Removing everything but filename extension [duplicate] - linux

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Extract filename and extension in Bash
(38 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Let's say I have a string:
I know how to remove everything but last n-characters. Like this (removing everything but last 3 characters:
${x: -3}
But this doesn't work for files with different suffix lengths. (len .tar != len .sh)
I would tackle this by removing everything until the last dot. I've tried this:
This removes the longest matching until "." but somehow it just returns the full string without removing anything?

Try this:
echo ${x##*.}
This will print sh
If you want to get, then:
echo ${x#*.}
Here * matches any set of characters before the occurrence of .


Why the assignment of an array string (with brackets) to environment variable is not working [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
I just assigned a variable, but echo $variable shows something else
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Execute the following command in bash shell:
export sz1='"authorities" : ["uaa.resource"]'
Now, try echo $sz1
I expect to see the following output:
"authorities" : ["uaa.resource"]
But instead I get this:
"authorities" : c
The interesting thing is that I have dozens of servers where I can execute this type of variable assignment and it works except on this server. This server has exactly the same OS version, profile, bash version etc. What could be the reason for this behavior?
Always quote your variables. Use
echo "$sz1"
When you don't quote the variable, word splitting and wildcard expansion is done on the variable expansion. On ["uaa.resource"] is a wildcard that will match any of the following filenames:
On that one machine you have a file named c, so the wildcard matches and gets replaced with that filename.

Insert text in specific line of file by using sed. Text is including variable, which should be added into file in double quotation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to escape single quotes within single quoted strings
(25 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I need your help.
I am creating bash script and I have problem in part where I need to add text in line 4 of test.txt file. My text is including variable. I know how to add text with variable, but in this case this variable must be in double quotation.
So, I am using this command:
sed -i "4s/$/Username = "$var1"/g" $dir/output/test.txt
but I get next results in test.txt file:
$Username = example
I tried many options but I can not achive to get variable in double quotation:
$Username = "example"
sed -i "4s/$/Username = \"$var1\"/" $dir/output/test.txt
Global switch is meaningless and can be removed since you're appending to the end of the line

Append text to a file with pattern matched name in bash [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
In bash, how do I expand a wildcard while it's inside double quotes?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to add a line to a specific file which matches a pattern in its name.
e.g. I am trying to append text STATUS PASSED to a file whose name contains 2018_09_26_04_51_30.
echo "STATUS PASSED" >> "/test_dir/*$date*.txt"
Above said commands are creating new file named *2018_09_26_04_51_30*.txt which is not serving my purpose!
Let's assume that there are several other files with *.txt extension, but none of these files contains $date in their names.
The test_dir directory contains:
So, here file test3-2018_09_26_04_51_30_51S.txt is unique.
P.S. I have to execute this script in both Linux and AIX.
Any help will be appreciated!
Try like this,
#cd /test_dir
echo "STATUS PASSED" >> $(ls /test_dir/*$date*.txt)

Extracting the file name from a full path string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get just the filename from a path in a Bash script [duplicate]
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Let's say I have a string which represents the full path of a file:
How can I extract only the file name tt.txt?
Please don't tell me to use echo $full_path | cut -d'/' -f 5.
Because the file may be located in a deeper or shallower folder.
The number, 5, cannot be applied in all cases.
if you are comfortable with python then, you can use the following piece of code.
full_path = "path to your file name"
filename = full_path.split('/')[-1]
Use the parameter expansion functionality.
echo ${full_path%/*}
That will give you the output
And will work any number of directory levels deep, as it will give you everything up to the final "/".
Edit: Parameter expansion is very useful, so here's a quick link for you that gives a good overview of what is possible:
You can use this construct
echo "$full_path" | sed 's/\/.*\///'

Read content from text file formed in Windows in Linux bash [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to concatenate string variables in Bash
(30 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am trying to download files from a database using wget and url. E.g.
wget ""
So format of the url is as such:$idnumber).pdb"
But I have many files to download; so I wrote a bash script that reads id_numbers from a text file, forms url string and downloads by wget.
while read line
echo -e $url
wget $url
done < id_numbers.txt
However, url string is formed as
So, .pdb is repleced with http. I cannot figure out why. Does anyone have an idea?
How can I format it so url is
Thanks a lot.
Note. This question was marked as duplicate of 'How to concatenate strings in bash?' but I was actually asking for something else. I read that question before asking this one and it turns out my problem was with preparing the txt file in Windows not really string concetanation. I edited question title. I hope it is more clear now.
It sounds like your id_numbers.txt file has DOS/Windows-style line endings (carriage return followed by linefeed characters) instead of plain unix line endings (just linefeed). The result is that read thinks the line ends with a carriage return, $line actually has a carriage return at the end, and that gets embedded in the url, causing various confusion.
There are several ways to solve this. You could have bash trim the carriage return from the variable when you use it:
Or you could have read trim it by telling it that carriage return counts as whitespace (read will trim leading and trailing whitespace from what it reads):
while IFS=$'\r' read line
Or you could use a command like dos2unix (or whatever the equivalent is on your OS) to convert the id_numbers.txt file.
The -e echo option is used to output the desired content without inserting a new line, you do not need it here.
Also I suspect your file containing the ids to be malformed, on which OS did you create it?
Anyway, you can simplify your script this way:
while read line
wget "$line.pdb"
done < id_numbers.txt
I was able to successfully test it with an id_numbers.txt file generated like so:
for i in $(0 9) ; do echo "$i" >> id_numbers.txt ; done
Try this:
For more info, check How to concatenate string variables in Bash?
