusLoginCallback(authResult) {
if (authResult['status']['signed_in']) {
} else if (authResult['error'] == "immediate_failed") {
client_id: gplusClientId,
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login email',
immediate: true
}, function (authRes) {
if (authRes['status']['signed_in']) {
function doSmth(accessToken){
//Do smth
Change this setting "immediate: true", to be false " immediate: false".
But if you like to make more complex implementation look at the first sample here https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/start/start-js. You have to calls to Google's "gapi.auth.authorize({...", the first one with "immediate: true", and the second one with "immediate: false".
The question is old but I faced this issue recently.
In my case, it was because I specified the URI parameter prompt to none. I guess Google doesn't like that if the user has never been logged to your platform before.
Whenever I changed that to consent or totally removed it, it worked great.
In my case, the error was because of explicitly specifying the authorization parameter prompt to 'none',similar to a previous answer.
It worked for me by specifying prompt=None or as per the official docs,you may skip this parameter.
