How to convert a string to non string in matlab - string

I have this function which takes a string as an input.
for example it takes handles.f = 'x^2'
but I want handles.f = x^2 so that later I'll be able to do f(x) = handles.f
function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.f = (get(hObject,'String'))
area = rect(handles.f,handles.u,handles.l,handles.n)
function [ s ] = rect( f,u,l,n )
syms x;
f(x) = f;
h =(u-l)/n
z = l:h:u;
y = f(z)
s = 0;
for i=1:n
s = s+y(i);
s = h*s;
When i call this function from command prompt like this:
It works fine
But it gives error when I call this from gui.
This is the error I get:
Error using sym/subsindex (line 1558)
Indexing input must be numeric, logical or ':'.
Error in rect (line 8)
f(x) = f;

This goes against any advice I give myself, but if you want to do what you're asking, you'll need to use eval. This converts any string that you input into it and it converts it into a command in MATLAB for you to execute. If I am interpreting what you want correctly, you want to make an anonymous function that takes in x as an input.
Therefore, you would do this:
handles.f = eval(['#(x) ' get(hObject,'String')]);
This takes in the string stored in hObject, wraps it into an anonymous function, and stores it into handles.f. As such, you can now do:
out = handles.f(x);
x is an input number. This is one of the few cases where eval is required. In general, I would not recommend using it because when code gets complicated, placing a complicated command as a string inside eval reduces code readability. Also, code evaluated in eval is not JIT accelerated... and it's simply bad practice.
Luis Mendo recommends doing str2func to avoid eval... which is preferable (whew!).
So do:
handles.f = str2func(['#(x) ' get(hObject,'String')]);


Can I use where in Haskell to find function parameter given the function output?

This is my program:
modify :: Integer -> Integer
modify a = a + 100
x = x where modify(x) = 101
In ghci, this compiles successfully but when I try to print x the terminal gets stuck. Is it not possible to find input from function output in Haskell?
x = x where modify(x) = 101
is valid syntax but is equivalent to
x = x where f y = 101
where x = x is a recursive definition, which will get stuck in an infinite loop (or generate a <<loop>> exception), and f y = 101 is a definition of a local function, completely unrelated to the modify function defined elsewhere.
If you turn on warnings you should get a message saying "warning: the local definition of modify shadows the outer binding", pointing at the issue.
Further, there is no way to invert a function like you'd like to do. First, the function might not be injective. Second, even if it were such, there is no easy way to invert an arbitrary function. We could try all the possible inputs but that would be extremely inefficient.

How can I convert a string containing an equation into a double-precision value?

I have the following string:
A = 'A = cos(2*pi*f1*t) + 4*sin(2*pi*f2*t)';
And have defined the variables f1 and f2 (two frequency values) and t (a vector of time points). How I can convert the equation in A to a double-precision value?
I tried:
B = str2num(A); % Result is an empty matrix
B = str2double(A); % Result is a NaN value
B = double(A);
But no luck. How can I do this?
Assuming you have a string like so:
str = 'A = cos(2*pi*f1*t) + 4*sin(2*pi*f2*t)';
And your variables f1, f2, and t have been defined, you would need to use eval to evaluate the string (and you might want to add a ';' to the end to suppress output to the screen):
eval([str ';']);
It should be noted that eval isn't usually the best option, even though sometimes it may be unavoidable. It can have unintended consequences. For example, if a user entered clear all into your uicontrol, it would erase your workspace. They might also inadvertently shadow a function by making a bad choice of variable name, like entering sin = sin(2*pi*f*t). In other words, you should usually try to find alternatives that don't require eval to function.

How to use metaprogramming with function args?

its my second Day learning and experiment with Julia. Although I read the Documantation concerning Metaprogramming carefully (but maybe not carefully enough) and several simular threads. I still can't figure out how I can use it inside a function.
I tryed to make following function for simulation of some data more flexible:
using Distributions
function gendata(N,NLATENT,NITEMS)
latent = repeat(rand(Normal(6,2),N,NLATENT), inner=(1,NITEMS))
errors = rand(Normal(0,1),N,NLATENT*NITEMS)
x = latent+errors
By doing this:
using Distributions
function gendata(N,NLATENT,NITEMS,LATENT_DIST="Normal(0,1)",ERRORS_DIST="Normal(0,1)")
to_eval_latent = parse("latent = repeat(rand($LATENT_DIST,N,NLATENT), inner=(1,NITEMS))")
to_eval_errors = parse("error = rand($ERRORS_DIST,N,NLATENT*NITEMS)")
x = latent+errors
But since eval don't work on the local scope it dont work. What can I do to work arround this?
Also the originally function, don't seem to be that fast, did I make any major mistakes concerning perfomance?
I really appriciate any recommandation.
Thanks in advance.
There is no need to use eval there, you can retain the same flexibility by passing the distribution types as keyword args (or named args with default values). Parsing and eval'ing "stringly-typed" arguments will often defeat optimizations and should be avoided.
function gendata(N,NLATENT,NITEMS; LATENT_DIST=Normal(0,1),ERRORS_DIST=Normal(0,1))
latent = repeat(rand(LATENT_DIST,N,NLATENT), inner=(1,NITEMS))
x = latent+errors
julia> gendata(10,2,3, LATENT_DIST=Pareto(.3))
julia> gendata(10,2,3, ERRORS_DIST=Gamma(.6))
You're not really supposed to use eval here (slower, won't produce type information, will interfere with compilation, etc) but in case you're trying to understand what went wrong, here's how you would do it:
Either separate it from the rest of the code:
function gendata(N,NLATENT,NITEMS,LDIST_EX="Normal(0,1)",EDIST_EX="Normal(0,1)")
# Eval your expressions separately
LATENT_DIST = eval(parse(LDIST_EX))
ERRORS_DIST = eval(parse(EDIST_EX))
# Do your thing
latent = repeat(rand(LATENT_DIST,N,NLATENT), inner=(1,NITEMS))
x = latent+errors
Or use interpolation with quoted expressions:
function gendata(N,NLATENT,NITEMS,LDIST_EX="Normal(0,1)",EDIST_EX="Normal(0,1)")
# Obtain expression objects
# Eval but interpolate in everything that's local to the function
# And you can't introduce local variables with eval so keep them
# out of it.
latent = eval( :(repeat(rand($LATENT_DIST,$N,$NLATENT), inner=(1,$NITEMS))) )
errors = eval( :(rand($ERRORS_DIST, $N, $NLATENT*$NITEMS)) )
x = latent+errors
You can also use a single eval with a let block to introduce a self-contained scope:
function gendata(N,NLATENT,NITEMS,LDIST_EX="Normal(0,1)",EDIST_EX="Normal(0,1)")
x =
#eval let
latent = repeat(rand($LATENT_DIST,$N,$NLATENT), inner=(1,$NITEMS))
errors = (rand($ERRORS_DIST, $N, $NLATENT*$NITEMS))
((#eval x) == eval(:(x)))
Well, hope you understand the eval thing a little better. Day two I mean, you should be experimenting ;)

Matlab - dynamically produce string for anonymous function

I am trying to produce the argument string for an anonymous function based on the number of input arguments without using for loops. For example, if N=3, then I want a string that reads
I tried using repmat('ax',1,N) but I cannot figure out how to interleave the (i) index.
Any ideas?
Aside: Great answers so far, the above problem has been solved. To provide some intuition for those who are wondering why I want to do this: I need to construct a very large matrix anonymous function (a Jacobian) on the order of 3000x3000. I initially used the Matlab operations jacobian and matlabFunction to construct the anonymous function; however, this was quite slow. Instead, since the closed form of the derivative was quite simple, I decided to form the anonymous function directly. This was done by forming the symbolic Jacobian matrix, J, then appending it to the above #() string by using char(J{:})' and using eval to form the final anonymous function. This may not be the most elegant solution but I find it runs much faster than the jacobian/matlabFunction combination, especially for large N (additionally the structure of the new approach allows for the evaluation to be done in parallel).
EDIT: Just for completeness, the correct form of the argument string for the anonymous function should read
to avoid a syntax error associated with indexing.
I suggest the following:
N = 3;
argumentString = [repmat('ax(%i),',1,N),repmat('ay(%i),',1,N)];
functionString = sprintf(['#(',argumentString(1:end-1),')'], 1:N, 1:N)
First, you create input masks for sprintf (e.g. 'ax(%i)'), which you then fill in with the appropriate numbers to create the function string.
Note: the syntax #(ax(1),...) will not actually work. More likely, you want to use either #()someFunction(ax(1),...), or you are trying to pass multiple input arguments to an existing function, in which case storing the inputs in a cell array and calling the function as fun(axCell{:}) would work.
A solution would be to use arrayfun:
sx = strjoin(arrayfun(#(x) ['ax(' num2str(x) ')'], 1:3, 'UniformOutput', false), ',');
sy = strjoin(arrayfun(#(x) ['ay(' num2str(x) ')'], 1:3, 'UniformOutput', false), ',');
s = ['#(' sx ',' sy ')'];
Try this:
N = 3;
sx = strcat('ax(', arrayfun(#num2str, 1:N, 'uniformoutput', 0), '),');
sy = strcat('ay(', arrayfun(#num2str, 1:N, 'uniformoutput', 0), '),');
str = [sx{:} sy{:}];
str = ['#(' str(1:end-1) ')']

How can I create function pointers from a string input in MATLAB?

If I use the inline function in MATLAB I can create a single function name that could respond differently depending on previous choices:
if (someCondition)
p = inline('a - b','a','b');
p = inline('a + b','a','b');
c = p(1,2);
d = p(3,4);
But the inline functions I'm creating are becoming quite epic, so I'd like to change them to other types of functions (i.e. m-files, subfunctions, or nested functions).
Let's say I have m-files like Mercator.m, KavrayskiyVII.m, etc. (all taking a value for phi and lambda), and I'd like to assign the chosen function to p in the same way as I have above so that I can call it many times (with variable sized matrices and things that make using eval either impossible or a total mess).
I have a variable, type, that will be one of the names of the functions required (e.g. 'Mercator', 'KavrayskiyVII', etc.). I figure I need to make p into a pointer to the function named inside the type variable. Any ideas how I can do this?
Option #1:
Use the str2func function (assumes the string in type is the same as the name of the function):
p = str2func(type); % Create function handle using function name
c = p(phi, lambda); % Invoke function handle
NOTE: The documentation mentions these limitations:
Function handles created using str2func do not have access to variables outside of their local workspace or to nested functions. If your function handle contains these variables or functions, MATLABĀ® throws an error when you invoke the handle.
Option #2:
Use a SWITCH statement and function handles:
switch type
case 'Mercator'
p = #Mercator;
case 'KavrayskiyVII'
p = #KavrayskiyVII;
... % Add other cases as needed
c = p(phi, lambda); % Invoke function handle
Option #3:
Use EVAL and function handles (suggested by Andrew Janke):
p = eval(['#' type]); % Concatenate string name with '#' and evaluate
c = p(phi, lambda); % Invoke function handle
As Andrew points out, this avoids the limitations of str2func and the extra maintenance associated with a switch statement.
