"immediate_failed" - Could not automatially log in the user - web

I have a problem when I developed my website with Google+ sign-in:
I did step by step that the doc told me but I always failed at step4:
the result was always ""immediate_failed" - Could not automatially log in the user", I just don't kown why, can anyone help me, thanks very much! :-(

Note that in the sample code you pointed to, the "immediate_failed" check is commented out. This is intentional, since the first time a user encounters the Sign-in button on the page, it will fail.
The reason it fails is that when the page first loads, before the user even presses the button, a request is sent to Google to determine if the user has already logged in (via Google or another site, for example). If they are - there is no need for them to log in again, so the button never needs to be shown. But if they have not been logged in already, you will get the "immediate_failed" response, and will need to either show (or not clear) the button.
tl;dr - Don't worry aout getting immediate_failed when the page first loads. This is normal.

As a workaround I use gapi.auth.authorize method in the gapi.auth.signIn callback. Here is my code:
'callback': gPlusLoginCallback
function gPlusLoginCallback(authResult) {
if (authResult['status']['signed_in']) {
} else if (authResult['error'] == "immediate_failed") {
client_id: gplusClientId,
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login email',
immediate: true
}, function (authRes) {
if (authRes['status']['signed_in']) {
function doSmth(accessToken){
//Do smth

Change this setting "immediate: true", to be false " immediate: false".
But if you like to make more complex implementation look at the first sample here https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/start/start-js. You have to calls to Google's "gapi.auth.authorize({...", the first one with "immediate: true", and the second one with "immediate: false".

The question is old but I faced this issue recently.
In my case, it was because I specified the URI parameter prompt to none. I guess Google doesn't like that if the user has never been logged to your platform before.
Whenever I changed that to consent or totally removed it, it worked great.

In my case, the error was because of explicitly specifying the authorization parameter prompt to 'none',similar to a previous answer.
It worked for me by specifying prompt=None or as per the official docs,you may skip this parameter.


Integrate GeeTestTask(python3_anticaptcha) with selenium in python3

I have a problem about python3_anticaptcha (api provided by anti-captcha.com), search on web, find support and try over a month but no luck.
API doc:
I am doing a auto login on a website, and copy the api on anti-captcha's doc:
def runGee(self, challenge):
print("start gee")
# Enter the key to the AntiCaptcha service from your account. Anticaptcha service key.
# обязательные параметры
websiteURL = "https:\/\/www.nike.com.hk"
gt = "2328764cdf162e8e60cc0b04383fef81"
print("challenge:" ,challenge)
# пример работы с GeeTestTask без прокси
result = GeeTestTaskProxyless.GeeTestTaskProxyless(anticaptcha_key=ANTICAPTCHA_KEY,
print("--end gee--")
except Exception as err:
print("--end with error--")
However, the geetask start over 3 minute(or more), and got error everytime. usually error code like:
{'errorId': 34, 'errorCode': 'ERROR_TOKEN_EXPIRED', 'errorDescription': 'Captcha provider
reported that additional variable token has expired.', 'taskId': 1204556667}
{'errorId': 12, 'errorCode': 'ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE', 'errorDescription': ' Captcha
could not be solved by 5 different workers.', 'taskId': 1204060350}
depends on what parameter i passed.
May i know am i passing the right value to geetask? or some wrong on the code?
Moreover, if geetest return the correct value, i need to do any else to pass capcha(or pass code to geetest server) or GeeTestTaskProxyless already done(not to do anything)?
it is extremely hard to me, does anyone had used this api successfully? Thanks
The problem is not in the anticaptcha but in the geetest provider.
The token challenger can only be used once, when your browser loads the geetest captcha it expires the token.
To fix this problem, you only need to block the request that consumes the token in your browser.
go to devtools and add the block for the geestest captcha API in the browser, like this:
You can automatically integrate this into the selenium with the following command:
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.setBlockedURLs', {"urls": ["api.geetest.com/get.php"]})
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.enable', {})
It seems for me that those errors are because of proxy (if you use any) or just bad IP.
Personally, I use another captcha service and I didn't have such problems with it.
I advice you to try it, it's actually much easier: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_geetest
You should send a request like this one:
What you need to archieve is to get correct answer from it, like this one:
"seccode":"12fe3d4c56789ba01f2e345d6789c012|jordan" }
Then you just need to implement that answer on a site. Just read the first link I gave you.

Actions SDK conv.hasScreen not working as expected

I am building an action using DialogFlow and Firebase cloud functions. I have a simple check to either ask a question or close the conversation depending on user's device type.
if (conv.hasScreen) {
response += `Do you want to see a picture?`;
I tested using Google Home mini, as expected, the conversation gracefully closed. But when I tested on a phone, the if check failed and the conversation was closed again. I was expecting the contestation to continue and assistant would ask me to show a picture but it did not happen. What am I doing wrong?
It looks like the syntax is simply conv.screen. As the property hasScreen does not exist, the conditional always returns undefined, which is a falsey value.
Take a look at the following to understand Surface Capabilities.
Are you using the following statement or not?
const hasScreen =

How do I add button in NetSuite client script and use it as trigger for script function?

I'm trying to add a button to the current record with the Client Script button definition on a script record, but for some reason it's not finding my function. I'm returning my function tryThisand there is a button on the page which I created on the script record with the function tryThis defined in the appropriate field, but the code doesn't run. Here's my script:
define (['N/currentRecord','N/search','N/record'] ,
function(currentRecord,search,record) {
function tryThis(context){
title: 'try this',
details: 'try this'
function pageInit(context) {
return {
pageInit: pageInit,
tryThis: tryThis
Nothing happens :(
Yes, the script is deployed.
How can I use this button on a client script??
This doesn't exactly answer your question directly, but I hope it may help. I tested this, and there appears to be nothing wrong with the way you've set it up - the only thing that seems to be not working is the log module, which I've come across before in client scripts.
Try running your function using a console.log() or alert() instead (both work for me).
Hopefully someone with more detailed knowledge of the N/log module's design and behavior will chip in, as the documentation seems to indicate that this should work.
At the bottom of your Client Script record in Edit mode you will find where you can easily set the button and function to call.

PasswordSignInAsync returning Success instead of RequiresVerification

I'm trying to set up Two Factor Authentication on our app. Updated a user in AspNetUsers table and set it's TwoFactorEnabled value to 1 for testing.
While debugging, signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync return just "success", not "requires verification".
This is the line
signInStatus = await signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(viewModel.Email, viewModel.Password, true, shouldLockout: false);
(Similar questions are generally answered as first value should be name instead of email but I don't think it's the issue. Login works correctly, for example if password is wrong it returns failure.)
I added the line below to Startup.Auth.cs too
app.UseTwoFactorSignInCookie(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.TwoFactorCookie, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
I'm still able to work with what I have like this (though I don't want to)
if (signInStatus == SignInStatus.Success && user.TwoFactorEnabled == true)
//rest of code to be written
but this feels too makeshift of a solution and feels prone to many future errors. I'd prefer using Identity but I can't at the moment because of this problem.
It is obvious I'm doing something wrong or missing something but I don't know what. Thanks in advance.
I found my solution by copying the SignInManager code directly into mine and stepping through it, you can learn more about that here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52357870/550975
SignInManager return RequiresVerification if :
dbo.ASpnetUsers has for user set to true TwoFactorEnabled and EmailConfirmed and user
email should be confirmed, email not be empty or null.

Clear "pending_update_count" in Telegram Bot

I want to clear all pending_update_count in my bot!
The output of below command :
Obviously I replaced the real API token with xxx
is this :
As you can see, I have 5154 unread updates til now!! ( I'm pretty sure this pending updates are errors! Because no one uses this Bot! It's just a test Bot)
By the way, this pending_update_count number are increasing so fast!
Now that I'm writing this post the number increased 51 and reached to 5205 !
I just want to clear this pending updates.
I'm pretty sure this Bot have been stuck in an infinite loop!
Is there any way to get rid of it?
I also cleared the webhook url. But nothing changed!
The output of getWebhookInfo is this :
"last_error_message":"Wrong response from the webhook: 500 Internal Server Error",
Why I get Wrong response from the webhook: 500 Internal Server Error ?
I think you have two options:
set webhook that do nothing, just say 200 OK to telegram's servers. Telegram wiil send all updates to this url and the queque will be cleared.
disable webhook and after it get updates by using getUpdates method, after it, turn on webhook again
Problem with webhook on your side. You can try to emulate telegram's POST query on your URL.
It can be something like this:
{"message_id":1,"from":{"id":1,"first_name":"FirstName","last_name":"LastName","username":"username"},"chat":{"id":1,"first_name":"FirstName","last_name":"LastName","username":"username","type":"private"},"date":1460957457,"text":"test message"}
You can send this text as a POST query body with PostMan for example, and after it try to debug your backend.
For anyone looking at this in 2020 and beyond, the Telegram API now supports clearing the pending messages via a drop_pending_updates parameter in both setWebhook and deleteWebhook, as per the API documentation.
Just add return 1; at the end of your hook method.
Commonly this happens because of queries delay with the database.
I solved is like this
POST tg.api/bottoken/setWebhook to emtpy "url"
POST tg.api/bottoken/getUpdates
POST tg.api/bottoken/getUpdates with "offset" last update_id appeared before
doing this serveral times
POST tg.api/bottoken/getWebhookInfo
had a look if all away.
POST tg.api/bottoken/setWebhook with filled "url"
If you are using webhook, you can follow these steps
On your web browser, enter the following url with your right value of bot
You will get a result like this on your screen
On the displayed result, copy the entire url_value without quotes and replace it on this second url
Enter the second url with right bot and url_value in your web browser then press ENTER
i solve it by Change file access permissions file - set permissions file to 755
and second increase memory limit in php.ini file
A quick&dirty way is to get a temporary webhook here: https://webhook.site/ and
set your webhook to that (it will answer with a HTTP/200 code everytime, reseting your pending messages to zero)
I faced the same issue for my tele bot after user edited existing message. My bot receives update with editedMessage continuously, but update.hasMessage() was empty. As a result number of updates rocketly increased and my bot stack.
I solved this issue by adding handling for use case when message is missing - send 200 code:
public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent event, Context context) {
update = MAPPER.readValue(event.getBody(), Update.class);
if (!update.hasMessage()) {
return new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent()
.withStatusCode(200) // -> !!!!!! return code 200
.withBody("message is missing")
... ... ...
