Command line shell for identifying interfaces that are up and running - linux

Is there any shell command for filtering interface names that are up and running

Run the command /sbin/ifconfig and look for UP.
If you want just the names of the active interfaces, you need some scripting:
ifconfig | awk '/^[^ ]/ { name=$1; } /^ +UP / {print name;}'

You may check it with several commands:
See the content of the network interface file:
cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate
Using ip command
ip a | grep -Eq ': eth0:.*state UP'
ifconfig | grep -Eq ': eth0:.*state UP'
Where eth0 is your interface. Original post

ifconfig | awk -v RS="" '/MULTICAST/ && /UP/ && /RUNNING/ && /BROADCAST/ {print substr($1, 0, length($1)-1)}'


How to use ssh -t command which includes grep with quotes

I am trying to grep the third octet in IP address to an tap device on remote machine.
ssh -t user#host "/sbin/ifconfig tap0 | grep "inet" | /usr/bin/awk -F'[: ]+' '{ print $4 }' | awk -F'[.]' '{print $3}'"
I am resulting this:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
When i run the command on the remote machine it shows 66
How to make it working with ssh -t?
Sometimes using perl is simpler:
ssh -t user#host "/sbin/ifconfig tap0" | perl -n -e 'if (/inet\saddr:\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)/) { print "$1\n"}'
it runs regular expression pattern on the local machine match on the third octet following addr: and this is then printed via $1
The pattern match is run on the local machine to avoid problems with escaping " (In your example code the " in the grep inet seems to terminate the ssh...)

echo text to multiple files in bash script

I am working on a bash script that uses pssh to run external commands, then join the output of the commands with the IP of each server. pssh has an option -o that writes a file for each server into a specified directory, but if the commands do not run, you just have an empty file. What I am having issues with is updating these empty files with something like "Server Unreachable" so that I know there was a connection issue reaching the server and to not cause problems with the rest of the script.
Here is what I have so far:
now=$(date +"%F")
empty="$(find ./cnxhwinfo-$now/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*' -size 0 -printf '%f%2d')"
command="echo \$(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{d=h=m=0; if (\$7==\"min\") m=\$6; else {if (\$7~/^day/) {d=\$6;h=\$8;m=\$9} else {h=\$6;m=\$7}}} {print d+0,\"days\",h+0,\"hours\",m+0,\"minutes\"}'), \$(hostname | awk '{print \$1}'), \$(sudo awk -F '=' 'FNR == 2 {print \$2}' /etc/connex-release/version.txt), \$(lscpu | awk -F: 'BEGIN{ORS=\", \";} NR==4 || NR==6 || NR==15 {print \$2}' | sed 's/ *//g') \$(free -k | awk '/Mem:/{print \$2}'), \$(df -Ph | awk '/var_lib/||/root/ {print \$2,\",\"\$5,\",\"}')"
pssh -h $file -l user -t 10 -i -o /home/user/tools/cnxhwinfo-$now -x -tt $command
echo "Server Unreachable" | tee "./cnxhwinfo-$now/$empty"
ls ./cnxhwinfo-$now >> ./cnx-data-$now
cat ./cnxhwinfo-$now/* >> ./cnx-list-$now
paste -d, ./cnx-data-$now ./cnx-list-$now >>./cnx-data-"$(date +"%F").csv"
I was trying to use find to locate the empty files and write "Server" unavailable using tee with this:
echo "Server Unreachable" | tee "./cnxhwinfo-$now/$empty"
if the folder specified doesn't already exist i get this error:
tee: ./cnxhwinfo-2019-09-03/: Is a directory
And if it does exist (ie, i run the script again), it instead creates a file named after the IP addresses returned by the find command, like this: 1
I've also tried:
echo "Server Unreachable" | tee <(./cnxhwinfo-$now/$empty)
The find command outputs the IP addresses on a single line with a space in between each one, so I thought that would be fine for tee to use, but I feel like I am either running into syntax issues, or am going about this the wrong way. I have another version of this same script that uses regular ssh and works great, just much slower than using pssh.
empty should be an array, assuming none of the file names will contain any whitespace in their names.
readarray -t empty < <(find ...)
echo "Server unreachable" | (cd ./cnxhwinfo-$now/; tee "${empty[#]}" > /dev/null)
Otherwise, you are building a single file name by concatenating the empty file names.

get a DHCP server's IP

I wanted to get the IP of my DHCP server into a bash variable.
like : IP=""
I know this IP can be found in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases or in /var/log/syslog but I don't know of to extract it and put it in variable during my script (bash)
EDIT: file dhclient.leases look's like
lease {
interface "eth0";
option subnet-mask;
option routers;
option dhcp-lease-time 7200;
option dhcp-message-type 5;
option domain-name-servers;
option dhcp-server-identifier;
option host-name "bertin-Latitude-E6430s";
option domain-name "laboelec";
renew 1 2015/02/16 10:54:34;
rebind 1 2015/02/16 11:53:49;
expire 1 2015/02/16 12:08:49;
I want the IP from line option dhcp-server-identifier;.
To more compatibility I finally opted for a simple solution which is to send the IP server like a string on broadcast every seconds. For that I use socat (because netcat can't send message to braodcast)
my DHCP server run this script in background:
IP=$(ifconfig $interface | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}')
Broadcast=$(ifconfig $interface | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f3 | awk '{ print $1}')
while [ true ];
sleep 1
echo $IP | socat - UDP4-DATAGRAM:$Broadcast:$Port,so-broadcast
#to listen: netcat -l -u $Broadcast -p $Port
exit 0

How to select vendor when using macchanger in linux

Currently, I am using this command to spoof my MAC address:
macchanger eth0 -A
However, I want to be able to select which vendor I use. I know that the switch -l displays a list of all available vendors, but say I want to use one from Cisco, what command do I use to actually use that specific vendor rather than the system choosing a random vendor for me each time?
You could add a function like this to .bashrc
Then you can: macspoof Apple eth0
macspoof () {
Vendor=$(macchanger -l | grep $1 | shuf -n 1 | awk '{print $3}')
Tail=$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | sed 's/.\{2\}/&:/g' | cut -c 1-8)
sudo macchanger -m $Mac $2

How to cut ifconfig to get eth* details alone?

I'm writing a script to print ethtool details of ifconfig.
Sample output should be from ifconfig is like,
I have tried using below command,
root#bt# ifconfig | cut -d ":" -f 1
But could not able to achieve the same.
Actually, i need to get these eth* and pass in
root#bt# ethtool <arg1> where arg1=eth*
to get results :-) can you please help me to get crop from ifconfig. ?
$ awk -F: '$1 ~ "eth" { print $1 }' /proc/net/dev
With grep & ifconfig :
ifconfig | grep -o '^eth[0-9]\+'
Or with only grep :
grep -oP '^ *\Keth[0-9]+' /proc/net/dev
