Button on Popup form with few more user defined fields - acumatica

When I cilck on a button on main toolbar, I am displaying a popup form (PXSmartPanel) with few fields on it. Whenever I click on the main toolbar button, I want first the control should go to the popup form and based on buttons on popup form (Ok/Cancel), it should perform the action.
However, I tried that but eventually when I click on button on main toolbar, it first executes the code behind for that button and then shows popup.
Any suggestions?

Found the solution. You can use AskExt method of your DAC class to show popup first and then execute your code.

You can also use px:PXSmartPanel with AskExt. With help of PXSmartPanel you can customize your screen, and even add some buttons to your pop up. Here I wrote "short" manual how to do it.


Navigation in Xamarin.Form from masterdetail page

I am new to Xamarin and want to develop an Xamarin.Form Portable App.For that, I have created the project template as Xamarin.Form Portable.
After login, I have successfully created a Master Detail Page to display the Menu List like Home, AboutUs, ContactUs links in the left corner which is initially hide and when i click on the Menu Icon (Menu Icon is like three dashes(-) in parallel) all Menu List is populated to the right side in window. Now when i click on any Menu Item,I don't want to repeat the menu list or its icon in the inner pages. Instead of that, I want Navigation back arrow button instead of the Menu Icon. When I tried to navigate it like below it gives me error like "PushAsync is not supported globally on iOS/Android, please use a NavigationPage"
await Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutUs());
If instead of this, I navigate it to the master detail page and set the About Us page as Detail property of the Master Detail Page then Menu Icon and Menu list will be reapeated which i don't want. Please help me how can i show the navigate the page with Back Arrow button in inner pages.
Overall, I want functionality like in Gmail where when we open any Detail of Email Menu button is not there but the back arrow button is there.
Thanks in advance!
Try this approach(Because DetailPage must be NavigationPage in Xamarin.Forms):
await Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(new AboutUs()));

How to click on radio button which is on Popup using Coded UI

I m automating a page where there is a popup and on that there is radio button and a submit button, when i click on radio button my test fail giving error that hidden object cannot be performed action like click but its visible (not hidden) where as when i click on submit button on same popup is click. i have checked its properties but there is nothing which i can change it just have simple id,name,value which is changing dynamicly and for that i have even used regex
please help me out
It's possible that there is another radio button on the page with similar properties. Is this a recorded object? Is the popup window listed as the parent?
Can you post the Regex you are using, the control's properties, and the properties of the popup window?
if your are using IE whose version is > 9.0.19 then there was a patch release by Microsoft to overcome this issue

Custom menu for chrome text field

I want to create a custom pop-up menu, which appears when the user focuses a text field. In this menu, the user should be able to click on buttons or something.
I tried using content scripts, but my problem is, that I don't find good events to show and hide the menu.
I tried the focus event to show the menu and the blur event to hide the menu, but obviously when selecting something in the menu, the text field looses focus and blur fires, which hides the menu and does not process the click. Additionally, when I use the focus and blur events on text fields, I guess I will override existing event of the webpage.
Is there a good way to accomplish this?

Watir- How can I put a hover on any HTML element

I have a web application, in that application the head menus open when we move mouse on to that (I don't want to click on that head menus because clicking on that menus redirect the page to another page).
On mouse over it opens a menu list, I will be able to select the menu item but not able to hover on to the head menu so that a drop-down menu list can appear.
fire_event("onmouseover") is not working, it is only flashing that menu(element) but not opening the drop down menu list.
Can any one give me the solution How can I put hover on to any HTML element please.
Well, there is #hover method:
browser.element(:how => what).hover
And this could also help: How to find out which JavaScript events fired?
For some reason .hover doesn't work for me, but this one does:
browser.element(how: what).fire_event(:mouseover)
No idea why.

How to grayed out the button in Xpage

Please help me out in the below case:
When we clicked on the button in the current window (which has Cancel and OK button in the title bar). then it should display the small pop up with Two buttons. (Apply defaults and cancel button)
When we clicked on the Apply defaults in the small pop up, then the pop up should be closed and then display the previous window with disable(grayed out) the cancel button in the title bar.
Please let me know how to grayed out the cancel button
Make your "Cancel" button in the title bar a dijit.form.Button. When the user clicks the "Apply defaults" button in the popup, you can then call a clientside script to disable it:
If you don't want to do it client side you should be able to accomplish the same thing server side like:
var buttonComp = getComponent("IdOfButtonToDisable");
I'm not sure if you'll have to do a partial refresh to make it show up but that should work.
