When I'm developing some data analyses pipelines in haskell, it often would be useful to preload variable state into GHCi upon loading.
What I end up doing now is copy and pasting parts of a script line-by-line in emacs just to test and check the output of some intermediate processing. I can't even bulk copy-paste code because the line breaks don't get transferred (at least in emacs Interactive-Haskell mode)
Is there a way to do this?
EDIT: simply loading/reloading a .hs file doesn't do the trick because afaik there's no way to have "<-" bindings at the top level.
I suggest you take a look at foreign-store. It allows you to refer to variables by numbers, which persists through reloads. Here is an example:
λ: :set -XScopedTypeVariables
λ: import Foreign.Store
λ: st <- newStore "example"
Loading package foreign-store-0.2 ... linking ... done.
λ: readStore st
λ: st
Store 0
λ: :r
Ok, modules loaded: none.
λ: st
Not in scope: ‘st’
Perhaps you meant ‘fst’ (imported from Prelude)
λ: Just (st :: Store String) <- lookupStore 0
λ: readStore st
Alternatively, you can also put all your definitions in a single hs file and only reload that. You can use unsafePerformIO to get around the restriction that you cannot use <- at the top-level. I think that is ok in this case, since your only using it for interactive anyway:
module Example where
import System.IO.Unsafe
example :: String
example = "example"
file :: String
file = unsafePerformIO $ readFile "/tmp/example.hs"
There are two main ways to do this:
Use the :l [filename] GHCi command to reload a file without exiting GHCi.
Write the variables in your ~/.ghci file, which will be loaded when GHCi is opened.
If you don't know what to put into ~/.ghci, here's what I have in mine:
:set prompt "\955 "
:set prompt2 "| "
:def hoogle \x -> return $ ":!hoogle --info \"" ++ x ++ "\""
let f `on` x = \a b -> (f a) `x` (f b)
let break (f,g) = \a -> (f a, f g)
I am building up a simple script to parse a two-items-per-row CSV file:
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Csv
type Row = (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
csvData <- BL.readFile "csvs/twostringsperrow.csv"
let v = decode NoHeader csvData :: Either String (V.Vector Row)
putStrLn "All done"
The script works. Obviously it doesn't do much at the moment, but it works, which is reassuring.
I want to now interact with this in the GHCi and so I run those couple of lines:
$ stack ghci
*Main> csvData <- BL.readFile "csvs/twostringsperrow.csv"
*Main> let v = decode NoHeader csvData :: Either String (V.Vector Row)
*Main> v
Right [("1","2"),("3","4")]
At this point I can see that the parsing has been successful and would like to get the [("1","2"),("3","4")] out of the Right into a variable called df so that I can have a play with it. i.e.:
*Main> let df = <something here> v
*Main> df
How do I do that?
You can use pattern matching logic here. For example:
let Right df = v
We thus here unwrap the data out of Right data constructor.
You can for example write a function that handles both the Left and Right case, since it is typically better to implement total functions (functions that can process the entire space of values specified by the type).
A basic approach it to use a case.
do ...
x <- parse ...
case x of
Left e -> putStrLn ("Parse error" ++ show e)
Right y -> putStrLn ("Parse OK!" ++ show y)
Don't forget that we can not, in general, "remove a Right" in a safe way, since a value of type Either ParseError T is not necessarily a Right, but could also be a Left.
Indeed, the parsing library returns such a sum type in order to force us to handle the error, and consider both cases.
There are some dangerous partial functions that indeed "remove Right" but it is better to avoid them.
I am use org-mode blogging, I use org-babel to evaluate the code as following :
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
import Data.Function (fix)
f :: Int -> Int
f = (+ 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ f 1
: <interactive>:9:25: Not in scope: ‘f’
I found the org-babel for haskell use infer-haskell mode to start session and eval the code. I also say the session was created, and if I don't define the function but directly putStrLn "hello" , it works.
hope anyone can fix the bug :)
In this article, Yoshinari Nomura describes a way to evaluate Haskell blocks using runhaskell via a Ruby script. I do not understand japanese, so I cannot translate the details, but the method has allowed me to run haskell blocks without having to write specifically for the interpreter.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
import Data.Function (fix)
f :: Int -> Int
let f = (+ 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ f 1
: 2
Org's babel mode is running the Haskell code with ghci. In ghci you are required to use let to declare functions.
I'd like to save a huge list A to a textfile. writeFile seems to only save the list at the very end of the calcultaion of A, which crashes because my memory is insufficient to store the whole list.
I have tried this using
writeFile "test.txt" $ show mylistA
Now I have tried saving the elements of the list, as they are calculated using:
[appendFile "test2.txt" (show x)|x<-mylistA]
But it doesn't work because:
No instance for (Show (IO ())) arising from a use of `print' Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (IO ())) In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
Can you help me fix this, or give me a solution which saves my huge list A to a text file?
Thank you
The problem is that your list has the type [ IO () ] or "A list of IO actions". Since the IO is on the "inside" of out type we can't execute this in the IO monad. What we want instead is IO (). So a list comprehension isn't going to hack it here.
We could use a function to turn [IO ()] -> IO [()] but this case lends itself to a much more concise combinator.
Instead we can use a simple predefined combinator called mapM_. In the Haskell prelude the M means it's monadic and the _ means that it returns m () in our case IO (). Using it is trivial in this case
[appendFile "test2.txt" (show x)|x<-mylistA]
mapM_ (\x -> appendFile "test2.txt" (show x)) myListA
mapM_ (appendFile "test2.txt" . show) myListA
This will unfold to something like
appendFile "test2.txt" (show firstItem) >>
appendFile "test2.txt" (show secondItem) >>
So we don't ever have the whole list in memory.
You can use the function sequence from Control.Monad to take a (lazily generated) list of IO actions and execute them one at a time
>>> import Control.Monad
Now you can do
>>> let myList = [1, 2, 3]
>>> sequence [print x | x <- myList]
Note that you get a list of all the return values at the end. If you want to discard the return value, just use sequence_ instead of sequence.
>>> sequence_ [print x | x <- myList]
I just wanted to expand on jozefg's answer by mentioning forM_, the flipped version of mapM_. Using forM_ you get something that looks like a foreach loop:
-- Read this as "for each `x` in `myListA`, do X"
forM_ myListA $ \x -> do
appendFile "test2.txt" (show x)
I am new to Haskell.
I am having a really difficult time outputting command results from GHCi to a file. I was wondering if someone can give me a simple explanation on how to do this? The examples I have found online so far seem over complicated.
This post on Reddit describes how to colorize your GHCi output (GHC >= 7.6). Instead of a prettyprinter, you could specify a logging function. For example, add the following to your .ghci.conf:
let logFile = "/home/david/.ghc/ghci.log"
maxLogLength = 1024 -- max length of a single write
logPrint x = appendFile logFile (take maxLogLength (show x) ++ "\n") >> print x
:set -interactive-print=logPrint
This will log GHCi's output to ghci.log.
The logging file must already exist, otherwise appendFile will complain. You'll have to create that manually.
It has to fit in a let statement, otherwise GHCi will reject it. Use :{ :} to add multiline support in GHCi.
Apparently, using :l gets rid of all imports you've made in your ghci.conf, therefore you're limited to Prelude functions. The Reddit post mentions that you can somehow redefine :l, but I don't know anythng about that. (If you know how to do this, you can of course automatically generate the logfile if it doesn't exist.)
Let's suppose you have a function mungeData and you do
ghci> mungeData [1..5]
You can write this to file like this:
ghci> writeFile "myoutput.txt" (show (mungeData [1..5])
I'd be inclined to write
ghci> writeFile "myoutput.txt" $ show $ mungeData [1..5]
to get rid of a few brackets.
Reading it back in
You could get that back using
ghci> fmap (read::String -> [Int]) $ readFile "myoutput.txt"
One number per line
You could output it a line per number like this:
ghci> writeFile "myoutput'.txt" $ unlines.map show $ mungeData [1..5]
which reads back in as
ghci> fmap (map read.lines::String -> [Int]) $ readFile "myoutput'.txt"
I'm trying to run the BinaryDerive.hs script as per the instructions in the Data.Binary doc, which states:
To derive the instance for a type,
load this script into GHCi, and bring
your type into scope. Your type can
then have its Binary instances derived
as follows:
$ ghci -fglasgow-exts BinaryDerive.hs
*BinaryDerive> :l Example.hs
*Main> deriveM (undefined :: Drinks)
However when I try to follow those instructions I get:
c:\Scripts\Haskell>$ ghci -fglasgow-exts BinaryDerive.hs
*BinaryDerive> :l TemperatureRecord.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling TemperatureRecord (TemperatureRecord.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded:TemperatureRecord.
*TemperatureRecord> deriveM (undefined :: TemperatureRecord)
(interactive):1:0: Not in scope: 'deriveM'
I am assuming that there is an additional step that was not specified that a beginner, like myself would not be aware of. It seems the root of the problem is that loading the TemperatureRecord takes BinaryDerive out of scope. Anyone have any ideas?
My understanding of ghci's loading/namespacing mechanisms is full of holes, but since nobody else has answered, here are some guessses:
Try :m + BinaryDerive after :l Example.hs
Add import BinaryDerive at the top of Example.hs
Don't add module TemperatureRecord where at the top of Example.hs
$ ghci -fglasgow-exts
Prelude> :l BinaryDerive TemperatureRecord
the .hs's are not necessary
Then you can access TemperatureRecord in a similar manner to this example (JSON Doc type taken from Real World Haskell, with some added Data and Typeable derives)
$ ghci -fglasgow-exts -XDeriveDataTypeable
Prelude> :l Binaryderive JSON
[1 of 2] Compiling JSON ( JSON.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling BinaryDerive ( Binaryderive.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: BinaryDerive, JSON.
*BinaryDerive> deriveM (undefined::JSON.Doc)
instance Binary JSON.Doc where
put Empty = putWord8 0
put (Char a) = putWord8 1 >> put a
put (Text a) = putWord8 2 >> put a
put Line = putWord8 3
put (Concat a b) = putWord8 4 >> put a >> put b
put (Union a b) = putWord8 5 >> put a >> put b
get = do
tag_ <- getWord8
case tag_ of
0 -> return Empty
1 -> get >>= \a -> return (Char a)
2 -> get >>= \a -> return (Text a)
3 -> return Line
4 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (Concat a b)
5 -> get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (Union a b)
_ -> fail "no parse"
Thanks everyone for the answers. I tried both of them and neither worked, however, the answers I saw did lead me too a solution.
$ ghci -fglasgow-exts -XDeriveDataTypeable
Prelude> :l Binaryderive TemperatureRecord
Prelude> :m Binaryderive TemperatureRecord
Prelude BinaryDerive TemperatureRecord>deriveM (undefined :: TemperatureRecord)
The above worked for me. However, I am not using that solution in practice. I am working on getting a more automatic solution to work. Anyway thanks for helping me get something that works.