Narrow my selection to show only related records - netsuite

I have created to custom record types. Poll and Questions.
I would like to have a field in Poll to point to the starting question.
As such, I would like to user to click from a list of current poll questions.
However, I can't seem to find the right approach to filtering the set to just questions of the current poll.
What is the proper way to do this?
How do I narrow the selection on SCQP-Questin dropdown also?

You will probably want to do this in your field definition for the Starting Question field on the Poll record. Open up this field definition and take a look at the Sourcing and Filtering tab. There you should find a FILTER USING sublist; you can use this to set up the appropriate filtering.
The FILTER USING column will show you fields from the Question record. I assume that there is a field on the Question that links it to a Poll; this will be the field you select for FILTER USING. Next, select equal to for your COMPARE TYPE. Finally, in the VALUE IS column, select CURRENT RECORD. This should filter down the list of questions to only those that have the current Poll set.
Here's a screenshot of the table just to illustrate the columns I'm talking about. Obviously I don't have Poll and Question records set up so I can't show you exact fields set in the table.


How do I update a list item after adding it with Power Automate

I can't figure out how to do a very simple update of a column value in Power Automate in SharePoint online. I've seen examples of how to update an item on another list, but nothing that updates a value on the same item that was just added and triggered the workflow. Can anybody give me an example and maybe a very brief explanation?
I want to multiply the values of two columns and add it to a third column on the same item which will be blank. I used the formula to update the column I want using values from other columns. =[Dollar Amount]*[% Chance] but it says invalid syntax. There seems to be nothing intuitive in this new power automation and it's a horrible failure compared to how easy it used to be. MS is always making these mistakes.
The first method, you could use a calculated column.
=[% Chance]*[Dollar Amount]
Second method,use Flow.
Test result:
It's Power Automate, not power automation. Details matter.
First, try to set the column value when you create the item. Then you won't have to edit it. If you already know the values for [Dollar amount] and [% Chance] (Chance, really? Or Change?), then you can use these to generate the value before you create the item. You can do that in a variable or with a Compose action. Then create the item and refer to the variable or the Output of the compose action.
If this is not an option, you can use the Edit Item action and get the ID for the item from the action above that you used to create the item.
You say "MS is always making these mistakes." - It's more likely that the problem is a mismatch of data types, e.g. using text fields in calculations, or typos, or wrong syntax. That's not a mistake made by MS. Again, details matter.
Edit after comments: If the workflow is triggered by an item getting created, then you can use an Edit Item action and refer to the ID from the trigger item.

What is the technical term for highlighting a record in an application's list view?

In the List View of an application, I can click a record to highlight it.
The record's background turns light-blue.
I can only highlight a single record.
Highlighting is not to be confused with selecting records via checkboxes. Nor is it to be confused with clicking the WONUM hyperlink (opening the record).
On a side note: I can also perform custom actions on the highlighted record.
I discovered this business of highlighting records in the list view by accident. I just made up the term "highlighting".
What is the correct technical term for this functionality?
I'd like to find out more about it, but when I google things like maximo "list view" highlight I don't see any relevant results.
This isn't really a programming question, so SO isn't really the best place for it. It would fit better as a Disussion in the Maximo group of the IBM IoT community. That said...
You can observe this behaviour in any table. While that highlighted record is often referred to as the "selected" record, you are correct that it should not be confused with being selected via checkboxes. The highlighted record is the "current" record or the "active" record in the table. The current record in one table may determine which records are shown in another table. For example, in Database Configurations, the selected Index drives which columns are shown in the table below.
To a Maximo developer, the current record in a table is the current Mbo in an MboSet.

How to create a view using a count of certain field

I am trying to create a categorized view of all Notes documents that have a field with exact same value, i.e. there is a field for Contractor Name and I want to create a view that lists each Contractor and the documents that relevant to each. How do I do this? I have tried view formulas like the following but no success as yet
SELECT #IsAvailable(Contractorid) & #Count(Contractorid) > 1
SELECT #Count(#IsAvailable(Contractorid)) >1
Nsf databases are no relational databases. The count of different documents with a unique value in a specific field cannot be used to build a view selection formula.
You could write an agent, that runs through all documents and counts them and puts all with count > 1 in a folder, but this is quite a lot of LotusScript code and needs some advanced knowledge.
The other possibilit would be to categorize the view by ContractorId and add one column before that categorized column: simply use 1 as column formula and select "display totals" in the column properties as well as "hide details".
Then at least you have the information, how much documents are in each category, but unfortunately you cannot filter by it and you cannot sort by this column.
A third possibility would be to use an xpage interface, but that is even more work to do and a completely different story developmentwise.
This is similar to view to identify duplicates. My approach is to use folder.
Make a new folder with design of your view. Instead of (not working) selection formula use short LS code as an action, or QueryOpen event (make sure only one user runs the script).
The code should cooperate with another (hidden) view sorted by Contractorid. Make a ViewNavigator for that view and traverse through it with simple logic - if previous entry has the same Contractorid as the current one, put both documents into folder**. That way you will get list of all documents with duplicate Contractorid. Make sure to wipe all the current content from the folder at the start.
** This can be optimized further by slightly more complicated algorithm to handle first duplicate diferently - for more than two duplicates this algorithm makes extra calls of PutInFolder method.

Change views of records based on Filter criteria in crm 2011

I want to shift a record automatically based on filter criteria from Active view to a custom view "Processed". The criteria is shift record from Active to Processed when field contains data. Although this is working, the record still shows in Active.
I simply cannot find the reason why? Maybe its very simple too. Help?
If the views are mutually exclusive, and one of them is using the criteria field contains data, then the other view must use field does not contain data in order for your data to appear in the correct place.

Sharepoint: Person column in custom list

I have a Person field in my custom list. I want to have a view that will show multiple fields from that Person instead of the one I had to choose when creating the Person column.
So basically I want to have one column for Person and then in the view see Name, title, email, phone. All of those are valid choices but I can only pick one right now.
I really want to avoid typing in the username lookup for each column I choose to display.
This is SP 2007
It sounds like you need to create a custom fieldtype (with a fieldcontrol) that inherits from the userfield but in viewmode renders out the different columns you need. Is that something along the lines you are looking for?
Note: This link is broken
You probably want a Computed Field. Note that this is not a Calculated Column. A Computed Field is what is used to display the same data is different ways. In SharePoint there is a Title field, but there is also a "Title (linked to item with edit menu)" computed field as well as a "Title (linked to item)" computed field.
See midway down this link for more details. I'm not sure if it will have all of the power that you need, but if it does it is almost certainly what you are looking for if you don't mind getting into the Schema XML file a little.
Could you use a DataView web part for this? If it's just a question of viewing the data that might be suitable.
Came across this thread and thought I'd add a tip. This suggestion is clearly not for every use case, but may work well in situations where you're managing a list rather than allowing manual inputs (verified to work with SP 2013):
Create a spreadsheet with columns to match your SharePoint list that contains multiple profile fields. (for example: name, phone number, email address)
In the spreadsheet, enter the same email address in all of the person/group field types in that row. (e.g.,,,
Select and copy the row(s) you wish to transfer to SharePoint.
In SharePoint, change the list view to "Quick Edit" and paste the row(s) into the grid.
SharePoint will process each field and convert the email address to the profile value you selected during the list setup.
