What is the best way to implement the x.224 OSI COTS protocol on Linux - linux

I need to make an old Linux box running kernel communicate with an older computer that is using:
ISO 8602 Datagram (connectionless service) 1987 12 15 (1st Edition)
ISO 8073 Class 4 (connection oriented service)
These are using "Inactive Network Layer" subset. (I am pretty sure this means I do not have to worry about routing. The two end points are hitting each other with their mac addresses.)
I have a kernel module that implements the connectionless part. In order to get the connection oriented service operational, what is the best approach? I have been taking the approach of adding in the struct proto_ops .connect, .accept, .listen functions to my existing connectionless driver by referring to the tcp implementation.
Maybe there is a better approach? I am spending a lot of time trying to decide what the tcp code is doing and then deciding if that is relevant to my needs. For example, the Nagle algorithm isn't needed because I don't have small bits of data being transmitted. In addition, there are probably a lot of error recovery and flow control stuff I don't need because I know the data that the two endpoints are transmitting and how frequently they transmit it. My plan is to implement this first with whatever simplistic (if any) packet retransmission, sequencing, etc.. to the point where my wireshark looks similar to the wireshark capture I have from the live system. Then try mine against the real thing and then add in whatever error recovery/retransmit stuff seems necessary. In other words, it is a pain in the rear trying to determine what is the guts of the tcp/stream implementation that I want to copy vs the extra error correction/flow control stuff that I might never need.
I found \net\core\stream.c which says:
* Generic stream handling routines. These are generic for most
* protocols. Even IP. Tonight 8-).
* This is used because TCP, LLC (others too) layer all have mostly
* identical sendmsg() and recvmsg() code.
* So we (will) share it here.
This suggested to me that maybe there might be a simpler stream thingy that I can start from. Can someone recommend a more basic streams driver that I should start from instead of tcp?
Is there any example code that provides a basic stream implementation?

I made a user level library to implement the protocol providing my own versions of open/read/write/select etc. If anyone else cares, you can find me at http://pnwsoft.com
Do not attempt to use openss7. It is a total waste of time.


Can the the device receive commands without previous negotiation (sending any data)?

I'm dealing with the following challenge. In my system, there are two devices. Tags and anchors. Tags have BLE module with the transmit power 0dBm and not Long Range feature (BLE 4.0). Anchors have BLE module with transmit power over 8dBm and Long range feature (BLE 5.0).
I want tags to only receive some commands. Bi-directional communication is not necessary. This way, I can utilize the transmit power of anchor (8dBm) and thus quite bigger range, if tag with 0dBm is only receiving.
I read something about Observer/Broadcaster principle, where connecting is not necessary. But somehow devices have to agree on what frequencies should they hop on, the step and so on.
I'm asking, is it possible for device to only receive commands without previous negotiation with the sender?
Thank you very much for help. I'm beginning with BLE standard and there is a lot to learn.
Yes, it is possible to send data via adverts/scanning only. This way, there's no connection that needs to be established, and therefore no connection parameter negotiation takes place. As for the frequency hopping agreement - this happens via the baseband (in other words you will not deal with this in the software yourself) and is generally not applicable for advertising/scanning (these happen on 3 frequency channels only and therefore it is likely that the observer will catch what the broadcaster is broadcasting).
However, keep in mind that because you are broadcasting/advertising the data as opposed to directly sending it, that data can be received by any observing/scanning BLE devices which is not desired for safety/security/privacy purposes.
For more information on BLE communication, I recommend the links below:-
Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy
Is it Possible to Send Data with BLE Broadcast Mode

Is it possible to communicate with vending machines (that uses MDB) using UART directly without using hardware adapter?

I'm building a linux-based cashless device and trying to achieve communication with VMC in vending machines over UART directly without needing additional hardware adapter to convert between 8-bit and 9-bit frame data.
I'm only using the cashless device, no intention to connect any other peripheral to the VMC.
I read questions asked about this before, some of them stressed on the need to an adapter, others suggested possible hacks to achieve the 9-bit to 8-bit conversion, but still can't find a confirmed working and stable solution.
My question is, Is it possible (and reliable) to achieve this using a pure software solution? and how?
The 9th bit is a control bit. It will show if the data is to be interpreted as an address or as data. If you are communicating with one device and sending only data you want to strip the 9th bit out and only look at data frames. Check and see if it's always zero:
If controlBit = 0:
print("This is an address: " + byte)
Many people have reported that your connection will not be stable without special hardware due to timing problems.
Instead of reinventing the wheel you can use opensource code as a starting point.
This way you don't have to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Could I craft ethernet frame with wrong FCS/CRC?

I want to do some testing by sending layer 2 packages with wrong FCS/CRCs.
I've searched scapy/mz/nemesis, but it seems none of them could play with it.
Is it possible to do this on a regular linux NIC? Or if the FCS/CRC is automatically appended by hardware that we cannot do anything with it?
I have some specific machine to detect all incoming packets before dropping them, so I want to test if it does work like that.
No you cannot, as far as my experience with most NICs go. You can, however, disable automatic checksum calculation at the rx side, manipulate it at the buffer desccriptor layer and give it to stack.
Googled it for you. These guys say intresting things. Take a look.
Yes you can. I've found another discussion on this here: How do you send an Ethernet frame with a corrupt FCS?
There is a link going to a working example (http://markmail.org/thread/eoquixklsjgvvaom). I've tried that and it's working (on igb and e1000 Eth cards).

Securely transmit commands between PIC microcontrollers using nRF24L01 module

I have created a small wireless network using a few PIC microcontrollers and nRF24L01 wireless RF modules. One of the PICs is PIC18F46K22 and it is used as the main controller which sends commands to all other PICs. All other (slave) microcontrollers are PIC16F1454, there are 5 of them so far. These slave controllers are attached to various devices (mostly lights). The main microcontroller is used to transmit commands to those devices, such as turn lights on or off. These devices also report the status of the attached devices back to the main controller witch then displays it on an LCD screen. This whole setup is working perfectly fine.
The problem is that anybody who has these cheap nRF24L01 modules could simply listen to the commands which are being sent by the main controller and then repeat them to control the devices.
Encrypting the commands wouldn’t be helpful as these are simple instructions and if encrypted they will always look the same, and one does not need to decrypt it to be able to retransmit the message.
So how would I implement a level of security in this system?
What you're trying to do is to prevent replay attacks. The general solution to this involves two things:
Include a timestamp and/or a running message number in all your messages. Reject messages that are too old or that arrive out of order.
Include a cryptographic message authentication code in each message. Reject any messages that don't have the correct MAC.
The MAC should be at least 64 bits long to prevent brute force forgery attempts. Yes, I know, that's a lot of bits for small messages, but try to resist the temptation to skimp on it. 48 bits might be tolerable, but 32 bits is definitely getting into risky territory, at least unless you implement some kind of rate limiting on incoming messages.
If you're also encrypting your messages, you may be able to save a few bytes by using an authenticated encryption mode such as SIV that combines the MAC with the initialization vector for the encryption. SIV is a pretty nice choice for encrypting small messages anyway, since it's designed to be quite "foolproof". If you don't need encryption, CMAC is a good choice for a MAC algorithm, and is also the MAC used internally by SIV.
Most MACs, including CMAC, are based on block ciphers such as AES, so you'll need to find an implementation of such a cipher for your microcontroller. A quick Google search turned up this question on electronics.SE about AES implementations for microcontrollers, as well as this blog post titled "Fast AES Implementation on PIC18F4550". There are also small block ciphers specifically designed for microcontrollers, but such ciphers tend to be less thoroughly analyzed than AES, and may harbor security weaknesses; if you can use AES, I would. Note that many MAC algorithms (as well as SIV mode) only use the block cipher in one direction; the decryption half of the block cipher is never used, and so need not be implemented.
The timestamp or message number should be long enough to keep it from wrapping around. However, there's a trick that can be used to avoid transmitting the entire number with each message: basically, you only send the lowest one or two bytes of the number, but you also include the higher bytes of the number in the MAC calculation (as associated data, if using SIV). When you receive a message, you reconstruct the higher bytes based on the transmitted value and the current time / last accepted message number and then verify the MAC to check that your reconstruction is correct and the message isn't stale.
If you do this, it's a good idea to have the devices regularly send synchronization messages that contain the full timestamp / message number. This allows them to recover e.g. from prolonged periods of message loss causing the truncated counter to wrap around. For schemes based on sequential message numbering, a typical synchronization message would include both the highest message number sent by the device so far as well as the lowest number they'll accept in return.
To guard against unexpected power loss, the message numbers should be regularly written to permanent storage, such as flash memory. Since you probably don't want to do this after every message, a common solution is to only save the number every, say, 1000 messages, and to add a safety margin of 1000 to the saved value (for the outgoing messages). You should also design your data storage patterns to avoid directly overwriting old data, both to minimize wear on the memory and to avoid data corruption if power is lost during a write. The details of this, however, are a bit outside the scope of this answer.
Ps. Of course, the MAC calculation should also always include the identities of the sender and the intended recipient, so that an attacker can't trick the devices by e.g. echoing a message back to its sender.

I need a TCP option (ioctl) to send data immediately

I've got an unusual situation: I'm using a Linux system in an embedded situation (Intel box, currently using a 2.6.20 kernel.) which has to communicate with an embedded system that has a partially broken TCP implementation. As near as I can tell right now they expect each message from us to come in a separate Ethernet frame! They seem to have problems when messages are split across Ethernet frames.
We are on the local network with the device, and there are no routers between us (just a switch).
We are, of course, trying to force them to fix their system, but that may not end up being feasible.
I've already set TCP_NODELAY on my sockets (I connect to them), but that only helps if I don't try to send more than one message at a time. If I have several outgoing messages in a row, those messages tend to end up in one or two Ethernet frames, which causes trouble on the other system.
I can generally avoid the problem by using a timer to avoid sending messages too close together, but that obviously limits our throughput. Further, if I turn the time down too low, I risk network congestion holding up packet transmits and ending up allowing more than one of my messages into the same packet.
Is there any way that I can tell whether the driver has data queued or not? Is there some way I can force the driver to send independent write calls in independent transport layer packets? I've had a look through the socket(7) and tcp(7) man pages and I didn't find anything. It may just be that I don't know what I'm looking for.
Obviously, UDP would be one way out, but again, I don't think we can make the other end change anything much at this point.
Any help greatly appreciated.
IIUC, setting the TCP_NODELAY option should flush all packets (i.e. tcp.c implements setting of NODELAY with a call to tcp_push_pending_frames). So if you set the socket option after each send call, you should get what you want.
You cannot work around a problem unless you're sure what the problem is.
If they've done the newbie mistake of assuming that recv() receives exactly one message then I don't see a way to solve it completely. Sending only one message per Ethernet frame is one thing, but if multiple Ethernet frames arrive before the receiver calls recv() it will still get multiple messages in one call.
Network congestion makes it practically impossible to prevent this (while maintaining decent throughput) even if they can tell you how often they call recv().
Maybe, set TCP_NODELAY and set your MTU low enough so that there would be at most 1 message per frame? Oh, and add "dont-fragment" flag on outgoing packets
Have you tried opening a new socket for each message and closing it immediately? The overhead may be nauseating,but this should delimit your messages.
In the worst case scenario you could go one level lower (raw sockets), where you have better control over the packets sent, but then you'd have to deal with all the nitty-gritty of TCP.
Maybe you could try putting the tcp stack into low-latency mode:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_low_latency
That should favor emitting packets as quickly as possible over combining data. Read the man on tcp(7) for more information.
