BookshelfJS limiting withRelated in FetchAll doesn't work - node.js

I have a hasMany to belongsTo relation between boxes and box_states.
I want to grab all my boxes with their latest state, so this is my query:
new Box()
.orderBy('id', 'ASC')
withRelated: [{
'states' : function(qb) {
.orderBy('id', 'DESC');
.then(function (boxes) {
This returns all the boxes, but only the last box has one relation; everything has no relation.
Help would be appreciated.

Well, this works pretty much as expected. If you debug your solution, you'll see something like this (I'm giving you my example, which has the same relation as yours - one town, many addresses):
select "addresses".* from "addresses" where "addresses"."town_id" in (1, 2, 3, 4) group by "id" limit 1
What this does is basically select just ONE(!) related model (address) for ALL instances (the addresses.town_id in (1,2,3,4) segment).
So basically what you need to do is foreach the main results and go withRelated upon each.
new Town().fetchAll().then(function(towns) {
var my_towns_with_only_last_address = [];, function(town) {
return new Town({
withRelated: [{
'address': function(qb) {
qb.orderBy('id', 'desc');
}).then(function(result) {
return my_towns_with_only_last_address.push(result.toJSON());
}).then(function() {
I'm not sure if there are any better options... this works.

The best way to do this now (newest release of Bookshelf) is to use a Collection. Although withRelated is not available in .fetchAll(), it is available when using .fetch() on a Collection. See


Mongoose bulk update

I want to be able to update an array of objects where each object has a new unique value assigned to it.
Here is a simplified example of what I'm doing. items is an array of my collection items.
let items = [{_id: '903040349304', number: 55}, {_id: '12341244', number: 1166}, {_id: '667554', number: 51115}]
I want to assign a new number to each item, and then update it in collection:
items = => {
item.number = randomInt(0, 1000000);
return item;
What would be the best way to update the collection at once? I know that I could do it in forEach instead of map, how ever this seems as a dirty way of doing it, as it won't do the bulk update.
items.forEach(async (item) => {
await this.itemModel.update({_id: item._id}, {number: randomInt(0, 1000000)})
I've checked the updateMany as well but my understanding of it is that it's only used to update the documents with a same new value - not like in my case, that every document has a new unique value assigned to it.
After a bit of thinking, I came up with this solution using bulkWrite.
const updateQueries = [];
items.forEach(async (item) => {
updateOne: {
filter: { _id: item._id },
update: { number: item.number },
await this.itemModel.bulkWrite(updateQueries);
About bulkWrite
Sends multiple insertOne, updateOne, updateMany, replaceOne,
deleteOne, and/or deleteMany operations to the MongoDB server in one
command. This is faster than sending multiple independent operations
(like) if you use create()) because with bulkWrite() there is only one
round trip to MongoDB.
You can call an aggregate() to instantly update them without needing to pull them first:
Step1: get a random number with mongoDb build in $rand option which returns a number between 0 and 1
Step2: $multiply this number by 1000000 since that is what you defined ;)
Step3: use another $set with $floor to remove the decimal portion
'$set': {
'value': {
'$multiply': [
'$rand': {}
}, 1000000
}, {
'$set': {
'value': {
'$floor': '$value'
Here a picture of how that looks in mongo Compass as a proof of it working:

bookshelf js – how to query records by matching criteria on associated records?

Let's say I have a bookshelf one to many relation Person => Cars, where
# Person
hasMany: cars
# Car
belongsTo: person
Now I'd like to find all persons who own a 'Rover'.
What I'd was naively hoping for was something like this, which is obviously not working:
Person.query({ where: { cars: { make: 'Rover' } } } )
It looks like there is no really elegant solution. I solved my problem finally, by using joins.
Which looks like this:
Person.query((qb) => {
qb.join('cars', 'cars.person_id', '');
// no that the cars are joined,
// they are available for querying
qb.where({'cars.make': 'Rover'});
.then((result) => {
// do stuff
.catch((err) => {
// always catch errors
It gets a little more complicated, when you want to query against the counterpart of a of many-to-many relation with pivot/intermediate table but maybe this helps to get started.
You need to use withRelated option to fetch a related model. Try this,
withRelated: [{
cars: function(qb) {
qb.where({make: 'Rover'})
.then(function(persons) {
//do something
More from the docs here

Mongoose - Efficient update on an indexed array of mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed

i have the following simplified Scheme:
var restsSchema = new Schema({
name: String
menu: [mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed]
My document can look like:
name: "Sandwiches & More",
menu: [
{id:1,name:"Tona Sandwich",price: 10, soldCounter:0},
{id:2,name:"Salami Sandwich",price: 10, soldCounter:0},
{id:3,name:"Cheese Sandwich",price: 10, soldCounter:0}
The collection rests is indexed with:
db.rests.createIndex( { "": 1} , { unique: true })
Lets say i have this array of ids [1,3] and based on that i need to increment the soldCounter by 1 of menu items with ids=1 or 3.
What will be the must efficient way of doing so?
thanks for the helpers!
I have used the following solution:
db.model('rests').update({ _id: restid,'': {$in: ids}}, {$inc: {'menu.$.soldCounter': 1}}, {multi: true},function(err) {
console.log("Error while updating sold counters: " + err.message);
where ids is an array of integers with ids of menu items.
restid is the id of the specific document we want to edit in the collection.
For some reason only the first id in the ids array is being updated.
There is a way of doing multiple updates, here it is:
Just make sure you have the indexes in the array you want to update.
var update = { $inc: {} };
for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; ++i) {
update.$inc[`menu.${indexes[i]}.soldCounter`] = 1;
Rests.update({ _id: restid }, update, function(error) {
// ...
it seems not possible to update multiple subdocuments at once (see this answer). So a find & save seems to be the only solution.
var menus ={
return menuIds.indexOf( != -1;
for (var menu of menus){
In the end it's only one find and one save requests.

Sails.js - Get an object (model) using multiple join

I am new to node.js and newer to Sails.js framework.
I am currently trying to work with my database, I don't understand all the things with Sails.js but I manage to do what I want step by step. (I am used to some PHP MVC frameworks so it is not too difficult to understand the structure.)
Here I am trying to get a row from my database, using 2 JOIN clause. I managed to do this using SQL and the Model.query() function, but I would like to do this in a "cleaner" way.
So I have 3 tables in my database: meta, lang and meta_lang. It's quite simple and a picture being better than words, here are some screenshots.
What I want to do is to get the row in meta_table that match with 'default' meta and 'en' lang (for example).
Here are Meta and Lang models (I created them with sails generate model command and edited them with what I needed):
module.exports = {
attributes: {
code : { type: 'string' },
collection: 'MetaLang',
via: 'meta'
module.exports = {
attributes: {
code : { type: 'string' },
collection: 'MetaLang',
via: 'lang'
And here is my MetaLang model, with 3 functions I created to test several methods. The first function, findCurrent, works perfectly, but as you can see I had to write SQL. That is what I want to avoid if it is possible, I find it more clean (and I would like to use Sails.js tools as often as I can).
module.exports = {
tableName: 'meta_lang',
attributes: {
title : { type: 'string' },
description : { type: 'text' },
keywords : { type: 'string' },
columnName: 'meta_id'
columnName: 'lang_id'
findCurrent: function (metaCode, langCode) {
var query = 'SELECT ml.* FROM meta_lang ml INNER JOIN meta m ON = ml.meta_id INNER JOIN lang l ON = ml.lang_id WHERE m.code = ? AND l.code = ?';
MetaLang.query(query, [metaCode, langCode], function(err, metaLang) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
// OK this works exactly as I want (I would have prefered a 'findOne' result, only 1 object instead of an array with 1 object in it, but I can do with it.)
findCurrentTest: function (metaCode, langCode) {
Meta.findByCode(metaCode).populate('metaLangs').exec(function(err, metaLang) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
// I get what I expected (though not what I want): my meta + all metaLangs related to meta with code "default".
// What I want is to get ONE metaLang related to meta with code "default" AND lang with code "en".
findCurrentOthertest: function (metaCode, langCode) {
MetaLang.find().populate('meta', {where: {code:metaCode}}).populate('lang', {where: {code:langCode}}).exec(function(err, metaLang) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
// Doesn't work as I wanted: it gets ALL the metaLang rows.
I also tried to first get my Meta by code, then my Lang by code, and MetaLang using and . But I would like to avoid 3 queries when I can have only one.
What I'm looking for would be something like MetaLang.find({meta.code:"default", lang.code:"en"}).
Hope you've got all needed details, just comment and ask for more if you don't.
Do you know what populate is for ? its for including the whole associated object when loading it from the database. Its practically the join you are trying to do, if all you need is row retrieval than quering the table without populate will make both functions you built work.
To me it looks like you are re-writing how Sails did the association. Id suggest giving the Associations docs another read in Sails documentation: Associations. As depending on your case you are just trying a one-to-many association with each table, you could avoid a middle table in my guess, but to decide better id need to understand your use-case.
When I saw the mySQL code it seemed to me you are still thinking in MySQL and PHP which takes time to convert from :) forcing the joins and middle tables yourself, redoing a lot of the stuff sails automated for you. I redone your example on 'disk' adapter and it worked perfectly. The whole point of WaterlineORM is to abstract the layer of going down to SQL unless absolutely necessary. Here is what I would do for your example, first without SQL just on a disk adapter id create the models :
// Lang.js
attributes: {
id :{ type: "Integer" , autoIncrement : true, primaryKey: true },
code :"string"
you see what i did redundantly here ? I did not really need the Id part as Sails does it for me. Just an example.
// Meta.js
attributes: {
code :"string"
better :) ?
// MetaLang.js
title : "string",
desc : "string",
meta_id :
model : "meta",
lang_id :
model : "lang",
Now after simply creating the same values as your example i run sails console type :
MetaLang.find({meta_id : 1 ,lang_id:2}).exec(function(er,res){
Output >>>
sails> [ { meta_id: 1,
lang_id: 2,
title: 'My blog',
id: 2 } ]
Now if you want to display what is meta with id 1 and what is lang with id 2, we use populate, but the referencing for join/search is just as simple as this.
sails> Meta_lang.find({meta_id : 1 ,lang_id:2}).populate('lang_id').populate('meta_id').exec(function(er,res){ console.log(res); });
sails> [ {
{ code: 'default',
id: 1 },
{ code: 'En',
id: 2 },
title: 'My blog',
id: 2 } ]
At this point, id switch adapters to MySQL and then create the MySQL tables with the same column names as above. Create the FK_constraints and voila.
Another strict policy you can add is to set up the 'via' and dominance on each model. you can read more about that in the Association documentation and it depends on the nature of association (many-to-many etc.)
To get the same result without knowing the Ids before-hand :
sails> Meta.findOne({code : "default"}).exec(function(err,needed_meta){
..... Lang.findOne({code : "En"}).exec(function(err_lang,needed_lang){
....... Meta_lang.find({meta_id : , lang_id :}).exec(function(err_all,result){
......... console.log(result);});
....... });
..... });
sails> [ { meta_id: 1,
lang_id: 2,
title: 'My blog',
id: 2 } ]
Have you tried:
findCurrentTest: function (metaCode, langCode) {
Meta.findByCode(metaCode).populate('metaLangs', {where: {code:langCode}}).exec(function(err, metaLang) {
if (err) return console.log(err);

Order Bookshelf.js fetch by related column value

I'm using Bookshelf.js/Knex.js, fetching a model (call it user) with a related child model (call it company).Can I order by a field on the child model -
Also, if that's possible, can I multi sort, say descending then lastName ascending
Here's my current code, which only works on root model fields. qb.orderBy('', 'desc') doesn't work.
users.query(function(qb) {
qb.orderBy('lastName', 'asc');
.fetch({withRelated: ['company']})
.then(success, error);
Try the following:
.fetch({withRelated: [
'company': function(qb) {
.then(success, error);
I got the idea from
You can do it like this without the need of a function:
users.query(function(qb) {
qb.query('orderBy', 'lastName', 'asc');
.fetch({withRelated: ['company']})
.then(success, error);
Found here: Sort Bookshelf.js results with .orderBy()
I think I solved it by doing this:
let postHits =
await posts
.query(qb => qb
.innerJoin('post_actor_rel', function () {
this.on('', '=', 'post_actor_rel.post_id');
.innerJoin('actor', function () {
this.on('post_actor_rel.actor_id', '=', '');
.orderByRaw(' ASC')
withRelated: ['roles', 'themes', 'activity_types', 'subjects', 'educational_stages', 'images', 'documents', 'actors'],
I modify the query by inner joining with the desired tables and after sorting (using orderByRaw since I will need to add some more sorting that I think is not possible with orderBy) I group by the post's id to get rid of the duplicate rows. The only problem is that it's not defined which actor name (of several possible) is used for the sorting.
