I'm trying to deploy to Azure Cloud Services an Azure Cloud Project but I only can do it creating a "Package" (right click on the project/Package..) and then uploading it at the Azure website. It makes me upload all the project every time when I need to deploy any change.
My user was set as an Owner into the Azure account by an other Owner and I was crate the Cloud Services "item" into the Azure portal.
Why I can't do the publish process through Visual Studio? I think it will be more easy and don't need to upload all the project every time.
Azure SDK v2.9
Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - v2.9.40518.2
Finally talking with customer service of Azure (billing support as suggested #David Makogon), setting rights of co-admin or administrator did the trick. It seems that setting up my account with an Owner rights isn't enough to publish to Azure Cloud Services through Visual Studio.
How to add co-admin to Azure (Microsoft Link)
I want to move my WPF application project from a private Azure Devops account to an organization account.
So I thought I'd just create a new project in the Azure portal and push my code to that project instead.
But when I start to configure a new project I can't select "Windows application" or anything similar to that, only web applications are available. And it want's to deploy to an Azure service which you can't deselect! So here is where I want to close the window and move to AWS.
I don't want to deploy my application or set up any servers. I just want to start a new organization project. A totally empty if nothing else!
Create your project within your Azure DevOps web portal, (https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization), not the Azure portal.
There's a lot of terminology confusion because Azure DevOps was/is an independent Microsoft service called "Visual Studio Team Services" up until recently. It's been brought under the Azure umbrella and rebranded, but an Azure DevOps account has its own totally separate interface, which is where you should do most day-to-day operations.
In our organization, we have an Enterprise Azure Subscription and a few members of our team can use it with their own AD credentials.
For instance, I have the 'owner' role for my account, but don't have the login/pwd of the subscription.
However, in Visual Studio 2015, for a Azure Service, publish Azure application, I need to specify a account an choose the subscription.
And there is no subscription listed for my account.
So what should I do to be able to publish from Visual Studio?
Or what further rights should I ask aside my 'owner' role in Azure?
EDIT: I opened the same topic on MSDN (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/e242ae0a-8da3-49fd-9fff-0460c4e294b8/how-to-use-azure-publish-from-visual-studio-with-entreprise-team-subscription?forum=azureapimgmt)
EDIT: this topic has some interessting info but not directly related since I do NOT have the subscription myself:
Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions
I'm guessing you're working with multiple accounts...
You may not be signed into visual studio with the correct account. The account name dropdown in the upper right hand corner of visual studio and select Account Settings. From here ensure the account associated with your Azure resources is present under All Accounts. MS has some more guidance here:
We have a Visual Studio Team Services instance that is used by the company I work for.
The company has an Azure instance. As far as I am aware there is no connection to VSTS.
When I was added to VSTS as a Visual Studio Pro level user some months ago we had to use my Microsoft Account as we couldn't use my work identity because my MSDN subscription is linked to my Microsoft Account as we could not link it to my work identity; apparently this was because we use Office365 in the office.
We now have problems adding Basic Users to VSTS. I enter the users Microsoft Account identity and I am told "No Identities Found".
I looked at VSTS Settings where I can see "This account is backed by the Default Directory Azure Active Directory."
I can also see an "Azure Subscription ID". When I follow the Subscription ID link I end up at my Microsoft Account Azure instance.
I had other users log in to VSTS and they too are seeing my Azure Subscription ID in VSTS Settings.
Why is this happening?
How do Azure instances/accounts relate to VSTS instances/accounts
Can I break the link between Azure and VSTS
You can link your VSTS account to the azure from your azure portal:
Azure - VSTS service
Then, what we do is to add the users to the Azure active directories. As far as I know, these users must be registered in Microsoft.
Once it's done, you can add the users to the VSTS.
Hope it helps you.
The Team Services uses an Azure subscription to bill purchases and can control access with Azure AD.
You can unlink your VSTS account from Azure portal. More information, you can refer to this article: Delete or recover Visual Studio Team Services account
I am an idiot.
Turns out the company VSTS was linking to the company Azure.
I became confused when clicking the Manage button in VSTS | Azure Subscription ID.
That took me to the Sign in to Azure page and displayed my login, which takes me my Azure.
It was only when we checked the Azure Subscription ID in VSTS against my Azure Subscription ID that it became apparent I was following a red herring. The ID matched the companies Azure ID. So I can use that to add users and subsequently add them to VSTS.
I am having an issue while deploying an Azure web role to a cloud service. It shows me the error
Cloud services are not available in this subscription.
I am using a pay as you go subscription on Azure. I don't know if there is any limitation with this subscription for cloud service deployment or not.
Updated version of JerryGoyal's solution.
Cloud Service Management will have to be done using the new Azure Portal, because Cloud Service Management in the old portal will be disabled as of 11/15/2017.
Log into the new Azure Portal.
Go to the Subscriptions View.
Set your account as a Co-Admin. Microsoft Documentation.
I think the issue you're running into is that the Cloud Service Publish Wizard in VS only supports subscriptions in which you are an admin or co-admin granted via via the old portal (manage.windowsazure.com). If you've been given access via RBAC or the new portal, then VS will not see the resources under those subscriptions.
To work around it, you can build the package using msbuild.exe and then upload it via the portal.
That help?
Cloud services are not available in this subscription
The error is caused because the Cloud Services still use the old deployment model that is based on Azure Service Management (ASM).
To deploy an ASM based component to Azure you need to be ‘co-admin’ for the subscription.
Right now you are ‘Owner’ on the new portal but this role only has impact on the new ARM based resources.
So, just ask your subscription admin to login to the old portal (https://manage.windowsazure.com) and make you co-administrator:
Login to the old portal
Click on Settings –> Administrators
Click on the Add button at the bottom
Enter the co-admin email address and click on the OK button.
After this reload your Visual Studio and the problem will be solved.
I want to use remote notifications for my Android app using Xamarin. Now I found a way implementing this through Microsoft Azure.
So I am a student and have a Microsoft DreamSpark account. Now i thought, I could download Azure via DreamSpark, but which of these packages I need?
Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools
Microsoft Azure Client Libraries for .NET
Microsoft Azure Emulator
Microsoft Azure LightSwitch Tools for Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft Azure Mobile SDK
Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET 2.5
Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator
Microsoft Azure Storage Tools
Microsoft Azure Tools for Visual Studio
I don't think I need a Mobile SDK, do I?
You have to install Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET so that you enable azure projects in your Visual Studio.
But if you only require to build a Notification Service, consider building an Azure Mobile service straight from the Azure Portal. Then you can configure your android application to use that service.
Documentation and more help can be found :
1. http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-xamarin-android-get-started/
2. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/dn629482.aspx
what you would want to look at is 'push notification' feature of Azure mobile service / Azure Mobile app service (this is the new name). Depending on which back end you are using with Android Xamarine (.NET/JavaScript)you can find tutorials (links below). You will need an active Google account, Google Cloud Messaging Client Component, Xamarin.Android and the Azure Mobile Services Component installed in your project.
See here for more details on this, hope this helps:
Add push notifications to your Mobile Services app
Get started with Mobile Services