Need to insert the value of process ID dynamically into a command - linux

I want to monitor the number of file descriptors opened by a process running on my centos box. the below command works for me
watch -n 1 "ls /proc/pid/fd | wc -l"
The problem comes when I need to monitor the same when the above process is restarted. The pid changes and I cant get the stats.
The good thing is that the pname is constant. So I can extract the pid using pgrep pname.
So how can I use the command in the below way:
watch -n 1 "ls /proc/"pgrep <pname>"/fd | wc -l"
I want the pgrep pname value to be dynamically picked up.
Is there any way I can define a variable which continuously gets the latest value of pgrep pname and I can insert the variable here.

watch evaluates its command as shell command each time, so we first have to find a shell command that produces the output. Since there may be multiple matching processes, we can use a loop:
for pid in $(pgrep myprocess); do ls "/proc/$pid/fd"; done | wc -l
Now we can quote that to pass it literally to watch:
watch -n 1 'for pid in $(pgrep myprocess); do ls "/proc/$pid/fd"; done | wc -l'

watch -n 1 "pgrep memcached | xargs -I{} ls /proc/{}/fd | wc -l"
Another one way.


how to get PIDs spawn from a particular folder

I have a program that in distributed mode creates a folder and spawns a bunch of sub processes. Is there any way to find all PIDs that were executed from this folder? Sort of opposite of
$ pwdx pid
where you give a path name and you get a bunch of pids.
Reporting all processes which absolute path is inside '/usr/bin/' may be done like this:
ls -l /proc/*/exe 2>/dev/null | grep /usr/bin/ | sed 's#.*/proc/##;s#/exe.*##;' | grep -v "self"
Reporting all processes which working directory (working directory can be changed by a simple cd) is inside /tmp/a could be done like this:
ps axo pid | xargs -n1 pwdx 2>/dev/null | grep ': /tmp/a' | sed 's/:.*//'

how can I kill a process in a shell script

My bash script has:
ps aux | grep foo.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
However, I get the following when running:
usage: kill [ -s signal | -p ] [ -a ] pid ...
kill -l [ signal ]
Any ideas, how to fix this line?
In general, your command is correct. If a foo.jar process is running, its PID will be passed to kill and (should) terminate.
Since you're getting kill's usage as output, it means you're actually calling kill with no arguments (try just running kill on its own, you'll see the same message). That means that there's no output in the pipeline actually reaching xargs, which in turn means foo.jar is not running.
Try running ps aux | grep foo.jar | grep -v grep and see if you're actually seeing results.
As much as you may enjoy a half dozen pipes in your commands, you may want to look at the pkill command!
The pkill command searches the process table on the running system and signals all processes that match the criteria
given on the command line.
pkill foo.jar
Untested and a guess at best (be careful)
kill -9 $(ps -aux | grep foo.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
I re-iterate UNTESTED as I'm not at work and have no access to putty or Unix.
My theory is to send the kill -9 command and get the process id from a sub shell command call.

Bash - Killing all process in a single command

I have the following bash command which works quite good:
ps aux | grep mpg321 | grep -v "grep mpg321" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
The only problem is, when there is no mpg321 being executed it returns an awful message which I would not like to display to the user.
Is there a "quiet" parameter of a way to put an if in this statement to avoid returning the message?
kill [options] <pid> [...]
<pid> [...] send signal to every <pid> listed
-<signal>, -s, --signal <signal>
specify the <signal> to be sent
-l, --list=[<signal>] list all signal names, or convert one to a name
-L, --table list all signal names in a nice table
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
For more details see kill(1).
Thank you!
How about killall?
killall mpg321
You can also use pkill as an alternative to killall
By the way xargs has a --no-run-if-empty option if you don't want to execute the command when there are no parameters to add.

Can i wait for a process termination that is not a child of current shell terminal?

I have a script that has to kill a certain number of times a resource managed by a high avialability middelware. It basically checks whether the resource is running and kills it afterwards, i need the timestamp of when the proc is really killed. So i have done this code:
echo "$(date +"%T,%N") :New measures Run" > /home/hassan/logs/measures.log
for i in {1..50}
echo "Iteration: $i"
PID=`ps -ef | grep "/home/hassan/Desktop/pcmAppBin pacemaker_app/MainController"|grep -v "grep" | awk {'print$2'}`
if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
echo "$(date +"%T,%N") :Killing $PID" >> /home/hassan/logs/measures.log
ps -ef | grep "/home/hassan/Desktop/pcmAppBin pacemaker_app/MainController"|grep -v "grep" | awk {'print "kill -9 " $2'} | sh
wait $PID
PID=`ps -ef | grep "/home/hassan/Desktop/pcmAppBin pacemaker_app/MainController"|grep -v "grep" | awk {'print$2'}`
until [ -n "$PID" ]; do
sleep 2
PID=`ps -ef | grep "/home/hassan/Desktop/pcmAppBin pacemaker_app/MainController"|grep -v "grep" | awk {'print$2'}`
But with my wait command i get the following error message: wait: pid xxxx is not a child of this shell
I assume that You started the child processes from bash and then start this script to wait for. The problem is that the child processes are not the children of the bash running the script, but the children of its parent!
If You want to launch a script inside the the current bash You should start with ..
An example. You start a vim and then You make is stop pressing ^Z (later you can use fg to get back to vim). Then You can get the list of jobs by using the˙jobs command.
$ jobs
[1]+ Stopped vim myfile
Then You can create a script called containing just one command, called jobs. Add execute right (e.g. chmod 700, then start it:
$ cat
~/dev/fi [3:1]$ ./
~/dev/fi [3:1]$ . ./
[1]+ Stopped vim myfile
As the first version creates a new bash session no jobs are listed. But using . the script runs in the present bash script having exactly one chold process (namely vim). So launch the script above using the . so no child bash will be created.
Be aware that defining any variables or changing directory (and a lot more) will affect to your environment! E.g. PID will be visible by the calling bash!
Do not use ...|grep ...|grep -v ... |awk --- pipe snakes! Use ...|awk... instead!
In most Linux-es you can use something like this ps -o pid= -C pcmAppBin to get just the pid, so the complete pipe can be avoided.
To call an external program from awk you could try system("mycmd"); built-in
I hope this helps a bit!

Finding process count in Linux via command line

I was looking for the best way to find the number of running processes with the same name via the command line in Linux. For example if I wanted to find the number of bash processes running and get "5". Currently I have a script that does a 'pidof ' and then does a count on the tokenized string. This works fine but I was wondering if there was a better way that can be done entirely via the command line. Thanks in advance for your help.
On systems that have pgrep available, the -c option returns a count of the number of processes that match the given name
pgrep -c command_name
Note that this is a grep-style match, not an exact match, so e.g. pgrep sh will also match bash processes. If you want an exact match, also use the -x option.
If pgrep is not available, you can use ps and wc.
ps -C command_name --no-headers | wc -l
The -C option to ps takes command_name as an argument, and the program prints a table of information about processes whose executable name matches the given command name. This is an exact match, not grep-style. The --no-headers option suppresses the headers of the table, which are normally printed as the first line. With --no-headers, you get one line per process matched. Then wc -l counts and prints the number of lines in its input.
result=`ps -Al | grep command-name | wc -l`
echo $result
ps -Al | grep -c bash
You can try :
ps -ef | grep -cw [p]rocess_name
ps aux | grep -cw [p]rocess_name
For e.g.,:
ps -ef | grep -cw [i]nit
Some of the above didn't work for me, but they helped me on my way to this.
ps aux | grep [j]ava -c
For newbies to Linux:
ps aux prints all the currently running processes, grep searches for all processes that match the word java, the [] brackets remove the process you just ran so it wont include that as a running process and finally the -c option stands for count.
List all process names, sort and count
ps --no-headers -A -o comm | sort | uniq -c
You also can list process attached to a tty
ps --no-headers a -o comm | sort | uniq -c
You may filter with:
ps --no-headers -A -o comm | awk '{ list[$1] ++ } END { for (i in list) { if (list[i] > 10) printf ("%20s: %s\n", i, list[i]) } }'
Following bash script can be run as a cron job and you can possibly get email if any process forks itself too much.
for i in `ps -A -o comm= --sort=+comm | uniq`;
if (( `ps -C $i --no-headers | wc -l` > 10 )); then
echo `hostname` $i `ps -C $i --no-headers | wc -l` ;
Replace 10 with your number of concern.
TODO: "10" could be passed as command line parameter as well. Also, few system processes can be put into exception list.
You can use ps(will show snapshot of processes) with wc(will count number of words, wc -l option will count lines i.e. newline characters).
Which is very easy and simple to remember.
ps -e | grep processName | wc -l
This simple command will print number of processes running on current server.
If you want to find the number of process running on current server for current user then use -U option of ps.
ps -U root | grep processName | wc -l
change root with username.
But as mentioned in lot of other answers you can also use ps -e | grep -c process_name which is more elegant way.
ps aux | wc -l
This command shows number of processes running on the system by all the users.
For a specific user you can use the following command:
ps -u <username> | wc -l
replace with the actual username before running :)
ps -awef | grep CAP | wc -l
Here "CAP" is the word which is in the my Process_Names.
This command output = Number of Processes + 1
This is why When we are running this command , our system read thats "ps -awef | grep CAP | wc -l " is also a process.
So yes our real answer is (Number of Processes) = Command Output - 1
Note : These processes are only those processes who include the name of "CAP"
