Do high resolution PhotoOverlays in GoogleEarth need to be Image Pyramids? - kml

I have a series of ~300 high resolution images (~0.5 gigapixel) which I want embedded as PhotoOverlays in Google Earth. I have them in either of two formats, ~250mb geotiff's (georeferenced & warped) and ~100mb jpg's (which I can localize in GE with explicit coordinates). These images are of very small areas (~100m^2). Ultimately, I will want to share the images online.
Are the file sizes big enough to need Image Pyramids?
If so, is gdal_retile an appropriate tool to produce the pyramids and the KML?


how do I perform image stitching with a reference image as a guide?

image stitching with a reference image.
I have multiple images of subject(bone), the images are of different sections of the subject as on a 3x3 matrix. I would like to stitch them together but the problem is they don't have any common feature, as the subject was cut into these sections using a saw. What i have is the image of subject before cutting and want to use it as a guide to stitch the images of sections together.
I have tried using Fiji imagej and searched the web for an alternative. imageJ can only do the job if it has common feature between images to work with. can someone point to some code in python or matlab that can do this or any software that could help.
'[Reference image][1] section (11) section (12) section (13) section (21) section (23) section (31)'
' [1]:
I'm not able to add more than 8 links due to SO's policy. There are two more remaining, I'll add them soon. And the "section (22)" i.e centre position in the 3X3 matrix is empty.
Solutions for image processing needs like this vary wildly depending on whether you need a script to use just a few times, a software tool you'll use for a few weeks, or what could become lab automation software.
This seems to be a problem more of image matching rather than image stitching. By image matching I mean you need to find out how a subimage such as the bone section at (row 2, column 1) would match what is labeled as "4," the center left section, in the reference bone image.
The basic process:
Load your reference image as a 2D array (first converted to grayscale)
Load your first sample image of a subsection of bone.
Use an algorithm such as SIFT to determine the location, orientation, and scale to fit the bone subsection image onto the reference image.
Apply the fit criteria (x,y,rotation,scale) to the bone subsection image, transform it, and past it into a black image the same size as the reference image.
Continue the process above to fit all subsections.
(Optional) With all bone subsections fitted in place, perform additional image processing operations to improve the fit, fill in gaps, etc.
From your sample images it appears that the reference and the bone section images area taken using different lighting, sometimes with the flat portion of the bone slightly tilted relative to the camera's optical axis, etc., all of which makes the image match more difficult.
SIFT is an algorithm that could help here. Note that "scale invariant" is part of the algorithm name.
Given all that, your reference image and bone subsection images appear to be taken under very different circumstances, and that makes solving the problem harder than it needs to be. You'll have an easier time overall if you can control the conditions under which images are captured.
Capture all images with the same camera, with the same lighting, at roughly the same distance
For lighting, use something like a high-frequency diffuse fluorescent
Use the same background for every image (e.g. matte black)
Making this image match a robust process means paying attention to the physical setup as well as creating your image processing algorithm.
If you need a good reference for traditional image processing techniques, find a copy of Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez and Woods. Some time spent with that book will give you better answers faster than learning image processing piecemeal online.
For practical image processing that addresses real-world concerns for implementing even simple image processing algorithms, look for Machine Vision by Davies.
I would strongly urge that you NOT look into machine learning, or try to find an answer in a more advanced image processing textbook until you run into a roadblock with more traditional methods.

Microsoft cognitive services Face API

What is suggested (optimal) image size to work with face API. Can't find anything about this.
Looks like images should not be to small but either too large. Probably any recommendation how to prepare them before train model?
This may help from the "Add Face" documentation:
JPEG, PNG, GIF (the first frame), and BMP format are supported. The allowed image file size is from 1KB to 4MB.
"targetFace" rectangle should contain one face. Zero or multiple faces will be regarded as an error. If the provided "targetFace" rectangle is not returned from Face - Detect, there’s no guarantee to detect and add the face successfully.
Out of detectable face size (36x36 - 4096x4096 pixels), large head-pose, or large occlusions will cause failures.
Adding/deleting faces to/from a same face list are processed sequentially and to/from different face lists are in parallel.

expanding a jpeg file's 'pixel' size without increasing the file size?

I'm curating a web site (joomla, as it happens) and I notice that every (jpeg) image file uploaded is stored in a series of 'sizes', of which the largest is~ 25 times the original size. (9k -> 240k) - just to support display to a larger 'view port', I assume. Is there any practical way, either with jpeg transfoms, other common web image formats or any other wacky idea, to build image files with larger pixel dimensions but retaining approximately the same file size as the original?
Why not simply resize the images with CSS/HTML? If you simply resize them without any quality improvement, you are wasting bandwidth by sending the bigger image.
If you are looking to generate lower resolution thumbnails from a single large image, use JPEGMini. Alternatively, Photoshop has an excellent "Save for web and devices" feature that dramatically reduces the size of images with customizable loss.

DICOM Image is too dark with ITK

i am trying to read an image with ITK and display with VTK.
But there is a problem that has been haunting me for quite some time.
I read the images using the classes itkGDCMImageIO and itkImageSeriesReader.
After reading, i can do two different things:
I can convert the ITK image to vtkImageData using itkImageToVTKImageFilter and the use vtkImageReslicer to get all three axes. Then, i use the classes vtkImageMapper, vtkActor2D, vtkRenderer and QVTKWidget to display the image.
In this case, when i display the images, there are several problems with colors. Some of them are shown very bright, others are so dark you can barely see them.
The second scenario is the registration pipeline. Here, i read the image as before, then use the classes shown in the ITK Software Guide chapter about registration. Then i resample the image and use the itkImageSeriesWriter.
And that's when the problem appears. After writing the image to a file, i compare this new image with the image i used as input in the XMedcon software. If the image i wrote ahs been shown too bright in my software, there no changes when i compare both of them in XMedcon. Otherwise, if the image was too dark in my software, it appears all messed up in XMedcon.
I noticed, when comparing both images (the original and the new one) that, in both cases, there are changes in modality, pixel dimensions and glmax.
I suppose the problem is with the glmax, as the major changes occur with the darker images.
I really don't know what to do. Does this have something to do with color level/window? The most strange thing is that all the images are very similar, with identical tags and only some of them display errors when shown/written.
I'm not familiar with the particulars of VTK/ITK specifically, but it sounds to me like the problem is more general than that. Medical images have a high dynamic range and often the images will appear very dark or very bright if the window isn't set to some appropriate range. The DICOM tags Window Center (0028, 1050) and Window Width (0028, 1051) will include some default window settings that were selected by the modality. Usually these values are reasonable, but not always. See part 3 of the DICOM standard (11_03pu.pdf is the filename) section C. for details on how raw image pixels are scaled for display. The general idea is that you'll need to apply a linear scaling to the images to get appropriate pixel values for display.
What pixel types do you use? In most cases, it's simpler to use a floating point type while using ITK, but raw medical images are often in short, so that could be your problem.
You should also write the image to the disk after each step (in MHD format, for example), and inspect it with a viewer that's known to work properly, such as vv ( You could also post them here as well as your code for further review.
Good luck!
For what you describe as your first issue:
I can convert the ITK image to vtkImageData using itkImageToVTKImageFilter and the use vtkImageReslicer to get all three axes. Then, i use the classes vtkImageMapper, vtkActor2D, vtkRenderer and QVTKWidget to display the image.
In this case, when i display the images, there are several problems with colors. Some of them are shown very bright, others are so dark you can barely see them.
I suggest the following: Check your window/level in VTK, they probably aren't adequate to your images. If they are abdominal tomographies window = 350 level 50 should be a nice color level.

game background file of just 2KB

I am making game for mobile phone and i have little knowledge of creating graphics for games. I am making graphics using CorelDraw & Photoshop.
I made flash.png using above 2 software's & could squeeze the size to 47Kb only.....
But I came across one game which has file size just 2kb for its background (bg0 & bg1.png)
I want to know how do I make such beautiful graphics without increasing the size of my file...
I assume the gamer must have hand sketched, scanned & used one of the above software's to fill the colors.....but i am not sure about it...
plz help
There are several ways to reduce the size of a PNG:
Reduce the colour depth. Don't use RGB true/24 bit colour, use an indexed colour image. You need to add a palette to the image, but each pixel is one byte, not two.
Once you have an indexed colour image, reduce the number of colours in the palette. There is a limit to how many colours you can reduce it by - the fewer colours, the lower the image quality.
Remove unnecessary PNG chunks. Art packages may add additional data to the PNG that isn't image data (creation date, author info, resolution, comments, etc.)
Check to get rid of unneeded PNG chunks and compress the IDAT chunk even further. This might help a lot or not at all depending on the PNG that came out of the art packages. If it doesn't help, consider index PNGs. And if you go for paletized PNGs be sure to check out for cool effects you might be able to use.
Use a paletted png with few colors and then pass the png through a png optimizer like the free exe PngOptimizer
If your png still is too big reduce the number of colors used and reoptimize. Rince and repeat ^^.
I have used this technique on quite a lot of mobile games where size was of the essence.
