Multithreading behaviour change when linking a static library to a program - multithreading

I have been developing an efficient sparse matrix solver that uses the concept of multithreading (C++11 std::thread) for the past year. Doing a stand alone test on my code works perfect and all expectations were exceeded. However, when linking the code (as a static library) to the software I am developing for, the performance was way worse and from what I can see in CPU loads in task manager, all threads are running on the same core which was not the case during the standalone testing.
Does system loading have anything to do with this ?
I don't have access to the software code.
Anyone has any advice or have any explanation ?

Have you considered the tradeoffs between a context switch and the actual workload of each thread? This problem could happen if the context switch happens to be more CPU intensive than the actual load each thread is performing. Try increasing the work each thread does and see if the problem gets resolved


How I profile multithreading problems?

This is the first time I am trying to profile a multi-threaded program.
I suspect the problem is it waiting for something, but I have no clue what, the program never reaches 100% of CPU, GPU, RAM or I/O use.
Until recently, I've only worked on projects with single-threading, or where the threads were very simple (example: usually an extra thread just to ensure the UI is not locked while the program works, or once I made a game engine with a separate thread to handle .XM and .IT files music, so that the main thread could do everything, while the other thread in another core could take care of decoding those files).
This program has several threads, and they don't do parallel work on the same tasks, each thread has its own completely separate purpose (for example one thread is dedicated to handling all sound-related API calls to the OS).
I downloaded Microsoft performance tools, there is a blog by an ex-Valve employee that explains that they work to do this, but although I even managed to make some profiles and whatnot, I don't really understood what I am seeing, it is only a bunch of pretty graphs to me (except the CPU use graph, that I already knew from doing sample-based profiling on single-threaded apps), so, how I find why the program is waiting on something? Or how I find what is it waiting for? How I find what thread is blocking the others?
I look at is as an alternation between two things:
a) measuring overall time, for which all you need is some kind of timer, and
b) finding speedups, which does not mean measuring, in spite of what a lot of people have been told.
Each time you find a speedup, you time the results and do it again.
That's the alternation.
To find speedups, the method I and many people use is random pausing.
The idea is, you get the program running under a debugger and manually interrupt it, several times.
Each time, you examine the state of every thread, including the call stack.
It is very crude, and it is very effective.
The reason this works is that the only way the program can go faster is if it is doing an activity that you can remove, and if that saves a certain fraction of time, you are at least that likely to see it on every pause.
This works whether it is doing I/O, waiting for something, or computing.
It sees things that profilers do not expose, because they make summaries from which speedups can easily hide.
Performance Wizard in Visual Studio Performance and Diagnostics Hub has "Resource contention data" profiling regime which allows to analyze concurrency contention among threads, i.e. how the overall performance of a program is impacted by threads waiting on other threads. Please refer to this blog post for more details.
PerfView is an extremely powerful profiling tool which allows one to analyze the impact of service threads and tasks to the overall performance of the program. Here is the PerfView Tutorial available.

Threading run time without adding extra lines in program

Is there any thread library which can parse through code and find blocks of code which can be threaded and accordingly add the required threading instructions.
Also I want to check performance of a multithreaded program as compared to its single thread version. For this I would need to monitor the CPU usage(how much each processor is getting used). Is there any tool available to do this?
I'd say the decision whether or not a given block of code can be rewritten to be multi-threaded is way too hard for an automated process to make. To make matters worse, multi-threaded code typically accesses resources outside its own scope, such as pulling data over the network, loading large files, waiting for events, executing database queries, etc.; without detailed information about all these external factors, it is impossible to decide where to go multithreaded, simply because not all the required information is in the code.
Also, a lot of code that is multi-threadable in theory will not run faster if multi-threaded, but in fact slow down.
Some compilers (such as recent versions of the Intel compiler and gcc) can automatically parallelize simple loops, but anything beyond that is too complex. On the other hand, there are task libraries that use thread pools, and will automatically scale the number of threads to the available processors, and divide the work between them. Of course, using such a library will require rewriting your code to do so.
Structuring your application to make best use of multithreading is not a simple matter, and requires careful thought about which parts of your application can best make use of it. This is not something that can be automated.
Consider multi-threading as an approach to make full utilization of available resources. This is when it works the best. Consider an application which has multiple modules/areas which are multi-threadable. If all of them are made multi-threaded, the available resources might go down substantially. This could at times be detrimental to the application itself. Thus, multi-threading has to be used very carefully.
As Chris mentioned, there are a lot of profilers which do profiling for given combination of OS/language.
The first thing you need to do is profile your code in a single thread and see if the areas you think are good candidates for multithreading are actually a problem. It's easy to waste a lot of time multithreading working code only to end up with a buggy mess that's slower than the original implementation if you don't carefully consider the problem first.

How to run Valgrind in parallel with our process so its performance doesn't decrease too much?

I need to use Valgrind to detect any memory access violations made in a server application. The server creates many threads. I suspect that there is a racing condition that causes the server to crash every 1 hour or so. We used Valgrind to analyze its memory usage but the server process' speed decreased dramatically. The server's speed decreased so much that it was hardly usable and no racing conditions where probable.
Is there anyway to run Valgrind in parallel with our application so we don't lose that much performance?
You can't do that. Valgrind doesn't actually execute your code natively - instead it runs it inside a simulator. That's why it's so slow. So, there's no way to make it run faster, and still get the benefit of Valgrind.
Your best bet is to set the ulimit so that your program generates a core file when it crashes. Then you can try to work out what the problem was by examining the core.
It's worth noting that Valgrind, while supporting multi-threaded programs, will not actually run the program's threads in parallel if you have multiiple cores available. It also interleaves threads at a finer grain than the native OS scheduler. These 2 facts combined might make it so a program with race conditions or other concurrent anomalies will behave differently.
You may want to try Helgrind, a tool primarily aimed at detecting correct locking discipline and drd, a tool primarily aimed at detecting data races.
This is not directly answering your question, but if you suspect a synchronization error, have you tried using the Valgrind tool Helgrind?
Valgrind works by hooking into your malloc calls, so you can expect your program to run slower under valgrind. So, I would say that you could not run your program faster under valgrind and get the benefit of analysing memory errors.

Multithreading in .NET 4.0 and performance

I've been toying around with the Parallel library in .NET 4.0. Recently, I developed a custom ORM for some unusual read/write operations one of our large systems has to use. This allows me to decorate an object with attributes and have reflection figure out what columns it has to pull from the database, as well as what XML it has to output on writes.
Since I envision this wrapper to be reused in many projects, I'd like to squeeze as much speed out of it as possible. This library will mostly be used in .NET web applications. I'm testing the framework using a throwaway console application to poke at the classes I've created.
I've now learned a lesson of the overhead that multithreading comes with. Multithreading causes it to run slower. From reading around, it seems like it's intuitive to people who've been doing it for a long time, but it's actually counter-intuitive to me: how can running a method 30 times at the same time be slower than running it 30 times sequentially?
I don't think I'm causing problems by multiple threads having to fight over the same shared object (though I'm not good enough at it yet to tell for sure or not), so I assume the slowdown is coming from the overhead of spawning all those threads and the runtime keeping them all straight. So:
Though I'm doing it mainly as a learning exercise, is this pessimization? For trivial, non-IO tasks, is multithreading overkill? My main goal is speed, not responsiveness of the UI or anything.
Would running the same multithreading code in IIS cause it to speed up because of already-created threads in the thread pool, whereas right now I'm using a console app, which I assume would be single-threaded until I told it otherwise? I'm about to run some tests, but I figure there's some base knowledge I'm missing to know why it would be one way or the other. My console app is also running on my desktop with two cores, whereas a server for a web app would have more, so I might have to use that as a variable as well.
Thread's don't actually all run concurrently.
On a desktop machine I'm presuming you have a dual core CPU, (maybe a quad at most). This means only 2/4 threads can be running at the same time.
If you have spawned 30 threads, the OS is going to have to context switch between those 30 threads to keep them all running. Context switches are quite costly, so hence the slowdown.
As a basic suggestion, I'd aim for 1 thread per CPU if you are trying to optimise calculations. Any more than this and you're not really doing any extra work, you are just swapping threads in an out on the same CPU. Try to think of your computer as having a limited number of workers inside, you can't do more work concurrently than the number of workers you have available.
Some of the new features in the .net 4.0 parallel task library allow you to do things that account for scalability in the number of threads. For example you can create a bunch of tasks and the task parallel library will internally figure out how many CPUs you have available, and optimise the number of threads is creates/uses so as not to overload the CPUs, so you could create 30 tasks, but on a dual core machine the TP library would still only create 2 threads, and queue the . Obviously, this will scale very nicely when you get to run it on a bigger machine. Or you can use something like ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(...) to queue up a bunch of tasks, and the pool will automatically manage how many threads is uses to perform those tasks.
Yes there is a lot of overhead to thread creation, but if you are using the .net thread pool, (or the parallel task library in 4.0) .net will be managing your thread creation, and you may actually find it creates less threads than the number of tasks you have created. It will internally swap your tasks around on the available threads. If you actually want to control explicit creation of actual threads you would need to use the Thread class.
[Some cpu's can do clever stuff with threads and can have multiple Threads running per CPU - see hyperthreading - but check out your task manager, I'd be very surprised if you have more than 4-8 virtual CPUs on today's desktops]
There are so many issues with this that it pays to understand what is happening under the covers. I would highly recommend the "Concurrent Programming on Windows" book by Joe Duffy and the "Java Concurrency in Practice" book. The latter talks about processor architecture at the level you need to understand it when writing multithreaded code. One issue you are going to hit that's going to hurt your code is caching, or more likely the lack of it.
As has been stated there is an overhead to scheduling and running threads, but you may find that there is a larger overhead when you share data across threads. That data may be flushed from the processor cache into main memory, and that will cause serious slow downs to your code.
This is the sort of low-level stuff that managed environments are supposed to protect us from, however, when writing highly parallel code, this is exactly the sort of issue you have to deal with.
A colleague of mine recorded a screencast about the performance issue with Parallel.For and Parallel.ForEach which may help:
You're speaking of an ORM, so I presume some amount of I/O is going on. If this is the case, the overhead of thread creation and context switching is going to be comparatively non-existent.
Most likely, you're experiencing I/O contention: it can be slower (particularly on rotational hard drives, but also on other storage devices) to read the same set of data if you read it out of order than if you read it in-order. So, if you're executing 30 database queries, it's possible they'll run faster sequentially than in parallel if they're all backed by the same I/O device and the queries aren't in cache. Running them in parallel may cause the system to have a bunch of I/O read requests almost simultaneously, which may cause the OS to read little bits of each in turn - causing your drive head to jump back and forth, wasting precious milliseconds.
But that's just a guess; it's not possible to really determine what's causing your slowdown without knowing more.
Although thread creation is "extremely expensive" when compared to say adding two numbers, it's not usually something you'll easily overdo. If your operations are extremely short (say, a millisecond or less), using a thread-pool rather than new threads will noticeably save time. Generally though, if your operations are that short, you should reconsider the granularity of parallelism anyhow; perhaps you're better off splitting the computation into bigger chunks: for instance, by having a fairly low number of worker tasks which handle entire batches of smaller work-items at a time rather than each item separately.

MSXML XSL Transformation multithreaded performance contention

I have a multithreaded server C++ program that uses MSXML6 and continuously parses XML messages, then applies a prepared XSLT transform to produce text. I am running this on a server with 4 CPUs. Each thread is completely independent and uses its own transform object. There is no sharing of any COM objects among the threads.
This works well, but the problem is scalability. When running:
with one thread, I get about 26 parse+transformations per second per thread.
with 2 threads, I get about 20/s/thread,
with 3 threads, 18/s/thread.
with 4 threads, 15/s/thread.
With nothing shared between threads I expected near-linear scalability so it should be 4 times faster with 4 threads than with 1. Instead, it is only 2.3 times faster.
It looks like a classic contention problem. I've written test programs to eliminate the possibility of the contention being in my code. I am using the DOMDocument60 class instead of the FreeThreadedDOMDocument one in order to avoid unnecessary locking since the documents are never shared between threads. I looked hard for any evidence of cache-line false sharing and there isn't any, at least in my code.
Another clue, the context switch rate is > 15k/s for each thread.
I am guessing the culprit is the COM memory manager or the memory manager within MSXML. Maybe it has a global lock that has to be acquired and released for every memory alloc/deallocation. I just can't believe that in this day and age, the memory manager is not written in a way that scales nicely in multithreaded multi-cpu scenarios.
Does anyone have any idea what is causing this contention or how to eliminate it?
It is fairly common for heap-based memory managers (your basic malloc/free) to use a single mutex, there are fairly good reasons for it: a heap memory area is a single coherent data structure.
There are alternate memory management strategies (e.g. hierachical allocators) that do not have this limitation. You should investigate customizing the allocator used by MSXML.
Alternatively, you should investigate moving away from a multi-threaded architecture to a multi-process architecture, with separate processes for each MSXML worker. Since your MSXML worker take string data as input and output, you do not have a serialization problem.
In summary: use a multiprocess architecture, it's a better fit to your problem, and it will scale better.
MSXML uses BSTRs, which use a global lock in its heap management. It caused us a ton of trouble for a massively multiuser app a few years ago.
We removed our use of XML in our app, you may not be able to do this, so you might be better off using an alternative XML parser.
Thanks for the answers. I ended up implementing a mix of the two suggestions.
I made a COM+ ServicedComponent in C#, hosted it as a separate server process under COM+, and used the XSLCompiledTransform to run the transformation. The C++ server connects to this external process using COM and sends it the XML and gets back the transformed string. This doubled the performance.
