I want to use remote notifications for my Android app using Xamarin. Now I found a way implementing this through Microsoft Azure.
So I am a student and have a Microsoft DreamSpark account. Now i thought, I could download Azure via DreamSpark, but which of these packages I need?
Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools
Microsoft Azure Client Libraries for .NET
Microsoft Azure Emulator
Microsoft Azure LightSwitch Tools for Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft Azure Mobile SDK
Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET 2.5
Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator
Microsoft Azure Storage Tools
Microsoft Azure Tools for Visual Studio
I don't think I need a Mobile SDK, do I?
You have to install Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET so that you enable azure projects in your Visual Studio.
But if you only require to build a Notification Service, consider building an Azure Mobile service straight from the Azure Portal. Then you can configure your android application to use that service.
Documentation and more help can be found :
1. http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-xamarin-android-get-started/
2. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/dn629482.aspx
what you would want to look at is 'push notification' feature of Azure mobile service / Azure Mobile app service (this is the new name). Depending on which back end you are using with Android Xamarine (.NET/JavaScript)you can find tutorials (links below). You will need an active Google account, Google Cloud Messaging Client Component, Xamarin.Android and the Azure Mobile Services Component installed in your project.
See here for more details on this, hope this helps:
Add push notifications to your Mobile Services app
Get started with Mobile Services
I have a Xamarin.Forms app using "Azure Mobile Sync" and using these DLLs:
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Sync;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.SQLiteStore;
I want to move my API out of Azure and into my own shared hosting account. This I know how to do but I do not know if "Azure Mobile Sync" will still work if my API is not hosted in Azure.
REF: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-offline-data-sync
Thank you.
I'm trying to deploy to Azure Cloud Services an Azure Cloud Project but I only can do it creating a "Package" (right click on the project/Package..) and then uploading it at the Azure website. It makes me upload all the project every time when I need to deploy any change.
My user was set as an Owner into the Azure account by an other Owner and I was crate the Cloud Services "item" into the Azure portal.
Why I can't do the publish process through Visual Studio? I think it will be more easy and don't need to upload all the project every time.
Azure SDK v2.9
Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - v2.9.40518.2
Finally talking with customer service of Azure (billing support as suggested #David Makogon), setting rights of co-admin or administrator did the trick. It seems that setting up my account with an Owner rights isn't enough to publish to Azure Cloud Services through Visual Studio.
How to add co-admin to Azure (Microsoft Link)
Hie everyone,
Can anyone tell me how i can create an application for SharePoint online please?
I'm using Azure AD and there is no option(1) for sharepoint online, i only see the graph application for the unified API.
Thanks a lot
(1) 2 weeks ago there were an app called Offfice365 Sharepoint, but it disappeared
Based on the image it looks like you don't have SharePoint enabled for the account that was used to login to the Azure Portal. You need to have an active license for SharePoint to be able to register an application in the Azure Portal that accesses SharePoint data.
I know this is an old question but I am going to try answer it. With Visual Studio 2015 you can create to types of SharePoint Add-ins, SharePoint Hosted and Provider Hosted. In order to create a Provider Hosted Add-in that you want to host on Azure you can use the Publish feature in Visual Studio. Right click the Web Project and Select Publish. When creating the Publishing Profile select the target for Microsoft Azure App Service. From there you will be ask to provide the information for your Azure account and can create Resource Groups and App services that will host your Provided Hosted Add-in in Azure.
I'm new to all this.
When creating a mobile service on Azure and selected a DB.
How do you the the mobile service code that you download to include the data objects in the DB? I just get the TODOITEMs.
How do you used the EF with Azure and Mobile services to generate the service?
Check out this tutorial on MSDN Blogs, by Carlos Figueira from the Azure Mobile Services team.
Creating an Azure Mobile Services .NET backend from scratch
There is a question below the article that asks whether this .NET back-end will work with Xamarin as well, to which the author responds: "Yes it should work with Xamarin as well"
Hope that helps!
Is there any management API in Windows Azure Mobile Services?
For example: methods to create mobile services or data tables.
There's a Mobile Service Management API however it is not publicly available yet. One thing you could do is take a look at the source code for Windows Azure CLI tools and figure out how this API has been implemented. You can view the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-tools-xplat.