EF7 commands do not work in VS2015 CTP 6 - asp.net-mvc-5

I'm trying to run ef7 migration on fresh asp.net 5 preview project.
Steps I took:
Created fresh project based on template "ASP.NET 5 preview starter web"
Build it
Try command Add-Migration in Package Manager console
The term 'Add-Migration' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program.
I also try this command:
Install-Package EntityFramework.Commands -Pre
I think for VS 2015 project is redundant, it executed but still Add-Migration was not recognized.
Thanks in advance for clues...

NuGet commands don't work with ASP.NET 5 projects. You'll need to use the ASP.NET 5 command-line versions of the commands. (E.g. k ef migration add) We have an issue aspnet/DNX#952 open to unblock this scenario, but it hasn't seen much activity.
To learn more about the ASP.NET Commands, see my post EF7 Migrations: ASP.NET Commands.

Ok, I know this is an old question and it has already been technically answered. That is, if you want to open command prompt and do it. The root cause of this problem is that the PowerShell module is not initializing. There is a simple fix though. You just need to initialize the module. Go to your solution explorer. Go to References >> .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0 then scroll down until you find Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools right click and show the properties. Take note of the path it should be something like
Once you have that go to the path location in file explorer. You should see another folder called tools. Inside that folder you will see a .ps1 file called init.ps1. This is the module that we need to initialize. So go back to Visual Studio, I am using VS 2015 pro and Win 10 pro, open the package manager console. Type in the following
and press enter. Then to initialize a module in PowerShell you just need to type
. .\init.ps1
or I believe you can just do the entire path and get the same results so that way would be
Unfortunately you would have to do this every time that error pops up, but its not that bad if you just save the path in a .txt file or comment it somewhere in your project that is easy to find.


Node.js installation (windows installer) terminates prematurely on windows 10 64-bit

After going through a windows 10 re-installation due to a windows update crashing my laptop, I was left with re-installing many applications. One of them being node.js. When I tried to install it through the windows installer, I kept getting 'setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error message'. I am not sure what the problem is. I used x64 version which is what my OS is and there is no nodejs folder in program files. When I logged the installation this message popped in a lot of the lines has no eligible binary patches. Before the no eligible lines there were error logs such as:
'WixSchedInternetShortcuts: Error 0x8007000d: failed to add temporary row, dberr: 1, err: Directory_'
'WixSchedInternetShortcuts: Folder 'ApplicationProgramsFolder' already exists in the CreateFolder table; the above error is harmless'
If that is not enough information please advice me on how to send the full logs without spamming huge text in the thread. Thank you.
The MSI log file:
Maybe try to search the log for "value 3" as explained by Rob Mensching in his blog. Doing so will find the locations in the log file that describe errors of significance.
Many people use dropbox, gdisk or similar to post logs. Some put it on github (just a sample log for OP, leaving in for reference). Check that last link, is that the same problem you see perhaps? (search for "value 3" as explained above - without the quotes of course). Looks like there is an error creating an Internet shortcut. Perhaps that is a Windows 10 problem? I will take a quick look.
I am betting Bob Arnson knows what this problem is outright. He will probably give us the real answer, see below for my workaround.
The correct thing to do overall, would probably be to communicate the problem back to the Node.js guys so they can fix the problem once and for all.
UPDATE: Maybe see if this answer helps you: node.js installer failing with 'CAQuietExec Failed' and 1603 error code on Windows 7. Essentially un-check Event tracing(ETW) in the setup's feature dialog - or you can try to launch the MSI from an elevated command prompt.
UPDATE: There seem to be two Internet shortcuts configured for this MSI in the WixInternetShortcut table. I would just create a transform to remove these two shortcuts and try a reinstall. If you feel bold and fearless and like to break the law, you can delete the two rows from the table and just save directly to the MSI itself. This is never the right thing to do if you are a deployment specialists. The original MSI is sacred, but if this is for your own system and you need to get something done, that would work. Then you just install the MSI direct afterwards. Otherwise you can install the transform after creating it with a simple command line:
msiexec.exe /i node-v8.11.2-x64.msi TRANSFORMS="C:\MyTransform"
You can create the transform using Orca, InstEd or SuperOrca or any commercial tool that supports creating transforms.
In case you don't know, transforms are little database fragments that are applied to the original MSI (which is also a database under the hood). After the transform is applied the in-memory version of the MSI is the MSI + the changes from the transform.

AutoHotkey Run command issue in Windows 8.1

this is my first time on such a prestidigious site, so please welcome me by assisting me. I am doing independent development and am primarily a music designer. So that is why I may not sound like a real pro coder but nevertheless truly love creating my music through automative processes.
My present issue is this:
Windows 8.1 Pro
AutoHotkey 32bit (running as Admin)
Everytime I attempt to use the command 'RUN' with an .ahk target, I get the expected result except that the .ahk residing folder is opened by MS Explorer. I suspect that something like the fact that AutoHokey is an unsigned app, windows does not want it to run flawlessly. I am now trying a number of Administrative Tool Services disabling, but with no success yet.
RUN C\:XZN\Mecanisms\AnyAHK_script.ahk
RUN AnyAHK_script.ahk, C\:XZN\Mecanisms
RUN C\:XZN\Mecanisms\BactchfileLaunchingAboveScript.bat
RUN AnyAHK_script.ahk, C\:XZN\Mecanisms
Would there be a workaround this at the OS settings level or another way to run/start an .ahk file?
I tried the 'Comspec' approach as well as running an .ahk from within a batchfile, but the .ahk always get intercepted whenever it contains a 'RUN' command requesting an .ahk target.
You are using outdated version of AutoHotkey which is more than 5 years old. Always use AutoHotkey and its documenatation from http://ahkscript.org/ (current uptodate version, new official website)! AutoHotkey and its documentation from autohotkey.com is outdated and you may have some problems using them!
One thing to try if you only have this problem on win 8 is to Enable interaction with administrative programs http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/70449-enable-interaction-with-administrative-programs/
That script modifies the executable file's embedded manifest, then creates and installs a self-signed certificate and uses it to sign the file. The executable will not run on any other system, unless you install the certificate used to sign the file.
But lets see some script code that way we have something to test with and can better help you out...

Registry permission for Visual Studio 2012

During web application creating i got below popup message:
"Visual studio does not have permissions to read the template information from the registry. this is often caused by registry permission problem."
Any one have any solution?
Please help me. i wana to see Visual Studio new features.
this might be quite late as an answer, but I excpierienced the same problem and I found the solution on a msdn page : here is the original solution message :
I came across this issue with Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 7. I did not find this problems source as of yet but, I have found many Visual Studio users encountering it. I tried Michael's solution to this problem and it did more damage then anything else. It even went as far as to make Visual studio to boot into "Shell mode" and tell me the registration was not valid.
Using System Restore I rolled back the changes made by the subinacl tool and Michaels script (it probably was not meant for Windows 7, causing the errors in the first place) .
being a long time visual studio user and a pretty good trouble shooter, I knew the subinacl was the proper tool to correct the problem, but the script was incorrect for my perticular setup. I adjusted the script as follows: (this is a batch script)
cd /d "%programfiles% (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /setowner=domain\user
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /grant=everyone=f
/grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
I tried to include the "setowner" command with the grant commands (on the same line) but it would throw errors all the time.
This script fixed MY "Requested registry access is not allowed" with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.
if you want to try this script: Follow Michael's instructions, but use the script provided in this post and replace the "domain\user" with the proper credentials. You may also need to change the Path of Windows Resource Kits if you installed it in a diffrnet place or are not using a 64 bit OS. Before using this script please backup your registry.
I hope that that helped!
*the original web page was : http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c273b0e1-7f46-4065-afaf-4edf285d2531/vista-wpfapplication-requested-registry-access-is-not-allowed
I had this problem too. Followed the post by user2698666 without success. Stuck Process Monitor on it and found there were more registry entries causing a problem called WDExpress. Thought I'd post my fix incase anyone else has same problem:
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /setowner=domain\user
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /grant=everyone=f /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WDExpress* /setowner=domain\user
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WDExpress* /grant=everyone=f /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
I had the problem with Visual Studio 13, where i wanted to add a webtest project for my newly created solution.
Tried the above trics to set ACL but it didn't work.
Finally used the Procmon.exe to locate what visual studio was doing (Include only process name devenv.exe) and look for result Access Denied. It will tell you what registry key is not accessible.
In my case it was the regkey HKCR.webtest (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.webtest) that caused the problem. Taking ownership and assigning acces to this solved my problem.
I do not know how the root cause of the problem.
The above didnt work for me as I kept being denied in regedit even though i was admin.
I found this on another site:
psexec -i -d -s c:\windows\regedit.exe
psexec is available from Microsoft here
This gave me full registry access. I tried to give admin owner to specific keys like above but VS 2012 express was still throwing that registry permission error. So I finally just added Administrator to the permission list of the entire HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ directory in regedit. Then gave admins full control.
This worked. I can now create a project without that infernal error!
This issue has nothing to do with permissions in the context discussed. The issue is caused by an incorrect path to the template files in the registry due to sloppy installation program testing by Microsoft. The incorrect path throws an error when a user tries to start a new project and, true to Microsoft style, displays a generic and meaningless error message about permissions.
Here's the issue specifically. In some machines (assuming C: is the primary drive and user1 is the user's login name and version 2013) the location of the template files is C:\users\user1\my documents\visual studio 2013\projects. Unfortunately, the installation path written by the installer in the registry is C:\users\user1\documents\visual studio 2013\projects. So, it's pointing to \documents while the correct location is \my documents. To be sure, look where your visual studio 2013\projects folder is located - either documents or my documents - and change the registry key to the correct location.
For my example the key is at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\NewProjectDialog\MRUSettingsLocalProjectLocationEntries the path is located in the Value0 entry. Check it and change to make it point to exactly where your project folder is.
Lars Meldgard's use of ProcMon was a good tip and helped me. I just wanted to include a picture of what an access denied looks like in ProcMon. I had to do it one registry key at a time--this wasn't the only one. It was very cumbersome and slow, but I was able to knock them off one by one and give full rights on each one. (That part is a hassle too, because I had to take ownership, then close regedit, then go back in so I could set the permissions; you can't do it all in one fell swoop.)

Can SCCM deploy a VSTO add-in without using an MSI wrapper

Does anyone know if I NEED To wrap my Office 2007, vsto-based add-in in a MSI? It seems to be a lot of extra overhead and headache, just to have it not work anyway.
When I do get it to install, I still need to run the vsto installer, even though I have tried to use the |vstolocal switch to keep the add-in's deployment centralized.
Has anyone pulled this kind of install off successfully?
I've deployed VSTO from SCCM without using an MSI.
The trick is a simple command line:
"%commonprogramfiles%/microsoft shared/VSTO/10.0/VSTOInstaller.exe" /i <path to vsto>
VSTOInstaller.exe [[/install ] | [/uninstall ]] [/silent]
/install, /i: Install the solution. This option must be followed by
the fully qualified path of a deployment manifest in the form http://,
https://, or \servername\foldername.
/uninstall, /u: Uninstall the solution. This option must be followed
by the fully qualified path of a deployment manifest in the form
http://, https://, or \servername\foldername.
/silent, /s: Install or uninstall without prompting for input or
providing information.
/help, /?: Generate this help message.
EXAMPLE: VSTOInstaller.exe /i \servername\foldername\AddIn.vsto
Be aware that with the /silent option "trust for the addin has to be built into the project or it will default to 'don't install' when using the silent switch." (source: TechNet post)
I've tried it, and you don't need to wrap it in an MSI if you're happy for users to manually install it. If you:
use the publish tab in project -> properties
setup your "publishing folder location" and "installation folder URL" properly
set and all of the other meta-data properly, including stuff in your AssemblyInfo.cs file
whack the "publish now" button
share out the installation folder and email out the link
ensure that users have the right permissions to install it (local admin I guess, you'd need to check)
It worked for me. On Windows 7 and XP too.
The whole "this publisher is untrusted" thing is a complete mess, trying to fix that involves writing some really stupid code that tells Windows that "hey, by the way, I am actually trusted". I didn't bother and just told people to ignore the warning.
I'm guessing that you only need an MSI if you want to push out the add-in using active directory and do an automated install.

The type or namespace name 'Script' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web'

I just deployed a website into IIS 7 (about which I am woefully ignorant), and upon trying to build the site, I receive this error. I did a little googleing and I saw an article that said I should put system.web.extensions.dll into the /bin. But, I also saw an article saying not to do that. I tried it anyway, but I just received a different error ('Resource cannot be found').
I am totally clueless as to what else to try
Can you use the "Publish" command in Visual Studio to publish directly to the site? If not, then use that command to publish to a similar site on your machine, then copy it to the customer site.
You should also look into the IIS Web Deployment Tool. It can copy an entire site, including IIS settings and any databases. It will be built into VS2010.
Go to control panel, then programs, turn windows features on or off, scroll down to Microsoft.net framework 3.5.1 expand, make sure both sub options are selected, this might help your issue.
