Schemacrawler is not fetching the data from oracle - schemacrawler

I tried to fetch Mysql table details as below, it is fetching all the table detail but it is not fetching any data from oracle using below sc commands. Is it required any additional configuration for oracle.
MySql sc -driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
-url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/doctool -user=root -password=password -schemas=doctool -infolevel=standard -command=list
Oracle sc -driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
-url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:orcl -user=certus2713 -password=certus2713 -schemas=certus2713 -infolevel=standard -command=list

The Oracle driver and database may be case-sensitive. Please try -schemas=CERTUS2713 Or, you can try to drop the -schemas altogether.
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler


Get DDL from existing databases SQLAlchemy

I'm connecting to a postgresql database in AWS Redshift using SQLAlchemy to do some data processing, I need to extract the DDL information of each table in a particular Schema. I cant run any commands like pg_dump --schema-only. What will be the simplest way of extracting the DDL?
you can get all tables with reflection system and print CreateTable construct of each table:
from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable
meta = MetaData()
for table in meta.sorted_tables:

update table from Pyspark using JDBC

I have a small log dataframe which has metadata regarding the ETL performed within a given notebook, the notebook is part of a bigger ETL pipeline managed in Azure DataFactory.
Unfortunately, it seems that Databricks cannot invoke stored procedures so I'm manually appending a row with the correct data to my log table.
however, I cannot figure out the correct sytnax to update a table given a set of conditions :
the statement I use to append a single row is as follows :
spark_log.write.jdbc(sql_url, 'internal.Job',mode='append')
this works swimmingly however, as my Data Factory is invoking a stored procedure,
I need to work in a query like
query = f"""
UPDATE [internal].[Job] SET
[MaxIngestionDate] date {date}
, [DataLakeMetadataRaw] varchar(MAX) NULL
, [DataLakeMetadataCurated] varchar(MAX) NULL
WHERE [IsRunning] = 1
AND [FinishDateTime] IS NULL"""
Is this possible ? if so can someone show me how?
Looking at the documentation this only seems to mention using select statements with the query parameter :
Target Database is an Azure SQL Database.
just to add this is a tiny operation, so performance is a non-issue.
You can't do single record updates using jdbc in Spark with dataframes. You can only append or replace the entire table.
You can do updates using pyodbc- requires installing the MSSQL ODBC driver (How to install PYODBC in Databricks) or you can use jdbc via JayDeBeApi (

How can we convert an external table to managed table in SPARK 2.2.0?

The below command was successfully converting external tables to managed tables in Spark 2.0.0:
However the above command is failing in Spark 2.2.0 with the below error:
Error in query: Cannot set or change the preserved property key:
As #AndyBrown pointed our in a comment you have the option of dropping to the console and invoking the Hive statement there. In Scala this worked for me:
import sys.process._
val exitCode = Seq("hive", "-e", "ALTER TABLE {table_name} SET TBLPROPERTIES(\"EXTERNAL\"=\"FALSE\")").!
I faced this problem using Spark 2.1.1 where #Joha's answer does not work because spark.sessionState is not accessible due to being declared lazy.
In Spark 2.2.0 you can do the following:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTableType
val identifier = TableIdentifier("table", Some("database"))
val oldTable = spark.sessionState.catalog.getTableMetadata(identifier)
val newTableType = CatalogTableType.MANAGED
val alteredTable = oldTable.copy(tableType = newTableType)
The issue is case-sensitivity on spark-2.1 and above.
Please try setting TBLPROPERTIES in lower case -
I had the same issue while using a hive external table. I solved the problem by directly setting the propery external to false in hive metastore using a hive metastore client
Table table = hiveMetaStoreClient.getTable("db", "table");
hiveMetaStoreClient.alter_table("db", "table", table,true);
I tried the above option from scala databricks notebook, and the
external table was converted to MANAGED table and the good part is
that the desc formatted option from spark on the new table is still
showing the location to be on my ADLS. This was one limitation that
spark was having, that we cannot specify the location for a managed
As of now i am able to do a truncate table for this. hopefully there
was a more direct option for creating a managed table with location
specified from spark sql.

Unable to query HIVE Parquet based EXTERNAL table from spark-sql

We have an External Hive Table which is stored as Parquet. I am not the owner of the schema in which this hive-parquet table is so don't have much info.
The Problem here is when in try to Query that table from spark-sql>(Shell prompt) Not by using scala like"path"), I am getting 0 records stating "Unable to infer schema". But when i created a Managed Table by using CTAS in my personal schema just for testing i was able to query it from the spark-sql>(Shell prompt)
When i try it from spark-shell> via"../../00000_0").show(10) , I was able to see the data.
So this clears that something is wrong between
External Hive table - Parquet - Spark-SQL(shell)
If locating Schema would be the issue then it should behave same while accessing through spark session (""))
I am using MapR 5.2, Spark version 2.1.0
Please suggest what can be the issue

save Spark dataframe to Hive: table not readable because "parquet not a SequenceFile"

I'd like to save data in a Spark (v 1.3.0) dataframe to a Hive table using PySpark.
The documentation states:
"spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet: When set to false, Spark SQL will use the Hive SerDe for parquet tables instead of the built in support."
Looking at the Spark tutorial, is seems that this property can be set:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
# code to create dataframe
However, when I try to query the saved table in Hive it returns:
hive> select * from my_dataframe;
Failed with exception
not a SequenceFile
How do I save the table so that it's immediately readable in Hive?
I've been there...
The API is kinda misleading on this one.
DataFrame.saveAsTable does not create a Hive table, but an internal Spark table source.
It also stores something into Hive metastore, but not what you intend.
This remark was made by spark-user mailing list regarding Spark 1.3.
If you wish to create a Hive table from Spark, you can use this approach:
1. Use Create Table ... via SparkSQL for Hive metastore.
2. Use DataFrame.insertInto(tableName, overwriteMode) for the actual data (Spark 1.3)
I hit this issue last week and was able to find a workaround
Here's the story:
I can see the table in Hive if I created the table without partitionBy:
hive> desc TBL_HIVE_IS_HAPPY;
user_id string
email string
ts string
But Hive can't understand the table schema(schema is empty...) if I do this:
# col_name data_type from_deserializer
spark-shell>sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
.saveAsTable("Happy_HIVE")//Suppose this table is saved at /apps/hive/warehouse/Happy_HIVE
hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE Happy_HIVE (user_id string,email string,ts string)
LOCATION '/apps/hive/warehouse/Happy_HIVE';
The problem is that the datasource table created through Dataframe API(partitionBy+saveAsTable) is not compatible with Hive.(see this link). By setting spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet to false as suggested in the doc, Spark only puts data onto HDFS,but won't create table on Hive. And then you can manually go into hive shell to create an external table with proper schema&partition definition pointing to the data location.
I've tested this in Spark 1.6.1 and it worked for me. I hope this helps!
I have done in pyspark, spark version 2.3.0 :
create empty table where we need to save/overwrite data like:
create table databaseName.NewTableName like databaseName.OldTableName;
then run below command:
The issue is you can't read this table with hive but you can read with spark.
metadata doesn't already exist. In other words, it will add any partitions that exist on HDFS but not in metastore, to the hive metastore.
