I need to use Intgers to draw multiple lines on a map - jython-2.7

I need to add lines to a .png map using jython (JES) using integers for how many cities and another for enter the number of the city which goes from 0-9, I have to use the X & Y coordinates below (ie 0 = 45,310) things look ok up until the second integer, then my coding is off from that point. I appreciate any help thanks.
import random
def mapLevel1():
city1=requestInteger("How many cities would you like to visit?")
cityNum=requestInteger("Enter the number of the city")
cityXValue=[ 45, 95,182,207,256,312,328,350,374,400]
cityYValue=[310,147, 84,201,337,375,434,348,335,265]
if 0
print cityXValue[0]
print cityYValue[0]
if cityNum=1
print cityXValue[1]
print cityYValue[1]
if cityNum=2
print cityXValue[2]
print cityYValue[2]
if cityNum=3
print cityXValue[3]
print cityYValue[3]
if cityNum=4
print cityXValue[4]
print cityYValue[4]
if cityNum=5
print cityXValue[5]
print cityYValue[5]
if cityNum=6
print cityXValue[6]
print cityYValue[6]
if cityNum=7
print cityXValue[7]
print cityYValue[7]
if cityNum=8
print cityXValue[8]
print cityYValue[8]
if cityNum=9
print cityXValue[9]
print cityYValue[9]
return mapLevel1


How to Read Multiple Files in a Loop in Python and get count of matching words

I have two text files and 2 lists (FIRST_LIST,SCND_LIST),i want to find out count of each file matching words from FIRST_LIST,SCND_LIST individually.
text File1 contains:
This is a very good question, and you have received good answers which describe interesting topics accessorized accessorize.
text File2 contains:
is more applied,using accessorize accessorized,accessorizes,accessorizing
File1 first list count=2
File1 second list count=0
File2 first list count=0
File2 second list count=4
This code i have tried to achive this functionality but not able to get the expected output.
if any help appreciated
import os
import glob
for filename in glob.glob("*.txt"):
# remove Punctuations
import re
def remove_punctuation(line):
return re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', line)
for filename in files:
for line in open(filename):
FIRST_LIST = "accessorizes","accessorizing","accessorized","accessorize"
for match in FIRST_LIST:
if any(match in value for value in two_files):
print (match)
for match in SCND_LIST:
if any(match in value for value in two_files):
print (match)
Using Counter and some list comprehension is one of many different approaches to solve your problem.
I assume, your sample output being wrong since some words are part of both lists and both files but are not counted. In addition I added a second line to the sample strings in order to show how that is working with multi-line strings which might be the typical contents of a given file.
io.StringIO objects emulate your files, but working with real files from your file system works exactly the same since both provide a file-like object or file-like interface:
from collections import Counter
list_a = ["accessorizes", "accessorizing", "accessorized", "accessorize"]
list_b = ["accessorize", "accessorized", "accessorizes", "accessorizing"]
# added a second line to each string just for the sake
file_contents_a = 'This is a very good question, and you have received good answers which describe interesting topics accessorized accessorize.\nThis is the second line in file a'
file_contents_b = 'is more applied,using accessorize accessorized,accessorizes,accessorizing\nThis is the second line in file b'
# using io.StringIO to simulate a file input (--> file-like object)
# you should use `with open(filename) as ...` for real file input
file_like_a = io.StringIO(file_contents_a)
file_like_b = io.StringIO(file_contents_b)
# read file contents and split lines into a list of strings
lines_of_file_a = file_like_a.read().splitlines()
lines_of_file_b = file_like_b.read().splitlines()
# iterate through all lines of each file (for file a here)
for line_number, line in enumerate(lines_of_file_a):
words = line.replace('.', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split(' ')
c = Counter(words)
in_list_a = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_a])
in_list_b = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_b])
print("Line {}".format(line_number))
print("- in list a {}".format(in_list_a))
print("- in list b {}".format(in_list_b))
# iterate through all lines of each file (for file b here)
for line_number, line in enumerate(lines_of_file_b):
words = line.replace('.', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split(' ')
c = Counter(words)
in_list_a = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_a])
in_list_b = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_b])
print("Line {}".format(line_number))
print("- in list a {}".format(in_list_a))
print("- in list b {}".format(in_list_b))
# actually, your two lists are the same
lists_are_equal = sorted(list_a) == sorted(list_b)

Why, when I sort a list of 13 numbers, does python only return the last number?

I have a list of first name, last name, and score in a text file that refers to a student and their test score. When I go to sort them so I can find the median score, it only returns from the sort() the last grade on the list. I need it to return all of them, but obviously sorted in order. Here is the part of my code in question:
def main():
#open file in read mode
gradeFile = open("grades.txt","r")
#read the column names and assign them to line1 variable
line1 = gradeFile.readline()
#tell it to look at lines 2 to the end
lines = gradeFile.readlines()
#seperate the list of lines into seperate lines
for line in lines:
#initialize grades list as an empty list
gradeList = []
#iterate through each line and take off the \n
line = line.rstrip()
line = line.split(",")
grades = line[-1]
except ValueError:
#sort the grades
You clear the list each time the loop runs. Move the assignment outside the loop.

How to print multiple lines from a file python

I'm trying to print several lines from a text file onto python, where it is outputted. My current code is:
f = open("sample.txt", "r").readlines()[2 ,3]
However i'm getting the error message of:
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple
Is there anyway of fixing this or printing multiple lines from a file without printing them out individually?
You are trying to pass a tuple to the [...] subscription operation; 2 ,3 is a tuple of two elements:
>>> 2 ,3
(2, 3)
You have a few options here:
Use slicing to take a sublist from all the lines. [2:4] slices from the 3rd line and includes the 4th line:
f = open("sample.txt", "r").readlines()[2:4]
Store the lines and print specific indices, one by one:
f = open("sample.txt", "r").readlines()
print f[2].rstrip()
print f[3].rstrip()
I used str.rstrip() to remove the newline that's still part of the line before printing.
Use itertools.islice() and use the file object as an iterable; this is the most efficient method as no lines need to be stored in memory for more than just the printing work:
from itertools import islice
with open("sample.txt", "r") as f:
for line in islice(f, 2, 4):
print line.rstrip()
I also used the file object as a context manager to ensure it is closed again properly once the with block is done.
Assign the whole list of lines to a variable, and then print lines 2 and 3 separately.
with open("sample.txt", "r") as fin:
lines = fin.readlines()

Python 3.5, how to remove the brackets and quotes from an element when printing or sending the value to a function?

I am reading a list of states from a file into an list[]:
mystk = []
with open('state_list.txt') as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter=',')
for row in readCSV:
After the read I am adding the values in to a list.
while i < 10:
strList = mystk[i]
i = i +1
The output of the above is :
Print: ['AL']
Print: ['AK']
Print: ['AZ']
Print: ['AR']
Print: ['CA']
Print: ['CO']
Print: ['CT']
Print: ['DE']
Print: ['FL']
Print: ['GA']
I am trying to achieve the following:
Print: AL
Print: AK
Print: AZ
Print: AR
Print: CA
Print: CO
Print: CT
Print: DE
Print: FL
Print: GA
I guess I could write a function or loop to strip out the ['?'] using regex or code like this:
while i < 10:
strList = mystk[i]
strList = str(strList).replace("['", "")
strList = strList.replace("']", "")
print(' ','Print:',strList)
i = i +1
However I was hoping there was an easier way then the code above however I am new to python and if this is the only way then it works for me.
this are recommendations that I mention in my comment plus some other
import csv
def getTID(file='TID.csv', delim='\n'):
result = []
with open(file) as csvTID:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvTID, delimiter=delim)
for row in readCSV:
result.append( row[0] )
return result
stockList = getTID()
for x in stockList:
here with the use of arguments give the function more flexibility and with default values I retain the original behavior that way you don't need to modify your code (or the name of the file) if you want to use your function with another file like 'TID_2.cvs' for example, in that case just call getTID('TID_2.cvs') and as the function don't do anything to some global variable you can have the data from 2 or more different files in different variables if you need it, for example
stockList1 = getTID('TID_1.cvs')
stockList2 = getTID('TID_2.cvs')
every line of the csv file is split by commas, to get the string joined by commas again, use str.join:
sep = ", "
for row in mystk:
print(' ', 'Print:', sep.join(row))
Guys thank you all very much, learning this is stuff is awesome. So many ways to do stuff. After reading your comments and understanding the concepts I have written the following function to get the stock list I need:
import csv
stockList = []
def getTID():
with open('TID.csv') as csvTID:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvTID,delimiter='\n')
for row in readCSV:
for x in stockList[:]: print(x)
This returns the list as expected: VOD.L, APPL, etc.

text file reading and writing, ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

I need to make a program in a single def that opens a text file 'grades' where first, last and grade are separated by comas. Each line is a separate student. Then it displays students and grades as well as class average. Then goes on to add another student and grade and saves it to the text file while including the old students.
I guess I just don't understand the way python goes through the text file. If i comment out 'lines' I see it prints the old_names but its as if everything is gone after. When lines is not commented out 'old_names' is not printed which makes me think the file is closed? or empty? however everything is still in the txt file as it should be.
currently i get this error.... Which I am pretty sure is telling me I'm retarded there's no information in 'line'
File "D:\Dropbox\Dropbox\1Python\Batch Processinga\grades.py", line 45, in main
first_name[i], last_name[i], grades[i] = line.split(',')
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
End goal is to get it to give me the current student names and grades, average. Then add one student, save that student and grade to file. Then be able to pull the file back up with all the students including the new one and do it all over again.
I apologize for being a nub.
def main():
#Declare variables
#List of strings: first_name, last_name
first_name = []
last_name = []
#List of floats: grades
grades = []
#Float grade_avg, new_grade
grade_avg = new_grade = 0.0
#string new_student
new_student = ''
print("Program displays information from a text file to")
print("display student first name, last name, grade and")
print("class average then allows user to enter another")
#Open file “grades.txt” for reading
infile = open("grades.txt","r")
lines = infile.readlines()
old_names = infile.read()
#Write for loop for each line creating a list
for i in len(lines):
#read in line
line = infile.readline()
#Split data
first_name[i], last_name[i], grades[i] = line.split(',')
#convert grades to floats
grades[i] = float(grades[i])
print(first_name, last_name, grades)
#close the file
#perform calculations for average
grade_avg = float(sum(grades)/len(grades))
#display results
print("Name\t\t Grade")
for n in range(5):
print(first_name[n], last_name[n], "\t", grades[n])
print('Average Grade:\t% 0.1f'%grade_avg)
#Prompt user for input of new student and grade
new_student = input('Please enter the First and Last name of new student:\n').title()
new_grade = eval(input("Please enter {}'s grade:".format(new_student)))
#Write new student and grade to grades.txt in same format as other records
new_student = new_student.split()
new_student = str(new_student[1] + ',' + new_student[0] + ',' + str(new_grade))
outfile = open("grades.txt","w")
print(old_names, new_student ,file=outfile)
outfile.close()enter code here
File objects in Python have a "file pointer", which keeps track of what data you've already read from the file. It uses this to know where to start looking when you call read or readline or readlines. Calling readlines moves the file pointer all the way to the end of the file; subsequent read calls will return an empty string. This explains why you're getting a ValueError on the line.split(',') line. line is an empty string, so line.split(",") returns a list of length 0, but you need a list of length 3 to do the triple assignment you're attempting.
Once you get the lines list, you don't need to interact with the infile object any more. You already have all the lines; you may as well simply iterate through them directly.
#Write for loop for each line creating a list
for line in lines:
columns = line.split(",")
Note that I'm using append instead of listName[i] = whatever. This is necessary because Python lists will not automatically resize themselves when you try to assign to an index that doesn't exist yet; you'll just get an IndexError. append, on the other hand, will resize the list as desired.
