Error: Inconsistent with 'net' object - verilog

I'm getting this error when I'm trying to simulate my testbench on ModelSim. I'm just in the early stage of the testbench, and I'm just adding some values to a variable when this error appears.
I have instantiated the topmodule and created the DUT for it in the testbench. Using the instance I'm going in the hierarchy where I get my desired variable that I want to assign a value.
I have googled for an answer to this question and the only thing I have found is that I cannot make a procedural assignment to a wire. The thing is that that the variable in question is an input, not a wire.
The project I'm working on is based on the openRISC 1200 architecture. I could not find any testbench that worked properly, that's why I'm trying to write my own.
Below is the testbench code:
module testbenchOR (
reg cmd;
reg rst;
reg clk;
wire iwb_cyc_o; // cycle valid output
wire [31:0] iwb_adr_o; // address bus outputs
wire iwb_stb_o; // strobe output
wire iwb_we_o; // indicates write transfer
wire [3:0] iwb_sel_o; // byte select outputs
wire [31:0] iwb_dat_o; // output data bus
wire dwb_cyc_o; // cycle valid output
wire [31:0] dwb_adr_o; // address bus outputs
wire dwb_stb_o; // strobe output
wire dwb_we_o; // indicates write transfer
wire [3:0] dwb_sel_o; // byte select outputs
wire [31:0] dwb_dat_o; // output data bus
wire [3:0] dbg_lss_o; // External Load/Store Unit Status
wire [1:0] dbg_is_o; // External Insn Fetch Status
wire [10:0] dbg_wp_o; // Watchpoints Outputs
wire dbg_bp_o; // Breakpoint Output
wire [31:0] dbg_dat_o; // External Data Output
wire dbg_ack_o; // External Data Acknowledge (not WB compatible)
wire [3:0] pm_clksd_o;
wire pm_dc_gate_o;
wire pm_ic_gate_o;
wire pm_dmmu_gate_o;
wire pm_immu_gate_o;
wire pm_tt_gate_o;
wire pm_cpu_gate_o;
wire pm_wakeup_o;
wire pm_lvolt_o;
reg clk_i;
reg rst_i;
reg [1:0] clmode_i; // 00 WB=RISC, 01 WB=RISC/2, 10 N/A, 11 WB=RISC/4
reg [19:0] pic_ints_i;
reg iwb_clk_i; // clock input
reg iwb_rst_i; // reset input
reg iwb_ack_i; // normal termination
reg iwb_err_i; // termination w/ error
reg iwb_rty_i; // termination w/ retry
reg [31:0] iwb_dat_i; // input data bus
reg dwb_clk_i; // clock input
reg dwb_rst_i; // reset input
reg dwb_ack_i; // normal termination
reg dwb_err_i; // termination w/ error
reg dwb_rty_i; // termination w/ retry
reg [31:0] dwb_dat_i; // input data bus
reg dbg_stall_i; // External Stall Input
reg dbg_ewt_i; // External Watchpoint Trigger Input
reg dbg_stb_i; // External Address/Data Strobe
reg dbg_we_i; // External Write Enable
reg [31:0] dbg_adr_i; // External Address Input
reg [31:0] dbg_dat_i; // External Data Input
reg pm_cpustall_i;
or1200_top TOP_LEVEL(
initial begin
$display (" --- Start --- ");
clk =0;
rst <= 1;
repeat (1) # (posedge clk);
rst <= 0;
cmd <= 0;
repeat (10) # (posedge clk);
cmd <= 1;
repeat (10) # (posedge clk);
// Clock generator
always #10 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
#(posedge clk)
TOP_LEVEL.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ce_w = 1'b0; //Chip enable input
The error is as follows:
This or another usage of 'TOP_LEVEL.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ce_w'
inconsistent with 'net' object.
The error can be removed by doing the following:
initial begin
#(posedge clk)
force TOP_LEVEL.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ce_w = 1'b0; //Chip enable input
release TOP_LEVEL.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ce_w;

You may need to use force for an input/wire:
initial begin
#(posedge clk)
force TOP_LEVEL.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ce_w = 1'b0; //Chip enable input
Keep in mind that force will hold that value until you release the signal. Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2012, section "10.6.2 The force and release procedural statements". Also keep in mind that force/release should be used sparingly.


trying to do shift left every cycle time Verilog [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed yesterday.
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i tried to do it in two ways, and each time i got stuck by the same problem Error (10031): Net "copy_data_in[183]" at is already driven by input port "data_in[183]", and cannot be driven by another signal.
Hi , i have input of 23 elements that each one is 8 bits.i have output of 6 elements that each one is 8 bits.The input should get change each time. in the end it should be like circular printing. Excuse me but ENABLE should be CLK.
i tried to do it in two ways, and each time i got stuck by the same problem Error (10031): Net "copy_data_in[183]" at is already driven by input port "data_in[183]", and cannot be driven by another signal.
This first try :
module RotateText( data_in,HEX0S,HEX1S,HEX2S,HEX3S,HEX4S,HEX5S,ENABLE);
input [7:0] data_in [22:0];
input ENABLE;
output reg [7:0] HEX0S;
output reg [7:0] HEX1S;
output reg [7:0] HEX2S;
output reg [7:0] HEX3S;
output reg [7:0] HEX4S;
output reg [7:0] HEX5S;
reg [7:0] tmp;
reg [7:0] copy_data_in [22:0];
reg [7:0] tmp2;
integer i;
integer j=0;
always#(posedge ENABLE)begin
for(i = 0; i < 23; i=i+1) begin
copy_data_in[i] <= data_in[i];
tmp<= copy_data_in[22];
This is another approch :
module RotateText( data_in,HEX0S,HEX1S,HEX2S,HEX3S,HEX4S,HEX5S,ENABLE);
input [183:0] data_in ;
input ENABLE;
output reg [7:0] HEX0S;
output reg [7:0] HEX1S;
output reg [7:0] HEX2S;
output reg [7:0] HEX3S;
output reg [7:0] HEX4S;
output reg [7:0] HEX5S;
reg [7:0] tmp;
reg [183:0] copy_data_in;
integer i;
integer j=0;
integer index;
assign copy_data_in=data_in;
always#(posedge ENABLE)begin
glad to get help .
The post has a circular shift register (sr).
An sr accepts input from the previous stage or from a module input for loading; not both at the same time. Loading & shifting are mutually exclusive behaviors in the same clock clock cycle. The design needs a input control signal to decide load or shift.
The posted code errors out, because its trying to drive the sr internally, and from inputs at the same time.
Here is a solution based on the posted code.
Variable load_shiftn determines load or shift .
module rot(
input logic clk,
input [7:0] data_in [22:0],
input logic load_shiftn,
output reg [7:0] HEX0S,
output reg [7:0] HEX1S,
output reg [7:0] HEX2S,
output reg [7:0] HEX3S,
output reg [7:0] HEX4S,
output reg [7:0] HEX5S
// internal
reg [7:0] sr [22:0];
always#(posedge clk)begin
sr <= data_in;
else begin
sr[22:1] <= sr[21:0];
sr[0] <= sr[22];
always # * begin
HEX5S =sr[22];
HEX4S =sr[21];
HEX3S =sr[20];
HEX2S =sr[19];
HEX1S =sr[18];
HEX0S =sr[17];
module tb ();
bit clk;
logic [7:0] data_in [22:0];
bit load_shiftn;
logic [7:0] HEX0S;
logic [7:0] HEX1S;
logic [7:0] HEX2S;
logic [7:0] HEX3S;
logic [7:0] HEX4S;
logic [7:0] HEX5S;
always #5 clk = !clk;
initial begin
rot u1 (.*);
initial begin
initial begin
data_in[i] = i;
initial begin
#(posedge clk)
load_shiftn <= 1;
repeat(2) #(posedge clk);
load_shiftn <= 0;

Weird behavior of registers on Quartus II using Verilog

I'm creating my own processor based on MIPS32 using the Quartus II and Verilog. Everything was working fine until suddenly my Registers stopped working (I don't remember making any modifications to the code). I probably made some mistake but I can't seem to find it.
I've already tried using an older version of the code (that was 100% working) but the error persists, even when I'm testing the registers isolated from the rest of the system. I've also tried deleting Quartus' temporary files and recompiling with no success.
module RegFile
output [31:0] Debug2, //Outputs Reg 2
output [31:0] Debug3, //Outputs Reg 3
input Reset, //Makes sure Reg 0 is always 0
input Slow_Clock, //Write Clock
input Fast_Clock, //Read Clock
input Reg_Write, //Write to Reg Flag
input [31:0] Write_Data, //Data that will be written in the Reg selected by Reg_WR
input [5:0] Reg_1, //First Register Selection (Read)
input [5:0] Reg_2, //Second Register Selection (Read)
input [5:0] Reg_WR, //Third Register Selection (Read or Write)
output reg [31:0] Data_1, //Data that will outputted by the Reg selected by Reg_1
output reg [31:0] Data_2, //Data that will outputted by the Reg selected by Reg_2
output reg [31:0] Data_3 //Data that will outputted by the Reg selected by Reg_WR
reg [31:0] DataReg[63:0]; //64x 32bit Register
assign Debug2 = DataReg[2]; //Hardwired Reg2 (for testing)
assign Debug3 = DataReg[3]; //Hardwired Reg3 (for testing)
always # (posedge Fast_Clock) //Reads from Registers at posedge Read Clock
Data_1 <= DataReg[Reg_1];
Data_2 <= DataReg[Reg_2];
Data_3 <= DataReg[Reg_WR];
always # (negedge Slow_Clock) //Writes on Registers at negedge Write Clock
if (Reset)
DataReg[0] <= 32'b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000; //Forces Reg0 to be 0 when Reset is activated
else if (Reg_Write && (Reg_WR != 0)) //If you are writing to some register and this register isn't Reg0...
DataReg[Reg_WR] <= Write_Data; //...write to the register selected by Reg_WR
I expect the ending result to be the number 3 on register 2 and the number 4 on register 3 but, as you can see, register 2 ends with the number 4 and the register 3 ends with the number 0.
I figured it out.
There was an inconsistency when writing and loading the new values in the next clock.
I fixed it by creating two aux. variables that hold Write_Data and Reg_WR until right before writing and updating the values. I used a faster clock to be able to keep these aux. variables updated.
This is the solution I found:
module RegFile
//output [31:0] Debug2, //Outputs Reg 2
output [31:0] Debug3, //Outputs Reg 3
input Reset, //Makes sure Reg 0 is always 0
input Slow_Clock, //Write Clock
input Fast_Clock,
input Reg_Write, //Write to Reg Flag
input [31:0] Write_Data, //Data that will be written in the Reg selected by Reg_WR
input [5:0] Reg_1, //First Register Selection (Read)
input [5:0] Reg_2, //Second Register Selection (Read)
input [5:0] Reg_WR, //Third Register Selection (Read or Write)
output [31:0] Data_1, //Data that will outputted by the Reg selected by Reg_1
output [31:0] Data_2, //Data that will outputted by the Reg selected by Reg_2
output [31:0] Data_3 //Data that will outputted by the Reg selected by Reg_WR
reg [31:0] RegBank[63:0];
reg [31:0] Aux_WD;
reg [5:0] Aux_Reg;
assign Data_1 = RegBank[Reg_1];
assign Data_2 = RegBank[Reg_2];
assign Data_3 = RegBank[Reg_WR];
//assign Debug2 = RegBank[2];
assign Debug3 = RegBank[3];
always # (negedge Fast_Clock)
Aux_WD <= Write_Data;
Aux_Reg <= Reg_WR;
always # (negedge Slow_Clock)
if (Reset)
RegBank[0] <= {32{1'b0}};
else if (Reg_Write && (Aux_Reg != 6'b000000))
RegBank[Aux_Reg] <= Aux_WD;

Why is iverilog complaining about my testbench module?

I'm writing a verilog module for my CompSci class and this module specifically is the data memory module. Structurally and analytically, I'm looking at it and it should work based off of the other files that I have, but I'm not sure why this one specifically is acting up and giving me all x's. Hoping a fresh set of eyes can help find the error I missed. Thanks in advance.
module datamem(Ina, Inb, enable, readwrite, dataOut, clk, rst);
input wire [31:0] Ina;
input wire [31:0] Inb;
input wire enable;
input wire readwrite;
input wire clk;
input wire rst;
reg [31:0] memory[0:65535];
output reg [31:0] dataOut;
always #(memory[Ina]) begin
dataOut = memory[Ina];
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(1'b1 == readwrite) begin
memory[Ina] = Inb;
module datamem_tb();
reg [31:0] Ina;
reg [31:0] Inb;
reg enable;
reg readwrite;
reg clk;
reg rst;
wire [31:0] dataOut;
datamem DUT (Ina, Inb, enable, readwrite, dataOut, clk, rst);
Ina <= 32'd0;
Inb <= 32'd0;
enable <= 0;
readwrite <= 0;
#20 Ina <= 32'd1234;
#20 Inb <= 32'd1234;
#20 Ina <= 32'd0517;
#20 Inb <= 32'd10259;
always #(Ina or Inb)
#1 $display("| Ina = %d | Inb = %d | dataOut = %d |", Ina, Inb, dataOut);
A few things as to why you are getting all 'x:
You never run the clock, you need to add something like the following to have the clock toggle:
initial begin
clk = 1'b0;
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
You never assert readwrite which is required to write to your memory module (you set it to 0 on line 20 and never change it). Without being written to, memory will retain its original value of 'x for every element
Aside from that, there are a few other issues with your module:
Use implicit sensitive lists (instead of always #(memory[inA]) use always #(*))
Use non-blocking assignment for your memory write (memory[inA] <= inB)
Consider using $monitor instead of $display for your print statements to avoid timing issues, and you only need call it at the beginning of your initial block in your testbench (
Your rst and enable arent connected to anything.
Another example of a memory unit implementation can be found here:
Data memory unit

Write to a reg's bitfields via alias names in Verilog

I have a register:
reg [7:0] dout; //output of memory bus
Groups of bits in dout represent something meaningful like:
dout[2:0] is a state
dout[3] is a flag
dout[7:4] is some data
I want to read and write to this register dout from inside an always statement. I want to address it using these labels.
This example conveys my attempt:
reg [7:0] dout; //output of memory bus
wire [2:0] dout_state;
wire dout_flag;
wire [3:0] dout_data;
//alias labels
assign dout_state[2:0] = dout[2:0];
assign dout_flag = dout[3];
assign dout_data = dout[7:4];
always(#posedge clk) begin
dout_state <= 3'b1;
dout_flag <= 1'b1;
The procedural assignments fail because dout_state and dout_flag are wires.
I want these labels to work as aliases that represent portions of the dout bus.
How can I achieve this?
The always block already drives dout_state and dout_flag signals, so the other assignments should be reversed. Your current code never drives dout.
//alias labels
assign dout[2:0] = dout_state;
assign dout[3] = dout_flag;
assign dout[7:4] = dout_data;
Now the signal definitions also should be updated. If dout is a port, the reg definition should be removed. If not, it should be a wire.
wire [7:0] dout; //output of memory bus
Because of the always block, dout_state and dout_flag signals should be reg.
reg [2:0] dout_state;
reg dout_flag;

Unresolved reference to 'memory'

I'm trying to add a mif file in the Test benh and I am getting ERROR's
here i am using the modelsim simulator and i am getting error as
Illegal output or inout port connection for port 'dout'.
Error loading design
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module ESC_tb;
// Internal TB Signal Definition
reg clock;
reg reset;
wire [4:0] pc_out;
wire [7:0] acc_out;
wire [7:0] mdr_out;
// DUT Instantiation
ESC instESC(.clock (clock),
.reset (reset),
.pc_out (pc_out),
// Initialize block for Clock and Reset
begin : RESET
reset = 0;
#7 reset = 1;
#18 reset = 0;
begin : CLOCK
clock = 1;
#5 clock = 0;
forever #(5) clock = ~clock;
// Loading Program and Data Memory
begin : MEMLOAD
$readmemh("program.mif", memory);
$display("Loaded Memory with program.mif file");
module memory (clock, addr, din, we, dout,clear);
// Input/Output Declaration
input clock;
input [4:0] addr;
input [7:0] din;
input we,clear;
output [7:0] dout;
// Signal Type Definition
wire clock;
wire [4:0] addr;
wire [7:0] din;
wire we;
wire [7:0] dout;// Memory Array Declaration of Size 16x256
reg [7:0] mem [0:31];
// Memory Write Operation
always #(posedge clock)
mem[addr] <= din;
mem[addr] <= 0;
// Memory Read Operation
assign dout = mem[addr];
// End of Module Declaration
memory is a module, $readmemh is looking for an array. You need to give the full path from the test bench to mem (within the memory module), or call $readmemh within the memory module.
From TB: $readmemh("program.mif", ESC_tb.instESC./*rest of path*/.mem);
From memory module: initial $readmemh("program.mif", mem);
